Nothing much. Just saw that comment you made up there and couldn't resist making fun of it.
If it's any consolation, I legitimately hate Jane myself and shot both on my first playthrough, then went into Wellington on my second. Though admittedly the Clementine's Community ending is appealing enough to consider on my eventual third playthrough.
Nothing much. Just saw that comment you made up there and couldn't resist making fun of it.
If it's any consolation, I legitimately hate … moreJane myself and shot both on my first playthrough, then went into Wellington on my second. Though admittedly the Clementine's Community ending is appealing enough to consider on my eventual third playthrough.
Perhaps he had permanent ban or a prolonged ban. The guidelines only say that chances are high that banned users will come back rather sooner than later because most bans extend for less than a week.
A mixed family shows up at Howe's not to long after the two arrive there, hungry and tired from days of journeying. The man is vaguely similar to Kenny in that he clearly takes charges and asks on his family's behalf that you allow them in. In a positive note for me as a Jane hater, she once again defaults to Clementine's decision with a bit of cautious advice: You can either let them in or tell them to leave.
If you let them in, Clementine and Jane are cautious of the father's hidden gun, surprised by the wife's physical appreciation towards Jane (Aw!), and the boy compliments Clementine's hat. The season ends with the implication that Clementine picked up Walter/Carver's crown as a benevolent leader.
If you tell them to leave, the father angrily implies he's dangerous, to which Clementine can draw her gun on him (while I personally don't approve of the whole Edgy!Clementine thing, this is an acceptable exception) causing his wife to convince him and their boy to leave. The season ends with the boy sadly staring back at a Clementine who has accepted Kenny/Carver's idea of family.
im glad that there are more people coming around to see that kenny is the right choice, it made me sad that there were so many people who shot kenny or sided with that evil bitch jane, shame on all of you! who went that route.
Do you acknowledge that this is an opinion and not the truth.
kennys like the rick grimes of the telltale walking dead games I love him so much hes my favorite charecter and I know kenny has flaws but… more I still love him. and I hope hes in season 3 or im gonna be pissed!,im glad that there are more people coming around to see that kenny is the right choice, it made me sad that there were so many people who shot kenny or sided with that evil bitch jane, shame on all of you! who went that route. #KennysLifeMatters
im glad that there are more people coming around to see that kenny is the right choice, it made me sad that there were so many people who sh… moreot kenny or sided with that evil bitch jane, shame on all of you! who went that route.
Do you acknowledge that this is an opinion and not the truth.
Yep. Risk of spoilers here:
A mixed family shows up at Howe's not to long after the two arrive there, hungry and tired from days of journ… moreeying. The man is vaguely similar to Kenny in that he clearly takes charges and asks on his family's behalf that you allow them in. In a positive note for me as a Jane hater, she once again defaults to Clementine's decision with a bit of cautious advice: You can either let them in or tell them to leave.
If you let them in, Clementine and Jane are cautious of the father's hidden gun, surprised by the wife's physical appreciation towards Jane (Aw!), and the boy compliments Clementine's hat. The season ends with the implication that Clementine picked up Walter/Carver's crown as a benevolent leader.
If you tell them to leave, the father angrily implies he's dangerous, to which Clementine can draw her gun on him (while I personally don't approve of the whole Edgy!Clementine thing, this is an acceptable e… [view original content]
yeah kenny does have his moments where your you want to kick his ass and he can be a hypocrite, but at the of the day, dabig in a an real life apoclapyse scenario there's no one i'd rather have by my side.
Oh, I understand that. I just posted this discussion not to long ago, so I'll just copy and paste it cause I'm lazy :
I've stated numerous times that Kenny is a character I was positively neutral to: I'm happy enough when he's being helpful and when he's being a real asshole I wanna punch him in the face. So while he's far from my favorite character, it didn't bother me much at all to see all the pull he has, both in-universe and out. However, that has being gradually changing over these last few weeks as I've begun to notice that, rational or not, many of the problems I have with this season has his beard hair somewhere in the vicinity.
A lot of you absolutely love Kenny because you remember him from before as Lee, you got invested in his story as it progressed, and you were happy to know he would be there for Clementine with Lee gone. The problem with this should be obvious though: you remember him because of his connection to Lee, you were invested in the story that happened when you were there for him as Lee, and while him helping Clementine now is heartwarming, you kinda have to acknowledge that it's because of their memories of Lee. Clementine is NOT Lee and so that connection from before is skewed as a result and his inclusion on the character roster makes room for what is essentially a retelling of his story from Season 1, with some "fanservice" and nostalgia thrown in(as much as I did enjoy the latter, I'm sure there's someone out there who didn't). Which mind you, isn't really a bad thing in my books, except when it's done in a way that bogs down the story, rather than enhances it.
