New Frontier Eps 1+2 Waiting Thread - Now out on PC (Steam/TTG/Win 10), Xbox One, PS4, iOS, Android

Reminder, posting ANY spoilers in this thread can result in a ban. Please refrain from posting ANY spoilers in this thread.
New Forum Guidelines Update (November 10th)
We have updated the Forum Guidelines with a new Category for Expected Posting Etiquette as well as revisions to other Forum Guidelines. Please read over the new revision to Forum Guidelines. Changes include new rules for sharing Let's Plays/Streams, as well as elaboration on expected posting quality, respectful criticism versus personal attacks against staff on the forums, and more.
Other New Forum Changes: You can now use Emoticons, and you can embed Tweets and YouTube videos just by directly copy/pasting a link. Read Page 1 for more info!
Release Dates
Episodes 1 AND 2 release on the same day
- PC - December 20th
- Xbox One - December 20th
- Playstation 4 - December 20th
- iOS - December 21st
- Android - December 23rd
(The Walking Dead: A New Frontier will no longer be releasing on 360 and PS3.)
December 16th
December 15th
- News Post: Telltale's "A New Frontier" Story Generator
December 14th
- Support Article: The Walking Dead: A New Frontier will not be available on Playstation 3 or Xbox 360
December 12th
News Post: How you can get your Walking Dead Saves into Season Three!
Kevin Bruner (TTG CEO) explains Save Import system on Reddit
December 10th
- Forum Discussion posted by Job: Limited Engagement: Crowd Play 'The Walking Dead: A New Frontier' in London & NYC!
December 9th
Tweet from Job: "We've shipped a LOT of Telltale trailers over the years... this one on Sunday takes the top spot for me. Can NOT wait for everyone to see..."
December 7th
- New Concept Art revealed; See this Forum Discussion for more detail (Thanks Dont_Look_Back and BetterToSleep for the help!)
December 6th
December 1st
Game Awards 2016 Announcement: The first two episodes both premiere on December 20th.
Tweet from Job: If you thought that was nice, watch for some AWESOME news at .@thegameawards tonight on just how big the premiere will be
Tweet from Job: Not just import, but also quick-create a tailored backstory that matches your own if you can't find your original save. More details soon!
Tweet from Job: And on top of that - a default path option that will welcome players completely new to the series. Really guys - more info soon. Promise!
Tweet from Job: While we'd love it if you've played them all, despite being the third season, #ANewFrontier is also for newcomers -JS
November 30th
- Tweet from Job: Played episodes one AND two of #TheWalkingDead #ANewFrontier today with the team. Speechless. 20 days to premiere... Ready for season three?
November 28th
November 22nd
Tweet from The Game Awards: Don't miss an extended look at gameplay from The Walking Dead: A New Frontier live .@thegameawards next Thursday night. .@telltalegames
News Post: 'The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - A New Frontier' Premieres December 20th
Tweet: Pre-orders are now live for #TWD: A New Frontier. Get your first look Dec 1st at .@thegameawards.
November 21st
- Tweet from Job: #TheWalkingDead: A New Frontier news is ready for the morning. Please standby, and thanks again for your patience. Not long now..
November 20th
Tweet from Job: News updates incoming for #TheWalkingDead. One loosely related to plunge into tomorrow, then some big ANF news we've been waiting to share..
Tweet from Job: Want to thank everyone for their patience. The team has been VERY hard at work on something very special with A New Frontier. Stay tuned...
November 11th:
Response from djWHEAT (Director of Twitch): .@jobjstauffer do you have 8 minutes of footage to prove it?
Response from Job: .@djWHEAT Not just yet... but YOU might! Let's catch up next week!
November 10th
- Tweet from Job: Also played #TheWalkingDead A New Frontier's premiere. Javier's story is personal, complex, and emotionally charged. News update forthcoming
November 2nd
November 1st
October 26th
Season Pass disc rated "MA 15+" by the Australian Classification Board
Minor Update: Telltale's Facebook page for their Walking Dead series (not the main Telltale Facebook page) has a new Banner/Profile Icon (This usually indicates a close episode release or new info incoming) - You must be signed in on Facebook to view the page
October 21st:
September 27th:
September 2nd:
Visit the Whatever's On Your Mind Megathread for off topic chat!
Pass some time and get to know the Telltale Community! While you are waiting for the episode, why not pass some time by getting to know the Telltale Community?
Do not discuss story spoilers (or share Let's Plays/other videos) for the latest episode in a Waiting Thread - Doing so leaves you at risk of punishment. Episode Waiting Threads are meant to be spoiler free discussions, so please respect that. Discussion of spoilers from past episodes is okay.
