The Vent/Help Thread



  • Also keeping them ;___;

    Fuck dude making friends is hard.

  • I wish I had stumbled across this sooner. This would've probably helped save a few relationships for me in the past.

    And while it might to late to save my current one, I can use this information in the future.

    And I'd like to share it with you, so that you too might be able to benefit from it.

  • I really need to point out that all these videos are so similar in structure, it's amazing men fall for this schlock.

    Essentially what I gathered is that women talk almost 3 times more than men and that you have to constantly force interest in their conversations.

    That being 'Three Stooges' funny is a no-no, and being 'Vince Vaughn funny' is a big hit with women. I guess that means women are partially brain-damaged too.

    You need to be able to fix dumb shit and have copious knowledge of trivial benign facts like how to use chopsticks... fuck chopsticks.

    Have a 'drive' to fulfill a negative connotation often associated with women's want with frivolous monetary gain.

    Believe it or not, but there is a victory in acknowledging that no one can exude all those things at once, at least not forever. And that conforming to a stringent structure of completely inoffensive and even hypocritical traits in order to force a romance is why so many men feel so terrorized by women.

    Be your own motherfucker. I like irreverent humor, don't like exerting energy lifting metal bars in a room that smells like stale sweat, don't want to force family values I don't have, and certainly wouldn't force interest in conversations I don't want to.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I wish I had stumbled across this sooner. This would've probably helped save a few relationships for me in the past. And while it might t

  • College is way better than the school that comes before it, but you have to finish up what you're in now, first. Try complimenting someone else on something small (so they know you're not making fun of them), and maybe they'll return it in a way that doesn't sound like they're making fun of you. (And if they don't, then at least you made someone else feel better, and that tends to work out well.)

    kmatie posted: »

    I wish I had better self confidence. I joke around saying "Oh I have the self confidence of a blob fish in a mirror house" but it's almost t

  • My leg is killing me right now. the sole started to peel off one of my slippers so I pulled the whole thing off and continued wearing them for about 2-3 weeks, one was essentially a sock the other had a stiff sole about 1/2 inch thick my leg gets stiffer and stiffer I dont add it up and continued wearing the slippers now I can hardly stand up from the coach I have to lie down with my leg straight all the time ive thrown the slippers out and got new ones. Strangely wearing heels to walk about in is better than flats but standing from sitting is agony.

    Google doesn't help because I just get results for tom cruise shoes (secret heels for short men) I dont know what damage I could have done and it will be at least a week before I can get a doctor appointment, what if its better by then it would be a waste of time. I took some quinine no help at all. Uurgh its a fucking pain >:[

  • it will be at least a week before I can get a doctor appointment, what if its better by then it would be a waste of time.

    One of the things that annoy me with making an appointment. It's almost always like next week or next month.

    My leg is killing me right now. the sole started to peel off one of my slippers so I pulled the whole thing off and continued wearing them f

  • It's a good thing that at least things are progressing. Nonton Film

  • The term "yolo" sounds dumb but it's true. As long as you don't break a bone on purpose you'll be fine living by it.

  • edited October 2016

    If you ever meet a girl, a girl you like and if she agrees to go out with you, the biggest advice that I can give you is to be honest with her.

    Say the date goes well, and you start seeing each other, and you two really get along well together. And you really like her, however in the back of your mind, you know that perhaps you lied to her about a few things.

    Even if they're something that might be considered small, how do you think she is going to feel, or what she is gonna do if she finds out?

    Or what if you really like her, and the fact that you lied to her is just eating away at you, imagine how hard it is gonna be to expose the truth, knowing what what might happen as a result?

    Now mind you, it is far better to tell someone you lied to them, to come clean about it, as opposed to them finding out from a 3rd hand party.

    But the point is, the consequences of lying can be disasterous. So why put yourself in that kind of a situation to begin with?

    And believe me, once you have lied to her, she will more than likely NEVER trust you again. Imagine if something really does happe that causes you to be late for a date, or something even more serious. No matter if it is true, and no matter how much you may swear you're telling the truth, if she doesn't trust you, there is no way you can ever convince her you are. That is how SERIOUS lying is!