The reason I've been having a bitter feeling about Kenny lately IS basically because his addition and sudden promotion to the main roster felt like it was just a cover up for all the development that the Cabin Group(besides Rebecca and Sarah) wasn't gonna get with "fanservice" and nostalgia. Unfortunately, it just made it more apparent by contrast: Why is Clementine, age eleven, spending so much time working with Kenny and Mike, two grown men, when she should realistically swap places with Nick on the women's team a little more often?
When Kenny first appeared, it was [not] a pleasant surprise and I was curious as to how he had survived his insistence on saving Ben and what sort of adventures he had been on with Sarita. Unfortunately, this isn't really that developed and neither is Sarita, who despite being a kind Indian woman whose efforts in rehabilitating Kenny and bonding with Sarah over a Christmas song of all things made her such a delightful new face as well as a stern combatant, is just barely not Katjaa, but might as well be for all we learn about her. Part of the reason why Episode 3 is objectively the weakest episode is because from literally the title screen, Kenny was constantly on screen photobombing and talking over the other characters before being involved in plot situations that another character(such as Sarita) probably should have been given. Take his walkietalkie smackdown from Carver and later crowbar test on him as an example: as much as I like these two scenes, they contribute to part of my problem with Carver since he had more of a personal connection with Kenny in these two scenes than Clementine did throughout the entire episode, despite the villain's attempts to convince us otherwise at the time. Another thing Amid the Ruins did right in my opinion was set Kenny aside so he could deal with his sense of deja vu and eventually morph into something that will help the story that was supposed to be being told for a while. And then Episode 5 did a so-so combination of the two that led the one kickass climax.
Sorry for the wall of text. I literally just realized this came from this very thread.
yeah kenny does have his moments where your you want to kick his ass and he can be a hypocrite, but at the of the day, dabig in a an real life apoclapyse scenario there's no one i'd rather have by my side.
well ill try to respond as best as I can to this lol, the part about clemtine being naturally close to kenny and mike and not the women was more the fact that she had such a close relationship with lee so of course its natural that she would be more drawn towards the men considering the person she cared most about was lee. and the rest about your whole post about kenny stealing the spotlight for other charecters, well the thing is and just my opinion the charecters of season 2 and the cabin group weren't that interesting to begin with I mean yeah you had some others that shined more that the rest but I mean but when looking at the cabin group all I see is a shallow Imitation of lees group in season 1 hence why I din't get that close to them and there deaths din't bother me as much as lees group deaths did. And its why I dont feel like kenny was stealing the spotlight, but actually making up for the bland charecters that were given to us in season 2.
Oh, I understand that. I just posted this discussion not to long ago, so I'll just copy and paste it cause I'm lazy :
I've stated numero… moreus times that Kenny is a character I was positively neutral to: I'm happy enough when he's being helpful and when he's being a real asshole I wanna punch him in the face. So while he's far from my favorite character, it didn't bother me much at all to see all the pull he has, both in-universe and out. However, that has being gradually changing over these last few weeks as I've begun to notice that, rational or not, many of the problems I have with this season has his beard hair somewhere in the vicinity.
A lot of you absolutely love Kenny because you remember him from before as Lee, you got invested in his story as it progressed, and you were happy to know he would be there for Clementine with Lee gone. The problem with this should be obvious though: you remember him because of his connection to Lee, y… [view original content]
clemtine being naturally close to kenny and mike and not the women was more the fact that she had such a close relationship with lee so of course its natural that she would be more drawn towards the men considering the person she cared most about was lee.
Okay, admittedly the point was more that she spent so much time with them in a prison camp rather than working with the other women, where she technically belongs, is weird and contrived. Her hanging with them by choice is another issue altogether.
about kenny stealing the spotlight for other charecters, well the thing is and just my opinion the charecters of season 2 and the cabin group weren't that interesting to begin with I mean yeah you had some others that shined more that the rest but I mean but when looking at the cabin group all I see is a shallow Imitation of lees group in season 1
[Note: Most of this is copied from previous conversations, so place excuse any confusion]
At least Rebecca, Nick, and Sarah were definitely established with the intention to develop their storylines in mind, but the way they ended up being executed was mixed. I have yet to see anyone more than one person(zombiebonnie) say they legitimately liked Rebecca and she had the most complete(if a bit by the numbers) storyline of the three, Nick had a concretated effort put into integrating his story arc into Episode 2 before being drastically scaled back to having less screentime than Mike or Sarita in Episode 3 and then killed offscreen in Episode 4, and Sarah (in my potentially biased opinion) had the most balanced screentime for development before she was just moodwhiplashingly aborted without a proper conclusion to her arc, something I think even Nick managed to cobble together.
Call it retroactive backlash on my part(especially since I literally played through in June) but the drastic amount of effort those two(Kenny and Jane) have compared to everyone else is like 4:1. There should have been more effort into telling their story while also making sure the other characters got a chance to shine.
