The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited August 2016

    tbh I do lot of sport which demands consistency and level of performance usually what call what happen to you is hitting a wall. We do same thing for so long we lose motivation and drive to continue then goes so long insecurity sets in, thinking we can't still do it as well as we use too so were scared to try to fail

    Can happen when follow same routine for long time so we subconsciously grow bored of it

    You need to mix it up and find fresh challenges to find the motivation

    Do what you love remind yourself of you're talents and why you do it

    Start side project to build yourself back up and get confidence to get stuck in again.

    You be fine bro just need take it slow and find fresh prospective on the work to make it more appealing

    To be frank, I don't often put my feelings in posts too much, namely when I'm depressed/my struggles but... I think I will this time. I r

  • Based on what you said:

    1°) You said it yourself: you worked too much. Then you didn't work anymore on your draws. You need to find a middle. Drawing (as for working) can't last long as a "workaholic". If you try to do not work too much on your "workaholic" phase and working a bit more when you're depressed, it should go better. I'm not the one to say "video games are bad" but maybe you're too addicted to it. Video games are a good way to keep yourself out of reality for a moment, but you shouldn't hide from it. Maybe you've got some personal problem which is the reason of your "troubles". There might be an event lately that make you feel bad.

    2°) The feeling of depression I felt would make me define it as the lack of aim/purpose in your life. Maybe you get bored with this comics? Still you're feeling guilty to let back your fanbase so you refuse to let it go? If it's the case, don't sacrifice yourself for your fanbase; it's maybe simply the time to do another work, another draws. And if you still need motivation, think about the loved ones (yeah it's cheesy), it sometimes helps.

    3°) Maybe you are in need of sleep. I think I already mentionned it to you, but going to bed early can help to feel better and less depressed. Did you try it?

    Then I'm certainly wrong on many points, it's not like I'm a psychologist but I hope it helps. :')

    To be frank, I don't often put my feelings in posts too much, namely when I'm depressed/my struggles but... I think I will this time. I r

  • edited August 2016

    I had before and was most important day of my life as made me make a change to my mentality to be more positive and fight against what knew was making me upset to fix it. I chose to survive by accepting my faults and choosing for now on to live this life way I want to like free pass to take control again be the guy I always wanted to be no more mental barriers or boxes to tick for people.

    They found out majority of mental illness comes from negative feelings toward ourselfs to be aware of how you think about yourself.

    Remember what you call others and yourself you subconsiously think you are talking about yourself same when we are nice to others subconsciously we think talking about ourselfs so always be full compliments to people to feel good and not feed into negative people

    In my experience avoiding this only come back. I think there is something really bothering you gotta face this and fix it you deserve to be happy and fulfill your potiential.

    Remember to you're human don't get mad at yourself for feeling bad or sad at times this will always happen forgive yourself this is important

    Maybe find some hobbies to keep mind busy and find something ur passionate about to make u enjoy yourself again

    I recommend therapist ur nice guy I don't want see anything happen to u

    Good luck and keep us updated we here for u for support

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • It's a place to vent. People don't usually vent about happy things.

    Like that initial post says, though, it's also a place to go for help, if you want it. So it's not all dark.

    papai46 posted: »

    Holy shit, this thread is depressing.

  • I bookmarked that Supes comic, and I do not bookmark things lightly. Thanks.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I am so sorry, Mario. Now, on to advice part. I have had those thoughts too. I have had some stupid messed up horrible thoughts too. It j

  • No problem, glad you resolved the issue!

    It is like a long plasticy match stick yes and weight gain is listed as a side effect on the official website. I got it removed yesterday at

  • So I just read all of your comments, guys and...

    I just want to say thanks for the replies and the support you give me. Thanks to you, I feel a lot better. It makes me cry happily, knowing that there are people in this huge world that care about me. :) <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though


  • WarpSpeed posted: »

    I bookmarked that Supes comic, and I do not bookmark things lightly. Thanks.

  • When he's cute, but you find out he smokes a pack of cigarettes everyday...

  • So this ain't that deep but,its too damn hot lately. I work in a drive thru,8hrs no breaks no drinks on the line. I hydrate throughly before work but still feel like i'm dying half the time. Come on October hurry up already!

  • Okay. I'm pretty fucking upset.

