These are my mains right now though I do plan on replaying Witcher 3 and Rise of The Tomb Raider soon.
Mass Effect 1 (waiting for the others to be backwards compatible)
King's Quest
Nba 2k16
dishonored definitive edition,fallout 4, call of duty black ops 3, tom clancys the division, i sometimes play yakuza 4 and killer is dead on my ps3 and im playing freedom wars on my ps vita.
Sadly no, I only bought the base game and the Napoleonic wars DLC. If I knew I'd get so immersed into it I'd buy the whole DLC collection. Oh well, maybe next sale.
At first there was a lot of bugs. But then they updated it into Reforged Edition and fixed the bugs and added lots of improvement.
I have to say that the game is added some new features that make things more fun than the base game. It is easier to form relations with the lords and you can give them gifts. And the added ship traveling really gives a lot more freedom to the gameplay. And you can decide whatever you want to start out as an adventurer, lord or king.
My main nitpick about this game is that it is set in Viking age, so the architecture isn't as impressive and some city are larger than it needs to be, as it makes it difficult to find the mayors. And there are less horse combat and more infantry combat. But hey, at least you can control your ship during naval battle.
Sadly no, I only bought the base game and the Napoleonic wars DLC. If I knew I'd get so immersed into it I'd buy the whole DLC collection. Oh well, maybe next sale.
How is it compared to the base game?
Alright. Posting in this one now since someone found it.
Still going at the same game, Two World II, as I only really have found time to play an hour or so a day. Tonight I made the classic RPG mistake of not listening to what someone was saying and now I have no idea what to do. Time to wander around!
Otherwise I'm trying to go easy on the video games, as I have a lot of school / political stuff in play ATM. Looking forward to Skyrim with console mods.
Alright. Posting in this one now since someone found it.
Still going at the same game, Two World II, as I only really have found time to… more play an hour or so a day. Tonight I made the classic RPG mistake of not listening to what someone was saying and now I have no idea what to do. Time to wander around!
Funnily enough I'm playing almost the exact same games I was playing a while back. Stardew Valley, Skyrim and Dark Souls II, with some new additions like Penumbra Overture and Paladins. I also got into TF2 fairly recently, brilliant game, I must say.
Still playing Madden 17 mostly. I'm using the Browns in franchise mode which is sad but I wanted to have a team I could rebuild from scratch lol.
I'm also still playing Lies of Astaroth which is addicting to play when you got nothing else to do. I still haven't gotten a level 5 card yet though.
Resident evil revelations 2 is a game I am also playing too. I'm playing through raid mode right now which is really fun. I beat the story though I plan on playing it again very soon since I freaking loved it. It is definetly my favorite game I have played all year and is the best RE game I have played. (So far because keep in mind I have only played 5,6, and part of 4. All of which were fun as well.)
I'm also still playing witcher 3 but haven't played it in a couple days because I've been busy.
When I have the time, I play a lot of Overwatch, Fallout 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, Destiny, Witcher and Halo. My wife recently installed Sunset Overdrive and I've been hooked!
I remember when I first saw the older thread closed I was like "dafuq is this closed for?", but then I saw this bumped. Glad we still have a thread like this here.
Anyway, I'm playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for the first time and just... wow. I've just started the final act and it's been crazy throughout.
I may start playing resident 4 tonight when it comes out on xbox one. I figured I might because I never actually beat the game. I got stuck at a part when i was younger. Another reason to play is because I am trying to go through all the main canon games at some point. Already beast Revelations 2,5, and 6 (though I plan on rebuying 6 eventually since I don't remember much of it.)
Just beat Playdead's Inside. One of the most interesting and yet disturbing games I've ever played.
Beautiful, shocking, and grand. Wasn't too sure it'd top their previous Limbo, but the ending is truly a surrealist masterclass.
True. Much reflection is needed however to understand some of it's subtle narrative complexities cause fuck that section toward the end threw a screwball into whole analysis.
Picked up Borderlands GOTY edition. Been playing that quite a bit, level 22 already and I 100% both Arid Badlands (and the side areas) and Dahl Headlands.
Been playing FNAF 2 very recently for a video I'm planning, not fun at all, but better than the first game.
Got Dark Souls III on my PC recently and I played a bit of that, but I stopped playing because I enjoy Borderlands much more.