As I've stated before, Sarah felt like the only member of the Cabin Group who had somewhere to go as a character by the time the Season wrapped up because of Clementine's connection to her, with the technical exception of Rebecca. ...You could argue there a lot of places that were suggested by the story, but I'm gonna sidestep that topic for now. Jane on the other hand, was the inverse in that though you're likely meant to wonder where she'll go as well, it's her influence on Clementine that's the most important. I have my problems with her obviously, as my very first post in this community should indicate.
And its why I dont feel like kenny was stealing the spotlight, but actually making up for the bland charecters that were given to us in season 2.
Oh, I must've erased the part that address that! Here it is:
Well, unfortunately, that's sounds like a problem with the writing. Reusing an old character should not come at the expense of developing a new set of relatively blank slates, especially if it causes your character focus roster to become so unbalanced in their favor that the protagonist themselves suffer for it.
However, if the characters just weren't resonating with some people, that is a problem in and unto itself. Again, though, one would expect for the characters to grow and endear as the episodes progress; after all Season 1 Episode 2 was similarly paced and was also a contender for the best episode of the Season.
I came into this Season relatively blind outside of a few broad expectations and vague spoilers. The general premise was that Clementine helps a group of refugees escape the tyranny of an evil settlement leader and make their way to safety. While Kenny had more prominence than I assumed, episode 3 manage to stick with this arc despite missing out on several other opportunities. And then as soon as Jane is brought into the spotlight..., it's not immediate, but the Cabin Group almost gets completely forgotten by the end of the penultimate episode. That is a serious problem.
Oh yeah, sure! I'd expect the story to give some focus on other characters like Walter, Bonnie, Mike, or maybe Arvo at certain points, but the fact remains that a great story can contain multiple ones that we don't need to see the entirety of in order to appreciate them and can remember who the real stars of the show are.
For as much shit as people give it, I thought Amid the Ruins had something going by alternating focus between the characters, with Sarah, Kenny, and [the especially egregious] Jane getting top billing, but the problem there was that there was a little too much focus on them compared to the other characters in terms of the ratio. Which is why I consider Episode 2 to be the best of Season 2: it has overworld areas to explore, the amount of interaction is tops, and the character focus is surprisingly balanced even with Nick and Kenny getting the most emphasis.
Again, sorry for the wall of text, but I have these things already typed up, so I'm gonna use em!
well ill try to respond as best as I can to this lol, the part about clemtine being naturally close to kenny and mike and not the women w… moreas more the fact that she had such a close relationship with lee so of course its natural that she would be more drawn towards the men considering the person she cared most about was lee. and the rest about your whole post about kenny stealing the spotlight for other charecters, well the thing is and just my opinion the charecters of season 2 and the cabin group weren't that interesting to begin with I mean yeah you had some others that shined more that the rest but I mean but when looking at the cabin group all I see is a shallow Imitation of lees group in season 1 hence why I din't get that close to them and there deaths din't bother me as much as lees group deaths did. And its why I dont feel like kenny was stealing the spotlight, but actually making up for the bland charecters that were given to us in season 2.
"The series… more will also be available for purchase on a special 'Season Pass Disc' for consoles, which will include the premiere episode for the third season, as well as access to all subsequent episodes in the five episode season for download as they become available."
Okay, admittedly the point was more that she spent so much time with them in a prison camp rather than working with the other women, where she technically belongs, is weird and contrived. Her hanging with them by choice is another issue altogether.
like I said clem is going to probally feel more trust towards the men of the group, to fill the gap that lee left meaning helping them also, I would also like to point out to you that clementine at this point of the series seems more like a tomboy to me, who prefers the company of males to females, besides that everything else pretty much seems like the writers are at fault. you can Certainly say that season 2 wasin't as good as season 1. And we can agree on that.
clemtine being naturally close to kenny and mike and not the women was more the fact that she had such a close relationship with lee so of c… moreourse its natural that she would be more drawn towards the men considering the person she cared most about was lee.
Okay, admittedly the point was more that she spent so much time with them in a prison camp rather than working with the other women, where she technically belongs, is weird and contrived. Her hanging with them by choice is another issue altogether.
about kenny stealing the spotlight for other charecters, well the thing is and just my opinion the charecters of season 2 and the cabin group weren't that interesting to begin with I mean yeah you had some others that shined more that the rest but I mean but when looking at the cabin group all I see is a shallow Imitation of lees group in season 1
[Note: Most of this is copied from previous conversations, so place excuse any … [view original content]
Everyone has an opinion and I can respect that. I sided with Kenny in both seasons and he's a great character in my opinion. We can all agree that season 2 was underwhelming.
like I said clem is going to probally feel more trust towards the men of the group, to fill the gap that lee left meaning helping them also, I would also like to point out to you that clementine at this point of the series seems more like a tomboy to me, who prefers the company of males to females
...Not sure if you're really getting my point there, but I'll just shake my head yes.
everything else pretty much seems like the writers are at fault. you can Certainly say that season 2 wasin't asg ood as season 1. And we can agree on that.