    First off, fast food business is a really tough thing during a rush, you have a bunch of people expecting food that you may or may not have extremely fast, all thinking they deserve their food more than the people who ordered fucking before them. So no, this fucking food is not your food, we are almost done cooking yours fucking wait. Listen, I know you want your food and I've been in your place but just because you gave us money doesn't mean I can just fucking make your food appear out of no where, we have a wait. Oh, oh, and god forbid we get stressed or confused, it's not like we have 5 orders up at a time that are extremely long, no, totally not. So I am pretty fucking pissed when I you disrespect me right in my face because we had a little confusion.

    This ass cuts me off when I'm apologizing for the wait to tell my manager who is giving their food, "I'm glad someone knew what they are doing". Fucking excuse me? I'm right here. Listen, I want to see you come back here and make everything magically, dick. Really broke me to be honest. I didn't show it because we had other orders and almost no time to take a break. Honestly, I think I'm pretty good at my job, I'm not perfect or great but I really try and can usually get things done without help. I make mistakes, I sometimes forget things, and yes, when I do, it's my fault and I'm sorry for that. Seriously.

    Guy number two, well, it doesn't make me mad and it's more funny than anything. It just feels mentionable. Guy comes in stands at the counter, looks at the menu, and says "Is this (Restaurant right next to us)"...Like, seriously.

    Next my co workers get on me. I do lobby, I always do lobby, I'm actually great at lobby. The most important of all, I take pride in my lobby and it calms me. To be at the end of my shift and be able to just clean and make the place look like nothing happened, or at least, not as much, it makes me happy. I feel like I make a difference, I feel like I earn my place. For one thing, I feel like I do something right, and I don't get that happiness a lot. So, what happens after I'm already stressed, annoyed, and upset? Well, my coworker says "Since he just had to do lobby, I'm stuck doing (Various other easy and NOT HARD LIKE THE LOBBY task)". Coworker two says "Yeah, you always do lobby, why don't you learn something new."

    First off, I know how to do that task. When I do that task, it looks good too. Second off, sure I could do it but I prefer lobby because it's more difficult. Seriously, no one likes to clean lobby except me and they don't put in the same effort I do to make it look great. Coworker one ESPECIALLY does bad. She leaves black spots on the floor, either from not cleaning the floor fully or doing it with dirty water. Secondly, she puts small trash bags in the large trash cans, I literally have to clean the fucking trash cans after she does it because the food fucking falls out of it. I even talked to her about it today, ""Hey coworker one, you know when you do lobby trashes, you need to use large trash bags, right? Lately, you've been using small ones and I've had to clean the trash cans", "Yeah, sorry about that, I couldn't find the large bags".

    What. You couldn't be bothered to look a little harder for large bags so you make my job more difficult, hell, I'm the one who gives a shit if the trash cans have food on the bottom. Seriously. This upsets me. She won't do lobby right, so why should I have her do lobby so she fucks it up and makes me do anyway tomorrow. No. I'm doing fucking lobby because it looks great when I do it.

    Even at the end of the night, after I cleaned up the entire lobby depressed, I walk up to one of my coworkers who came in to see everyone after closing, and I'm like "This lobby looks hella good" and he agrees. Coworker two, says "Stop being so (I forgot the word she used but it was similar to arrogant), one day someone is going to call you out and say this lobby looks bad and you're just going to be like oh" and I'm just like, are you fucking serious. My exact words were "That won't happen, because I do good on this", in fact I follow up to coworker three who was the guy chilling, "This is my lobby, this is the only thing I take pride in this fucking store" and guy says "See, that's exactly how I am with my kitchen". I'm just thinking, "Thank fuck, someone sees it my way."

    So yes, I'm pissed. Yes, I'm about to have a little breakdown. Thank you for reading.

  • edited August 2016

    Nothing bad's happened to me lately, but I think I need to say this.

    Suicide is never the answer. Even if you think there's nothing to live for anymore, there always is. It'll be okay.

    This is a message for suicidal people on these forums.

  • edited December 2021

    edit from 2021 rabbit: this post was a terrible take on suicide

    Nothing bad's happened to me lately, but I think I need to say this. Suicide is never the answer. Even if you think there's nothing to live for anymore, there always is. It'll be okay. This is a message for suicidal people on these forums.

  • Great words.

