The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Lol, you don't play this kind of game with randoms.

    Yeah, not gonna bother with getting Rainbow Six Seige. Too toxic of a community and too many ways to completely take you out of the game from what I discovered. Shame. Well, the vids I watch are fun at least. c:

  • edited August 2016

    I heard something about someone sueing over the lack of joker in that movie

    Added a link enter link description here

    Just came back from suicide squad, it was a lot of fun. Kinda wish Joker was in it more.

  • Thank you, InGen! I appreciate any new bit of world-building information that I can get.

    I don't know about non-Faith of the Seven, but members of that religion can become a septa (basically a nun) to get out of trouble. Their punishments, well, don't really know much.

    I actually didn't know about this universe's religion, so this is news. Could you tell me a bit about the Faith of the Seven?

    There are two things that should be noted on @TheFurryOne's map - The Crownlands, which includes the northern Stormlands, that peninsula and the land between isn't shown separate (because this a historical map, before it became a separate region - King's Landing is here), as is the Riverlands, which is most of the mainland Iron Islands possessions.

    (Heavy breathing.)

    I don't really understand the majority of that quote!

    I swear, I would look for this information by myself at wikia, but I don't want to know spoilers for the show and the novels any more than I have to.

    I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for the Houses of The North, shouldn't she dislike Frey, Whitehill an

  • Wait a second.

    You purposely threw somebody else onto a fucking spider and are able to sleep at night?

    BURN IT DOWN! FUCKING RUN One fell down from my door and I freak out and ended up throwing my controller at it aha

  • Well, will you look at that.

    Happy Anniversary!.......Bro. (¬◡¬)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

  • Rip Life

    From now till the end of the year * The Walking Dead S7 * The Walking Dead Whisperer War * The Walking Dead Game S3 * RWBY Vol. 4 (

  • That's a new level of savage.

    papai46 posted: »

    We still cringe at you.


    Pipas posted: »

    If only you spent as much time studying as commenting on the forums...

  • edited August 2016

    <- Changed my avatar.

  • edited August 2016

    For so long I wanted to read some comics I was unable to get locally. But I found a site with so many comics, some going back to the 90s (definitely some 90s comics, dunno for sure how far back it can go). I'm so happy. There's even Walking Dead in it!

  • Cool.

    <- Changed my avatar.

  • edited August 2016

    Shank you. See what I did there?


  • I was actually considering buying it today.

    Yeah, not gonna bother with getting Rainbow Six Seige. Too toxic of a community and too many ways to completely take you out of the game from what I discovered. Shame. Well, the vids I watch are fun at least. c:

  • edited August 2016

    In No man's sky, has anybody encountered large scale battles like in the trailers? I haven't seen one yet and its pissing me off, because this was one the few features I was most excited for.

  • I like all 3 movies equally. They all had intimidating antagonists, and awesome character development.

    I rewatched The Dark Knight trilogy tonight and took a look at The Dark Knight itself closer... I didn't like it as much as I did the first

  • Eric Bana's Hulk is always a laugh, so I can't be too hard on him. It's so funny to watch that rendition because it's all so cheesy.

    What about Eric Bana's Hulk?? Hahahahahahaha

  • While I don't like Undertale, I think the soundtrack is stellar and I appreciate the link.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Thank you for the recommendations man, will check them out later, when I'm at home. Here, have this high quality video game music rip, as a thank you gift

  • You are amazing!

    enter image description here

    I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for the Houses of The North, shouldn't she dislike Frey, Whitehill and Bolton just as much as she does with Forrester?

    As mentioned by InGen, House Frey isn't apart of the North. House Bolton, along with House Frey helped overthrowing the Starks. On the other hand, House Forrester, direct bannerman to House Stark, was marching alongside the Starks against the crown (a.k.a. her son, Joffrey). House Whitehill is a direct bannerman to house Bolton. She still despises all of the Northen houses, though. She considers the northen people to be primitive and foolish.

    Also, what is her stance on the betrayal of House Forrester?

    House Forrester, along with House Stark, was marching against her son/the crown. Their downfall is something positive to her.

    And how the hell do people catch up on what is happening on the other end of the Kingdom?

    E-corp messaging!!!
    Jokes aside, they use birds xD.

    Also, I got the impression that just men are sent to The Wall when they commit a crime.

    In case this is confused, not all men choose to go to The Wall to escape crime punishment. A murderer for example, may choose to go to the Wall to escape the death penalty. A men who is charged with some days in a cell, though, will likely accept punishment instead of spending his life at the Wall.

    Is there a sexist double standard where women are freed from their charges, or are punished at her own House?

    InGen mentioned becoming a Septa (a.k.a. a nun). I'm not sure if it is like that, though. I've read the first book and seen the whole series and never saw it hapening. You'd have to ask a Game of Thrones expert.

    One more thing—can you name the rest of the sectors other than The North?

    I don't know them all, but I'll use wikia for help (it's wise from your part to not consult wikia. for example, if you visited the 'Westeros' page is the wiki you'd be spoiled with the present rulers in Season 6 that may not be the same ones in the game timeline.)

