I predict that my heart will break, first of all. Clementine and Javier will meet after a time-skip. Clem will be looking after AJ and Javier will be looking after his family.
I think the main antagonists will be cult-like. They force people into their society and brand them and use them as slaves. Javier and his people were there, but they managed to escape. Maybe someone he cared for couldn't escape or they were captured again. Clementine also is against these people for some reason.
Clementine and Javier start off as strangers. They are completely neutral towards each other, and not sure if they can trust one another. Gradually, they open up towards each other on their journey. We learn about Javier and what happened to Clementine through flashbacks. They are actually sharing the contents of the flashbacks to one another. They become friends and equals.
They will eventually run into the main antagonists. I know that cults can be pretty sadistic, but I do want and hope that they will be morally grey. Their actions are sick, but they have their reasons. The characters have unique personalities and redeemable qualities despite their actions. Depending on behavior, Clem and Javi can be punished. Clem can lose her finger and Javi can be branded.
I feel like the zombies in the slaughter house are used for some kind of weird worship or for punishment. Maybe if someone commits a large sin against the cult, they force someone weaponless into the slaughterhouse. Or they go the extra mile and unleash some walkers with a guilty person in some pit. Maybe they even kill people and feed them to the walkers. I want something insane, but presented in a way that makes it seem reasonable.
So Jane and Kenny and everything else is explained in the flashbacks. Maybe the cultists (or whatever they are) are holding onto them and they aren't dead. The capturing of Jane or Kenny can also explain why Clementine regards the antagonists as antagonists. I think the season will largely focus on Clementine's relationship with Javier and her becoming AJ's "Lee."
That panel just looked so good. I have my worries, but I get the feeling that this season will be amazing.
Edit: Oh, and some members of the society will seem completely normal. They don't worship walkers or anything, and are just in it for survival. Get a good mix. I'm tired, so ignore any mistakes in here.
I predict that my heart will break, first of all. Clementine and Javier will meet after a time-skip. Clem will be looking after AJ and Javie… morer will be looking after his family.
I think the main antagonists will be cult-like. They force people into their society and brand them and use them as slaves. Javier and his people were there, but they managed to escape. Maybe someone he cared for couldn't escape or they were captured again. Clementine also is against these people for some reason.
Clementine and Javier start off as strangers. They are completely neutral towards each other, and not sure if they can trust one another. Gradually, they open up towards each other on their journey. We learn about Javier and what happened to Clementine through flashbacks. They are actually sharing the contents of the flashbacks to one another. They become friends and equals.
They will eventually run into the main antagonists. I know that cults can be p… [view original content]
I agree with everything you said except for the part about Javier and his family/people being former prisoners/slaves of the Antagonists. We've already had that whole story twice with both the Cabin Group escaping Carver's community from Season 2, and Sam's family Escaping Norma's and Randall's colony /community from The Michonne Miniseries. The same thing happening with Javier and his family/group/people with the antagonists in season 3 would just be bad and very repetitive writing on Telltale's part. Perhaps they could put a spin on it and Clementine could be the one that is captured, and Javi and his group find out about it and go and save her since she's just a young girl? Maybe they could even find out that she has a toddler with her and that pushes them to risk rescuing them? Then after they are rescued that's when we learn what happened following the endings of Season 2 as Clementine tells her story and explains it all to Javier and his group up to present time. As she's doing this we may also see actual flashbacks showing us what happened to Kenny and Jane as well as Howe's Hardware, Wellington, and how her and AJ survived for so long together and how they were eventually taken by the cult.
I predict that my heart will break, first of all. Clementine and Javier will meet after a time-skip. Clem will be looking after AJ and Javie… morer will be looking after his family.
I think the main antagonists will be cult-like. They force people into their society and brand them and use them as slaves. Javier and his people were there, but they managed to escape. Maybe someone he cared for couldn't escape or they were captured again. Clementine also is against these people for some reason.
Clementine and Javier start off as strangers. They are completely neutral towards each other, and not sure if they can trust one another. Gradually, they open up towards each other on their journey. We learn about Javier and what happened to Clementine through flashbacks. They are actually sharing the contents of the flashbacks to one another. They become friends and equals.
They will eventually run into the main antagonists. I know that cults can be p… [view original content]
We will see completely different Clem in twd s3. In 1st interview in ign e3 they said everyone can play even who didn't started twd s1 and s2. So Choices are important from both season but Clem will be alone very soon with Aj.
