"So, uh..."
"Are you okay?"
"Hm? What, oh, yeah, I'm uh... I'm good."
"That's good."
"Yeah, I think so. Being good is good, despite the circumstances."
Or maybe, from the same episode.
"I know I'm not your dad but, if you need anything, I'm your guy. Okay?"
"Okay. Same."
"You're my guy?"
"What - Oh, no! You know..."
"We're going to try and look after each other."
"Yes. Deal."
Both of those quotes in the first episode - A New Day - between Lee and Clem, still make me very happy to hear. There's something adorable about those lines that makes me grin from ear to ear every time I hear them. Those are two off the top of my head that I really like from season one. In terms of season two, the only two that leap out at me are between Luke and Clem in season two.
"I'm not an asshole."
"You calling me an asshole?"
"Whoa, whoa whoa! You're fine, you're fine! Just look at me, okay, you're fine!" Clem looks down at Luke
"You look like an idiot."
"Just climb the thing."
Either way, it's still kinda harsh.
I mean, I understand that Kenny's probably going through some serious internal conflict in that scene(they are in the train, right?), but damn!
Also, I thought the guy above was being serious.
I'm not much about Rebecca, but these scenes crack me up.
Mike: Are you okay? How does it feel?
Rebecca: It feels wet, that's how it feels!
Clementine: I have pills. I think they'll help you with the pain.
Kenny: What are they?
Bonnie: Looks like oxy.
Rebecca: I want em.
Kenny: Wait, wait. Is that okay for a pregnant lady?
Rebecca: Give me the fuckin pills!
Still resuming the negativity of Kenny i see instead of giving a real "favourite quote" from the game lol
(Waits for his usual sarcastic retaliation to get back at me)
"You might not believe this after what happened earlier, but... I liked Reggie. He was a funny guy. he kept things light. You need folks like that... It's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. But he was weak. And I don't mean just 'cause he was maimed, that wasn't his problem. He was weak of will. Weak of character. And we can't have that around here... not anymore."
"You've always been there for me Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
"You don't just end it ,cause it's hard, you stick it out and help the folks you care about"
"You think I don't know what ya'll are whispering about over there? What's wrong with Kenny, why's Kenny acting that way, do you think Kenny's okay? It's all I hear from anyone anymore."
And here I thought I was the one being singled out. Y'know, considering whenever I post a comment at a fictional characters' expense, I always have people (namely Dan) go off that a comment that is meant to be regarded as humorous is actually (according to some, I presume) me being a "troll."
As I've said previously, I won't filter myself or my humor in order to make a few more comfortable.
If someone who "likes" Kenny really liked him, they wouldn't need anyone's validation in order to feel more at ease and surely wouldn't get as offended as some people here do because someone enjoys striking up a joke or two at his expense every now and again.
"You've always been there for me Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for yo… moreu now? Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
"You don't just end it ,cause it's hard, you stick it out and help the folks you care about"
"You think I don't know what ya'll are whispering about over there? What's wrong with Kenny, why's Kenny acting that way, do you think Kenny's okay? It's all I hear from anyone anymore."
If you're gonna talk about a user just use their name instead of talking about them like that.
Talking about them like what? The similar way in which he talks about me?
Straight from Dan's keyboard.
And whatever you do, don't ever take "that guy" seriously with his posts lol. What you'll see most of the time is Kenny related hate of some sort and sarcastic posts.
So, he was singling me out far more intrusively that my comments were to him.
Furthermore, I don't even know what your issue is. Both of your replies had very little relevance to what my comments were stating.
I don't know what you're talking about. I progressed the conversation by stating what my intentions were since I sensed confusion in your comments.
But I digress.
Plus, you're kinda pointing out the obvious; it doesn't take a blind man to see that you don't care if someone gets upset over your s̶a̶r̶c̶a̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶u̶n̶n̶e̶c̶e̶s̶s̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶n̶e̶g̶a̶t̶i̶v̶i̶t̶y̶ jokes.
Obviously not obvious cause although people know I don't care, they're surely not above pestering me about how my humorous retorts are needlessly crass and how I'm a "troll" for instigating their personal agenda's, projecting their own validations on me.
The truth being that we can't all take your posts seriously as they either involve sarcasm or hatred of the one character you always go on about time after time lol
"He (Larry) treated you like shit. He knew who you were and you would've had all the reason to kill him and you didn't. You don't need to apologize." - Lilly, Long Road Ahead.
"It ruined my life."
