The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Fabulous.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, got prepared for Halloween a bit too early. By the way, how's my new avatar? :>

  • Your avatar (TheFurryOne) perfectly matches your comment.

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • Thanks. :^)

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • edited September 2016

    Fucking Gray gets all the good shit. Where's my Volume 4 merch? Huh?

    EDIT: Or Miles, I saw Gray posted it and assumed but to my surprise.


    MichaelBP posted: »

    ... Soooo... Official RWBY body pillows? ...

  • Probably "soon", starting with them making more versions of this:

    enter image description here

    Then followed by new plushies, figures, shirts and body pillows.And probably DLC for Grimm Eclipse.

    Fucking Gray gets all the good shit. Where's my Volume 4 merch? Huh? EDIT: Or Miles, I saw Gray posted it and assumed but to my surprise. MY POINT STILL STANDS.

  • Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, got prepared for Halloween a bit too early. By the way, how's my new avatar? :>

  • Updated the title to clarify Telltale Talk is now at the top of the forums; let's see if that helps prevent more confusion. :p

  • Don't count on it :D

    Updated the title to clarify Telltale Talk is now at the top of the forums; let's see if that helps prevent more confusion.

  • edited September 2016

    This shit is great.

  • Telltale Talk: Come for the Minecraft, stay for the bitterness and bickering of differing fanbases.

  • (Scrolls Down)


    (Scrolls up)


  • Cliff Williams is leaving AC/DC, now Angus Young is the only old bandmemeber left. He should just re-name the band Angus And Friends or something.

  • Staff got tired of off-topic discussion so they moved it to the top, that way everyone knows it exists.

    Honestly it's not a bad guess.

    Updated the title to clarify Telltale Talk is now at the top of the forums; let's see if that helps prevent more confusion.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    Staff got tired of off-topic discussion so they moved it to the top, that way everyone knows it exists.

    Actually, I was the one who asked Telltale to move it up top; not because anyone was tired of off topic stuff being posted elsewhere, but rather, I wanted more prominence for the off topic section so people would be more likely to stick around between games. If it's more prominent, it gets more activity, meaning hopefully more people stick around after a season ends.

    My thinking was that it would lead to a more consistent forum culture as opposed to wiping the slate clean each time Telltale launches two new games together (Wolf/Dead S2, Thrones/Tales, Michonne/Minecraft, etc). In doing so, new users who come around for a series will have an example of higher quality posters to look up to, as opposed to being surrounded by lots of other new people who only just joined. If new users have some examples of good posters to look up to, I was thinking that it would improve posting quality by some amount whenever a new series launches.

    I'll try to not bore you with too many details, but as you might recall, this version of the forums with layered comments launched in Fall 2013. During Season 1 and beforehand, Telltale used a more traditional forum. A combination of the new forums in 2013 and Telltale moving away from puzzle games caused their older fans to leave, and there was a huge shift in the culture here. At the same time that a bunch of the old fans left, a bunch of new and different fans from a different demographic came on because of Telltale's newly found popularity, so I guess you could say this was a reboot for the Telltale Community.

    Things have already improved by some users already sticking around since 2013, and I figured that having Telltale Talk be up at the top would potentially help more people stick around instead of leaving once their Season ended.

    Staff got tired of off-topic discussion so they moved it to the top, that way everyone knows it exists. Honestly it's not a bad guess.

  • This is one of the instances where I'm okay with keeping the name. Angus has been "the band" with complete creative control for a long time now. He really IS the band.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Cliff Williams is leaving AC/DC, now Angus Young is the only old bandmemeber left. He should just re-name the band Angus And Friends or something.

  • I've been saying it ever since they kicked Brian Johnson out, but Angus needs to just call it quits and retire AC/DC once and for all.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Cliff Williams is leaving AC/DC, now Angus Young is the only old bandmemeber left. He should just re-name the band Angus And Friends or something.

  • Hey I'm back, if anyone cares

  • Spookalicious

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, got prepared for Halloween a bit too early. By the way, how's my new avatar? :>

  • That looks pretty cool. 2D style animation with real-life-looking backdrops and some 3D animation and paper animation? Sweet.

    This shit is great.

  • Hooray! I care. You're a good person here, giving people encouragement and compliments. Thanks for all that.

    Hey I'm back, if anyone cares

  • Welcome back!

    Hey I'm back, if anyone cares

  • No need to thank me! I missed you guys in the forums.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hooray! I care. You're a good person here, giving people encouragement and compliments. Thanks for all that.

  • Thank you!

    Welcome back!

  • Ay b0ss. Good to have you back.

    Hey I'm back, if anyone cares

  • Well I mean that's just all of Gumball in general. I was just saying that the song was great.

    AChicken posted: »

    That looks pretty cool. 2D style animation with real-life-looking backdrops and some 3D animation and paper animation? Sweet.

  • Yeah, I guess you could say it's a good song too.

    Well I mean that's just all of Gumball in general. I was just saying that the song was great.

  • Hola! How's it going?

    Hey I'm back, if anyone cares

  • Eyy there!

    Hey I'm back, if anyone cares

  • Been watching some For Honor gameplay and holy shit this game is amazing. I WANT IT! I WANT IT!

    enter image description here

  • Just a heads up: the mobile version is broken on the Vita, fix it web team.

  • I can look into giving the web team a heads up. How in particular is it broken?

    papai46 posted: »

    Just a heads up: the mobile version is broken on the Vita, fix it web team.

  • I didn't mean the animation was bad or anything, I was just saying that pointing out the animation's quality at this point would be like pointing out how shitty Teen Titans Go is or how cringey PPG 2016 is. It's just hammering in the message at this point. I pointed out the song because it sends a positive and beautiful message with amazing vocals, as opposed to the usual goofier message of each episode.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah, I guess you could say it's a good song too.

  • Welcome back! I missed having a happy, lovely person around!

    Hey I'm back, if anyone cares

  • edited September 2016

    Hey, I noticed something on a website's listing of TWD S3 that possibly might be something about the game's story that Telltale hasn't announced yet.

    So I was wondering, am I allowed to post it here, or is it against the rules? It might just be talking about S2 though. (I haven't finished it yet)

  • I changed my profile pic to Heather Mason to get into the

    enter image description here

    spirit. I fucking love Halloween so much, it's my favorite holiday and always makes me feel happy. It's also my last bit of happiness before my holiday season depression that I get from Thanksgiving to January. I fucking hate the Christmas season so much, it's the worst. Thankfully, it seems that this year for once in Kansas City they'll actually wait until after Halloween to start pulling out the christmas bullshit.

  • There aren't any rules against it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey, I noticed something on a website's listing of TWD S3 that possibly might be something about the game's story that Telltale hasn't annou

  • The feed button isn't showing up.

    I can look into giving the web team a heads up. How in particular is it broken?

  • Okay then, well... On the EB Games listing of TWD S3 it says this:

    "Continuing the emotionally powerful story-telling seen in Seasons One and Two, we return to one of gaming’s most favoured characters – Clementine – a young girl who has grown up amid the horrors of the zombie apocalypse. We see her story through the eyes of Javier, a young man determined to find the family taken from him, and via playable flashbacks from Clem’s past telling the story of how she came to be on a quest for vengeance. In A New Frontier, players will discover what the world is like when civilisation begins to rebuild, and what sacrifices it will take to make society work again."

    So is she on a quest for vengence in S3 or is it from S2? Also, if this is from S3 then has Telltale said this before?

    Here's the link if you want it:
    TWD S3 EB Games listing

    There aren't any rules against it.

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