    I've read that best way to get out of bottomless pit of self pity is to start helping other people. Egoism is the reason of all bad things in our lives, so get rid of egoism = start feeling better :)

    Nothing bad's happened to me lately, but I think I need to say this. Suicide is never the answer. Even if you think there's nothing to live for anymore, there always is. It'll be okay. This is a message for suicidal people on these forums.

  • edited August 2016


    These people on these forums (and in general) are beautiful, intelligent and very talented guys and gals, and they have so much to live for. All they need is a little push, and to believe in themselves.

    P.S. Have you ever heard of the story of Amanda Todd?

    Mawula posted: »

    Great words. I've read that best way to get out of bottomless pit of self pity is to start helping other people. Egoism is the reason of all bad things in our lives, so get rid of egoism = start feeling better

  • Fucking irresponsible dipshits.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Arizona Couple Accused of Leaving 2-Year-Old Home Alone While They Left to Play ‘Pokemon Go’ Story Really?

  • Please don't do it :'(

    We all love you and want what's best for you.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • edited August 2016

    Okay, so here's something that I don't get.

    According to the last thing I heard, Hillary Clinton is leading in the polls, yet she doesn't do much to attract a crowd, where as every time Trump gets on stage, it's a full house.

    So how in the hell is Hillary Clinton leading?

    It's shit like this that just further convinces me of that the elections are rigged. That the next president has already been chosen, and this stupid elections are just there to give us the idea that we have freedom of choice, that we're the ones in charge.

    What would you say?

  • Nice avatar.

    When he's cute, but you find out he smokes a pack of cigarettes everyday...

  • Yeah smoking is a huge turn off imo.

    Though there's always the possibility you could help him quit smoking, though that's no easy feat.

    When he's cute, but you find out he smokes a pack of cigarettes everyday...

  • They seriously couldn't take the kid with them?

    Maybe even show him how to play to make bonding time?


    Cope49 posted: »

    Arizona Couple Accused of Leaving 2-Year-Old Home Alone While They Left to Play ‘Pokemon Go’ Story Really?

  • Wasn't she the girl that drank bleach?

    God, that was so fucked up and horrible.

    Exactly. These people on these forums (and in general) are beautiful, intelligent and very talented guys and gals, and they have so much

  • I've had an existential crisis that's pretty much lasted the entire summer.

    I think too hard about everything and I really need to work on it.

  • Because intelligent people dont clamour over each other whooping and hollering like they're at a sporting event they sit quietly at home or at work and make a informed decision.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Okay, so here's something that I don't get. According to the last thing I heard, Hillary Clinton is leading in the polls, yet she doesn't

  • I read it all, Fuck them

    Okay. I'm pretty fucking upset. First off, fast food business is a really tough thing during a rush, you have a bunch of people expecting

  • i don't know you, but I just want to say thank you. I needed this.

    Nothing bad's happened to me lately, but I think I need to say this. Suicide is never the answer. Even if you think there's nothing to live for anymore, there always is. It'll be okay. This is a message for suicidal people on these forums.

  • edited August 2016

    I feel like this is more directed to me, so I need to say this;

    Sometimes, whether you feel good or bad, you might have suicidal thoughts, no matter what. Depression always strikes you out of nowhere. And speaking from experience, I did say that my thoughts took me over and almost cost me my own life. I never wanted to kill myself, cause I know that I won't achieve anything by doing that. But sometimes, your will is not as strong as you think it might be.

    With that being said, I also think that suicide is never the answer. But I do think that every person has the right to commit suicide if they thing is the answer, however, it's not a decision to be taken lightly.

    (Lol sorry for the many notifications, I try to fix my post as best as possible).

    Nothing bad's happened to me lately, but I think I need to say this. Suicide is never the answer. Even if you think there's nothing to live for anymore, there always is. It'll be okay. This is a message for suicidal people on these forums.

  • That kinda sounds like OCD to me, with those strong thoughts and all. (It is horrible horrible though) But I ain't no psychologist.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I feel like this is more directed to me, so I need to say this; Sometimes, whether you feel good or bad, you might have suicidal thoughts

  • People are just so difficult at times

    Okay. I'm pretty fucking upset. First off, fast food business is a really tough thing during a rush, you have a bunch of people expecting

  • :-) I hope that people who have suicide thoughts know that they are not alone and there are still people out there that cares for them and are willing to help.

