The Vent/Help Thread



  • Social media is a complete waste of time.

    The best guy to date is the guy who doesn't have social media

  • This comment combined with the one above has me feeling slightly worried. You are clearly quite depressed. Try to lift you spirits and make yourself feel human again have a healthy snack and go outside sit in a park and come back to life, by sitting inside and playing computer or watching tv you are disconnecting even more hell by talking to faceless strangers online you are disconnecting from reality.

    Walk to a farther store than usual and get some exercise with a end goal smile at the cashier and say thank you, even better you could browse a comic or collectable store. reconnect with reality you actually sound so ill right now I dont even think you know it.

    Dog walking is great for me when I feel down it just gives me a reason to walk about, you need to try and find something you get pleasure from that isnt so lonely.

    Think my soul has left me today, feel like nothing but an empty shell. It's been a while since I've felt like this. I feel heavy, yet weight

  • Clockwork Orange was great. Warriors was awful in almost every single aspect imo.

    Warriors is a fantastic movie next you will be dissing clockwork orange. Warriors would be a terrible candidate for a remake it was a film of its time young'uns dont get the classics I guess.

  • Sorry to hear that :(

    joriandrake posted: »

    yay me, having a fucked up week and making it fucked up for others too.... damn it

  • This is very good advice. You need to get out of the house and reconnect with reality.

    This comment combined with the one above has me feeling slightly worried. You are clearly quite depressed. Try to lift you spirits and make

  • Today has been a very strange day, can't recall last time I felt like this. I'll be heading out this weekend as it's a bank holiday. I do have a comic shop to go also, actually driving my friend up there too.

    I have been riding my bike recently, but stopped as it's way hot right now. Unusually hot in England right now. I would like a pet but unfortunately my family arent too keen on them.

    Also, thank you. These things are what I needed to hear

    This comment combined with the one above has me feeling slightly worried. You are clearly quite depressed. Try to lift you spirits and make

  • Those insults are really too much, calm down.

    Sorry to vent again so soon, but this has definitely gotten under my skin. Onision is a god damn fucking cunt. He's such a fucking moroni

  • That'd be ideal. It's all just showing off to everyone anyways.

    The best guy to date is the guy who doesn't have social media

  • That is a bit too much. You need to get back to 'real life' and see what's up with existing people lol.

    Feel so detached from the real world. I think more about fictional characters and stuff more than real life people. Every day is just a wait to get home so I can watch and play stuff.

  • Warning : I might be overreacting.

    Ahh, the feeling of nothing, just a void, you can't even sad at all. You can not cry because there is nothing. It is a heavy kind of emptiness, isn't it? Well, it is just like that. There are days where you won't feel anything (THERAPISTS/PSYCHOLOGISTS WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH I AM JUST A STRANGER), and don't get too mad over that. You can't feel 24/7.

    It's a part of life and just accept it por favor. "If I ever had any..". I hate this shit. I hate this. (Hyperbole !!) Instead of building up that confidence, faking it till you make it (become it), you just decide to ..ahh give up, I've never been confident and I never will be. That's like a shitty version of easy mode in life lol. Go read a book about it, google it, ask somebody, just DO something. And by do I don't mean play video games and watch anime. Those are only for entertainment and free time.

    The easiest things is just to think and think and complain and sit in house. That won't bring you SHIT. Get outside and walk to park, smile to a random stranger, ask someone their name, you have nothing to lose.

    Think my soul has left me today, feel like nothing but an empty shell. It's been a while since I've felt like this. I feel heavy, yet weight

  • Dayum girl. Cold hard truth right there.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Warning : I might be overreacting. Ahh, the feeling of nothing, just a void, you can't even sad at all. You can not cry because there is

  • Wouldn't say that's overreacting. That's more giving me the truth, which isn't really overreacting.

    I could feel your hand come out my screen and truth slap me.

