Answer the question above you



  • I was hoping someone would say that...
    Hmm.. I have a few.. Melissa Hutchison, Dave Fennoy, Troy Baker, Laura Bailey and Nolan North.

    Favorite Tomb Raider game?

  • I haven't played many but i really love Legend. what is your fav point and click game however it can't be the games that TTG has created it has to be another game campany.

  • I dunno. I've been playing Grim Fandango recently and that's pretty good so far.

    What is your job?

  • Being Jobless

    Would you rather have a pet Snake or Spider?

  • Snake cuz they are cute and spiders creep me out.

    Favorite singer? Or artist whatever.

  • my fav artist is always changing but i really like poets of the fall and the duo meg and dia

    do you enjoy spicy food or not, if u do what is ur fav spicy dish

  • I do and my favorite spicy dish is a chicken burrito smothered in green chili.

    How angry have you ever gotten in your life?

  • Thats a hard one... I can't really remember any REALLY angry moments in my life. But I've definitely gotten quite angry, but I'd rather not discuss them here.

    Chocolate or Ice cream?

  • Ice Cream, you get more variety that way. Plus, I could cheat and get CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM.

    All time favorite album?

  • The Open Door.

    or if live albums count, Anywhere But Home.

    Least favorite character in TWAU?

  • Either one of the Tweedles, fuck them.

    Worst movie you have ever seen in theaters?

  • depends on your definition. But I'd say Pokemon Platinum.
    Most anticipated Tell-tale games series?

  • a tie between game of thrones and a new season of the walking dead.

    what do you do on a cold wet day? here are your choices- read a book, play snakes and ladders with a friend (and other broad games) or play video games/ surf the internet

  • Teresa in the Maze Runner Saga. Her in Scorch Trials, smh....

    Why are you answering this question?

  • edited September 2016

    stacyplays, because she gives my nieces and nephews something to do. also she's child friendly.

    What subjects in school should they teach more?

  • I believe that schools should have a class that discusses politics or somewhat current world events. Those are areas of knowledge that I consider to be kind of crucial, but are rarely talked about. I understand that political debates could become heated, but that's not what I'm suggesting. Just a class where they teach different political terms, labels, definitions, ect. would probably not be a terrible idea. It's really hard to trudge through all of that information on your own. These kind of classes wouldn't even have to be mandatory. It would be nice if they, you know, existed for those that are interested. I'm sure some high-schools have these on their rosters, but no school district I know does.

    What would you say your ideal or most commonly used sense of humor is?

  • edited September 2016

    Web sling,

    Would you rather, Know when your gonna die or know how your gonna die.

    Season 2 was alright, but nowhere near as good as season 1 If you could have 1 superpower, what would you have?

  • Hmm... Most likely sarcasm and "I'm trash" related jokes. Still in High School so I guess I'm not alone in that sense. Right now you might hear me say "same", or "triggered". My sense of humor isn't the most original, but whatever.

    What'a your biggest pet peeve?

    Kenny726 posted: »

    I believe that schools should have a class that discusses politics or somewhat current world events. Those are areas of knowledge that I con

  • Teachers who know how to fuck with you.

    How many things could a Bing Bing thing if a Bing Bing could thing things?

  • ... Why ask questions with no answers?

    Whats your favorite out of the three Fire Emblem Fates games?

  • I've never played any of them.

    What's the biggest age gap you have with any of your siblings?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    ... Why ask questions with no answers? Whats your favorite out of the three Fire Emblem Fates games?

  • At first read I thought you said Ape Gap...

    I'm 10 years older than my youngest sibling.

    Favorite Uncharted game? (Including Golden Abyss)

  • I was never big into ND games but I did play 2 regularly so I'll go with Uncharted 2.

    Name a villain you sympathize with if any

  • Hannibal Lecter

    Favourite video game protagonist?

  • Lee from the Walking Dead or Trevor from GTA V

    What was your fear as a child?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Hannibal Lecter Favourite video game protagonist?

  • fancies posted: »

    Clothing brands would use that to their advantage, make a third gender clothing section, and make more money. Same with those brands that tr

  • edited September 2016

    Eh, Alot of things... Spiders, the dark, aliens, ghosts, clowns... I could go on..
    The only thing out of those that I'm still afraid of is... ugh... Spiders... Little ones are okay, but the big, hairy ones... I'll stop there.

    If you had to become one of any of the TWD characters, who would it be?

  • The raccoon.

    Favourite video game antagonist?

  • Hmm.. I have a couple.. Lilly (Does she count?), Ivor, Dr. Neo Cortex...
    There are heaps more but I can't think of them at the moment. P.S. Your avatar's awesome @TheFurryOne.

    Favorite 3DS game?

  • Pokemon X

    Best cartoon series?

  • edited September 2016

    Double post. xP

  • avatar the last airbender

    what is your fav rock music artist

  • edited September 2016

    Does Queen count? I don't know

    Favourite member of suicide squad

  • Harley Quinn in any media

    Funniest Telltale character?

  • Ivor from MCSM or Omid from TWD

    Speaking of Walking Dead did you know of the TV show before the game?

  • Yes.

    What's your favourite trailer for a game?

  • Hmm.. Well there's a few I like.

    That trailer for TWD S2 that's on the app store (I'm not sure which one it is)
    I've watched the Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us trailers many times.
    I can't really pick a favorite.

    Whats your favorite thing(s) to put on a sandwich?

  • Red peppers

    Most evil serial killer?

  • The ribbons.

    Have you ever had a detention in school?

  • I don't think so, I left school quite early though.

    Favorite Nintendo Series?

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