Wow, this thread is going to the Hell of Bad Threads Full of Nonsenses.
(wow, that name was very, very bad)
Meh, I'll try to act serious:
Uh... so, Lee and Lilly, Sam and Javier, Paige and Sam, eh... Luke and Nick, Clem and Juicebox, Javier and Sam, Alex and Wendigo, Wyatt and Eddie, Samantha and Javi, Russel and Me, er... Kenny and Jane (can you imagine how hilarious would be seeing them hooking up? Telltale, you let go a great oportunity!), Javier and Sam... esto... Lilly and Kenny, Sam and Javi... ugh, I have nothing more, I think.
Carver and Clem?
Carven and Sarah?
Carver and AJ?
Carver and Becca?
Carver and any other kid you could think about?
Dude, you're really creepy sometimes!
Wow, this thread is going to the Hell of Bad Threads Full of Nonsenses.
(wow, that name was very, very bad)
Meh, I'll try to act serio… moreus:
Uh... so, Lee and Lilly, Sam and Javier, Paige and Sam, eh... Luke and Nick, Clem and Juicebox, Javier and Sam, Alex and Wendigo, Wyatt and Eddie, Samantha and Javi, Russel and Me, er... Kenny and Jane (can you imagine how hilarious would be seeing them hooking up? Telltale, you let go a great oportunity!), Javier and Sam... esto... Lilly and Kenny, Sam and Javi... ugh, I have nothing more, I think.
Did I mention Javier and Samantha?
Wow, this thread is going to the Hell of Bad Threads Full of Nonsenses.
(wow, that name was very, very bad)
Meh, I'll try to act serio… moreus:
Uh... so, Lee and Lilly, Sam and Javier, Paige and Sam, eh... Luke and Nick, Clem and Juicebox, Javier and Sam, Alex and Wendigo, Wyatt and Eddie, Samantha and Javi, Russel and Me, er... Kenny and Jane (can you imagine how hilarious would be seeing them hooking up? Telltale, you let go a great oportunity!), Javier and Sam... esto... Lilly and Kenny, Sam and Javi... ugh, I have nothing more, I think.
Did I mention Javier and Samantha?
Wow, this thread is going to the Hell of Bad Threads Full of Nonsenses.
(wow, that name was very, very bad)
Well, screw you t… moreoo, love!
Alex and Wendigo
Kenny and Jane(can you imagine how hilarious would be seeing them hooking up? Telltale, you let go a great oportunity!)
Doug X Kenny
= Denny? Oh no...
I ship CarLee since late 2014.
Jane and nailfile
Samantha and duffel bag
Paige, her hunting rifle and a dead possum are OT3.
No Yay: Carver and Rebecca.
Or Carver and almost anyone, really.
Carver and Clem?
Carven and Sarah?
Carver and AJ?
Carver and Becca?
Carver and any other kid you could think about?
Dude, you're really creepy sometimes!
Wow, this thread is going to the Hell of Bad Threads Full of Nonsenses.
(wow, that name was very, very bad)
Meh, I'll try to act serious:
Uh... so, Lee and Lilly, Sam and Javier, Paige and Sam, eh... Luke and Nick, Clem and Juicebox, Javier and Sam, Alex and Wendigo, Wyatt and Eddie, Samantha and Javi, Russel and Me, er... Kenny and Jane (can you imagine how hilarious would be seeing them hooking up? Telltale, you let go a great oportunity!), Javier and Sam... esto... Lilly and Kenny, Sam and Javi... ugh, I have nothing more, I think.
Did I mention Javier and Samantha?
We-he-he-he-he-ell, a little narrow in scope there, but sure, why not? Creepy and Carver go together just as well as Kenny and Dangerous.
Though, if Carver x AJ was a thing, I'd destroy him to pieces myself.
Well, screw you too, love!
I roamed the forums for a few months before joining. I found some...interesting old threads.
If you want some funny Kenny and Jane, here ya go.

Alex calls the zombies Wendigos.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you start a flamewar.
okay this thread made me chuckle in public and people are staring at me but inside I'm crying
Lee and Lilly because
lee is getting dat puss tonight
Reggie and Sarita: Middle Eastern amputees
That's racist.
That's racist.
Edit: Shit, Double Post again nooooooo
That's racist.
Is it? (Yes it is.)
More like triple post, love.
Sarah and Nick: Ruined Forever
Your picture didn't load. Try to edit it back in.
Reggie's Pakistani.
Oh...well then. I honestly didn't know that.
Versatility is NOT overrated.
Ahem, Cargo Ship
I was hoping more for Vitali
Kenny and a zombie boner.
Vitali and AK-47.
Their love is so strong, not even continuity can keep them apart.
And isn't Sarita Indian?
Surely there are other things to talk about besides shipping, no?