Unfortunately, yes.
As I stated earlier, I was positively neutral about Kenny the whole time I played through the game, but as I started to notice the flaws and serious problems with the story, he felt like a cheap attempt to distract from it and just ended up making it more obvious.
Okay, admittedly the point was more that she spent so much time with them in a prison camp rather than working with the other women, where s… morehe technically belongs, is weird and contrived. Her hanging with them by choice is another issue altogether.
like I said clem is going to probally feel more trust towards the men of the group, to fill the gap that lee left meaning helping them also, I would also like to point out to you that clementine at this point of the series seems more like a tomboy to me, who prefers the company of males to females, besides that everything else pretty much seems like the writers are at fault. you can Certainly say that season 2 wasin't as good as season 1. And we can agree on that.
Everyone has an opinion and I can respect that. I sided with Kenny in both seasons and he's a great character in my opinion. We can all agree that season 2 was underwhelming.
well the thing is and just my opinion the charecters of season 2 and the cabin group weren't that interesting to begin with I mean yeah you had some others that shined more that the rest but I mean but when looking at the cabin group all I see is a shallow Imitation of lees group in season 1
I forgot to ask you, but what do you mean by this? Could you go into detail?
Everyone has an opinion and I can respect that. I sided with Kenny in both seasons and he's a great character in my opinion. We can all agree that season 2 was underwhelming.
what I meant by that, and well its just me but I feel like the writers were trying to recreate lees group from season 1, the group we know and love but it was very poorly excuted. I say this because there are some charecters from the cabin group that share similarities from lees group examples, pete=lee sara=duck katjaa=sarita nick=lilly christa=rebecca Alvin=Omid carlos=larry ben=luke , while it was apparent to me that these charecters here show similarities to eachother, they still failed to feel the gap we had from losing lee's group in season 1.
well the thing is and just my opinion the charecters of season 2 and the cabin group weren't that interesting to begin… more with I mean yeah you had some others that shined more that the rest but I mean but when looking at the cabin group all I see is a shallow Imitation of lees group in season 1
I forgot to ask you, but what do you mean by this? Could you go into detail?
Oh, okay. Honestly, Jane(Molly, debatably Kenny/Lilly) and Sarah(Clementine, sorta Duck, kinda Ben, debatably Kenny) are immediate examples of my views on reused character concepts: if you as a writer have a character or concept you thought was good enough or had enough potential for an interesting story, go ahead and reuse it as long as the new product is capable of either standing up on its own or at least does something differently than what the previous example did.
Though I can at least squint and see Pete and Luke's comparisons, I have to ask, what is the exact connection between Nick and Lilly, Alvin and Omid, or Carlos and Larry?
what I meant by that, and well its just me but I feel like the writers were trying to recreate lees group from season 1, the group we know… more and love but it was very poorly excuted. I say this because there are some charecters from the cabin group that share similarities from lees group examples, pete=lee sara=duck katjaa=sarita nick=lilly christa=rebecca Alvin=Omid carlos=larry ben=luke , while it was apparent to me that these charecters here show similarities to eachother, they still failed to feel the gap we had from losing lee's group in season 1.
well nick and lillys connection is how both of them are very paranoid especially after the death of a loved one, pete for nick, larry for lilly, remember how nick shot walters husband, and how lilly shot carly or doug because they thought that person was a threat to the group. But they both were apologetic afterwards there's that connection. well the Alvin and omid one was kinda of stretch but I did see subtle similarities like how we saw how Alvin is kinda like the laid back one and more compassionate one of the relationship with rebbeca similar to the relationship with omid and christa. now carlos not many similarities with larry but at least one, both of them are very overprotective of there daughters to the point that it makes them look like Idiotic assholes.
Oh, okay. Honestly, Jane(Molly, debatably Kenny/Lilly) and Sarah(Clementine, sorta Duck, kinda Ben, debatably Kenny) are immediate examples … moreof my views on reused character concepts: if you as a writer have a character or concept you thought was good enough or had enough potential for an interesting story, go ahead and reuse it as long as the new product is capable of either standing up on its own or at least does something differently than what the previous example did.
Though I can at least squint and see Pete and Luke's comparisons, I have to ask, what is the exact connection between Nick and Lilly, Alvin and Omid, or Carlos and Larry?
No offense dude, but that honestly sounds like cherrypicking at that point. I'd chalk that up to a mundane coincidence at that point since Nick and Lilly, Pete and Larry, (I'm assuming) Matthew and Carley/Doug, and Carlos and Larry are very different characters. As I said before, just because there's a very basic similarity to a previous element doesn't mean it's bad or cheap. After all, Nick is a character a lot of people found complex and he only got more fans as the Season progressed despite his decreasing significance and the reception of Larry is veeery different from the reception of Pete or Carlos.
