This would have been my choice as well. Not counting any personal sympathies, I see Axell as the objectively easiest to help. Vaasrand has half a dozen wolves against him, Roman fights against the beast itself, but Axell has only three wolves against him. Helping him also means helping Hal, so there are two lives to be saved, which is objectively better than the one that can be saved with the other two choices. That does not mean Roman and Vaasrand are automatically dead now, but things will be way harder for them. Richard's next part will be his final part in this chapter (though not the chapter finale) and should hopefully be exciting.
The next part might not be out today, even though I'm closing the voting already. Thing is, my PC just broke yesterday. I suspect that either the power supply unit or the graphics card have been damaged in a recent blackout. As a result, I lost like one page of writing, which is not too bad. However, it also means I had no means to continue writing yesterday. Today I'm here with a brand new PC (it even smells new, which is amazing) and I have to get used to Windows 10. The differences to Windows 7 are noticeable. On top of that, I have some other things to do today (inlcuding answering to a couple of PM's for those of you who haven't yet heard back of me), so I don't know if I manage to finish the next part today. Anyways, back to topic, it is planned to be a part with PoV's from Arthur and Ilish.
The last time we saw Arthur, he escorted a merchant from White Harbour, Helenys Bellward, to the castle. Helenys had arrived on Harris' wish, though Arthur had no idea why Harris wished for her presence. Together with her loyal servant, Aren Charlton, Arthur brought Helenys' belongings to her quarters, where they also nearly stumbled upon Jenna searching through Sherryl's rooms. Thankfully, Saerya distracted them quite dedicatedly. Arriving in Helenys' room, Arthur was left with the choice to chat with Aren about Helenys' intentions for Raylansfair, or to ask him about himself. Arthur decided to keep it less nosy and he decided to start a conversation about Aren himself. Meanwhile, Ilish and her group, consisting of Philip, Lord Jarow, Torold the brewer, and Taenora, who owns the largest part of the fair, have started their search for Kreep. First, Ilish talked to Taenora's daughter Nila, who confirmed that she had seen Kreep following her around. Currently, she had no ideas about his whereabouts, though Torold brought up the idea that he would still be around at the fair. Philip meanwhile mentioned the possibility of Kreep trying to save Wolfius, who is going to be hanged in a few hours and offered to search for him at the town square, where a sizeable mob of people can be expected. Ilish ultimately decided to support Philip in this situation.
By the way, I don't know if this is something you all expect currently, or if this is only a weird bug in Windows 10, but I currently seem to be unable to load my profile. If that problem persists, I won't be able to access my feed to answer your messages at least for now. Anyone else having the same problem?
I suggest you install a theme for win10 that replaces the windows Start menu with one that makes it similar to the Win7 one, it will make things easier.
The profile is also bugged for me, so I assume it is a new forum update issue.
The Voting is closed!
Richard is going to help Axell
This would have been my choice as well. Not counting any personal sympathies, I s… moreee Axell as the objectively easiest to help. Vaasrand has half a dozen wolves against him, Roman fights against the beast itself, but Axell has only three wolves against him. Helping him also means helping Hal, so there are two lives to be saved, which is objectively better than the one that can be saved with the other two choices. That does not mean Roman and Vaasrand are automatically dead now, but things will be way harder for them. Richard's next part will be his final part in this chapter (though not the chapter finale) and should hopefully be exciting.
The next part might not be out today, even though I'm closing the voting already. Thing is, my PC just broke yesterday. I suspect that either the power supply unit or the graphics card have been damaged in a recent blackout. As a result, I lost lik… [view original content]
The Voting is closed!
Richard is going to help Axell
This would have been my choice as well. Not counting any personal sympathies, I s… moreee Axell as the objectively easiest to help. Vaasrand has half a dozen wolves against him, Roman fights against the beast itself, but Axell has only three wolves against him. Helping him also means helping Hal, so there are two lives to be saved, which is objectively better than the one that can be saved with the other two choices. That does not mean Roman and Vaasrand are automatically dead now, but things will be way harder for them. Richard's next part will be his final part in this chapter (though not the chapter finale) and should hopefully be exciting.
The next part might not be out today, even though I'm closing the voting already. Thing is, my PC just broke yesterday. I suspect that either the power supply unit or the graphics card have been damaged in a recent blackout. As a result, I lost lik… [view original content]
The Voting is closed!
Richard is going to help Axell
This would have been my choice as well. Not counting any personal sympathies, I s… moreee Axell as the objectively easiest to help. Vaasrand has half a dozen wolves against him, Roman fights against the beast itself, but Axell has only three wolves against him. Helping him also means helping Hal, so there are two lives to be saved, which is objectively better than the one that can be saved with the other two choices. That does not mean Roman and Vaasrand are automatically dead now, but things will be way harder for them. Richard's next part will be his final part in this chapter (though not the chapter finale) and should hopefully be exciting.
The next part might not be out today, even though I'm closing the voting already. Thing is, my PC just broke yesterday. I suspect that either the power supply unit or the graphics card have been damaged in a recent blackout. As a result, I lost lik… [view original content]
Not sure why this problem is occurring for you guys. I run Windows 10 and have not yet encountered this problem. Is the issue that the profile page simply doesn't load? Or that it comes up with an error code/redirects you? Not really sure how to fix the issue, and I doubt there's a work around like you found for editing discussions, though I've copied a link to your profile anyway. Hope it works
The Voting is closed!
Richard is going to help Axell
This would have been my choice as well. Not counting any personal sympathies, I s… moreee Axell as the objectively easiest to help. Vaasrand has half a dozen wolves against him, Roman fights against the beast itself, but Axell has only three wolves against him. Helping him also means helping Hal, so there are two lives to be saved, which is objectively better than the one that can be saved with the other two choices. That does not mean Roman and Vaasrand are automatically dead now, but things will be way harder for them. Richard's next part will be his final part in this chapter (though not the chapter finale) and should hopefully be exciting.
The next part might not be out today, even though I'm closing the voting already. Thing is, my PC just broke yesterday. I suspect that either the power supply unit or the graphics card have been damaged in a recent blackout. As a result, I lost lik… [view original content]
Not sure why this problem is occurring for you guys. I run Windows 10 and have not yet encountered this problem. Is the issue that the profi… morele page simply doesn't load? Or that it comes up with an error code/redirects you? Not really sure how to fix the issue, and I doubt there's a work around like you found for editing discussions, though I've copied a link to your profile anyway. Hope it works
I guess it was just a temporary bug with the forum. It was odd that it happened to me directly after going to the forums for the first time on my new PC, so I assumed it might be related. It worked on my phone yesterday evening and currently it seems to work as well, so it was apparently a problem with the forums, especially as I haven't been the only one with the problem.
Not sure why this problem is occurring for you guys. I run Windows 10 and have not yet encountered this problem. Is the issue that the profi… morele page simply doesn't load? Or that it comes up with an error code/redirects you? Not really sure how to fix the issue, and I doubt there's a work around like you found for editing discussions, though I've copied a link to your profile anyway. Hope it works
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than originally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a moment, a dreamy look appeared in Aren's crystal blue eyes. “I want to see all of it”, he said enthusiastically. “From the crowded streets of Oldtown to the lush forests of Yi Ti” A contagious smile formed on his face. “I mean, I have seen more of the world than most. Travelled from the North all the way to Raylansfair. But... it's not enough for me. I always feel as if I miss out on something somewhere else”
Arthur gave him a nod. “I think I understand how you feel. Never felt so myself, but I can understand it”, he agreed. “Your parents, are they travellers?” Aren's smile faded. “My parents were common folk, fishermen”, he answered. It took Arthur only a second to realize what the young man was implying. “You mean... Apologies! I didn't mean to...”
“It's alright”, Aren calmed him down, though his formerly omnipresent friendly smile had gotten a slight crack. “It happened years ago and you couldn't know” He sighed. “But Helen, she helped me back then. Took me in after my parents death. She even gave me work. That's why I'm so loyal to her”
Arthur raised his eyebrows, looking impressed. “She did this out of the kindness of her heart?”, he asked and Aren gave him a nod. “I suppose so. She felt guilty, I think”, he answered. This sparked Arthur's curiosity. “Why should she?”, he asked this time. “Is she...?”