"Good thing everyone else's got destroyed shortly thereafter, uh? Misery loves company." - Lee and Lilly, Long Road Ahead.
"FUCK YOU, KENNY. (...) I am so, so, SO sorry about Katjaa and Duck, I AM. And I know I fucked up, but STOP pushing me around and STOP wishing I was dead. (...) NO! You know how they died. You've said GOODBYE. I never got to see my family, my parents, my little sister... Do you get that? Your family is gone, but at least you had them to lose. I never made it home. They could be alive, or dead, or walkers, or WORSE and I DON'T KNOW. SO GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK." - Ben, No Time Left.
"Everybody was happy with me distributing the food! But now that it's running OUT, sudenly I'm a goddamn nazi!" - Lilly, Starved For Help.
"(...) I stayed up all last night thinking about this. Why are we even trying to survive, to keep on living, if this is what it takes? If this is what it's turned us into?" - Anna Correa, (Tape) Around Every Corner.
"You know... Jaime... Sarah... I'm not going to stick around and- and watch it happen to you too. (...) You take care of yourself. I mean that... (...) Here. Versatility is NOT overrated." - Jane, Amid The Ruins.
"There are people out there who are scared. Who don't know what to do. You could be helping them, but instead you're just... sitting in a dark tent feeling sorry for yourself."
"Sorry for myself? The hell do you know, Clementine?"
"I had to shoot Lee! So don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one who has lost people!" - Clem and Kenny, Amid The Ruins.
"Rebecca! Our baby deserves to be raised in a place of safety!" - Carver, A House Divided.
"I'm worried about Kenny. He's... He's in a dark place. (...) You're the only one that he trusts, that he REALLY trusts. That means you're the one that's gonna have to pull him back." - Jane, No Going Back.
"Do you... remember when you saw me first? Back at the lodge? I felt real bad you believed me. 'She can't hurt anyone'. (...) You ever done something you regret? Even when it's something you knew you had to do?" - Bonnie, No Going Back (my personal favourite).
"That group is cracking... I've seen it before. (...) You don't wanna be here when they start... turning on eachother. Turning on you." - Jane, Amid The Ruins.
" (Talking about Kenny) I've seen that look before."
"I've seen it too. A few times."
"Then you know what's about to happen. I know Kenny's a nice guy, Clem... I bet Carver was a nice guy too, once... Probably had a nice job, a nice, pretty wife. Then all this happened and one day he caved some kid's face in and realised he could sleep at night."
"We can still make this work."
"All I'm saying is, start thinking about what happens if you're wrong." - Jane and Clem, No Going Back.
"Killing one in order to save many is... part of survival. It's one of the though decisions a weaker person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to safety. (...) They are weak and we are strong..." - Carver, In Harms Way (now I don't agree with the killing Carver is refering to in this quote (the uneeded killing of Reggie), but this statement can be very true under... other circumstances.)
"Clem... you made the right choice... I let you down... I let everyone down..."
"Why did you make me do this?!" - Kenny and Clementine, No Going Back.
There's one more I have in mind, but I can't seem to find it!
I've literally just now recently posted several comments on different topics not at all regarding to the post-apocalyptic butt-pirate extraordinaire.
You're just singling any negative comments that anyone posts about the dick-dastardly dick himself and claiming that any bad exposure he receives is at the fault of the poster.
The truth being that we can't all take your posts seriously as they either involve sarcasm or hatred of the one character you always go on about time after time lol
You are the only one who gets on my nerves though, I don't have a problem with anyone else because even though there are a lot of people here who hate Kenny, at least they don't go as far with the hate as you. Trust me man, if there was an option to block someone so I don't have to see their shitty posts, I would have blocked you 2 years ago.
As I've said previously, I won't filter myself or my humor in order to make a few more comfortable.
If someone who "likes" Kenny really l… moreiked him, they wouldn't need anyone's validation in order to feel more at ease and surely wouldn't get as offended as some people here do because someone enjoys striking up a joke or two at his expense every now and again.
And whatever you do, don't ever take "that guy" seriously with his posts lol. What you'll see most of the time is Kenny related hate of some sort and sarcastic posts.
So, he was singling me out far more intrusively that my comments were to him.
But it's true though man lol! What I said there ain't no lies pal!
If you're gonna talk about a user just use their name instead of talking about them like that.
Talking about them like what? The sim… moreilar way in which he talks about me?
Straight from Dan's keyboard.
And whatever you do, don't ever take "that guy" seriously with his posts lol. What you'll see most of the time is Kenny related hate of some sort and sarcastic posts.