Remember that the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect. This includes not just forum users and moderators, but Telltale staff as well. Please don't insult or antagonize anyone, including Telltale staff, for what they post, either on these forums, on the Telltale blog, on the Telltale Facebook page, on Twitter, or elsewhere. The Telltale Terms of Use prohibits behavior that harasses or advocates harassment of another person. We want these forums to be fun to visit for everyone, staff and gamers alike. Thanks.
Please do not overuse gifs, large letters, memes, etc - Posts will be flagged as Spam for over using large letters.
The wait is almost over!
We finally made it! It's been a long time coming, but we're finally close enough to release to make the Episode 1 Waiting Thread for the The Walking Dead's third Season! Announced all the way back in July of 2014, we are only several weeks away from the Season Premiere of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier!
Want to take a trip down memory lane? Look back on the Pre-Season News thread to see older news updates all the way back from July 2014, leading up to this point.
Take a trip down Memory Lane
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Season 3 Waiting Thread Time Capsule
Pre-Season News thread
New Forum Additions since Season 2
Embed YouTube/Tweets directly by copy/pasting the link without using the Link tool!
Emoticons: If you are on a Computer, you can hold your cursor over the smiley to see what I typed to get it to display. Please do not over use these, but feel free to use them in normal amounts, like you would pictures, gifs, etc.
Ground Rules for Waiting Threads
These rules apply to each Waiting Thread we make, so please be respectful of that. Thanks!
It's okay to pass the time and make small talk, but please try to have actual conversation based around Walking Dead. In other words, please don't post random things just for the sake of posting. It's okay if there is nothing new to discuss for a while.
Do not discuss story spoilers (or share Let's Plays/other videos) for the latest episode in a Waiting Thread - Doing so leaves you at risk of punishment. Episode Waiting Threads are meant to be spoiler free discussions, so please respect that. Discussion of spoilers from past episodes is okay.
Remember that the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect. This includes not just forum users and moderators, but Telltale staff as well. Please don't insult or antagonize anyone, including Telltale staff, for what they post, either on these forums, on the Telltale blog, on the Telltale Facebook page, on Twitter, or elsewhere. The Telltale Terms of Use prohibits behavior that harasses or advocates harassment of another person. We want these forums to be fun to visit for everyone, staff and gamers alike. Thanks.
Please do not overuse gifs, large letters, memes, etc - Posts will be flagged as Spam for over using large letters.
You know, I'll miss all the time we spent on the other thread.
I honestly won't miss it that much. It had a lot of filler posts.
That being said, I guess you could call this... the 'New Frontier' of Waiting Threads. Har har har.... okay, I'll see myself out the door.
I should probably clarify:
This mainly applies to filler posts like pictures of food, posts asking why nobody is posting, etc. As long as you are otherwise making a genuine attempt at talking about Walking Dead, it's fine and we aren't going to be super strict.
But that's what made it such a special thread. I remember the days of talking about horribly-tasting canned whole chickens, Carlos's stupidity, shitposting and having fun overall, in fact, that's the thread that made me be a member here. Well, rest in sweet chickens old thread
Has it really been 2+ years since 205? Damn... I feel old.
When blind sniper keeps making filler posts about filler posts.
Kidding, I know it's only best to keep us updated. But just wondering, this will be the final episode one waiting thread, correct? We won't be making another one after this? It seems like there has been like 4 already haha.
Well, technically this is the first - but, yes, definitely the final thread.
The Season 3 thread was more of a general waiting thread and not a Episode 1 thread. Vain had recommended I try making a Season 3 Waiting Thread back in December of 2014, and I took him up on that at the time. However, it was kinda awkward since there was lots of downtime between whenever we got news. That and the E3/PAX threads were mostly just... experimenting I guess.
For future series, Pre-Season News threads will be the norm prior to when we get a Ep 1 thread up and going. Prior to the Ep 1 Waiting Thread for a future series, either people will make their own news threads for individual updates or we will make mega threads for events like PAX, E3, etc.
Anyways, no more games of musical chairs when it comes to moving between threads. This is the final thread, promise!
Yeah, it's crazy how much time has passed! One upside of the longer wait though is that the game has had more time in the oven, so to speak, so hopefully it will be closer to Season 1 in quality.
If I may... Could we have merged the previous thread that was closed opposed to just closing it
Aye indeed! I still oddly think of Season Two as brand new. Same as TWAU. It's amazing to see just how much Telltale has done in such a short time!
Finally EP 1 OF-THREAD
I personally feel it's better to have a clean slate and keep things consistent with how we usually set up waiting threads.
The general Season 3 Waiting thread was the appetizer, and this thread is the main meal, so to speak.
Oh I'd been waiting for this moment to happen since a long long time.....
Its finally here!!!!
Today is a good day.
Can't wait to play the 1st episode. Meeting, and getting to know Javier more, is gonna be a treat.