“No”, Aren said, still in a friendly tone, but firmly. “She's not responsible for what happened to my parents and I told her so countless times, but I think she still feels that way. You must know, Helen was the treasurer of Lord Manderly up until the events that led to my parents deaths” He paused to make sure that he had Arthur's attention. “The people weren't happy with the way she handled this position”, he explained. “It was not that she did a bad job, quite the contrary, she did her job too well”
Arthur furrowed his brows. “Is that even possible?”, he asked. “I'd think the people would be happy to have a competent person in that position” Aren shook his head. “Lord Manderly certainly was happy”, he explained. “The people not so much. Helen dealt with foreigners, gaining a good amount of profit for House Manderly but leaving our own traders with less income. On top of that, she did not lower the taxes despite our people having less gold. In fact, she even raised them when King Torrhen demanded more tribute from House Manderly”
“I think I understand”, Arthur said. “The people weren't happy then” Aren gave him a nod. “That would put it mildly. My parents were among the most unhappy, they even were among the leaders of a week-long riot” He sighed. “They hated Helen, made her responsible for their misery. Others defended Helen and House Manderly and for a few days, these riots even turned violent”, he continued. “Finally, they ended when smallfolk that supported House Manderly broke into my families home. I wasn't there at the time, so I survived, but my parents and my brothers were less lucky”
Arthur gulped. “I'm sorry to hear that, Aren”, he said. The young man gave him a small smile. “It's alright. As I said, it's been years. It was hard for a long time, but I can speak about it”, he assured him. “Helen was a big help for me in these days. She was horrified at what happened, at what these people did, she stepped down from her position the same day and she took me in”
“Sounds noble of her”, Arthur remarked. “And it sounds as if she feels guilty” Aren gave him a nod. “That's the person she is, Ser”, he told him. “She cares for others, has their best interests in mind, even if they condemn her. Her position forced her to do some hard decisions, but I know that she has a good heart” With these words, he gave Arthur a curious look. “Ser, I don't want to appear nosy, but how is your family? Your father is the commander of the city guard, right?”
Arthur gave him a slow nod, followed by a sigh. “He is”, he confirmed. “Hackor Nathamer. I also have a younger sister, Aditha” He paused for a moment. Though he didn't want to speak about it, Aren had been open and honest to him, so it would only be fair to return the favour. “My mother died many years ago, she was killed by Ironborn”
He looked to the ground and gulped. It had been almost a decade now, but the memories of that day were still painful. His mother on the ground, an axe buried in her chest. Aditha lying next to her, clutching the gash in her leg, her hands covered in her own blood and in the blood of the raider she had killed. And his father, arriving too late to help...
“Ironborn? I have heard of them, but in White Harbour we are safe from such attacks”, Aren said softly, having noticed Arthur's mood. “You have my condolences. It's never easy to...” As Aren spoke, the sound of a commotion outside reached Arthur's ear. The young servant heard it as well, because he stopped talking, as both men stepped out of Helenys' room and into the hallway, where Arthur threw a quick look out of the window.
“Oh, not again...”, he mumbled as he spotted two people arguing. “Who is that?”, Aren asked and Arthur rolled his eyes. “The man in the green armour is my father, the commander of the city guard”, he revealed and Aren's eyes widened. “And who is the woman?”, he asked and Arthur sighed. “I gotta go. Have to make sure they both calm down”, he answered. “The woman is my sister”
Aren nodded in agreement. “Of course, Ser”, he confirmed. “That sounds important. Go on, I got it from here” Both men parted with a nod and a smile, though it was rather forced on Arthur's part. While he liked Aren, he found it hard to smile in this situation. His sister and his father had a complicated relationship, to say the least. Hackor had never been a caring father, while care was exactly what Aditha needed.
While they had never been close, things grew out of control between father and daughter roughly a decade ago, when an Ironborn attack forced Hackor between protecting his family and protecting the city. Arthur respected his father's decision back then, as it saved many lives. Though he couldn't hold it against Aditha that she despised him for it, considering that it took their mother and almost claimed her life as well. Still, despite her deep resentment and despite her actions being aimed at hurting Hackor in a worrying, almost self-destructive way, Aditha had never yelled at her father, at least not until now.
Right now, as Arthur stepped out into the courtyard, Aditha was growling loudly, her cheeks reddened with anger. She stood directly in front of Hackor, who had his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. His anger was more subtle than hers and perhaps a bit less severe, or at least Arthur hoped it would be that way.
“What do you mean with that, he doesn't have to know?”, she growled and Hackor rolled his eyes, emerald green, the only thing he truly had in common with his children. “Aditha, your brother is not the kind of man I want to...” She cut him off as she spotted Arthur. “Well, father, it appears you can tell him yourself what you think of him”, she spat, as she stepped past him and towards Arthur.
“Hey big brother”, she greeted him softly and gave him a short hug. “I'm sorry. Got a bit louder than I wanted, but that... it's unbelievable and I'm fed up with it” Arthur raised an eyebrow, though he lowered it immediately as he saw his fathers stern glare. “What is going on, Aditha?”, he asked.
Hackor pressed his lips together. “I just told your sister that you don't have to be involved in every internal matter of the city guard”, he growled, putting emphasis on the final half of the sentence. Aditha hit him with her own, angry glare. “That was not how you said it”, she hissed.
Hackor sighed and his glare got slightly sharper as he looked at her. “I said that some things are best left to men”, he said and his bluntness took Arthur aback. Aditha clenched her fists. “And I told him that I am fed up with the way he treats you”, she stated. “What you did for this city... I guess some people are just ungrateful”
“Ungrateful?”, Hackor snarled, speaking slightly louder now, though he quickly calmed down again. “But yes, these were my words” Arthur focussed on the ground in front of him, so that he didn't have to look his father in the eyes. “Have you already talked to Lady Helenys?”, he asked.
Hackor opened his mouth to speak, though Aditha cut him off immediately. “No!”, she spat. “You're not going to change the topic now, Arthur. You're not going to ignore the way he treats you! Just... stand up to him for once!” She was agitated, angry even and Arthur loved her for it. At the same time, he knew that confronting his father would lead to nothing. He had done so in the past, many years ago, but it had only furthered his fathers indifference, his disappointment. And disappointing him was the last thing Arthur wanted to do.
“It's alright, Aditha”, he mumbled, but she shook her head. “It's not alright!”, she protested and glared at Hackor. “How dare you treating him like that? He is your son and he deserves your respect” Hackor glanced at her. “He shall get it as soon as he did something to earn it”, he said calmly and his words sent a shiver of anger crawling through Arthur's spine. He had loyally served the city guard for half a decade. He had captured Wolfius Woodbark, the most horrible criminal the city ever had. There were many things he wanted to say at the moment, but none of them left his mouth.
“Why don't you tell Arthur why you're here?”, Aditha said and Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Aren't you here to speak to Lady Helenys?”, he asked. His father shook his head. “This has to wait. Besides, I've been told that Lady Helenys wishes to speak to Lord Tyrell first”, he explained. “No, I'm here because there has been another murder”
His words were calm, though Arthur heard the anger in them. “Whom?”, he just asked and Hackor sighed. “Septon Corbin. Murdered in his prison cell”, he answered. “In a very gruesome way, as I've been told. It surprised me, considering that you just captured the resident serial killer, isn't that right?”
Arthur clenched his fists together. “Why haven't I been informed?”, he asked and Hackor shrugged. “I saw no reason to bother you. After all, you've been busy carrying Lady Helenys' luggage” Aditha sent a glare of anger towards her father, though remained silent and Hackor continued. “Like Wolfius, Septon Corbin has been involved in the murders, though at the time of his death, he hadn't yet revealed any details”, he explained. “If I wouldn't know it better, I'd say Wolfius might not be the only killer in town” He narrowed his green eyes. “Is there anything you would like to tell me, son?”
Memories of Ellyrio Terys flashed through his mind and he remembered the subtle threat the man had uttered. After what his group did at the warehouse, Arthur had no reason to doubt his abilities. He knew the city would drown in blood the moment Hackor would learn the truth. And he shook his head. “No, father. Do you have a suspect?”, he asked.