I agree with everything you said except for the part about Javier and his family/people being former prisoners/slaves of the Antagonists. We… more've already had that whole story twice with both the Cabin Group escaping Carver's community from Season 2, and Sam's family Escaping Norma's and Randall's colony /community from The Michonne Miniseries. The same thing happening with Javier and his family/group/people with the antagonists in season 3 would just be bad and very repetitive writing on Telltale's part. Perhaps they could put a spin on it and Clementine could be the one that is captured, and Javi and his group find out about it and go and save her since she's just a young girl? Maybe they could even find out that she has a toddler with her and that pushes them to risk rescuing them? Then after they are rescued that's when we learn what happened following the endings of Season 2 as Clementine tells her story and explains it all to Javier and hi… [view original content]
We could still play season 2 without season 1 so what's your point? Playing season 3 without 1 and 2 will basically randomise the previous events in Clems life, just like it did in season 2. Our choices from season 2 will effect dialogue only like from season 1.
All Job said there was. We have an import previous save feature like last time.
We will see completely different Clem in twd s3. In 1st interview in ign e3 they said everyone can play even who didn't started twd s1 and s2. So Choices are important from both season but Clem will be alone very soon with Aj.
I predict that Kenny will be with Clem in Season 3 additionally The Walking Dead Season 3 may perhaps be Clem's main goal is will be looking after AJ on the other hand we see Javier with Clem in the trailer taking down a zombie with a symbol similar to Javier so they must be hunting or searching for a group who maybe have kidnapped Kenny.
I think that depending on our several endings back in Season Two we might see Kenny or Jane through flashbacks, and, if I am so bold, Telltale Games may provide us with an actual surprise making our endings matter at some point in the current timeline.
I predict that Kenny will be with Clem in Season 3 additionally The Walking Dead Season 3 may perhaps be Clem's main goal is will be looking… more after AJ on the other hand we see Javier with Clem in the trailer taking down a zombie with a symbol similar to Javier so they must be hunting or searching for a group who maybe have kidnapped Kenny.
I think Clementine or Javier will bumb into Samantha Determiant , Paige, James and Alex?
Clementine or Javier will bumb into Samantha… more
Javier will bumb into Samantha
Javier will bumb into Samantha
Uh? Wait...
Javier into Samantha
That's soooooo racist. Latin America is huuuge and no all latins are mexican. Javier is cuban. And why do you do a refference to his ethnicity when talking about shipping I Mean WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?
That's soooooo racist. Latin America is huuuge and no all latins are mexican. Javier is cuban. And why do you do a refference to his ethnicity when talking about shipping I Mean WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?
I predict a good link with the comics, also, I'm thinking that Clem will survive this season.
I predict that my heart will break, first of all. Clementine and Javier will meet after a time-skip. Clem will be looking after AJ and Javier will be looking after his family.
I think the main antagonists will be cult-like. They force people into their society and brand them and use them as slaves. Javier and his people were there, but they managed to escape. Maybe someone he cared for couldn't escape or they were captured again. Clementine also is against these people for some reason.
Clementine and Javier start off as strangers. They are completely neutral towards each other, and not sure if they can trust one another. Gradually, they open up towards each other on their journey. We learn about Javier and what happened to Clementine through flashbacks. They are actually sharing the contents of the flashbacks to one another. They become friends and equals.
They will eventually run into the main antagonists. I know that cults can be pretty sadistic, but I do want and hope that they will be morally grey. Their actions are sick, but they have their reasons. The characters have unique personalities and redeemable qualities despite their actions. Depending on behavior, Clem and Javi can be punished. Clem can lose her finger and Javi can be branded.
I feel like the zombies in the slaughter house are used for some kind of weird worship or for punishment. Maybe if someone commits a large sin against the cult, they force someone weaponless into the slaughterhouse. Or they go the extra mile and unleash some walkers with a guilty person in some pit. Maybe they even kill people and feed them to the walkers. I want something insane, but presented in a way that makes it seem reasonable.
So Jane and Kenny and everything else is explained in the flashbacks. Maybe the cultists (or whatever they are) are holding onto them and they aren't dead. The capturing of Jane or Kenny can also explain why Clementine regards the antagonists as antagonists. I think the season will largely focus on Clementine's relationship with Javier and her becoming AJ's "Lee."