So, he was singling me out far more intrusively that my comments were to him.
Furthermore, I don't even know what your issue is. Both of your replies had very little relevance to what my comments were stating.
I don't know what you're talking about. I progressed the conversation by stating what my intentions were since I sensed confusion in your comments.
But I digress.
Plus, you're kinda pointing out the obvious; it doesn't take a blind man to see that you don't care if someone gets upset over your s̶a̶r̶c̶a̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ … [view original content]
First of all, I never stated I was the victim. I stated that the things Dan had typed were far more assertive than my own comments.
Secondly, I was typing his previous comment to simply demonstrate that although my supposed mentioning of Dan's person remark was "unneeded" than surely his should be too, correct?
If you're gonna talk about a user just use their name instead of talking about them like that.
Well, he did the exact same thing. If the rule applies to me surely it must also be exercised to him as well?
Lastly, my inclusion in this conversation is over. Good day.
As of posting this, I currently have 3533 comments. According to your immensely misguided assumptions, I have on record 3179 comments in which I "unfairly" slate Kenny in some capacity or another.
This is directed at all three of you:
Enough already! This thread is for TWD quotes. Start a private discussion if you want to continue... whatever this is.
You are the only one who gets on my nerves though, I don't have a problem with anyone else because even though there are a lot of people her… moree who hate Kenny, at least they don't go as far with the hate as you. Trust me man, if there was an option to block someone so I don't have to see their shitty posts, I would have blocked you 2 years ago.
"He (Larry) treated you like shit. He knew who you were and you would've had all the reason to kill him and you didn't. You don't need to ap… moreologize." - Lilly, Long Road Ahead.
"It ruined my life."
"Good thing everyone else's got destroyed shortly thereafter, uh? Misery loves company." - Lee and Lilly, Long Road Ahead.
"FUCK YOU, KENNY. (...) I am so, so, SO sorry about Katjaa and Duck, I AM. And I know I fucked up, but STOP pushing me around and STOP wishing I was dead. (...) NO! You know how they died. You've said GOODBYE. I never got to see my family, my parents, my little sister... Do you get that? Your family is gone, but at least you had them to lose. I never made it home. They could be alive, or dead, or walkers, or WORSE and I DON'T KNOW. SO GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK." - Ben, No Time Left.
"Everybody was happy with me distributing the food! But now that it's running OUT, sudenly I'm a goddamn nazi!" - Lilly, Starved For Help.
… [view original content]
Yeah it was horrible but that's what Kenny is like when he's upset.
I am not attempting for you to hate me, though you already kind of do, but this statement does not have much value when using it as an argument.
Let's say I take, for example, Molly.
Let's say that Molly is put in a life and death situation involving walkers. She grips Hilda tensely and uses her weapon to climb the buildings of an alley. Saying that that's what Molly is like when her life is on the line does not argue anything in favor nor against her character—just pointing out something that is known.
Lee: "Hey, Ben."
Ben: "Yeah?"
Lee: "Cya."
Ben: "Yeah."
Not to mention harsh.
"I'm still. Not. Bitten. I never was. And you left me out here to die."
That's actually my profile description. Haha.
"So, uh..."
"Are you okay?"
"Hm? What, oh, yeah, I'm uh... I'm good."
"That's good."
"Yeah, I think so. Being good is good, despite the circumstances."
Or maybe, from the same episode.
"I know I'm not your dad but, if you need anything, I'm your guy. Okay?"
"Okay. Same."
"You're my guy?"
"What - Oh, no! You know..."
"We're going to try and look after each other."
"Yes. Deal."
Both of those quotes in the first episode - A New Day - between Lee and Clem, still make me very happy to hear. There's something adorable about those lines that makes me grin from ear to ear every time I hear them. Those are two off the top of my head that I really like from season one. In terms of season two, the only two that leap out at me are between Luke and Clem in season two.
"I'm not an asshole."
"You calling me an asshole?"
"Whoa, whoa whoa! You're fine, you're fine! Just look at me, okay, you're fine!"
Clem looks down at Luke
"You look like an idiot."
"Just climb the thing."
Sorry for the long post!
Still resuming the negativity of Kenny i see instead of giving a real "favourite quote" from the game lol
(Waits for his usual sarcastic retaliation to get back at me)
You are aware that Kenny wasn't calling Clem a sham but rather Lee's job as a carer for her as he's not Clem's real father?