Alvin and Omid
Again, while I do notice a vague similarity in their role, they are very different albeit supporting characters: Alvin seemed to be a more neutral, observant, and occasionally grumpy but still very soft and caring guy who just spent his time looking after his wife, while Omid was a lighthearted jokester who would actively try to lighten the mood at certain times and was on a more even level with his girlfriend. On the other hand, Rebecca and Christa are indeed fairly similar at a glance, but even they presumably have some differences. ...Don't ask me to explain them, but I'm sure the rare someone who actually likes them will tell you they have differences.
well nick and lillys connection is how both of them are very paranoid especially after the death of a loved one, pete for nick, larry for li… morelly, remember how nick shot walters husband, and how lilly shot carly or doug because they thought that person was a threat to the group. But they both were apologetic afterwards there's that connection. well the Alvin and omid one was kinda of stretch but I did see subtle similarities like how we saw how Alvin is kinda like the laid back one and more compassionate one of the relationship with rebbeca similar to the relationship with omid and christa. now carlos not many similarities with larry but at least one, both of them are very overprotective of there daughters to the point that it makes them look like Idiotic assholes.
I never said they weren't diffrent all I said was that the cabin group of season 2 had some distinct simalarties to the the group in season 1 if that doesen't mean much to you than fine, but it came off to me as lazy Writing, its just my opinion and you trying to tell me that I shouldin't feel that way isn't going to make me change my viewpoint on that.
Nick and Lilly, Carlos and Larry
No offense dude, but that honestly sounds like cherrypicking at that point. I'd chalk that up to a … moremundane coincidence at that point since Nick and Lilly, Pete and Larry, (I'm assuming) Matthew and Carley/Doug, and Carlos and Larry are very different characters. As I said before, just because there's a very basic similarity to a previous element doesn't mean it's bad or cheap. After all, Nick is a character a lot of people found complex and he only got more fans as the Season progressed despite his decreasing significance and the reception of Larry is veeery different from the reception of Pete or Carlos.
Alvin and Omid
Again, while I do notice a vague similarity in their role, they are very different albeit supporting characters: Alvin seemed to be a more neutral, observant, and occasionally grumpy but still very soft and caring guy who just spent his time looking after his wife, while O… [view original content]
Subject Name:Kenny
Known crimes:
* Left a young man to die
* helped bring that demon spawn duck into the … moreworld
* Murder of Larry
* Bogarting of cool train engineering job
* Being a dick
* Advocating the murder of a teenager
* Faking death
* Causing the death of Walter and possibly Alvin.
* Getting his ass kicked by a truck door
* Abuse of a corpse...though we find it understandable
* Abuse of a teenager
* Owner of a pedostache
I don't mean to sound that way, it's just weird to here people say things like "I don't like Russell/Mike because a fairly reasonable black guy-- which means he's totally ripping off Lee!"
The Nick and Lilly example, however, was meant to show that just because there's a similarity doesn't mean it's a sign of laziness. After all, they have very different personalities, actions, and effects on both the story and the fanbase. You're certainly welcome to have your own thoughts and opinions, but I also encourage you keep in mind that saying (paraphrasing here, obviously) "There are only Seven Basic Plots and many different ways of telling them!"
I never said they weren't diffrent all I said was that the cabin group of season 2 had some distinct simalarties to the the group in season … more1 if that doesen't mean much to you than fine, but it came off to me as lazy Writing, its just my opinion and you trying to tell me that I shouldin't feel that way isn't going to make me change my viewpoint on that.
I don't mean to sound that way, it's just weird to here people say things like "I don't like Russell/Mike because a fairly reasonable black … moreguy-- which means he's totally ripping off Lee!"
The Nick and Lilly example, however, was meant to show that just because there's a similarity doesn't mean it's a sign of laziness. After all, they have very different personalities, actions, and effects on both the story and the fanbase. You're certainly welcome to have your own thoughts and opinions, but I also encourage you keep in mind that saying (paraphrasing here, obviously) "There are only Seven Basic Plots and many different ways of telling them!"
I was actually joking guys -_-. as you can tell I wasnt bothering to defend Kenny when I responded with that, not only is this post an older… more one, but Im done with the whole "kenny explainer" or janiac crap, Ive stayed out of it, waste of time, obviously a kenny fan isnt going to make a jane fan change, and a jane fan isnt going to make a kenny fan change, or even see their point of view. I wasnt trying in either of my last two responses.
This is hilarious. It's like watching fourteen year old girls argue over which male love interest is cuter in one of those awful young adult romantic fantasy/sci-fi films.
This is hilarious. It's like watching fourteen year old girls argue over which male love interest is cuter in one of those awful young adult romantic fantasy/sci-fi films.
This is hilarious. It's like watching fourteen year old girls argue over which male love interest is cuter in one of those awful young adult romantic fantasy/sci-fi films.
Nothing much. Just saw that comment you made up there and couldn't resist making fun of it.
