Choices did matter.
Alot of people are saying that choices don't matter yet in my opinion the choices that mattered in this game mattered more than any other Telltale Game (excluding TWD S2). In TWD if you save someone they die later on anyway. In this game if you save someone they stay alive. True our choices didn't reach to the limit that it should have mattered but at least it did matter more then the other games. People on Steam are constantly hating this game because of that. I think the choice mechanics were good in this game. What do you guys think about this?
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I agree.
As far as final outcome goes, not much mattered. BUT in my opinion, episode 6 was the first time I was ever genuinely impressed with the level of determinate scenes. The entire confrontation with the Whitehills will be different depending on Rodrik or Asher, and who you end up with at the end depends on several decisions leading up to it. And even if the finale itself wasn't too different, it definitely got my hopes up that Season 2 well continue to impress with the impact of choice.
The disappointment is in many ways resembling the disappointment Mass Effect 3 caused in the fans.
Why were you that dissapointed? For me I was dissapointed but not that dissapointed. I was kind of impressed with what Telltale did with the choices in this game. For example in TWD I was disappointed that my choices didn't keep everyone alive and also that no matter what happens Lee dies. In this game even if you lose you still get to keep your favorite characters alive and the people that you save.
You misunderstand me, while I would love to have decisions truly matter, I don't feel as disappointed as with ME3, I just stated my observation that most people seem to feel as disappointed as with ME3. I do believe Telltale (and also Bioware) can do even better than this in the future.
Ohh ok I see what you mean. Lets see what the future of Telltale and Bioware holds for us.
I agree with most of what you said.
Thank you, someone with sense!
Honestly at this point I feel like people hate on GOT because you don't win.
Yea I think that's why. Honestly I don't get them.
Even though some choices don't really make much sense, like revealing the traitor, It still mattered and it shows Telltale is trying, so I really can't get Mad about it like others do.
Jep. Choices did matter while you played. But the ending isnt Conclusive at all, which makes the choices you did irrelevant. You lose no matter how smart you play. But the biggest problem was to splitt the mainplot into several seasons without telling people. Now you have to pay for another season to see wether or not your choices from the first season mattered. It would have been way better if they did a very large Season that had several conclusive endings to the Whitehill/Forrester storyline. The Choices would have mattered while you played and on the Conclusion.
Not all of them, actually. For example, the very character you play as was determined by a choice you made in the episode prior. Also, based on your choices, either your sentinel or the traitor or both die in the end.
Several seasons? Oooh you mean all 2 of them, and perhaps the 3rd season which may or may not even happen. And why do you think they would need to tell people that there is a possibility of being a second season? That's kind of implied.
Game of Thrones isn't the first Telltale game to have multiple seasons. Everybody's favourite The Walking Dead is soon to have 3 seasons, but of course nobody ever uses that as an excuse to criticise the game.
The people who are genuinely interested in the story will be willing to pay for the next part of it, and no, that's nothing new.
Well the ending kinda is, considering you can choose who to run off with. I was surprised that you could run off with Gwyn Whitehill as an alternate ending. True that we lose no matter how smart you play but does it hurt you that bad that you cant always win? Look at it this way. For example in TWD I was disappointed that my choices didn't keep everyone alive and also that no matter what happens Lee dies. In this game even if you lose you still get to keep your favorite characters alive and the people that you save.
The TWD did the same thing.
Well for me not exactly, I still prefer several Seasons just to enjoy the "fun" out of this game. As much as I would like it to have several conclusive endings, it might not work for several Seasons and it would disappoint the GoT fans.
Honestly, to me the first season of GoT just felt like a big set up to S2.
Ignore that complaint. Its the most obnoxiously toxic and common around here. The choices do matter, it's just that they aren't satisfied with how much of an impact they had so they blow their emotions out of proportion and say they don't have an impact at all. Don't worry about it affecting the game, thousands of people enjoy the game be it playing it or watching it on a walkthrough online and several large companies including Marvel and Dc have requested games from the company.