    Only problem is free time, 8-5:30 all week just tires me out!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Warning : I might be overreacting. Ahh, the feeling of nothing, just a void, you can't even sad at all. You can not cry because there is

  • I know it is a figurative way of speaking (your comment) but it isn't that cold to be frank. We just make it seem hard and tough ourselves. I've finally, thank God, realized some things myself. I sound like a teacher overanalyzing lol.

    Dayum girl. Cold hard truth right there.

  • I can get pretty rant-y haha. It is all from personal experience. :3

    Words slap harder. Hmm, well yeah that sounds tiring but you can relax for anhour at home and go outside. You are a young guy, experience life while you can.

    Wouldn't say that's overreacting. That's more giving me the truth, which isn't really overreacting. I could feel your hand come out my screen and truth slap me. Only problem is free time, 8-5:30 all week just tires me out!

  • The world would be a better place if everyone was less worried about sex. Boning isn't a life changing event and nobody owes you pussy/dick (unless there's money on the line, of course).

    This kid's got the right ideal. Women need to lower their standards so that I can fulfill my self-entitled power fantasies and not have to do shit in order to obtain it. Cuckboi of the year.

  • Alienation, I know it well. What gets me out of that rut is new experiences and places.

    Feel so detached from the real world. I think more about fictional characters and stuff more than real life people. Every day is just a wait to get home so I can watch and play stuff.

  • BUT I'M A GOOD GUY DOE!!!!1!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The world would be a better place if everyone was less worried about sex. Boning isn't a life changing event and nobody owes you pussy/dick (unless there's money on the line, of course).

  • edited August 2016

    I am in a tough situation here and I do appreciate advice.

    There is a classmate of mine which we will call Jay—we've been in the same class for more than ten years, since you don't have to move schools where I live, and you have the same twenty classmates for over a decade. Jay is central to my dilemma. He has had quite some familiar trouble in the last couple of years, though he is currently living with his grandfather. Let's just say that the grandfather is not the best of influences, though I assume that he is a paternal figure of sorts.

    Jay had been living abroad last year but he came back on 2016 and rejoined our class. He is holding a streak of bad behavior in class, and I am not exaggerating when I say that…

    • He interrupts on every single course every day, winning earfuls from all of our teachers.
    • He offends and mocks a select number of classmates on a daily basis, and one in particular, commenting on her "unattractive physical features."
    • He used spray paint within the class.
    • He sneaked a survival knife into the school.
    • He qualified a second classmate as an "idiot," leading her to break down.
    • He qualified one of our teachers as "retarded" and questioned her intellect, employing rhetoric to ask what could be expected of her as she is only a teacher, all of this in front of our maths teacher.
    • He vandalizes the class, leaving marks on the wall by using a hammer that he also brought to school.

    …clearly to gain attention. The maths teacher aforementioned caught his attention after class—I was the only one there beside the two—but Jay refused to listen, because he thinks that he is superior to everybody else for some reason.

    Today, however, a breach was surpassed. See, our school is different than those in other parts of the world. It is composed of about six buildings, and there is a common playground that connects them. During recess, Jay tossed a soccer ball onto the head of four students, two of which he didn't even know. Believe me when I say that I managed to prevent random people a long-lasting headache, while a group of five on-lookers from my class watched the scene. There was no teacher around to notice what happened.

    A parenthesis. Because the majority of male students in my class cannot take anything seriously, they elected Jay as class president this year. Like I said before, we are an indivisible class, for which we have a head teacher for two years. Our current head teacher clearly disapproves of Jay's behavior, and this year she has pointed out that she fears Jay was elected as a means of comedy, which is the case for sure. Nonetheless, she has shown to be supportive of Jay and his personal difficulties.

    I know that our head teacher will be having a meeting with Jay's mother sometime next week. I am understanding of his deep trouble, but I believe that he should not be allowed to consciously have trantums unpunished forever. That said, I think that hurting other students is enough to have him suspended.