I just have so many favourite quotes from this game (more so season 1). It's really hard to decide lol
Either way, it's still kinda harsh.
I mean, I understand that Kenny's probably going through some serious internal conflict in that scene(they are in the train, right?), but damn!
Also, I thought the guy above was being serious.
I'm not much about Rebecca, but these scenes crack me up.
Mike: Are you okay? How does it feel?

Rebecca: It feels wet, that's how it feels!
Clementine: I have pills. I think they'll help you with the pain.

Kenny: What are they?
Bonnie: Looks like oxy.
Rebecca: I want em.
Kenny: Wait, wait. Is that okay for a pregnant lady?
Rebecca: Give me the fuckin pills!
There never will be good time but there will be lots of bad ones..
Can you please not for once?
I'll spare you my "sarcastic retaliation", cause I know you're quite susceptible to getting agitated by my exaggeratedly wry retorts.
Oh, that's why I don't remember it! Cause it felt like a full knuckled bitchslap when I saw it here.
Yeah you feed off upsetting others so it would be nice for a change not to hear it.
And yeah go on say it, that works both ways right?
Not what? State the truth? Lol
Carley line?
"You might not believe this after what happened earlier, but... I liked Reggie. He was a funny guy. he kept things light. You need folks like that... It's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. But he was weak. And I don't mean just 'cause he was maimed, that wasn't his problem. He was weak of will. Weak of character. And we can't have that around here... not anymore."
No one get's upset on the forums other than you.
Most everyone here is relatively acceptable to my "sarcastic retaliation."
What truth?
"You've always been there for me Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
"You don't just end it ,cause it's hard, you stick it out and help the folks you care about"
"You think I don't know what ya'll are whispering about over there? What's wrong with Kenny, why's Kenny acting that way, do you think Kenny's okay? It's all I hear from anyone anymore."
And here I thought I was the one being singled out. Y'know, considering whenever I post a comment at a fictional characters' expense, I always have people (namely Dan) go off that a comment that is meant to be regarded as humorous is actually (according to some, I presume) me being a "troll."
"I'd put some burben in those tea cups if I could..."
Lee was amazing.
As I've said previously, I won't filter myself or my humor in order to make a few more comfortable.
If someone who "likes" Kenny really liked him, they wouldn't need anyone's validation in order to feel more at ease and surely wouldn't get as offended as some people here do because someone enjoys striking up a joke or two at his expense every now and again.
Now THIS is truly an inspiration!
Talking about them like what? The similar way in which he talks about me?
Straight from Dan's keyboard.
So, he was singling me out far more intrusively that my comments were to him.
I don't know what you're talking about. I progressed the conversation by stating what my intentions were since I sensed confusion in your comments.
But I digress.
Obviously not obvious cause although people know I don't care, they're surely not above pestering me about how my humorous retorts are needlessly crass and how I'm a "troll" for instigating their personal agenda's, projecting their own validations on me.
The truth being that we can't all take your posts seriously as they either involve sarcasm or hatred of the one character you always go on about time after time lol
"He (Larry) treated you like shit. He knew who you were and you would've had all the reason to kill him and you didn't. You don't need to apologize." - Lilly, Long Road Ahead.
"It ruined my life."
"Good thing everyone else's got destroyed shortly thereafter, uh? Misery loves company." - Lee and Lilly, Long Road Ahead.
"FUCK YOU, KENNY. (...) I am so, so, SO sorry about Katjaa and Duck, I AM. And I know I fucked up, but STOP pushing me around and STOP wishing I was dead. (...) NO! You know how they died. You've said GOODBYE. I never got to see my family, my parents, my little sister... Do you get that? Your family is gone, but at least you had them to lose. I never made it home. They could be alive, or dead, or walkers, or WORSE and I DON'T KNOW. SO GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK." - Ben, No Time Left.
"Everybody was happy with me distributing the food! But now that it's running OUT, sudenly I'm a goddamn nazi!" - Lilly, Starved For Help.
"(...) I stayed up all last night thinking about this. Why are we even trying to survive, to keep on living, if this is what it takes? If this is what it's turned us into?" - Anna Correa, (Tape) Around Every Corner.
"You know... Jaime... Sarah... I'm not going to stick around and- and watch it happen to you too. (...) You take care of yourself. I mean that... (...) Here. Versatility is NOT overrated." - Jane, Amid The Ruins.
"There are people out there who are scared. Who don't know what to do. You could be helping them, but instead you're just... sitting in a dark tent feeling sorry for yourself."