Now, Hackor shook his head and Aditha sighed in frustration. “None yet. I was just going to inspect the corpse”, he revealed. “But I assume he knew too much. Whatever it was, it probably died with him, didn't it?” The question caused Aditha to raise her head. “Are you implying anything, father?”, she asked.
Hackor shrugged. “I don't imply, Aditha. Though there are a few things that don't match up”, he said and looked at Arthur. “You said you captured Wolfius on your own?” The tone in his voice caused Arthur to tense up. “Yes”, he lied, though he knew that he wasn't very convincing. Hackor raised an eyebrow, looking almost impressed. Almost. “The wound in his leg came from an arrow. Never knew you were such a good archer”, he said, but before Arthur could answer, Hackor turned around. “I will go to Corbin's cell now, to inspect his corpse. You can accompany me if you want, but be warned, I've been told the sight is gruesome”
He started to walk towards the small building that contained the entrance to the dungeons without waiting for an answer and Arthur stumbled behind him, feeling like a young boy again in the intimidating presence of his father. To his surprise, Aditha took a deep breath, before she walked next to him. As he looked at her, she gave him a reassuring smile. “Don't want to leave you alone with him”, she said.
The two guards in front of the building did not react to the presence of Arthur and Aditha. They saluted in front of their commander and one of them opened the door for him, allowing all three to enter the small room behind it. Without saying a word, as if he didn't even acknowledge the presence of his children, Hackor passed through it with two large steps and started to walk down the stairs.
The hallway below contained three freshly lit torches, illuminating a row of four cells on each side of it. The last one on the left side was illuminated with another torch and Arthur saw three people standing in front of it. They were members of the castle guard, two men and a young woman. She was the first to spot them and as she approached them, Arthur noticed that she was quite pretty, with light brown hair and soft features. He also noticed the mark on her uniform, indicating her surprisingly high rank.
“Commander Nathamer”, she greeted him with a salute. “Captain Nora Recton, castle guard” Hackor gave her a nod and as Arthur took a deep breath, he finally noticed the smell coming from the cell. Aditha noticed it as well and she grimaced, though Hackor remained as stoic as always. “What do we have, captain?”, Hackor asked.
Nora gulped. “I've seen my fair share of dead bodies, Ser. The victims of this beast, Woodbark, and others”, she said. “But none of them have been as bad as Septon Corbin. Ser, this man... I believe this man has been tortured before he died” Hackor sighed. “Any details?”, he asked.
Instead of answering immediately, Nora threw another glance at Arthur and particularly at Aditha, before she leaned in, starting to whisper something into his ear. Even in the dim light of the torches, Arthur was able to see his father's eyes widening. “I see... It sounds horrible”, he mumbled.
With these words, he turned around and looked at Aditha. “You will leave now”, he ordered her. Aditha's eyes widened with outrage. “You're sending me away?”, she asked. “Why? What is it you're trying to hide, father? Afraid the people could find out one of your secrets?”
Hackor smirked without joy. “Not at all”, he stated. “But this is something you shouldn't concern yourself with” Aditha clenched her fists. “Is that an order, she asked?” Hackor shook his head. “Not at all. You're not a member of my guard, so I can't order you around. Consider it a request” A grim expression formed on Aditha's face. “You know where you can put your request, don't you?”, she growled. “I'm going to stay, if only so that you're not going to treat Arthur like shit again”
Now, Hackor's joyless smirk faded, replaced by an expression of indifference. “And I'd say it would be better if you just leave”, he told her. “Just go, perhaps to the tavern again, drink until you can hardly stay anymore and fuck some stranger, just so that you feel less alone”
Aditha's eyes widened as she glared at him. “What?”, she spat at a seemingly indifferent Hackor. The commander glanced at Septon Corbin's reeking cell and then back at his daughter. “Wouldn't be the first time, would it?”, he asked. “You think you hurt me with your actions, but perhaps you'll realize that you're just going to hurt yourself” He paused and clenched his teeth. “Maybe next time you go to bed with a stranger, you should start asking for money. That was you could contribute to the family” Now, Arthur saw a hint of tears in his sister's eyes and he felt her anger mixing with his own. “Fuck you, Hackor”, she hissed, before she turned around and rushed out of the building without looking back.
Hackor sighed and for a moment, concern and sadness were visible on his face. Arthur gave him a look of dumbfounded anger. “Was that necessary?”, he barked and Hackor gave him a nod. “Sadly, yes”, he confirmed. “Your sister might like to appear strong, but she's anything but. I know how she would react to the sight that awaits her in this cell” To Arthur's surprise, Hackor avoided to look him in the eye, wish rarely happened. “I remember how I had to tuck her to sleep as a child, when she suffered from nightmares over and over”, he mumbled. “It took her years until she was able to sleep without them after your mother died. I don't want to risk it”
“So you're insulting her to force her away?”, Arthur asked. “That's your solution, really?” Hackor gave him a reluctant nod. “She wouldn't have accepted anything else”, he said and Arthur knew that he had a point. Still, he was shaking with anger and Hackor noticed it, as did Captain Nora, who gave both men a slightly insecure smile. “Shall we proceed to the corpse, Commander?”, she asked.
“One moment”, Hackor answered and he sternly looked at Arthur. “Listen, if you feel I've been too hard on your sister, then go outside and console her. I don't need my half-grown son glaring at me like that in there. I'm your father and your commander, so you will treat me with respect whenever you're on duty”
Arthur pressed his lips together. “Yes, father”, he confirmed meekly and tried his best to control the angry look in his eyes. This seemed to mildly please Hackor and he started walking towards the cell. Arthur and Nora followed him. “As I've said, go outside if that is your wish”, Hackor said, just as Arthur got a glimpse of the corpse. He stopped walking and held his breath, as his eyes widened. He had seen his fair share of corpses, After all, he was a member of the city guard. But never before had he seen a corpse like... like this. It took him a lot of strength not to puke as he saw what was left of Corbin's face, of the skin on his upper body, of the...
“Seven have mercy...”, he mumbled and Hackor gave him a nod. “Seven have mercy”, he agreed. “Corbin had a lot of flaws, if his involvement in the murders is any indication, but he did not deserve this” Once again, he looked down the hallway. “Are you sure you don't want to go after your sister?”, he asked. “I leave it up to you. Aditha could surely need some support after I have... encouraged her not to burden herself this sight”
“How awfully kind of you”, Arthur mumbled and Hackor ignored his comment. “If you stay though, I want you to be prepared for the sight to get even worse”, he warned him. “I have ordered for Mathea to help me with the investigation. She is likely going to inspect the corpse, to give me more information about his final minutes. I doubt it will be pleasant, so the choice is yours”
[Go outside and speak to Aditha][Stay inside with Hackor]
[Go outside and speak to Aditha] Family is more pressing than a corpse. Besides Hackor keeps anything relevant from reaching Arthur's ears.
At this point it feels like Hackor doesn't even respect Arthur. Does he even realize he's one of his best men? I haven't forgotten that he refused his help against the assassins in their old hideout.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
[Stay inside with Hackor] This is an investigation and Aditha should grow up to be as brave as her facade. Going after her will help nothing, but staying here reveals more about the case.
Don't babysit the woman, this is in the middle of a city, she may actually really go to a tavern, Hackor may not be the man with the best personality but learning from this case should be enlightening, both for Arthur and the readers.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
[Stay inside with Hackor] Arthur gots to prove to Hackor that he can be big and strong, and Aditha wouldn't listen to anything Arthur would say to her anyway. Plus we can have Arthur join the inner circle of the anti SK group and learn all they know about it so far. Because Hackor might know more than he is letting on, since Aditha said he had a lot of secrets. I love the dysfunctional dynamic of the Nathamers, my god it's like Westero's version of the Kardashions.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
Hackor can be a dick, but he looked as if he was really disheartened when he had to roast his daughter. And maybe he is being a dick to Arthur because he knows he can do better and that he was protecting him from the dangers of the warehouse. Arthur and Aditha may have lost their mother, but Hackor lost the love of his life too. But that's just my biased opinion because he is one of my characters.
