Plot Holes in TWDG?
Okay so I'm not going to go completely analytical and try to not to go to far with nitpicking but... I have to say I can recall two times where they had a solution and something popped up and they completely forgot about such solution. Now in Season 1 I had to actually think about any plot holes that actually had something to do with the plot. The only one I could think of was the fact that Kenny had stated that he had a boat in some unknown place and says that's where he would go if things got too bad but he just never looks for his home. (Maybe no maps or things happened to fast though they were there that at the motel for three months so..?) In Season 2 there are plenty. The one that really bugs me however is the fact that before Arvo comes with his posse they were heading out to a town for shelter and food. It bugs me so much because Arvo says let's go to my place which seems just about or further away when I want to just tell Kenny to say fuck that guy let's go to the small town but I guess he forgot along with everyone else just like he forgot about the boat.
Kenny never forgot about the boat, it was stolen by Vernon and the sicklings.
That was a different boat owned by different people they found later on.
Sarah's gun and bullets. They were set up and then never used when the time came.
My theory is the the plot was pieced together with scenes and characters written by different people at different times, therefore the town may have been an actual setting at some point, only to be seeming forgotten when Telltale decided to include Arvo and co. in the eleventh hour. I believe certain things, like Kenny being in the game or Luke's death were always going to happen but the writers and production team toyed with and went back and forth on a lot of different ideas.
Plot holes for season 2
Why can't she just shoot Kenny in the arm for that matter?
The first one you've listed is not a plot hole. Basically, a plot hole is a paradox that contradicts story events that go against what is logically established in the story's lore and/or plot. An example of a plot hole would be if Lee suddenly came back to life in season 3, because it would destroy the established lore surrounding how deadly Walker bites are and the fact that Clem can either shoot him or leave him to reanimate at the end of Season 1. Not being able to fire a warning shot at Kenny and Jane doesn't make it a plot hole, because it doesn't contradict anything in the plot and there isn't anything established (not determinant) insinuating that Clementine would never shoot Kenny.
No Going Back.
I pretty much was ranting about things that didn't make sense for 1 and 2 but number 3 is a polehole. Also, let me give you a real plothole that most people over looked is why does rebbeca dies and Arvo ambushes you at the same point of time, regardless whether you wait a extra day or not? Are you expecting me to believe that Arvo and gang waited a day in the cold miles away from their base to wait 24 hours at the same spot and to believe that rebbeca should've died sooner if not given another day? Also that another day should effected that ending of the howes ending the family should of got their first and we should've been the one being kicked out. This is a true plothole
She was wounded, her sight was all blurred, no way she could aim that well.
I noticed only 2 plot holes in Season 2.
1) Clementine can stop a walker herd like Lee (as seen if you save Nick) but she can't lift a water container.
2) Clementine's bite-wound on the arm is way too big for a human bite. And how the hell Carlos doesn't notice that?
Which is why Sarah shouldn't have been aborted from the story as hastily as possible.
The funny thing about that is I actually thought it could've been a good idea in theory
It's implied that she does. She just doesn't have much experience with it all to be able to handle it up close.
Luke doesn't know a mosquito bite
Clementine gets shot with a rifle, but somehow seems perfectly fine after a short little nap and a thrown together medical job from Kenny and Jane, both of whom, I doubt had any real experience. Kenny gets slashed across the stomach with Jane's knife, drawing blood, but seems A-Okay after just a short few moments even after the struggle he had to (determinedly) kill Jane...Injuries didn't mean shit in season 2.
Haha, true.
It wasn't a super deep cut from Jane's knife. It was enough to draw blood, yes, but not enough to outright kill him, nor was it deep enough to cause internal damage from the looks of it. And I swear I remember reading somewhere that stomach/abdomen wounds have a tendency to bleed quite a bit, even when the injuries are relatively minor. As in, you can get a relatively small cut, but it'll still gush out for a few minutes like something worse happened. Sort of like how nosebleeds look and feel like they're worse than they are. That being said, I don't even know if that's true or not, but I swear I saw that somewhere before.
Clementine getting shot, however... yeah, not as defensible.
I guess so. I just assume he was just growing his hair back, since "Ralph" appeared to be pretty clean.
The fact that Lee ins't immediately devoured by walkers after falling grom the sign.
The fact that Sarah can hear 3 passionate speeches and don't give a shit, but snaps out of it after being slapped (wtf??).
The fact that Clem and Sarah didn't die in the Save Sarah scenario.
The fact that Carver hadn't been overthrown after killing Reggie and that his people were ok with it.
The fact that Hank shoots Alvin. Alvin was in Carver's office, everyone knew that, but somewhy, Hank gets to Carver's office and shoots Alvin. What the fuck?