The choices do matter you know they do
I personally think it's unfair to say choices don't matter when the series isn't even over yet.
Always remember the silent thousands who enjoy and love this game.
Common sense and logic are things normally lost on these types of arguments. People are judging a fraction, that's like judging a person based on their arm or a book on one chapter. IT'S INSANE!
It's totally stupid!
I could say the same thing about other games like TWD. (I'm not saying its bad, I love TWD as much as I love this game.) And BTW I don't think this is the worst Telltale Game made since I found out that's what you said about it and that it was a cash grab like MCSM (which they're not). I still respect your opinion though.
The Mass effect 3 ending was so .......
I somewhat agree. Bowen can live through out the entire game, so can your sentinel if you play your cards right. "Rodrik, Asher, Ludd, Gryff, Mira, Tom, Finn, Tazal, Deshor and Traitor" can live in the game depending on your choices. But "Lady Forrester" dies no matter what you do, along with "Arthur, Maestor Ortengryn, Damien, Britt, Hayres, Ethan, Cotter, Lord Gregor, Bloodsong and all your soldiers, pit fighters, and small folk." But there are some characters that live no matter what you do, like "Talia, Morgryn, Sera, Lucan, Ryon, Gared, Frostfinger, Malcolm, Croft, Beskha, Gwyn, Elaena, Josera, Elsera, Shadow and Sylvi. Though if those charaters could have died depending on your choices we would be at UNTIL DAWN level, that day may never come for Telltale but I'll play their games anyway. But we shouldn't give Telltale so much hate, at least they stick to the source material and don't try to make a genre different. They respect the stories that they make a game about by not trying to change a genre completely to something they want. They make these games a certain way to appeal to the fans. And for that I love Telltale.
1) I can't really argue with you here since neither of us could come up with a solid argument besides 'we'll have to wait and see'.
2) The only reason it was like that is because they weren't sure they would do a second season. With Got they knew from the start. Just read the original announcement: "...telltale has confirmed they signed a large MULTI season deal with the franchise." So season two (and possibly more) has ALWAYS been part of the plan and natural development of the series
And the funny thing is that only GOT was set to be a first season from the start. Telltale never planned for season 2 of TWD and just left plotlines like Kenny ambiguous enough to be able to make a story.
Bloodsong might still be alive, his fate was never confirmed.
I agree. Playing other Telltale games was like "Oh, I saved him. He'll probably die in like an episode or so." Playing GOT was different. If Telltale can make a game where choices matter, I hope TWD S3 will be like that.
I do think choice should matter much more, I know there are some things that need to be set in stone however the game needs to at least keep the illusion of choice or show variations from choices.
Right now most choice based dialogue goes like this.
Npc: Oh its been so difficult right now..
(Harsh scene cut)
(Hash scene cut)
Npc: Anyway blah blah blah
The determinant dialogue doesnt sound natural a lot of the time when its calling back to a previous decision.
They actually did plan a second season of TWD. I believe they announced there'd be one back when episode 2 was released.
They said "Multi year". But i guess that counts too. I still think they could've handled the Ending better, by giving us the opportunity to win.
Yea he might be considering he was the best among the pit fighters.
No, im sorry but not at all. That would have killed the second Season. You can't interchange the main plot of the Game. Even games with 20 endings had to keep the same narrative.
If they had let us win Telltale would be in a development nightmare that would forced them two make 2 entirely different games.
I'm pretty sure I read that they struck a deal for GoT to have multiple seasons. It was a pretty significant thing when it was announced.
Well, the cash grab thing was something a lot of people thought. Especially, when it came to MCSM as you made a game about a game.
Thank you but............that's exactly what I said.
I only wish people didn't think that about this game and MCSM. By the way did I offend you in my comment above? If I did I didn't mean to.
Dude all those soldiers. There is no way he getting out of there on foot. And Bloodsong would never run from a fight.