Fuck Hackor.
[Go outside and speak to Aditha] Family is more pressing than a corpse. Besides Hackor keeps anything relevant from reaching… more Arthur's ears.
At this point it feels like Hackor doesn't even respect Arthur. Does he even realize he's one of his best men? I haven't forgotten that he refused his help against the assassins in their old hideout.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
I know voting is kind of closed, but I just wanted to vote this because screw Roman, all hail Vaasrand.
Also, I like how Otis in the last part mentioned that the wolf pack had a new alpha that allegedly attacked Sara/Rachel. So guess my suspicion was correct.
With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he… more would have never been capable of saving Jenna. The least he could do was to look out for her little brother in return. “It's too dangerous, you're staying here”, he said to Hal, who tensed up as he heard this. A second scream, even more pained than the last, echoed through the forest and now, Richard was sure that he saw tears in Hal's eyes.
“Please, Richard, he's...”, he started, but Richard cut him off. “My decision is final”, he said sternly, as he looked at Axell. Out of the remaining farmers, he was the one Richard found the most reliable. “Make sure everyone stays here”, he ordered him and the younger man gave him a nod. Before Richard could leave however, Roman took a step forward and heavily grabbed his arm, an irritated look on his face.
“Listen up, Richard”, he growled. “This is my farmha… [view original content]
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
[Stay inside with Hackor] However, I'm going to choose this as I believe we could learn something important here, and it will certainly make a good part.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
Hackor can be a dick, but he looked as if he was really disheartened when he had to roast his daughter. And maybe he is being a dick to Arth… moreur because he knows he can do better and that he was protecting him from the dangers of the warehouse. Arthur and Aditha may have lost their mother, but Hackor lost the love of his life too. But that's just my biased opinion because he is one of my characters.
[Stay inside with Hackor] Let's make daddy proud of us!XD
I like the talk between Arthur and Aren,it give us very interesting information about the wannabe explorer and his lady
I'm very happy that we finally read more about the difficult relationships inside the Nathamer family! I want to say that I found this very enjoyable to read and add much more spice to Arthur PoV
Finally they discover that Corbin is dead!XD How many years before they found relevant talk about the other prisoners?
Since I'm curious I want to ask you (if Ilish is the next PoV)when you plan to make reappear the "forgotten PoV's" (aka Maya,Sadie,Edrick,Drent,Willfred ecc..)?
PS:btw who was the forum member that create the Nathamer's family backstory?I really want to congratulate to him/her because I found it very enjoyable to read the problematic relationships inside that family!
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
The relationship between Hackor and Arthur is really problematic. I wouldn't quite say that he doesn't respect him at all, but he doesn't see Arthur as one of his best men, mostly because of their vastly different views on what makes a good guardsman. Hackor respects strength and a sense of duty, he always strictly upholds the law while being neither merciful nor cruel. Meanwhile, Arthur is far more soft, he is merciful and believes in second and even third chances. While Hackor is a fighter and knows that sometimes it can be necessary to fight and even kill to defend innocent people, Arthur dislikes fighting to the point where it makes him less efficient as a guardsman who is sworn to protect others. He is not suited for fighting and that is part of the reason why Hackor refused to allow Arthur to come along. That said, Hackor is far from stupid. He realizes that Arthur has many positive qualities and he respects some of them, it's just that he sees him as far too soft to be an efficient guardsman, which is not entirely incorrect. Naturally, that does not excuse his cold behaviour, though there are reasons for that as well. I hope to put a lot of spotlight on the relationship between Hackor and his children in future parts, because it is certainly complex.
Fuck Hackor.
[Go outside and speak to Aditha] Family is more pressing than a corpse. Besides Hackor keeps anything relevant from reaching… more Arthur's ears.
At this point it feels like Hackor doesn't even respect Arthur. Does he even realize he's one of his best men? I haven't forgotten that he refused his help against the assassins in their old hideout.
That's true XD While Aren is not a coward, he's not stupid enough to do that either. Though I guess it's safe to say that Helenys will take good care of her pet in due time
I like the talk between Arthur and Aren,it give us very interesting information about the wannabe explorer and his lady
Glad you liked it! Aren and Helenys will have an important role to play in the coming events, so I found it to be a good time to give some exposition on both.
I'm very happy that we finally read more about the difficult relationships inside the Nathamer family! I want to say that I found this very enjoyable to read and add much more spice to Arthur PoV
Oh yes, the Nathamer family has a very difficult relationship, especially between Aditha and Hackor. Arthur at least does his best to remain the loyal and dutiful son, but Aditha doesn't even try to hide her anger at Hackor. There are a couple of scenes planned in the near future that should really shed some light on this situation and it's good that you're looking forward for it.
Finally they discover that Corbin is dead!XD How many years before they found relevant talk about the other prisoners?
There are no other prisoners at the moment, at least not in the castle. Raylansfair is a peaceful town and the only one who is currently imprisoned is Wolfius beneath the city guard headquarters. Corbin has been dead for a few hours in the story now and considering that he was alone down there, it's not unlikely to think that his death wasn't noticed until a guard routinely checked on him.
Since I'm curious I want to ask you (if Ilish is the next PoV)when you plan to make reappear the "forgotten PoV's" (aka Maya,Sadie,Edrick,Drent,Willfred ecc..)?
Drent is a forgotten PoV now? Hah, just wait what I have planned for him As a matter of fact, I can tease that he will be central in a future scene that might be one of my favourite scenes in the entire planned story. The next part will feature either him or Sadie in a second PoV after Ilish's part. Actually, both are planned to have four parts in this chapter, which makes their storylines actually quite long. The same goes for Edrick, who has two more parts planned in this chapter and whose next part is going to be out soon after. Willfred and Maya both have one more part planned. With Maya, I have originally planned for her to have a very long storyline in this chapter, though I ultimately decided to move half of her storyline into the next chapter, because the general situation in Raylansfair by then will really spice things up for her. I made that decision only after writing her first part in this chapter, otherwise I would have waited a bit longer. Willfred's next part will be out quite soon, though first I have to write a (potentially super-long) Lucas part, which I'm greatly looking forward for. So, all of them will have one or two parts left in this chapter, though I guess the wait between their parts has been a bit messed up this time.
PS:btw who was the forum member that create the Nathamer's family backstory?I really want to congratulate to him/her because I found it very enjoyable to read the problematic relationships inside that family!
This praise belongs to @Bounden, who has submitted a number of very interesting characters
This is a very good part!
[Stay inside with Hackor] Let's make daddy proud of us!XD
* I like the talk between Arthur and Aren… more,it give us very interesting information about the wannabe explorer and his lady
* I'm very happy that we finally read more about the difficult relationships inside the Nathamer family! I want to say that I found this very enjoyable to read and add much more spice to Arthur PoV
* Finally they discover that Corbin is dead!XD How many years before they found relevant talk about the other prisoners?
* Since I'm curious I want to ask you (if Ilish is the next PoV)when you plan to make reappear the "forgotten PoV's" (aka Maya,Sadie,Edrick,Drent,Willfred ecc..)?
PS:btw who was the forum member that create the Nathamer's family backstory?I really want to congratulate to him/her because I found it very enjoyable to read the problematic relationships inside that family!
The Nathamers were so enjoyable to write, the family is crazy. And they are just one of the dysfunctional families I've made that will be showing up. There's also the Marigold-Vega family that have yet to show their dysfunctionality, and another family that will be quite interesting to see. Oh and to add to the list of forgotten POVs there is still Lyria, Alys, and Torvin.
I like the talk between Arthur and Aren,it give us very interesting information about the wannabe explorer and his lady
Glad you lik… moreed it! Aren and Helenys will have an important role to play in the coming events, so I found it to be a good time to give some exposition on both.
I'm very happy that we finally read more about the difficult relationships inside the Nathamer family! I want to say that I found this very enjoyable to read and add much more spice to Arthur PoV
Oh yes, the Nathamer family has a very difficult relationship, especially between Aditha and Hackor. Arthur at least does his best to remain the loyal and dutiful son, but Aditha doesn't even try to hide her anger at Hackor. There are a couple of scenes planned in the near future that should really shed some light on this situation and it's good that you're looking forward for it.