The fact that in the Wellington endings Clem and Kenny don't look like shit, have no sign of frostbite, exhaustion or fatigue. Also the fact that they're not starving.
The fact that AJ survives 9 days with little to no formula in any ending.
The fact that AJ survives the alone ending.
The fact that Rebecca only dies of bloodloss days after giving birth. (wtf????) Besides, there wasn't even blood in the place she gave birth.
The fact that Sarah starts screaming in the middle of a herd, but is not immediately devoured.
The fact tha everyone is OK with Lee murdering Ben.
Nick's 2nd death.
Actions speak louder than words?
Carver was their leader for who knows how long. Him killing Reggie, a traitor and an amputee, was something they apparently expected. Plus, Carver's supposed to be the smartest one there~which is why they're all screwed!
Well, the announcement feed suddenly cut on just as a zombie herd is getting close. Hank gets up there to shut it off and Alvin is sitting in Carver's chair, with a pistol, not too far away from the speaker system. What would you do?
Sarah lost it when Carlos got chomped, causing walkers to home in on her location. Though she was able to gradually quiet herself down while mourning him, she still nearly got herself grabbed by one but Sarita (who's a lot faster with an axe than you'd think) quickly sliced through it's head, though Clementine could have also done something if she were quick. Everyone else were also fighting walkers at that point so the violence wasn't exactly localized. And finally, ten or so seconds later, Sarita got herself bitten: the angle of the bite and the pose she was in suggests that she was slicing around like a psycho and the walker either grabbed her as she swerved by or she may have even swung her free arm right into its mouth(which is kinda hilarious from a dark point of view).
Its worth noting (if you care for trivia) that Carlos getting shot was not only the cause, but originally, Sarah wasn't the only one who (vocally) reacted. Unused/muffled voice clips have Luke yells for Sarah and tells everyone that they have to run, Rebecca and Mike copies Luke in regards to Carlos, Jane and Rebecca express contrasting suggestions about Sarah running off, Bonnie yells at Taavia to stop, Kenny calls for Rebecca and Mike, Sarita and Kenny call for one another, and Jane eventually just tells everyone to go. Jane and Rebecca even mention in Amid the Ruins that everyone panicked. Plus Carlos getting chomped understandably caused him to also start screaming.
She still managed to shoot Kenny instead of missing or shooting Jane accidentally.
Well, to be fair, Jane was lying on her back while Kenny was on top. That technically made him the larger target.
If only psychology was that simple. Sarah was in such a terrible state psychologically that the world's best psychologist couldn't even cure her right away.
It makes no sense for Sarah who had been static and crying for her dad for the last 5 hours to sudenly get slapped and act as if everything is OK and snap out of it. And the worst part is that for some reason Clem's slap effect only seemed to last for about 3 minutes since Sarah is seen all depressed in the scene after. It makes little sense.
When Clem slaps Sarah, walkers burst through the doo,r but sudenly start locomoting in slow motion. Realistically they'd both get bitten/devoured on the spot while Jane and Luke watched in horror. It was physically imposible to make it through that, yet they did it. Plothole.
I don't think so. Unless Bonnie was the only person in Howe's with a little bit of sense of morality, a rebelion should've taken place ages ago.
That's... fair. Still I find it kinda weird that he just got there and shot him.
It still makes no sense that only one or two walkers attacked Sarah. Her scream should've drawn the attention of at least 30 walkers, yet only 2 attacked? Those were really hardcore screams.
I was aware of that. Still, for some reason, they didn't include that more chaotic and realistic scenario. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why doesn't Rebecca devour AJ after reanimating?
[Mostly copied from previous conversation cause I'm lazy
] The slap represented several things: giving the frustrated players a chance at catharsis, snapping her out of the PTSD-esque flashbacks that she seemed to be having, and reminding her that while Carlos slapping her for the first time may have been traumatizing to her, sometimes it means the person doing it either really cares for her or, as I've sometimes darkly interpreted from her odd perception and point of view, that even the people she thinks she can trust are capable of hurting her. The latter interpretation would have played into some of my ideas for where her character arc could/should have gone.
Look, I can bullshit all day about why the slap is what gets her to move, even though I acknowledge that it probably makes absolutely NO sense (lol). So, I'm just gonna generalize a few basic ideas:
1. It plays to her supposed anxiety disorder which, in addition to causing her to freeze up and hyperventilate, makes her want to get as far away from the source of what's stressing her out as possible.
2. She didn't completely comprehend that there were walkers trying to break into the room until the slap/leaving on Clementine's part made her pay attention. This is backed up by the fact that when she gets up on the roof in the former scenario, she seems to be nervously glancing around as if she didn't realize where she was until just then.