If it's any consolation, I legitimately hate Jane myself and shot both on my first playthrough, then went into Wellington on my second. Though admittedly the Clementine's Community ending is appealing enough to consider on my eventual third playthrough.
whats the Clementine's Community ending? please dont tell me thats the howes ending with jane.
Perhaps he had permanent ban or a prolonged ban. The guidelines only say that chances are high that banned users will come back rather sooner than later because most bans extend for less than a week.
Yep. Risk of spoilers here:
A mixed family shows up at Howe's not to long after the two arrive there, hungry and tired from days of journeying. The man is vaguely similar to Kenny in that he clearly takes charges and asks on his family's behalf that you allow them in. In a positive note for me as a Jane hater, she once again defaults to Clementine's decision with a bit of cautious advice: You can either let them in or tell them to leave.
If you let them in, Clementine and Jane are cautious of the father's hidden gun, surprised by the wife's physical appreciation towards Jane (Aw!), and the boy compliments Clementine's hat. The season ends with the implication that Clementine picked up Walter/Carver's crown as a benevolent leader.
If you tell them to leave, the father angrily implies he's dangerous, to which Clementine can draw her gun on him (while I personally don't approve of the whole Edgy!Clementine thing, this is an acceptable exception) causing his wife to convince him and their boy to leave. The season ends with the boy sadly staring back at a Clementine who has accepted Kenny/Carver's idea of family.
Do you acknowledge that this is an opinion and not the truth.
yes I acknowledge this is my opinion.
Okay, nice.
[walks backwards into the shadows]
well to each their own my friend, but im with kenny for life. #KennysLifeMatters
Aw that reminded me of Duck.
"I will live in the shadows!"
okay, lol
Yeeeah, Kenny has gradually earned some of my bitterness, unfortunately.
yeah kenny does have his moments where your you want to kick his ass and he can be a hypocrite, but at the of the day, dabig in a an real life apoclapyse scenario there's no one i'd rather have by my side.
Oh, I understand that. I just posted this discussion not to long ago, so I'll just copy and paste it cause I'm lazy
I've stated numerous times that Kenny is a character I was positively neutral to: I'm happy enough when he's being helpful and when he's being a real asshole I wanna punch him in the face. So while he's far from my favorite character, it didn't bother me much at all to see all the pull he has, both in-universe and out. However, that has being gradually changing over these last few weeks as I've begun to notice that, rational or not, many of the problems I have with this season has his beard hair somewhere in the vicinity.
A lot of you absolutely love Kenny because you remember him from before as Lee, you got invested in his story as it progressed, and you were happy to know he would be there for Clementine with Lee gone. The problem with this should be obvious though: you remember him because of his connection to Lee, you were invested in the story that happened when you were there for him as Lee, and while him helping Clementine now is heartwarming, you kinda have to acknowledge that it's because of their memories of Lee. Clementine is NOT Lee and so that connection from before is skewed as a result and his inclusion on the character roster makes room for what is essentially a retelling of his story from Season 1, with some "fanservice" and nostalgia thrown in(as much as I did enjoy the latter, I'm sure there's someone out there who didn't). Which mind you, isn't really a bad thing in my books, except when it's done in a way that bogs down the story, rather than enhances it.
The reason I've been having a bitter feeling about Kenny lately IS basically because his addition and sudden promotion to the main roster felt like it was just a cover up for all the development that the Cabin Group(besides Rebecca and Sarah) wasn't gonna get with "fanservice" and nostalgia. Unfortunately, it just made it more apparent by contrast: Why is Clementine, age eleven, spending so much time working with Kenny and Mike, two grown men, when she should realistically swap places with Nick on the women's team a little more often?
When Kenny first appeared, it was [not] a pleasant surprise and I was curious as to how he had survived his insistence on saving Ben and what sort of adventures he had been on with Sarita. Unfortunately, this isn't really that developed and neither is Sarita, who despite being a kind Indian woman whose efforts in rehabilitating Kenny and bonding with Sarah over a Christmas song of all things made her such a delightful new face as well as a stern combatant, is just barely not Katjaa, but might as well be for all we learn about her. Part of the reason why Episode 3 is objectively the weakest episode is because from literally the title screen, Kenny was constantly on screen photobombing and talking over the other characters before being involved in plot situations that another character(such as Sarita) probably should have been given. Take his walkietalkie smackdown from Carver and later crowbar test on him as an example: as much as I like these two scenes, they contribute to part of my problem with Carver since he had more of a personal connection with Kenny in these two scenes than Clementine did throughout the entire episode, despite the villain's attempts to convince us otherwise at the time. Another thing Amid the Ruins did right in my opinion was set Kenny aside so he could deal with his sense of deja vu and eventually morph into something that will help the story that was supposed to be being told for a while. And then Episode 5 did a so-so combination of the two that led the one kickass climax.