Finally they discover that Corbin is dead!XD How many years before th… [view original content]
It's true, there are more of your characters that have dysfunctional families. The Marigold-Vega family hasn't quite shown their problems so far, but it will come up very soon. And the other family you mean... oh yeah, that is going to be very enjoyable to write
As for Lyria, Alys and Torvin, they could be considered forgotten, at least more than the others, though I can assure you that I haven't forgotten about them at all. Lyria and Torvin will have parts in the next chapter, Alys is going to reappear in Chapter 9 and they all have an important role to play in future parts of the story.
The Nathamers were so enjoyable to write, the family is crazy. And they are just one of the dysfunctional families I've made that will be sh… moreowing up. There's also the Marigold-Vega family that have yet to show their dysfunctionality, and another family that will be quite interesting to see. Oh and to add to the list of forgotten POVs there is still Lyria, Alys, and Torvin.
I really enjoy making up new characters and if you ever need a character to fill up a role, I can make one and make them as dysfunctional as heck. As for Alys I hope she has a surprising reentering because by the time we see her we'll be all like, "oh yeah, her!"
It's true, there are more of your characters that have dysfunctional families. The Marigold-Vega family hasn't quite shown their problems so… more far, but it will come up very soon. And the other family you mean... oh yeah, that is going to be very enjoyable to write
As for Lyria, Alys and Torvin, they could be considered forgotten, at least more than the others, though I can assure you that I haven't forgotten about them at all. Lyria and Torvin will have parts in the next chapter, Alys is going to reappear in Chapter 9 and they all have an important role to play in future parts of the story.
The relationship between Hackor and Arthur is really problematic. I wouldn't quite say that he doesn't respect him at all, but he doesn't se… moree Arthur as one of his best men, mostly because of their vastly different views on what makes a good guardsman. Hackor respects strength and a sense of duty, he always strictly upholds the law while being neither merciful nor cruel. Meanwhile, Arthur is far more soft, he is merciful and believes in second and even third chances. While Hackor is a fighter and knows that sometimes it can be necessary to fight and even kill to defend innocent people, Arthur dislikes fighting to the point where it makes him less efficient as a guardsman who is sworn to protect others. He is not suited for fighting and that is part of the reason why Hackor refused to allow Arthur to come along. That said, Hackor is far from stupid. He realizes that Arthur has many positive qualities and he respects some of them, it's just that… [view original content]
[Go outside and speak to Aditha] Arthur doesn't seem like he'll add much to the inspection since Mathea and Hackor are there the only thing that he would add is the PoV so the readers get to see what Clayton really did to the body, Mathea will be doing most of the work. And Arthur seems like he can actually help Aditha.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
It's true, there are more of your characters that have dysfunctional families. The Marigold-Vega family hasn't quite shown their problems so… more far, but it will come up very soon. And the other family you mean... oh yeah, that is going to be very enjoyable to write
As for Lyria, Alys and Torvin, they could be considered forgotten, at least more than the others, though I can assure you that I haven't forgotten about them at all. Lyria and Torvin will have parts in the next chapter, Alys is going to reappear in Chapter 9 and they all have an important role to play in future parts of the story.
I guess it fits the dynastic theme for GoT, I myself just finished sending Liquid the notable quotes for my finished House Beltaine, with 15 characters in it. It was my 3rd House, I still have one full house for Liquid left and a few solo characters, but now I'm almost done.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than origin… moreally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a mome… [view original content]
I guess it fits the dynastic theme for GoT, I myself just finished sending Liquid the notable quotes for my finished House Beltaine, with 15… more characters in it. It was my 3rd House, I still have one full house for Liquid left and a few solo characters, but now I'm almost done.
I prefer to write up all potential characters right at start, so then they can get implemented in a 'dozen', multiple of them being introduced at same time (like how Stark kids were), then once I am done with it lie back and enjoy the show
I've sent just 4 (barring "few" "joke" "characters", although a "joke" character got in, with some changes).
Fun fact all of them have something to do with Leonard Constantine (well duh, one of them IS him).
I suppose making lone wolf characters suits me better, let them define themselves rather than their family or friends or enemies. Plus I don't want to give Liquid insomnia.
The Voting is closed!
Richard is going to help Axell
This would have been my choice as well. Not counting any personal sympathies, I see Axell as the objectively easiest to help. Vaasrand has half a dozen wolves against him, Roman fights against the beast itself, but Axell has only three wolves against him. Helping him also means helping Hal, so there are two lives to be saved, which is objectively better than the one that can be saved with the other two choices. That does not mean Roman and Vaasrand are automatically dead now, but things will be way harder for them. Richard's next part will be his final part in this chapter (though not the chapter finale) and should hopefully be exciting.
The next part might not be out today, even though I'm closing the voting already. Thing is, my PC just broke yesterday. I suspect that either the power supply unit or the graphics card have been damaged in a recent blackout. As a result, I lost like one page of writing, which is not too bad. However, it also means I had no means to continue writing yesterday. Today I'm here with a brand new PC (it even smells new, which is amazing) and I have to get used to Windows 10. The differences to Windows 7 are noticeable. On top of that, I have some other things to do today (inlcuding answering to a couple of PM's for those of you who haven't yet heard back of me), so I don't know if I manage to finish the next part today. Anyways, back to topic, it is planned to be a part with PoV's from Arthur and Ilish.
The last time we saw Arthur, he escorted a merchant from White Harbour, Helenys Bellward, to the castle. Helenys had arrived on Harris' wish, though Arthur had no idea why Harris wished for her presence. Together with her loyal servant, Aren Charlton, Arthur brought Helenys' belongings to her quarters, where they also nearly stumbled upon Jenna searching through Sherryl's rooms. Thankfully, Saerya distracted them quite dedicatedly. Arriving in Helenys' room, Arthur was left with the choice to chat with Aren about Helenys' intentions for Raylansfair, or to ask him about himself. Arthur decided to keep it less nosy and he decided to start a conversation about Aren himself. Meanwhile, Ilish and her group, consisting of Philip, Lord Jarow, Torold the brewer, and Taenora, who owns the largest part of the fair, have started their search for Kreep. First, Ilish talked to Taenora's daughter Nila, who confirmed that she had seen Kreep following her around. Currently, she had no ideas about his whereabouts, though Torold brought up the idea that he would still be around at the fair. Philip meanwhile mentioned the possibility of Kreep trying to save Wolfius, who is going to be hanged in a few hours and offered to search for him at the town square, where a sizeable mob of people can be expected. Ilish ultimately decided to support Philip in this situation.
By the way, I don't know if this is something you all expect currently, or if this is only a weird bug in Windows 10, but I currently seem to be unable to load my profile. If that problem persists, I won't be able to access my feed to answer your messages at least for now. Anyone else having the same problem?
I suggest you install a theme for win10 that replaces the windows Start menu with one that makes it similar to the Win7 one, it will make things easier.
The profile is also bugged for me, so I assume it is a new forum update issue.
I am not having any issues with my profile.
Just noticed I have the same issue. I'm with my phone atm.
I'm on PC, and got the problem of no profile/feed (thus PMs) loading o_O
Yeah, I'm now with PC and it's still bugging.
Not sure why this problem is occurring for you guys. I run Windows 10 and have not yet encountered this problem. Is the issue that the profile page simply doesn't load? Or that it comes up with an error code/redirects you? Not really sure how to fix the issue, and I doubt there's a work around like you found for editing discussions, though I've copied a link to your profile anyway. Hope it works
Well, at least I haven't had the problem anymore, so I assume it was just a temporary bug.
I guess it was just a temporary bug with the forum. It was odd that it happened to me directly after going to the forums for the first time on my new PC, so I assumed it might be related. It worked on my phone yesterday evening and currently it seems to work as well, so it was apparently a problem with the forums, especially as I haven't been the only one with the problem.