    • The North, ruled by Roose from House Bolton (Ramsey's father). Map
    • The Vale of Arryn (a.k.a. The Vale), 'ruled' by Robin from House Arryn. Map
    • The Riverlands, ruled by Walder from House Frey (present at The Red Wedding (the game's initial scene)). Map
    • The Iron Islands, ruled by Balon from House Greyjoy. Map
    • The Westerlands, ruled by Tywin from House Lanister (Cersei and Tyrion's father, the King's grandfather). Map
    • The Reach, ruled by Mace from House Tyrell (Margaery's father). Map
    • The Stormlands, ruled by Joffrey from House Baratheon (the king). Map
    • Dorne, ruled by Doran from House Martell (it's worth noting that in Dorne it's the eldest child who inherit the lands and titles from their parents regardless of the gender of the child. in the rest of Westeros, it's always the eldest son.) Map
    • The Crownlands, ruled by whomever is King/Queen. In this case, Joffrey from House Baratheon. Map
    • The Gift and The Wall, ruled by Alliser Thorne, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Map

    I know this wasn't a question directed at me but,

    I actually didn't know about this universe's religion, so this is news. Could you tell me a bit about the Faith of the Seven?

    There's 4 religions in this universe that I can think of rn. The Faith of the Seven, The Old Gods, The Drowned God and The Faith of R'hllor/The Lord of Light.

    The Faith of the Seven is basically a polytheist version of the medieval Christian church. They worship Seven gods. The Mother, The Father, The Smith, The Stranger, The Warrior, The Crone and The Maiden. Their symbol is The Seven Pointed Star. It's Westeros' main religion. The only regions where it's not the majority are Essos, The North and The Iron Islands. The 'pope' of this religion is the High Sparrow. The Faith Millitant is basically the religion's army.

    The Old Gods is the predominant religion in the North. It used to be Westeros' main religion. People who practice this religion pray in front of a weirdwood tree. Man of the Night's Watch who practiced this religion take their vows in front of a weirdwood tree.

    Idk jack about the Drowned God tbh. It's not important to the game, though, there's not even a mention. This God is worshiped on the Iron Islands.

    R'hllor is the god worshiped by the people in the Free Cities of Essos. His words is spread by the Red Priests.

    There's a lot about these religions. Their origins, their history, etc. But I'd just be quoting the wikia's content on them and most of it isn't even mentioned in the game.

    Got it! Thank you so much for this summary, @IronWoodLover! I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for th

  • enter link description here

    This is now my favorite Batman movie.

  • We

    You debunked your own argument there. ;)

    papai46 posted: »

    We still cringe at you.

  • <_<




    Pipas posted: »

    If only you spent as much time studying as commenting on the forums...

  • True.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    We You debunked your own argument there.

  • que¿

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    We You debunked your own argument there.

  • I had no idea a controller was a person.

    Wait a second. You purposely threw somebody else onto a fucking spider and are able to sleep at night?

  • Sadly...

    Shank you. See what I did there?

  • edited August 2016

    You're welcome. I recommend checking this rip out especially. I must say, it is quite Grand. ;)

    While I don't like Undertale, I think the soundtrack is stellar and I appreciate the link.

  • You said "we", even though you didn't ask the people in the forums if they cringe at me.

    Kinda ruins your roast, y'know. :>

    papai46 posted: »


  • edited August 2016

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You said "we", even though you didn't ask the people in the forums if they cringe at me. Kinda ruins your roast, y'know. :>

  • That's a plenty of memes, well done.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

  • anyone else hyped for green day's new single coming out today?

  • edited August 2016

    HOLY SHIT IT'S TODAY?!?I thought it was tomorrow for some reason!

    Aw no it is tomorrow for me. CURSES TIME ZONES!!! Yeah I am really hyped though.

    anyone else hyped for green day's new single coming out today?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    Just as a heads up, the broken spoiler tags for particular Telltale series/episodes should be fixed now. Descriptions for which episode/series is being discussed will currently not be shown, but I believe the web team should be fixing that in the future.

  • I bummed the WWE Network off of my brother. It's pretty damn cool. I'm watching a lot of the old ECW stuff, and there's no way you could get away with some of that stuff anymore. If someone in WWE pulled a "Heatwave Incident" today, there'd probably be lawsuits up the ass.

  • Hey guys, news flash.

    The flag button dosen't do shit. Either it dosen't do anything, or it takes fucking forever.

  • The flag button only sends the comment to a mod to evaluate, it doesn't automatically erase it.

    Hey guys, news flash. The flag button dosen't do shit. Either it dosen't do anything, or it takes fucking forever.

  • Well, it still fails.

    papai46 posted: »

    The flag button only sends the comment to a mod to evaluate, it doesn't automatically erase it.

  • I was shot by the government

  • I am kept in solitary confinement by the government.

    I was shot by the government

  • edited August 2016

    It works for me.

    Let's see if the mods can see flag messages. @Deltino, do you see them?

    Well, it still fails.

  • The government ate my children

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I am kept in solitary confinement by the government.

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