I don't think telltale would do such a thing actually. If they have taken the decision to keep two protagonists, they must've thought it well. Both should be given equal importance according to me.
This is it guys... we're almost there :')
Tbh that sounds like every TWD waiting thread ever in existence, I don't really think that one was special
Sweet Sue's, that sounds familiar!
Moving waiting threads back and forth's got me like
2 months. 2 fucking months before I get to slay walkers, people, and have my emotions stomped on by TellTale.
I am so excited! This is my first Walking Dead episode waiting thread. I can't wait to play this game and discuss and debate with this community! I mean, I'm technically doing that now, but it'll be different when everything is coming out for the first time. I will never forget my first time.
I think Javier should be the central focus of episode 1. That doesn't mean save Clem for the end, but specifically for episode 1 they need to introduce us to javier first and foremost. He can't just be thrown to the side simply because of Clementine, he's a brand new character and a central part of the season. After episode 1 I expect an equal split.
Aw yeah only 41-70 more days! Hopefully just the 41...
Don't worry, this is the final/definitive waiting thread. No more musical chairs with threads from this point out.
This is a surprisingly accurate simile.
I'm a mod, it's my (volunteer) job to hate stuff like that.
Nice to hear that. We don't want the place to be entirely devoid of fun or anything like that, but we also don't want people to treat the forums like a glorified chat room instead of, well, a forum. Lately, we've been trying see if we can improve the quality of discussions while still allowing people to have fun on the side in certain cases, without the forums completely turning into a chat room. It's still something I'm trying to take into consideration with other mods, but at the same time, that unfortunately means at times that we want to cut off things like people talking about canned chickens.
This post does relate to The Walking Dead, but if this by any chance counts as off-topic spamming or anything, please just notify me so I don't repeat any similar actions in this thread. I wasn't exactly sure where I could share this, so here it is, for now.
Bonecage, a.k.a. that one YouTuber that very few of you probably know about, just uploaded another Walking Dead Tribute video. This one is dedicated to Clementine and was made in anticipation of Season 3.
I absolutely love this guy's "Sweetpea" (Lee and Clem tribute) and "Get it Together" (Kenny tribute) songs, and this one was no exception. I happen to fangirl and get very emotional over any well-done tribute, but those that create unique lyrics for the characters have a special place in that empty section in my chest where my heart should be located. If any of you have time, I'd recommend you check out this tribute and possibly the other two videos that I listed before. You won't be sorry...
As I've said, Season 3 was a super weird case with us choosing to do a super early waiting thread. For future Telltale series, we'll be making Pre-Season News threads for when the game is further off. People will instead be able to post a new thread for individual news updates, and mods will make larger threads for events like PAX, Comic Con, E3, etc. Once we get around 1 to 2.5 months away from launch (ideally), we'll make our normal Episode Waiting threads.
There were awkward moments with us moving between threads and all that because we were figuring things out on the fly or trying out experimental ways to make different threads, but the upside is that now we have experience to look back on and learn from for future Telltale series because of Season 3.
We're getting in the groove of things in some areas while still working to be better in other areas. Changing how we organize news and discussions of upcoming Telltale series is one area we've improved in because of our experience with the earlier Season 3 thread, so future threads for upcoming series will be way more organized.
Don't worry, it's fine to share. Off topic spamming counts as stuff like posting random pictures of food/animals/etc to pass time, or making posts complaining that nobody else is posting. If it's related to Walking Dead or Telltale, it's usually fine to share.
And now we wait... in a proper thread this time. I'm looking foward to more plot twists and zombie slaying as Clem.
Just gotta wait a little longer, yo.
Alright, thank you. I wasn't exactly sure what was considered off-topic or not, so it's good to finally have that figured out.
I feel like the start of a big adventure! Literally a new frontier. Can't wait to have a new protagonist and an old protagonist and a brand new group!
Oh, and finding out what happened to Kenny and his current whereabouts.
He got lucky. Real lucky.
I am SO excited for A New Frontier! I can't even contain it! I'm so amazed at how much Clem has grown, and I can't wait to see her again! She is my favorite character!

I hope they don't release it on PC as broken as Batman was. I'm actually kind of hyped for this.
Just as was the case with previous Telltale titles, I can see them making incremental improvements to the engine for each series of games they release. In this case, New Frontier is being released a little further ahead of Batman, so I can see Telltale releasing some new (but minor) engine updates as soon as the premiere hits.
With Telltale (hopefully) going back to Monthly episodes, I'm not sure how their schedule is going to turn out, and if that means that we get series premieres being more spread out or if they just release two Seasons together at a quicker pace.
I really hope they do, because the two biggest things I hate about Telltale right now are the fact that it takes 3 months for a new episode to come out, and the fact that a lot of their games have released with major PC bugs (from my personal experience).