Apologies, I have to take back my earlier statement once again. This part will only include an Arthur PoV, as it grew far longer than originally planned. That means that Ilish is going to appear in the next part.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself?”, Arthur asked. Aren raised an eyebrow. “Myself?”, he said. “I don't think there's much to be said about me. Never had an interesting life” This was accompanied by a humble shrug. “Or at the very least, my life is not as interesting as I hoped it to be”
Glancing a the box containing the manticore, Arthur had to ask himself how much more interesting Aren actually wanted his life to be. Travelling from White Harbour to Raylansfair was no small feat, something Arthur himself could never see himself doing. He had never left Lord Raylan's lands and he never intended to. This was his home and he was satisfied with it. “And how do you wish your life to be?”, he asked.
For a moment, a dreamy look appeared in Aren's crystal blue eyes. “I want to see all of it”, he said enthusiastically. “From the crowded streets of Oldtown to the lush forests of Yi Ti” A contagious smile formed on his face. “I mean, I have seen more of the world than most. Travelled from the North all the way to Raylansfair. But... it's not enough for me. I always feel as if I miss out on something somewhere else”
Arthur gave him a nod. “I think I understand how you feel. Never felt so myself, but I can understand it”, he agreed. “Your parents, are they travellers?” Aren's smile faded. “My parents were common folk, fishermen”, he answered. It took Arthur only a second to realize what the young man was implying. “You mean... Apologies! I didn't mean to...”
“It's alright”, Aren calmed him down, though his formerly omnipresent friendly smile had gotten a slight crack. “It happened years ago and you couldn't know” He sighed. “But Helen, she helped me back then. Took me in after my parents death. She even gave me work. That's why I'm so loyal to her”
Arthur raised his eyebrows, looking impressed. “She did this out of the kindness of her heart?”, he asked and Aren gave him a nod. “I suppose so. She felt guilty, I think”, he answered. This sparked Arthur's curiosity. “Why should she?”, he asked this time. “Is she...?”
“No”, Aren said, still in a friendly tone, but firmly. “She's not responsible for what happened to my parents and I told her so countless times, but I think she still feels that way. You must know, Helen was the treasurer of Lord Manderly up until the events that led to my parents deaths” He paused to make sure that he had Arthur's attention. “The people weren't happy with the way she handled this position”, he explained. “It was not that she did a bad job, quite the contrary, she did her job too well”
Arthur furrowed his brows. “Is that even possible?”, he asked. “I'd think the people would be happy to have a competent person in that position” Aren shook his head. “Lord Manderly certainly was happy”, he explained. “The people not so much. Helen dealt with foreigners, gaining a good amount of profit for House Manderly but leaving our own traders with less income. On top of that, she did not lower the taxes despite our people having less gold. In fact, she even raised them when King Torrhen demanded more tribute from House Manderly”
“I think I understand”, Arthur said. “The people weren't happy then” Aren gave him a nod. “That would put it mildly. My parents were among the most unhappy, they even were among the leaders of a week-long riot” He sighed. “They hated Helen, made her responsible for their misery. Others defended Helen and House Manderly and for a few days, these riots even turned violent”, he continued. “Finally, they ended when smallfolk that supported House Manderly broke into my families home. I wasn't there at the time, so I survived, but my parents and my brothers were less lucky”
Arthur gulped. “I'm sorry to hear that, Aren”, he said. The young man gave him a small smile. “It's alright. As I said, it's been years. It was hard for a long time, but I can speak about it”, he assured him. “Helen was a big help for me in these days. She was horrified at what happened, at what these people did, she stepped down from her position the same day and she took me in”
“Sounds noble of her”, Arthur remarked. “And it sounds as if she feels guilty” Aren gave him a nod. “That's the person she is, Ser”, he told him. “She cares for others, has their best interests in mind, even if they condemn her. Her position forced her to do some hard decisions, but I know that she has a good heart” With these words, he gave Arthur a curious look. “Ser, I don't want to appear nosy, but how is your family? Your father is the commander of the city guard, right?”
Arthur gave him a slow nod, followed by a sigh. “He is”, he confirmed. “Hackor Nathamer. I also have a younger sister, Aditha” He paused for a moment. Though he didn't want to speak about it, Aren had been open and honest to him, so it would only be fair to return the favour. “My mother died many years ago, she was killed by Ironborn”
He looked to the ground and gulped. It had been almost a decade now, but the memories of that day were still painful. His mother on the ground, an axe buried in her chest. Aditha lying next to her, clutching the gash in her leg, her hands covered in her own blood and in the blood of the raider she had killed. And his father, arriving too late to help...
“Ironborn? I have heard of them, but in White Harbour we are safe from such attacks”, Aren said softly, having noticed Arthur's mood. “You have my condolences. It's never easy to...” As Aren spoke, the sound of a commotion outside reached Arthur's ear. The young servant heard it as well, because he stopped talking, as both men stepped out of Helenys' room and into the hallway, where Arthur threw a quick look out of the window.
“Oh, not again...”, he mumbled as he spotted two people arguing. “Who is that?”, Aren asked and Arthur rolled his eyes. “The man in the green armour is my father, the commander of the city guard”, he revealed and Aren's eyes widened. “And who is the woman?”, he asked and Arthur sighed. “I gotta go. Have to make sure they both calm down”, he answered. “The woman is my sister”
Aren nodded in agreement. “Of course, Ser”, he confirmed. “That sounds important. Go on, I got it from here” Both men parted with a nod and a smile, though it was rather forced on Arthur's part. While he liked Aren, he found it hard to smile in this situation. His sister and his father had a complicated relationship, to say the least. Hackor had never been a caring father, while care was exactly what Aditha needed.
While they had never been close, things grew out of control between father and daughter roughly a decade ago, when an Ironborn attack forced Hackor between protecting his family and protecting the city. Arthur respected his father's decision back then, as it saved many lives. Though he couldn't hold it against Aditha that she despised him for it, considering that it took their mother and almost claimed her life as well. Still, despite her deep resentment and despite her actions being aimed at hurting Hackor in a worrying, almost self-destructive way, Aditha had never yelled at her father, at least not until now.
Right now, as Arthur stepped out into the courtyard, Aditha was growling loudly, her cheeks reddened with anger. She stood directly in front of Hackor, who had his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. His anger was more subtle than hers and perhaps a bit less severe, or at least Arthur hoped it would be that way.
“What do you mean with that, he doesn't have to know?”, she growled and Hackor rolled his eyes, emerald green, the only thing he truly had in common with his children. “Aditha, your brother is not the kind of man I want to...” She cut him off as she spotted Arthur. “Well, father, it appears you can tell him yourself what you think of him”, she spat, as she stepped past him and towards Arthur.
“Hey big brother”, she greeted him softly and gave him a short hug. “I'm sorry. Got a bit louder than I wanted, but that... it's unbelievable and I'm fed up with it” Arthur raised an eyebrow, though he lowered it immediately as he saw his fathers stern glare. “What is going on, Aditha?”, he asked.
Hackor pressed his lips together. “I just told your sister that you don't have to be involved in every internal matter of the city guard”, he growled, putting emphasis on the final half of the sentence. Aditha hit him with her own, angry glare. “That was not how you said it”, she hissed.
Hackor sighed and his glare got slightly sharper as he looked at her. “I said that some things are best left to men”, he said and his bluntness took Arthur aback. Aditha clenched her fists. “And I told him that I am fed up with the way he treats you”, she stated. “What you did for this city... I guess some people are just ungrateful”
“Ungrateful?”, Hackor snarled, speaking slightly louder now, though he quickly calmed down again. “But yes, these were my words” Arthur focussed on the ground in front of him, so that he didn't have to look his father in the eyes. “Have you already talked to Lady Helenys?”, he asked.
Hackor opened his mouth to speak, though Aditha cut him off immediately. “No!”, she spat. “You're not going to change the topic now, Arthur. You're not going to ignore the way he treats you! Just... stand up to him for once!” She was agitated, angry even and Arthur loved her for it. At the same time, he knew that confronting his father would lead to nothing. He had done so in the past, many years ago, but it had only furthered his fathers indifference, his disappointment. And disappointing him was the last thing Arthur wanted to do.