"Sorry for myself? The hell do you know, Clementine?"
"I had to shoot Lee! So don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one who has lost people!" - Clem and Kenny, Amid The Ruins.
"Rebecca! Our baby deserves to be raised in a place of safety!" - Carver, A House Divided.
"I'm worried about Kenny. He's... He's in a dark place. (...) You're the only one that he trusts, that he REALLY trusts. That means you're the one that's gonna have to pull him back." - Jane, No Going Back.
"Do you... remember when you saw me first? Back at the lodge? I felt real bad you believed me. 'She can't hurt anyone'. (...) You ever done something you regret? Even when it's something you knew you had to do?" - Bonnie, No Going Back (my personal favourite).
"That group is cracking... I've seen it before. (...) You don't wanna be here when they start... turning on eachother. Turning on you." - Jane, Amid The Ruins.
" (Talking about Kenny) I've seen that look before."
"I've seen it too. A few times."
"Then you know what's about to happen. I know Kenny's a nice guy, Clem... I bet Carver was a nice guy too, once... Probably had a nice job, a nice, pretty wife. Then all this happened and one day he caved some kid's face in and realised he could sleep at night."
"We can still make this work."
"All I'm saying is, start thinking about what happens if you're wrong." - Jane and Clem, No Going Back.
"Killing one in order to save many is... part of survival. It's one of the though decisions a weaker person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to safety. (...) They are weak and we are strong..." - Carver, In Harms Way (now I don't agree with the killing Carver is refering to in this quote (the uneeded killing of Reggie), but this statement can be very true under... other circumstances.)
"Clem... you made the right choice... I let you down... I let everyone down..."
"Why did you make me do this?!" - Kenny and Clementine, No Going Back.
There's one more I have in mind, but I can't seem to find it!
I've literally just now recently posted several comments on different topics not at all regarding to the post-apocalyptic butt-pirate extraordinaire.
You're just singling any negative comments that anyone posts about the dick-dastardly dick himself and claiming that any bad exposure he receives is at the fault of the poster.
You are the only one who gets on my nerves though, I don't have a problem with anyone else because even though there are a lot of people here who hate Kenny, at least they don't go as far with the hate as you. Trust me man, if there was an option to block someone so I don't have to see their shitty posts, I would have blocked you 2 years ago.
Your joking here right? More like 90% of the time lol
But it's true though man lol! What I said there ain't no lies pal!
First of all, I never stated I was the victim. I stated that the things Dan had typed were far more assertive than my own comments.
Secondly, I was typing his previous comment to simply demonstrate that although my supposed mentioning of Dan's person remark was "unneeded" than surely his should be too, correct?
Well, he did the exact same thing. If the rule applies to me surely it must also be exercised to him as well?
Lastly, my inclusion in this conversation is over. Good day.
Let's calculate my "90%" comments, shall we?
As of posting this, I currently have 3533 comments. According to your immensely misguided assumptions, I have on record 3179 comments in which I "unfairly" slate Kenny in some capacity or another.
Wow, I must really be a bastard.
This is directed at all three of you:
Enough already! This thread is for TWD quotes. Start a private discussion if you want to continue... whatever this is.
Well, I'm not going to continue an argument that goes nowhere.
I personally would like to remain on the forums to continue spreading my "love" for Ol'-cum-beard-Kenny.
Biased perhaps for me here but any line Kenny says when he's angry is just golden stuff like him or not:
Any quote that Kenny used the word shitbird is great.
"I don't care if their make a wish was a fuckin boat ride!" - Kenny about the cancer patients
"Bandits hey chill here's some pills. Hey Vernon chill here's our fuckin boat!" - Kenny sarcastically to Ben in No Time Left
"Surreeee this is America! Take a fuckin vote" - Kenny to Lee when deciding what to do with Ben in Crawford classroom
"Listen Vanilla Ice, I don't know what your deal is but your welcome to take off in the morning" - Kenny to Nick at the lodge
"Well that's easy, i got charm comin out of my ass"
Chuck's speech on the train.
"Hey Ben. Hey. Seeya"
Many many more though.
I am not attempting for you to hate me, though you already kind of do, but this statement does not have much value when using it as an argument.
Let's say I take, for example, Molly.
Let's say that Molly is put in a life and death situation involving walkers. She grips Hilda tensely and uses her weapon to climb the buildings of an alley. Saying that that's what Molly is like when her life is on the line does not argue anything in favor nor against her character—just pointing out something that is known.