Sorry for the wall of text. I literally just realized this came from this very thread.
well ill try to respond as best as I can to this lol, the part about clemtine being naturally close to kenny and mike and not the women was more the fact that she had such a close relationship with lee so of course its natural that she would be more drawn towards the men considering the person she cared most about was lee. and the rest about your whole post about kenny stealing the spotlight for other charecters, well the thing is and just my opinion the charecters of season 2 and the cabin group weren't that interesting to begin with I mean yeah you had some others that shined more that the rest but I mean but when looking at the cabin group all I see is a shallow Imitation of lees group in season 1 hence why I din't get that close to them and there deaths din't bother me as much as lees group deaths did. And its why I dont feel like kenny was stealing the spotlight, but actually making up for the bland charecters that were given to us in season 2.
Okay, admittedly the point was more that she spent so much time with them in a prison camp rather than working with the other women, where she technically belongs, is weird and contrived. Her hanging with them by choice is another issue altogether.
[Note: Most of this is copied from previous conversations, so place excuse any confusion]
At least Rebecca, Nick, and Sarah were definitely established with the intention to develop their storylines in mind, but the way they ended up being executed was mixed. I have yet to see anyone more than one person(zombiebonnie) say they legitimately liked Rebecca and she had the most complete(if a bit by the numbers) storyline of the three, Nick had a concretated effort put into integrating his story arc into Episode 2 before being drastically scaled back to having less screentime than Mike or Sarita in Episode 3 and then killed offscreen in Episode 4, and Sarah (in my potentially biased opinion) had the most balanced screentime for development before she was just moodwhiplashingly aborted without a proper conclusion to her arc, something I think even Nick managed to cobble together.
Call it retroactive backlash on my part(especially since I literally played through in June) but the drastic amount of effort those two(Kenny and Jane) have compared to everyone else is like 4:1. There should have been more effort into telling their story while also making sure the other characters got a chance to shine.
As I've stated before, Sarah felt like the only member of the Cabin Group who had somewhere to go as a character by the time the Season wrapped up because of Clementine's connection to her, with the technical exception of Rebecca. ...You could argue there a lot of places that were suggested by the story, but I'm gonna sidestep that topic for now.
Jane on the other hand, was the inverse in that though you're likely meant to wonder where she'll go as well, it's her influence on Clementine that's the most important. I have my problems with her obviously, as my very first post in this community should indicate.
Oh, I must've erased the part that address that! Here it is:
Well, unfortunately, that's sounds like a problem with the writing. Reusing an old character should not come at the expense of developing a new set of relatively blank slates, especially if it causes your character focus roster to become so unbalanced in their favor that the protagonist themselves suffer for it.
However, if the characters just weren't resonating with some people, that is a problem in and unto itself. Again, though, one would expect for the characters to grow and endear as the episodes progress; after all Season 1 Episode 2 was similarly paced and was also a contender for the best episode of the Season.
I came into this Season relatively blind outside of a few broad expectations and vague spoilers. The general premise was that Clementine helps a group of refugees escape the tyranny of an evil settlement leader and make their way to safety. While Kenny had more prominence than I assumed, episode 3 manage to stick with this arc despite missing out on several other opportunities. And then as soon as Jane is brought into the spotlight..., it's not immediate, but the Cabin Group almost gets completely forgotten by the end of the penultimate episode. That is a serious problem.
Oh yeah, sure! I'd expect the story to give some focus on other characters like Walter, Bonnie, Mike, or maybe Arvo at certain points, but the fact remains that a great story can contain multiple ones that we don't need to see the entirety of in order to appreciate them and can remember who the real stars of the show are.
For as much shit as people give it, I thought Amid the Ruins had something going by alternating focus between the characters, with Sarah, Kenny, and [the especially egregious] Jane getting top billing, but the problem there was that there was a little too much focus on them compared to the other characters in terms of the ratio. Which is why I consider Episode 2 to be the best of Season 2: it has overworld areas to explore, the amount of interaction is tops, and the character focus is surprisingly balanced even with Nick and Kenny getting the most emphasis.
Again, sorry for the wall of text, but I have these things already typed up, so I'm gonna use em!
Eh im ok with them doing 5 episodes again. Keep it traditional
Okay, admittedly the point was more that she spent so much time with them in a prison camp rather than working with the other women, where she technically belongs, is weird and contrived. Her hanging with them by choice is another issue altogether.
like I said clem is going to probally feel more trust towards the men of the group, to fill the gap that lee left meaning helping them also, I would also like to point out to you that clementine at this point of the series seems more like a tomboy to me, who prefers the company of males to females, besides that everything else pretty much seems like the writers are at fault. you can Certainly say that season 2 wasin't as good as season 1. And we can agree on that.
Everyone has an opinion and I can respect that. I sided with Kenny in both seasons and he's a great character in my opinion. We can all agree that season 2 was underwhelming.
...Not sure if you're really getting my point there, but I'll just shake my head yes.