    Should I talk to our head teacher and allow her to be aware of the situation? This would be the most obvious choice to make, and it might ultimately have Jay reconsider the way he goes on about life.

    Should I keep quiet, which is what my father recommended, under the explanation that I will be hated by my classmates for life if I dare to get Jay punished? It is possible that they would find out I told on him since I was the one stopping him from tossing the ball any more. It's important to point out that more than half of our class is tired of his shit, though.

    Should I talk to our maths teacher, given that we are both on the same page about Jay's behavior, and ask her to talk to our head teacher? This is also an option, though it would be awkward to carry it on when I could talk to our head teacher directly. However, our maths teacher would probably show her support to me were anything to go south with my classmates.

  • Tossed a soccer ball onto the head . . . isn't that what soccer balls are for? I'm not sure why this is such a crime. Maybe an annoyance. It doesn't sound like anybody really got hurt.

    In my experience, most school elections are comedic in nature. Our class elected a guy as prom queen. Alas, the administration would not honor the election results, and all kinds of interesting radical freedom protest literature followed that.

    Anyway, getting him suspended isn't likely to fix anything and might cause difficulties for you. I'm with your dad on this one for now. Let the teachers deal with the behavior they already know about, and see what comes of that.

  • edited August 2016

    In my experience, soccer balls—also called footballs—are used to play soccer—also called football. It honestly didn't look like he was throwing a pillow at people. One of the four students was a boy who must not have been more than twelve and he walked away immediately with tears in his eyes. So yes, the other three possibly were only annoyed, but this kid stuck out.

    I am interested in reading the radical freedom protest literature at that.

    Sincere thanks for your advice! Your comment has completely shifted the direction that I will take at the moment.

    Edited section: It is—somewhat—important to note that Jay was one floor above ground when he tossed the ball, which I suppose incremented the force of it. He repeatedly asked another student that he knew to throw it back at him.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Tossed a soccer ball onto the head . . . isn't that what soccer balls are for? I'm not sure why this is such a crime. Maybe an annoyance.

  • I liked the Warriors. But hey, to each their own! :^)

    A movie that I watched recently for the first time and genuinely disliked is the Butterfly Effect. There isn't a single good thing I can say about it.

    wdfan posted: »

    Was gonna make a thread about it but I think this might be the right place: Man, just saw one of the most disappointing (and awful) movie

  • I feel like I've ruined my relationship with my family.

  • "Real life"...? What's that? (Joke)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That is a bit too much. You need to get back to 'real life' and see what's up with existing people lol.

  • Seems like he's going through a phase. Don't get involved, let the teachers deal with it, just sit back and relax. Not like he's hurting you or something, gotta stop worrying about other people so much and look out a little for yourself.

    Had a similar kid in my class, he used to interrupt all the classes and every teacher hated him, they probably started a cult on figuring out a way to murder him without being suspects lmao. He was an annoyance if anything though, he didn't vandalize the school or bring survival knives, he just tried to be "cool" and get attention, which he got, people laughing at him and teachers shouting at him. He went to a different high school after that, which I'm sure no one is sad about.


  • I've known a couple of kids like that in my old school (well, they weren't really kids but you get it) and let me tell you something -- everything stayed the same. Yeah, they'd all talk to a school psychologist, teachers etc, but nope. So you, I believe so, can't make teachers do anything because they'd already have done something. ;)

    You two are grade 10, I suppose, so that would make him 16? He obviously isn't mature enough. The best you can do is don't let him make fun of you first. You can always defend your classmates, by replying something witty, but don't get too mad, you can't change him nor can teachers since he doesn't show any respect toward them.

    He has issues nobody probably knows about, although that doesn't excuse him for making bs around the school, and what'd make him stop a bkt would probably be that nobody (from your class) agrees with him nlr finds him funny.

    Tl;dr : You'd be better off not asking teavhers for help. Either try asking him why does he do that and does he know that others don't actually like his behavior. You can either take matters in your own hands or let it all go. I prefer former.