“It's alright, Aditha”, he mumbled, but she shook her head. “It's not alright!”, she protested and glared at Hackor. “How dare you treating him like that? He is your son and he deserves your respect” Hackor glanced at her. “He shall get it as soon as he did something to earn it”, he said calmly and his words sent a shiver of anger crawling through Arthur's spine. He had loyally served the city guard for half a decade. He had captured Wolfius Woodbark, the most horrible criminal the city ever had. There were many things he wanted to say at the moment, but none of them left his mouth.
“Why don't you tell Arthur why you're here?”, Aditha said and Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Aren't you here to speak to Lady Helenys?”, he asked. His father shook his head. “This has to wait. Besides, I've been told that Lady Helenys wishes to speak to Lord Tyrell first”, he explained. “No, I'm here because there has been another murder”
His words were calm, though Arthur heard the anger in them. “Whom?”, he just asked and Hackor sighed. “Septon Corbin. Murdered in his prison cell”, he answered. “In a very gruesome way, as I've been told. It surprised me, considering that you just captured the resident serial killer, isn't that right?”
Arthur clenched his fists together. “Why haven't I been informed?”, he asked and Hackor shrugged. “I saw no reason to bother you. After all, you've been busy carrying Lady Helenys' luggage” Aditha sent a glare of anger towards her father, though remained silent and Hackor continued. “Like Wolfius, Septon Corbin has been involved in the murders, though at the time of his death, he hadn't yet revealed any details”, he explained. “If I wouldn't know it better, I'd say Wolfius might not be the only killer in town” He narrowed his green eyes. “Is there anything you would like to tell me, son?”
Memories of Ellyrio Terys flashed through his mind and he remembered the subtle threat the man had uttered. After what his group did at the warehouse, Arthur had no reason to doubt his abilities. He knew the city would drown in blood the moment Hackor would learn the truth. And he shook his head. “No, father. Do you have a suspect?”, he asked.
Now, Hackor shook his head and Aditha sighed in frustration. “None yet. I was just going to inspect the corpse”, he revealed. “But I assume he knew too much. Whatever it was, it probably died with him, didn't it?” The question caused Aditha to raise her head. “Are you implying anything, father?”, she asked.
Hackor shrugged. “I don't imply, Aditha. Though there are a few things that don't match up”, he said and looked at Arthur. “You said you captured Wolfius on your own?” The tone in his voice caused Arthur to tense up. “Yes”, he lied, though he knew that he wasn't very convincing. Hackor raised an eyebrow, looking almost impressed. Almost. “The wound in his leg came from an arrow. Never knew you were such a good archer”, he said, but before Arthur could answer, Hackor turned around. “I will go to Corbin's cell now, to inspect his corpse. You can accompany me if you want, but be warned, I've been told the sight is gruesome”
He started to walk towards the small building that contained the entrance to the dungeons without waiting for an answer and Arthur stumbled behind him, feeling like a young boy again in the intimidating presence of his father. To his surprise, Aditha took a deep breath, before she walked next to him. As he looked at her, she gave him a reassuring smile. “Don't want to leave you alone with him”, she said.
The two guards in front of the building did not react to the presence of Arthur and Aditha. They saluted in front of their commander and one of them opened the door for him, allowing all three to enter the small room behind it. Without saying a word, as if he didn't even acknowledge the presence of his children, Hackor passed through it with two large steps and started to walk down the stairs.
The hallway below contained three freshly lit torches, illuminating a row of four cells on each side of it. The last one on the left side was illuminated with another torch and Arthur saw three people standing in front of it. They were members of the castle guard, two men and a young woman. She was the first to spot them and as she approached them, Arthur noticed that she was quite pretty, with light brown hair and soft features. He also noticed the mark on her uniform, indicating her surprisingly high rank.
“Commander Nathamer”, she greeted him with a salute. “Captain Nora Recton, castle guard” Hackor gave her a nod and as Arthur took a deep breath, he finally noticed the smell coming from the cell. Aditha noticed it as well and she grimaced, though Hackor remained as stoic as always. “What do we have, captain?”, Hackor asked.
Nora gulped. “I've seen my fair share of dead bodies, Ser. The victims of this beast, Woodbark, and others”, she said. “But none of them have been as bad as Septon Corbin. Ser, this man... I believe this man has been tortured before he died” Hackor sighed. “Any details?”, he asked.
Instead of answering immediately, Nora threw another glance at Arthur and particularly at Aditha, before she leaned in, starting to whisper something into his ear. Even in the dim light of the torches, Arthur was able to see his father's eyes widening. “I see... It sounds horrible”, he mumbled.
With these words, he turned around and looked at Aditha. “You will leave now”, he ordered her. Aditha's eyes widened with outrage. “You're sending me away?”, she asked. “Why? What is it you're trying to hide, father? Afraid the people could find out one of your secrets?”
Hackor smirked without joy. “Not at all”, he stated. “But this is something you shouldn't concern yourself with” Aditha clenched her fists. “Is that an order, she asked?” Hackor shook his head. “Not at all. You're not a member of my guard, so I can't order you around. Consider it a request” A grim expression formed on Aditha's face. “You know where you can put your request, don't you?”, she growled. “I'm going to stay, if only so that you're not going to treat Arthur like shit again”
Now, Hackor's joyless smirk faded, replaced by an expression of indifference. “And I'd say it would be better if you just leave”, he told her. “Just go, perhaps to the tavern again, drink until you can hardly stay anymore and fuck some stranger, just so that you feel less alone”
Aditha's eyes widened as she glared at him. “What?”, she spat at a seemingly indifferent Hackor. The commander glanced at Septon Corbin's reeking cell and then back at his daughter. “Wouldn't be the first time, would it?”, he asked. “You think you hurt me with your actions, but perhaps you'll realize that you're just going to hurt yourself” He paused and clenched his teeth. “Maybe next time you go to bed with a stranger, you should start asking for money. That was you could contribute to the family” Now, Arthur saw a hint of tears in his sister's eyes and he felt her anger mixing with his own. “Fuck you, Hackor”, she hissed, before she turned around and rushed out of the building without looking back.
Hackor sighed and for a moment, concern and sadness were visible on his face. Arthur gave him a look of dumbfounded anger. “Was that necessary?”, he barked and Hackor gave him a nod. “Sadly, yes”, he confirmed. “Your sister might like to appear strong, but she's anything but. I know how she would react to the sight that awaits her in this cell” To Arthur's surprise, Hackor avoided to look him in the eye, wish rarely happened. “I remember how I had to tuck her to sleep as a child, when she suffered from nightmares over and over”, he mumbled. “It took her years until she was able to sleep without them after your mother died. I don't want to risk it”
“So you're insulting her to force her away?”, Arthur asked. “That's your solution, really?” Hackor gave him a reluctant nod. “She wouldn't have accepted anything else”, he said and Arthur knew that he had a point. Still, he was shaking with anger and Hackor noticed it, as did Captain Nora, who gave both men a slightly insecure smile. “Shall we proceed to the corpse, Commander?”, she asked.
“One moment”, Hackor answered and he sternly looked at Arthur. “Listen, if you feel I've been too hard on your sister, then go outside and console her. I don't need my half-grown son glaring at me like that in there. I'm your father and your commander, so you will treat me with respect whenever you're on duty”
Arthur pressed his lips together. “Yes, father”, he confirmed meekly and tried his best to control the angry look in his eyes. This seemed to mildly please Hackor and he started walking towards the cell. Arthur and Nora followed him. “As I've said, go outside if that is your wish”, Hackor said, just as Arthur got a glimpse of the corpse. He stopped walking and held his breath, as his eyes widened. He had seen his fair share of corpses, After all, he was a member of the city guard. But never before had he seen a corpse like... like this. It took him a lot of strength not to puke as he saw what was left of Corbin's face, of the skin on his upper body, of the...
“Seven have mercy...”, he mumbled and Hackor gave him a nod. “Seven have mercy”, he agreed. “Corbin had a lot of flaws, if his involvement in the murders is any indication, but he did not deserve this” Once again, he looked down the hallway. “Are you sure you don't want to go after your sister?”, he asked. “I leave it up to you. Aditha could surely need some support after I have... encouraged her not to burden herself this sight”
“How awfully kind of you”, Arthur mumbled and Hackor ignored his comment. “If you stay though, I want you to be prepared for the sight to get even worse”, he warned him. “I have ordered for Mathea to help me with the investigation. She is likely going to inspect the corpse, to give me more information about his final minutes. I doubt it will be pleasant, so the choice is yours”
[Go outside and speak to Aditha] [Stay inside with Hackor]
Fuck Hackor.