    Nothing bad's happened to me lately, but I think I need to say this. Suicide is never the answer. Even if you think there's nothing to live for anymore, there always is. It'll be okay. This is a message for suicidal people on these forums.

  • ^

    Because intelligent people dont clamour over each other whooping and hollering like they're at a sporting event they sit quietly at home or at work and make a informed decision.

  • edited August 2016

    I think it's more selfish thinking that it's selfish, too worried about your own feelings rather than what someone else went though. To think there is no way out of your unhappiness other than suicide, is a huge decision, and something that is far beyond anyone's comprehension outside of the individual.

    edit from 2021 rabbit: this post was a terrible take on suicide

  • edited December 2021


    Chilled posted: »

    Edge. I think it's more selfish thinking that it's selfish, too worried about your own feelings rather than what someone else went though.

  • I just finished reading the 'patiently awaiting the end of the world' thread, I am so "triggered" that I need to make a lot of extra meaty dishes right away. Thankfully most Hungarian dishes are naturally full of juicy meat and blood. Tasty

  • Thanks to everyone for the messages. I really appreciate it. ^^ Here's my responses.


    I know. I just tried to not think of it at first, but when I finally did thought of it - WOOSH!

    I definitely in need of some discipline for this. I used to be one of the most hard working students in my school so it's weird seeing myself so laid back. Too laid back. I'd like to fit in some drawing time in between though. In noon hours I'm most energized so maybe that's a good time.

    I don't think I have depression. But there are times I get upset thinking back on things or current things. Life gets really shitty sometimes (well duh, lol). I'm not really good a wording things out. My vocabulary isn't the best.


    It's been a while Mark! We should play GTA Online sometime this month, my connection to public lobbies gone back to normal.

    Yeah, that is a very good point about growing bored. It was literally the only project I worked on for a very time. I kept going cuz I didn't want to leave my fans hanging (the ReBoot cliffhanger is a big trigger to that mindset, and other good series in general that I've seen had a cliffhanger ending) and also, I told myself this was the project I wanted to complete. Although, I guess I can instead do TWD Forum Comic as a side project for now, and work on other things. Maybe my old high school projects or even those ReBoot and Killer Kate stories I've been wanting to write.


    Yeah that's definitely it as I said to Mark. I think I stuck myself to it too much in one big swoop. There definitely needs to be a middle ground. I have been playing video games a lot more lately, namely with new ones. There was a time I barely played any but once I got some new ones, bam, I got hooked again. So I think, once I get Metal Gear Solid V and Modern Warfare 3 out of system it should be good. But I need to learn how to control my addiction to games. I think... I probably played the games so much not only cuz they were fun but it's to avoid the fact of how far behind I gotten with my work.

    Thing is I can't let go of my fanbase. I care too damn much. Both personally and business wise. Business wise I aim to be a manga artist and story writer in the future, and for me to be successful, I need a fanbase that grows. Personally, is because I'm also a fan of other things so I can understand others feelings to an extent. But yeah, some other work is a good idea.

    And yeah, definitely need some sleep. I like waking up early but lately I've been waking up at around 9 in the morning. Maybe if I sleep earlier I'll be more energized.

    Euron posted: »

    Based on what you said: 1°) You said it yourself: you worked too much. Then you didn't work anymore on your draws. You need to find a mid

  • edited August 2016

    Sure, it may be selfish. But all the feelings of pain and sadness every day up to that point; feeling neglected, hated or even having something important to their life taken away from them, can you honestly blame them for feeling that way? The answer is no. Even if it's spontaneous, the answer is still no. You can never blame them for feeling that way.

    Also, good message @TheAutisticGamer.

    edit from 2021 rabbit: this post was a terrible take on suicide

  • edited December 2021


    Sure, it may be selfish. But all the feelings of pain and sadness every day up to that point; feeling neglected, hated or even having someth

  • It's just so difficult to just take all that and be fine.

    I read it all, Fuck them

  • Too often in fast food I'm afraid. Usually you get nice people, people who appreciate your work and acknowledge it, I like those people. You get people who get their food and not care about the work you did, I'm fine with those people, sometimes we take longer than we must and sometimes it isn't all satisfactory, I get it. Then we get assholes who need to make it known that they don't appreciate what you've done and have to state how upset they are at it, I hate those people. Fast food isn't the hardest job but it isn't easy all the time, and that's something people need to understand.

    People are just so difficult at times

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