I play Paladins once a day now because that is a damn fine game. I always play for about 3 hours and I already have 2 mains who I have high levels on. Love the shit out of that game.
And last but not least, I'm trying to finish Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on Expert mode with 100%, and if there are any seasoned Splinter Cell veterans in the chat, I have a question. For some reason, somewhere in the Cargo Ship, I accidentally tripped an alarm at some point. But no bodies were found, nobody saw me, nobody was attacked and I haven't even fired my gun once. Any idea what's going on here?
Inside, if you don't mind a short 2-ish hour side scrolling game experience that is extremely engaging in terms of abstract story-telling and one of the best game endings I've seen since Spec Ops: The Line.
Just keep yourself in as much of the dark as you can if you're into Playdead's previous game Limbo and want a somewhat similar experience.
Other than that, Rise of the Tomb Raider is coming out I believe mid-September, which I'm personally hyped for. But in terms of games that you could get immediately, I'd say it's worth checking out Ape Escape 2 HD if you like games a bit more silly and unconventional.
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst isn't super new, but it's got a bad rep. I genuinely enjoyed it a fair bit.
Im more into big aaa time sinks. I played the first mirrors edge and found it to be boring, I liked the last tomb raider but I doubt I'll be getting the new one release day im not excited enough.
What I need is a survival horror like resident evil im still pissed about silent hills. Thanks for the recommendations.
Inside, if you don't mind a short 2-ish hour side scrolling game experience that is extremely engaging in terms of abstract story-telling an… mored one of the best game endings I've seen since Spec Ops: The Line.
Just keep yourself in as much of the dark as you can if you're into Playdead's previous game Limbo and want a somewhat similar experience.
Other than that, Rise of the Tomb Raider is coming out I believe mid-September, which I'm personally hyped for. But in terms of games that you could get immediately, I'd say it's worth checking out Ape Escape 2 HD if you like games a bit more silly and unconventional.
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst isn't super new, but it's got a bad rep. I genuinely enjoyed it a fair bit.
And I'm gonna go for completion.
I can't stop playing it. Please send help.
Bully Scholarship Edition.
i got nba for free last month havent played it yet and cant afford overwatch yet lol
dishonored definitive edition,fallout 4, call of duty black ops 3, tom clancys the division, i sometimes play yakuza 4 and killer is dead on my ps3 and im playing freedom wars on my ps vita.
Yeah...I know how you feel bro...
Are you also playing Mount and Blade: Viking Conquest?
Sadly no, I only bought the base game and the Napoleonic wars DLC. If I knew I'd get so immersed into it I'd buy the whole DLC collection.
Oh well, maybe next sale.
How is it compared to the base game?
At first there was a lot of bugs. But then they updated it into Reforged Edition and fixed the bugs and added lots of improvement.
I have to say that the game is added some new features that make things more fun than the base game. It is easier to form relations with the lords and you can give them gifts. And the added ship traveling really gives a lot more freedom to the gameplay. And you can decide whatever you want to start out as an adventurer, lord or king.
My main nitpick about this game is that it is set in Viking age, so the architecture isn't as impressive and some city are larger than it needs to be, as it makes it difficult to find the mayors. And there are less horse combat and more infantry combat. But hey, at least you can control your ship during naval battle.
Furi is free this month on ps+ if your a fan of afro samurai (the show not the game) check it out
Currently "Inside". Freaking great game. Hunting collectables right now for that secret ending.
Currently started playing Sid Meier's Civilization V. :^)
Currently playing The Division again. Great game, if you ask me.
Alright. Posting in this one now since someone found it.
Still going at the same game, Two World II, as I only really have found time to play an hour or so a day. Tonight I made the classic RPG mistake of not listening to what someone was saying and now I have no idea what to do. Time to wander around!
i'm gonna start playing l4d2 campaigns all over again. that is if my shrek mod works because i fucking hate the tanks looks, music and sounds lmfao.
The Resident Evil 1 & 3(Nemesis) Workshop mods are awesome campaigns. Been playing a lot of custom campaigns lately.
Pokemon Red in Spanish.
Otherwise I'm trying to go easy on the video games, as I have a lot of school / political stuff in play ATM. Looking forward to Skyrim with console mods.
An hour a day?
At that rate, you'll be done in a few years.
We should play together some time.
Funnily enough I'm playing almost the exact same games I was playing a while back. Stardew Valley, Skyrim and Dark Souls II, with some new additions like Penumbra Overture and Paladins. I also got into TF2 fairly recently, brilliant game, I must say.