That panel just looked so good. I have my worries, but I get the feeling that this season will be amazing.
Edit: Oh, and some members of the society will seem completely normal. They don't worship walkers or anything, and are just in it for survival. Get a good mix. I'm tired, so ignore any mistakes in here.
AJ will cry.
Calling it right now, sorry guys.
Some shit is gonna go down, I tell you what.
AJ and Kenny/Jane (determinant) will probably die. I don't want them to, but chances of them surviving are pretty damn low.
Everything you said would be amazing to see happen.
The bad guys will have a zombie army, in the slaughterhouse.
I agree with everything you said except for the part about Javier and his family/people being former prisoners/slaves of the Antagonists. We've already had that whole story twice with both the Cabin Group escaping Carver's community from Season 2, and Sam's family Escaping Norma's and Randall's colony /community from The Michonne Miniseries. The same thing happening with Javier and his family/group/people with the antagonists in season 3 would just be bad and very repetitive writing on Telltale's part. Perhaps they could put a spin on it and Clementine could be the one that is captured, and Javi and his group find out about it and go and save her since she's just a young girl? Maybe they could even find out that she has a toddler with her and that pushes them to risk rescuing them? Then after they are rescued that's when we learn what happened following the endings of Season 2 as Clementine tells her story and explains it all to Javier and his group up to present time. As she's doing this we may also see actual flashbacks showing us what happened to Kenny and Jane as well as Howe's Hardware, Wellington, and how her and AJ survived for so long together and how they were eventually taken by the cult.
We will see completely different Clem in twd s3. In 1st interview in ign e3 they said everyone can play even who didn't started twd s1 and s2. So Choices are important from both season but Clem will be alone very soon with Aj.
I think a zombie bites her finger so she has to cut it off.
The final decision determines whether Javier or Clementine survives the season, but is not upfront about it in the moment that it presents itself.
Oh yeah. I haven't played Michonne yet, so I didn't know escape was a big thing. Either way, it would be kind of repetitive. I like your ideas.
Thank you!
I have hope everything is going to be fine and both will survive and be happy ever after in Oceanside with SAM x JAVI 4 S3
Still going on about that? Sam's determinant. Determinant = Dead
Sam needs her redemption. I'm 80% sure she will show up, with burning in her face or not.
The Zombies attack people, people die.
Too bad that The Wolf Among Us didn't have a dream sequence.
Edit: actually I'm pretry sure Bigby once had a nightame of Bloody Mary in E4, I think.
I think Clementine or Javier will bumb into Samantha Determiant , Paige, James and Alex?
Maybe in Oceanside??
You are correct, it's the first event in the episode following the Previously On.
Uh? Wait...
We could still play season 2 without season 1 so what's your point? Playing season 3 without 1 and 2 will basically randomise the previous events in Clems life, just like it did in season 2. Our choices from season 2 will effect dialogue only like from season 1.
All Job said there was. We have an import previous save feature like last time.
I predict that Kenny will be with Clem in Season 3 additionally The Walking Dead Season 3 may perhaps be Clem's main goal is will be looking after AJ on the other hand we see Javier with Clem in the trailer taking down a zombie with a symbol similar to Javier so they must be hunting or searching for a group who maybe have kidnapped Kenny.
I think that depending on our several endings back in Season Two we might see Kenny or Jane through flashbacks, and, if I am so bold, Telltale Games may provide us with an actual surprise making our endings matter at some point in the current timeline.
With Love, Lady Chusets.
Isn't that what you wanted?
Like...inside her
Uhg... now I can get that picture off my head.
Kill me now.
Sam: You know, I never realized just how good Mexican food was--Javier was delicious!
There is absolutely no connection between Javier and Mexican food.
That's soooooo racist. Latin America is huuuge and no all latins are mexican. Javier is cuban. And why do you do a refference to his ethnicity when talking about shipping I Mean WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?
My prediction is that Javier is into men, or he's bisexual.
I'm so sorry, I just found out! I just assumed Javier was a Mexican Name; My Bad!
This. ALL of this. SO. MUCH!
I will cringe so fucking hard if that is true
....[raises taser]
Brooo he can like whoever he wants, so long as it isn't underage kids...or horses o_o or leprechauns.