Unfortunately, yes.
As I stated earlier, I was positively neutral about Kenny the whole time I played through the game, but as I started to notice the flaws and serious problems with the story, he felt like a cheap attempt to distract from it and just ended up making it more obvious.
No we can't.
I forgot to ask you, but what do you mean by this? Could you go into detail?
Nah. It was very overwhelming.
what I meant by that, and well its just me but I feel like the writers were trying to recreate lees group from season 1, the group we know and love but it was very poorly excuted. I say this because there are some charecters from the cabin group that share similarities from lees group examples, pete=lee sara=duck katjaa=sarita nick=lilly christa=rebecca Alvin=Omid carlos=larry ben=luke , while it was apparent to me that these charecters here show similarities to eachother, they still failed to feel the gap we had from losing lee's group in season 1.
Oh, okay. Honestly, Jane(Molly, debatably Kenny/Lilly) and Sarah(Clementine, sorta Duck, kinda Ben, debatably Kenny) are immediate examples of my views on reused character concepts: if you as a writer have a character or concept you thought was good enough or had enough potential for an interesting story, go ahead and reuse it as long as the new product is capable of either standing up on its own or at least does something differently than what the previous example did.
Though I can at least squint and see Pete and Luke's comparisons, I have to ask, what is the exact connection between Nick and Lilly, Alvin and Omid, or Carlos and Larry?
well nick and lillys connection is how both of them are very paranoid especially after the death of a loved one, pete for nick, larry for lilly, remember how nick shot walters husband, and how lilly shot carly or doug because they thought that person was a threat to the group. But they both were apologetic afterwards there's that connection. well the Alvin and omid one was kinda of stretch but I did see subtle similarities like how we saw how Alvin is kinda like the laid back one and more compassionate one of the relationship with rebbeca similar to the relationship with omid and christa. now carlos not many similarities with larry but at least one, both of them are very overprotective of there daughters to the point that it makes them look like Idiotic assholes.
No offense dude, but that honestly sounds like cherrypicking at that point. I'd chalk that up to a mundane coincidence at that point since Nick and Lilly, Pete and Larry, (I'm assuming) Matthew and Carley/Doug, and Carlos and Larry are very different characters. As I said before, just because there's a very basic similarity to a previous element doesn't mean it's bad or cheap. After all, Nick is a character a lot of people found complex and he only got more fans as the Season progressed despite his decreasing significance and the reception of Larry is veeery different from the reception of Pete or Carlos.
Again, while I do notice a vague similarity in their role, they are very different albeit supporting characters: Alvin seemed to be a more neutral, observant, and occasionally grumpy but still very soft and caring guy who just spent his time looking after his wife, while Omid was a lighthearted jokester who would actively try to lighten the mood at certain times and was on a more even level with his girlfriend. On the other hand, Rebecca and Christa are indeed fairly similar at a glance, but even they presumably have some differences. ...Don't ask me to explain them, but I'm sure the rare someone who actually likes them will tell you they have differences.
I never said they weren't diffrent all I said was that the cabin group of season 2 had some distinct simalarties to the the group in season 1 if that doesen't mean much to you than fine, but it came off to me as lazy Writing, its just my opinion and you trying to tell me that I shouldin't feel that way isn't going to make me change my viewpoint on that.
Being a dick isn't a crime, that's just a syndrome of Telltale-Needing-A-Asshole-In-The-Group-Even-If-It-Kinda-Doesn't-Make-Sense disease.
I don't mean to sound that way, it's just weird to here people say things like "I don't like Russell/Mike because a fairly reasonable black guy-- which means he's totally ripping off Lee!"
The Nick and Lilly example, however, was meant to show that just because there's a similarity doesn't mean it's a sign of laziness. After all, they have very different personalities, actions, and effects on both the story and the fanbase. You're certainly welcome to have your own thoughts and opinions, but I also encourage you keep in mind that saying (paraphrasing here, obviously) "There are only Seven Basic Plots and many different ways of telling them!"
Shit man, sounds serious. Hope he's in the terminal stages of it.
you do have a point but the cabin group was still a bad group ,just my opinion
This is the internet, no one can identify whether a comment is humorous or serious unless they state their intent.
wasnt really a joke, more like I was kidding, should have been able to tell when I wasnt even trying to defend Kenny at that point.
This is hilarious. It's like watching fourteen year old girls argue over which male love interest is cuter in one of those awful young adult romantic fantasy/sci-fi films.
Except it's a scruffy old hotheaded redneck with an eyepatch.
I like Brad more than Greg personally.
Greg can't care for Emily the way Brad does, plus he's such a rebel.
Excuse me, but what teenage girl do you know that doesn't fantasize over a scruffy hotheaded redneck with an eyepatch?
...Good point.
Wait, doesn't that make Jane the rival?!
Dissociative pragmatic lone wolf with a heart of gold archetype?
It totally frikken does!