  • What happened man?

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I feel like I've ruined my relationship with my family.

  • Every time I go out in lolita I seem to pass multiple groups of japanese people they always look and start talking to each other in confused tones. One of the first times I wore lolita there was some type of conference in town or something because the place was crawling with japanese business men it was weird, that day I saw about 200 men with identicle briefcases they were clearly only in the country for a short time and they seemed totally confused by primark but loved burger king, the queue was huge, that day was odd.

  • ? what happened

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I feel like I've ruined my relationship with my family.

  • Do him a favor and let the teachers know. If he keeps on this behavior he's only going to dig himself a grave. It just leads to more bad behavior so if you tell then the teachers will likely help him. Tell them to keep you anonymous though.

  • I really hate when I see the Season 3 thread has many new comments so I get all excited but it turns out being all the redundant gifs the people derailed the thread with.

  • enter image description here

    The best guy to date is the guy who doesn't have social media

  • How do you wear a lolita isnt that a book about the girl


    Every time I go out in lolita I seem to pass multiple groups of japanese people they always look and start talking to each other in confused

  • I don't think you'd like Rhyiona thread. Idk tho.

    I really hate when I see the Season 3 thread has many new comments so I get all excited but it turns out being all the redundant gifs the people derailed the thread with.

  • I will admit that laying back sounds tempting.

    The problem is that it all has reached a level where the flow of our courses is being affected by his constant interruptions. Most of the male students are praising his behavior because they deem it comical. They are encouraging him to keep his ways. Our head teacher and the maths teacher have approached us about it, to no avail. Other teachers have sent him out of the classroom to take a walk or talk to the inspector.

    I appreciate your advice, CrazedRabbit!

    Seems like he's going through a phase. Don't get involved, let the teachers deal with it, just sit back and relax. Not like he's hurting yo

  • this sums up the whole thread

    I get all excited but it turns out being all the redundant gifs the people derailed the thread with

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I don't think you'd like Rhyiona thread. Idk tho.

  • I have a bit of hope that the school counselor and the external therapist that he is visiting will do some good, though, Marija. But it is clear that he does not respect teachers. The thing is, every class has a class book with a register of remarkable—positive and negative—things, and I would like it if his section had a record of what happened yesterday.

    I would say that we all know what his issues are. First of all, his father lives in Portugal so he has never met him. His mother attempted suicide with a chemical three years ago after she broke up with her boyfriend, so Jay went to live with his grandmother instead. Later, he moved in with his grandfather, while the mother stayed abroad for some months. Around September last year, Jay and his grandpa moved abroad, too. For some unknown reason, Jay and the grandpa came back this year. They do have support of his aunt, for what it's worth.

    Like I told CrazedRabbit, some students in our class encourage him to behave like his does, which only worsens everything.

    Thank you for your advice!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I've known a couple of kids like that in my old school (well, they weren't really kids but you get it) and let me tell you something -- ever

  • Which teacher would you tell? Our head teacher will not be at school on Monday because it is her birthday, though I can contact our maths teacher that day. Other options are waiting for our head teacher until Tuesday or writing her an email, which has a higher chance of keeping me anonymous. I could also talk to the inspector, who knows about Jay's situation closely.

    I fear it will surface that it was me, though—I mean, anybody can easily put two and two together and come to the conclusion that I was the one. I could very well may be demonized by a group of classmates, but some of them might be understanding. Others could make my life a living hell. But if I talked to the inspector instead of our teachers, she would be able to regulate the situation if anything happened with me.

    Do him a favor and let the teachers know. If he keeps on this behavior he's only going to dig himself a grave. It just leads to more bad behavior so if you tell then the teachers will likely help him. Tell them to keep you anonymous though.

  • Tell the inspector then. If someone suspects its you just say you don't know who it is and act "dumb" they wont think it's you.

    Which teacher would you tell? Our head teacher will not be at school on Monday because it is her birthday, though I can contact our maths te

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