[Go outside and speak to Aditha] Family is more pressing than a corpse. Besides Hackor keeps anything relevant from reaching Arthur's ears.
At this point it feels like Hackor doesn't even respect Arthur. Does he even realize he's one of his best men? I haven't forgotten that he refused his help against the assassins in their old hideout.
[Go outside and speak to Aditha]
Don't want her doing something stupid and she tried to help Arthur the least he could do is comfort her.
[Stay inside with Hackor] This is an investigation and Aditha should grow up to be as brave as her facade. Going after her will help nothing, but staying here reveals more about the case.
Don't babysit the woman, this is in the middle of a city, she may actually really go to a tavern, Hackor may not be the man with the best personality but learning from this case should be enlightening, both for Arthur and the readers.
[Stay inside with Hackor] Arthur gots to prove to Hackor that he can be big and strong, and Aditha wouldn't listen to anything Arthur would say to her anyway. Plus we can have Arthur join the inner circle of the anti SK group and learn all they know about it so far. Because Hackor might know more than he is letting on, since Aditha said he had a lot of secrets. I love the dysfunctional dynamic of the Nathamers, my god it's like Westero's version of the Kardashions.
Hackor can be a dick, but he looked as if he was really disheartened when he had to roast his daughter. And maybe he is being a dick to Arthur because he knows he can do better and that he was protecting him from the dangers of the warehouse. Arthur and Aditha may have lost their mother, but Hackor lost the love of his life too. But that's just my biased opinion because he is one of my characters.
[Stay inside with Hackor]
[Help Vaasrand]
I know voting is kind of closed, but I just wanted to vote this because screw Roman, all hail Vaasrand.
Also, I like how Otis in the last part mentioned that the wolf pack had a new alpha that allegedly attacked Sara/Rachel. So guess my suspicion was correct.
[Go outside and speak to Aditha]
[Stay inside with Hackor]
Hackor, best father award-winner.
Might as well do some CSI: Westeros edition.
Ouch, Hackor is almost as bad as Randyll Tarly.
[Stay inside with Hackor] However, I'm going to choose this as I believe we could learn something important here, and it will certainly make a good part.
[Go outside and speak to Aditha]
I was hoping poor Taros would be released from his box. :P Then again I can see why no one bothered.
[Stay inside with Hackor]
Well in my opinion that's no excuse to be a dickhead.
This is a very good part!
[Stay inside with Hackor] Let's make daddy proud of us!XD
PS:btw who was the forum member that create the Nathamer's family backstory?I really want to congratulate to him/her because I found it very enjoyable to read the problematic relationships inside that family!
The relationship between Hackor and Arthur is really problematic. I wouldn't quite say that he doesn't respect him at all, but he doesn't see Arthur as one of his best men, mostly because of their vastly different views on what makes a good guardsman. Hackor respects strength and a sense of duty, he always strictly upholds the law while being neither merciful nor cruel. Meanwhile, Arthur is far more soft, he is merciful and believes in second and even third chances. While Hackor is a fighter and knows that sometimes it can be necessary to fight and even kill to defend innocent people, Arthur dislikes fighting to the point where it makes him less efficient as a guardsman who is sworn to protect others. He is not suited for fighting and that is part of the reason why Hackor refused to allow Arthur to come along. That said, Hackor is far from stupid. He realizes that Arthur has many positive qualities and he respects some of them, it's just that he sees him as far too soft to be an efficient guardsman, which is not entirely incorrect. Naturally, that does not excuse his cold behaviour, though there are reasons for that as well. I hope to put a lot of spotlight on the relationship between Hackor and his children in future parts, because it is certainly complex.
That's true XD While Aren is not a coward, he's not stupid enough to do that either. Though I guess it's safe to say that Helenys will take good care of her pet in due time
Glad you liked it! Aren and Helenys will have an important role to play in the coming events, so I found it to be a good time to give some exposition on both.
Oh yes, the Nathamer family has a very difficult relationship, especially between Aditha and Hackor. Arthur at least does his best to remain the loyal and dutiful son, but Aditha doesn't even try to hide her anger at Hackor. There are a couple of scenes planned in the near future that should really shed some light on this situation and it's good that you're looking forward for it.
There are no other prisoners at the moment, at least not in the castle. Raylansfair is a peaceful town and the only one who is currently imprisoned is Wolfius beneath the city guard headquarters. Corbin has been dead for a few hours in the story now and considering that he was alone down there, it's not unlikely to think that his death wasn't noticed until a guard routinely checked on him.
Drent is a forgotten PoV now? Hah, just wait what I have planned for him
As a matter of fact, I can tease that he will be central in a future scene that might be one of my favourite scenes in the entire planned story. The next part will feature either him or Sadie in a second PoV after Ilish's part. Actually, both are planned to have four parts in this chapter, which makes their storylines actually quite long. The same goes for Edrick, who has two more parts planned in this chapter and whose next part is going to be out soon after. Willfred and Maya both have one more part planned. With Maya, I have originally planned for her to have a very long storyline in this chapter, though I ultimately decided to move half of her storyline into the next chapter, because the general situation in Raylansfair by then will really spice things up for her. I made that decision only after writing her first part in this chapter, otherwise I would have waited a bit longer. Willfred's next part will be out quite soon, though first I have to write a (potentially super-long) Lucas part, which I'm greatly looking forward for. So, all of them will have one or two parts left in this chapter, though I guess the wait between their parts has been a bit messed up this time.
This praise belongs to @Bounden, who has submitted a number of very interesting characters
The Nathamers were so enjoyable to write, the family is crazy. And they are just one of the dysfunctional families I've made that will be showing up. There's also the Marigold-Vega family that have yet to show their dysfunctionality, and another family that will be quite interesting to see. Oh and to add to the list of forgotten POVs there is still Lyria, Alys, and Torvin.
It's true, there are more of your characters that have dysfunctional families. The Marigold-Vega family hasn't quite shown their problems so far, but it will come up very soon. And the other family you mean... oh yeah, that is going to be very enjoyable to write
As for Lyria, Alys and Torvin, they could be considered forgotten, at least more than the others, though I can assure you that I haven't forgotten about them at all. Lyria and Torvin will have parts in the next chapter, Alys is going to reappear in Chapter 9 and they all have an important role to play in future parts of the story.
I really enjoy making up new characters and if you ever need a character to fill up a role, I can make one and make them as dysfunctional as heck. As for Alys I hope she has a surprising reentering because by the time we see her we'll be all like, "oh yeah, her!"
neither to stop investigating a crime and run after Aditha
Hackor to Arthur - "Kill the boy, and let the man be born"
[Go outside and speak to Aditha] Arthur doesn't seem like he'll add much to the inspection since Mathea and Hackor are there the only thing that he would add is the PoV so the readers get to see what Clayton really did to the body, Mathea will be doing most of the work. And Arthur seems like he can actually help Aditha.
Seems like I have a rival in writing families
I think pretty many of us have written whole families to the story
Even I have done that, and I usually prefer solo characters 
I guess it fits the dynastic theme for GoT, I myself just finished sending Liquid the notable quotes for my finished House Beltaine, with 15 characters in it. It was my 3rd House, I still have one full house for Liquid left and a few solo characters, but now I'm almost done.
(Go outside and speak to Aditha)
I think I've sent around 15 characters in total in these ~1,5 years I've followed the story, perhaps a couple more.
I prefer to write up all potential characters right at start, so then they can get implemented in a 'dozen', multiple of them being introduced at same time (like how Stark kids were), then once I am done with it lie back and enjoy the show
I've sent just 4 (barring "few" "joke" "characters", although a "joke" character got in, with some changes).
Fun fact all of them have something to do with Leonard Constantine (well duh, one of them IS him).
I suppose making lone wolf characters suits me better, let them define themselves rather than their family or friends or enemies. Plus I don't want to give Liquid insomnia.