3. A combination of both where she thinks "I better move or else Clementine might slap me again--or worse!"
Also, its worth noting that Clementine helps her to her feet when the walkers break in.
As Taavia, Bonnie, and Troy demonstrate, I always got the feeling that most of the guards either have issues with Carver's methods but don't bring them up often because he's the boss, they're afraid of him, or they just don't care.
Yeeeah, admittedly when I was going back through those cutscenes for notes, Sarah's screams were really loud and unnerving. Particularly when Jane tries to save her.
Then again, that might not be such a bad thing...
Probably because they were getting ready to abort Sarah from the story when they did sound mixing and decided to make it seem like its all her fault.
Which is why the next episode has Rebecca, Jane, and Clementine debate about the flaws with the plan and how everyone panicked anyway. Oops.
In Season 1, how did Lee specifically know which room in the Marsh House Clementine was held in?
I'm pretty sure she was already a walker when Clem/Kenny shot her.
Oh, well that's good to know and makes it a little more justifiable if that's how stomach wounds work. Though I do imagine even if it wasn't all that serious, he should of at least expressed a bit more pain than he did, especially when considering he was physically fighting with Jane. He just got gashed with a knife and seemed like nothing had happened at all, which seemed a bit strange to me.
But hey, I wouldn't really know, to be honest.
There is an explanation for this to some extent.
Go back and listen to the scene very carefully. You hear very faint thuds and bumps. First one is what makes Lee go down the hallway. Second bump/clatter makes him go up to the door. They're incredibly faint and hard to hear, but they're definitely there.
However, that still doesn't explain how he knew what floor she was on. Maybe he just checked the whole place? Maybe she was on the ground floor? I dunno.
That, and also nobody around knows how to orchestrate a post-apocalyptic community in contrast to Carver.
There's also a fact that a lot of people will live with it as long as they're safe. Maybe your leader is a bit batshit, but the guy keeps you fed and protected, and for most people, that's enough reason to look the other way and just live with it.
Think of the Governor or Negan. The methods of both are a bit... overboard, to say the least, but they provided everyone walls, food, and relative safety. For a lot of people, that's a good enough deal to put up with their leader's methods. Just make sure you don't end up on their bad side and you're good. The brutal methods the three employ also helps, because most people probably aren't really willing to go up against a guy that beats peoples heads in with baseball bats, or a guy that beats people to near-death with radios and pushes them off of roofs for not pulling their weight enough.
Though to be fair, there's a good chance Carver hides his darker side from his people, much like the Governor does. Carver's got an inner circle with people like Troy, who don't seem too phased by his violent methods, but the rest of his community probably doesn't know that he goes around beating people to death and torturing them. The discussion Hank and Tavia have make it sound like they don't even know that Carver killed Reggie, which would seem to imply that he spun a story about it being an accident, only telling his inner circle about what really happened. Bonnie seemed like the only person out of that circle that was against him and his methods, and even then, it took her quite a while to realize that Carver wasn't the guy she thought he was.
And of course, like you mentioned, being a leader isn't exactly a simple task. It's not a role a lot of people like to take on. Keeping a large group of people alive, protected, and fed is difficult. If someone else already has that covered, and they're doing a good enough job of it, you might as well let them keep on with it. Like Mike said in episode 4, "Carver was crazy, but at least his shelves were always full."
All good points, those are.
I'm not intending to shamelessly advertise my threads, but I recently wrote a post overlapping with this topic in particular.
Ah yes, I remember that thread! Had some interesting conversations.
I'll just leave this here
And if you didn't get enough of it, here's another one
But let's be real about his boat, where would he go? In the beginning Kenny's plan was to wait things out. I dont think he forgot about his boat he just figured everywhere was as fucked up as where he was.
Clem was panicking and not a lot of people think of warning shots in such a fast moving situation. The plot hole there is a shit ton of zombies not showing up immediately because we know they were there and sense the world by sound and smell.
It is possible to cut your own hair, bro. Especially when you have to worry about lice and dandruff and the like.
They didn't give her supplies she might use and would die anyway.
Sarah understood but wasnt as exposed as everyone else because she had anxiety. Unlike Clem and the gang the cabin group camped out at Howe's or whatever that store was named.
Who said Arvo didnt understand what was going on?
Even if they did he still would have wanted someone to blame for her getting killed in the first place.
I think Kenny can assume why Clem would shoot her adopted father. Why would he pry when he knows personally how painful shooting a family member can be?
She could have been bitten multiple times and he said it does look like a dog bite but considering what happens hen you die he just erred on the side of caution.
She could have gotten lucky and it wast a deep wound. The shock of it could have just knocked her out or something along those lines.
Not a deep slash wound. Flesh wound, bro.