Had great fun on GTA V last night.
Still playing Madden 17 mostly. I'm using the Browns in franchise mode which is sad but I wanted to have a team I could rebuild from scratch lol.
I'm also still playing Lies of Astaroth which is addicting to play when you got nothing else to do. I still haven't gotten a level 5 card yet though.
Resident evil revelations 2 is a game I am also playing too. I'm playing through raid mode right now which is really fun. I beat the story though I plan on playing it again very soon since I freaking loved it. It is definetly my favorite game I have played all year and is the best RE game I have played. (So far because keep in mind I have only played 5,6, and part of 4. All of which were fun as well.)
I'm also still playing witcher 3 but haven't played it in a couple days because I've been busy.
When I have the time, I play a lot of Overwatch, Fallout 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, Destiny, Witcher and Halo. My wife recently installed Sunset Overdrive and I've been hooked!
I remember when I first saw the older thread closed I was like "dafuq is this closed for?", but then I saw this bumped. Glad we still have a thread like this here.
Anyway, I'm playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for the first time and just... wow. I've just started the final act and it's been crazy throughout.
I may start playing resident 4 tonight when it comes out on xbox one. I figured I might because I never actually beat the game. I got stuck at a part when i was younger. Another reason to play is because I am trying to go through all the main canon games at some point. Already beast Revelations 2,5, and 6 (though I plan on rebuying 6 eventually since I don't remember much of it.)
Battlefield 1 Beta
Just beat Playdead's Inside. One of the most interesting and yet disturbing games I've ever played.
Beautiful, shocking, and grand. Wasn't too sure it'd top their previous Limbo, but the ending is truly a surrealist masterclass.
I really enjoyed it as well. A game's length isn't everything.
True. Much reflection is needed however to understand some of it's subtle narrative complexities cause fuck that section toward the end threw a screwball into whole analysis.
I bought Valiant Hearts at Steam Summer Sale and I plan to finish it until Civilization VI comes out, then I'll stick with that game.
Space Quest 1(VGA)
I haven't given up on Two World II yet, but I decided to play this one tonight as I've only played the original version many moons ago.
Picked up Borderlands GOTY edition. Been playing that quite a bit, level 22 already and I 100% both Arid Badlands (and the side areas) and Dahl Headlands.
Been playing FNAF 2 very recently for a video I'm planning, not fun at all, but better than the first game.
Got Dark Souls III on my PC recently and I played a bit of that, but I stopped playing because I enjoy Borderlands much more.
I play Paladins once a day now because that is a damn fine game. I always play for about 3 hours and I already have 2 mains who I have high levels on. Love the shit out of that game.
And last but not least, I'm trying to finish Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on Expert mode with 100%, and if there are any seasoned Splinter Cell veterans in the chat, I have a question. For some reason, somewhere in the Cargo Ship, I accidentally tripped an alarm at some point. But no bodies were found, nobody saw me, nobody was attacked and I haven't even fired my gun once. Any idea what's going on here?
Morrowind! A classic game with an okayish graphics but cool story! Also got my hands on Dragon Age (another awesome game).
Thats a sad game
Are there any ps4 games worth getting hyped for? Im in a bit of a gaming rut nothing is engaging me at the moment.
It's ok, I love sad stuff.
Do you mean games that aren't out yet?
Well, I don't own a PS4 yet but there are definitely some games I'm looking forward to.
Inside, if you don't mind a short 2-ish hour side scrolling game experience that is extremely engaging in terms of abstract story-telling and one of the best game endings I've seen since Spec Ops: The Line.
Just keep yourself in as much of the dark as you can if you're into Playdead's previous game Limbo and want a somewhat similar experience.
Other than that, Rise of the Tomb Raider is coming out I believe mid-September, which I'm personally hyped for. But in terms of games that you could get immediately, I'd say it's worth checking out Ape Escape 2 HD if you like games a bit more silly and unconventional.
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst isn't super new, but it's got a bad rep. I genuinely enjoyed it a fair bit.
Im more into big aaa time sinks. I played the first mirrors edge and found it to be boring, I liked the last tomb raider but I doubt I'll be getting the new one release day im not excited enough.
What I need is a survival horror like resident evil im still pissed about silent hills. Thanks for the recommendations.
Whats got you hyped?