    Lying is just not worth it. Because the truth always comes out eventually. Lying just leads to heartache and misery!

    So do yourself a favor, and be honest about all things with her, and not just with her, but with everyone.

    And the reason I say be honest with everyone, is because if you are lying to others when you're under pressure, how can you expect yourself to be honest with her when you feel pressured?

    "Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones." - Jesus Christ.

    ( I don't share a quotation from Jesus with you push any type of religion on you. But I share it with you as a principle, and one that I have found to be true in my life, so I know it is based on fact. So belive me when I say that what Jesus said about honesty is FACT.)

    Being straight with someone does not just mean telling the truth, but also means having integrity - doing what you say you're going to do.

    Like if you say you're gonna be at her house to pick her up for dinner at a certain time, be there. Being late, especially habitually late, is just plain rude, and NOBODY will tolerate that.

    Lying, and being late, especially habitually late for dates, is relationship SUICIDE!

    And since you are being honest with her, if she tells you something, show faith in her. Show her that you trust her, as that goes a long way, and not just with women, but people in general.

    Also, if she opens up her life to you, and shows you things about it, then you need to do the same. Because I acting like you got something to hide, will not only make her feel alienated, but also make her feel that you are not trustworthy.

    Now obviously just because you're being honest with others, that doesn't mean you should just take everything everyone says at face-value. To do that is to invite disaster!

    Being honest, does not mean being gullible.

    And if you two start hooking up, be smart and use protection. Because certain venereal diseases, like HIV/AIDS and HEPATITIS, can lay dormant for years, without the infected person knowing they are infected.

    If she says that she is clean, assure that you will only start having unprotected sex with her until the two of you have gotten tested. And you don't have to act like you don't trust her, all you have to do is simply assure her that you care about her health, as well as your own, and that you just want to be sure that the two of you are safe.

    And any reasonable person will see the logic in that. If she however gets defensive about it, than that is a pretty clear sign that something isn't right.

    So in short, be honest. Without honesty, there is no basis for trust, and therefore no basis for a relationship of any kind.

  • edited October 2016

    Looking at my previous comments and my feed, I don't know what to do or say. Is it bad that my comments aren't accurate? Is it bad that I don't get most of the jokes on the forums? Should I just stop commenting? I mean I agree that my my comments might be off but I feel like they don't have to be perfect. I just don't feel like I'm part of the whole community. I kinda feel left out. Yes I know this might sound weird but aren't we all? I just feel like my experience on the forums recently hasn't been well. I don't know if it's because of my comments that is making me feel this way or if it's others comments. Honestly I'm still gonna comment even if the comments I make aren't 100% perfect. Even if someone doesn't understand or agree with what I say. Usually when someone responds back to me it takes me time to understand what they wrote. But by the time I do understand it is just to late. Again forgive me if my comments aren't that great.

  • As if living in California couldn't get any worse...

    First, the air quality just plummeted because of recent forest fires. And now, we just got issued an earthquake warning. So basically... both the air and the ground are trying to kill me.

  • I've felt really lonely and clingy recently. On the bright side of this, I've been hanging out with my friends more and I'm rebuilding the bridges I've broken. But on the awful part, I've now become obsessed with the idea of romance and dating a girl and getting married eventually and starting a family even though I have no shot in hell of getting any of that, meaning having the realization of that fact hurts 10 times as much. Otherwise, my creativity is still suffering greatly and my sleep schedule is still fucked.

  • Dude, don't take everything so personally. It's an internet forum, there's a wide array of thousands of people with different personalities, opinions and senses of humor. You won't get all of the jokes. You won't be loved instantly by everyone you talk to. You won't be hated on for making comments that aren't hilarious or super interesting. It's the internet, man. Nobody hates what you stand for and nobody is hoping for you to stop commenting, it's just that some people vary in personality. You'll find someone on here that you'll click with and the two of you will be like peas in a pod. It took me nearly 2 years to find said people.

    But I'm glad I did. I still don't get half the jokes or references on here, Winter Storms replied to me with a gif a few moments ago that could mean any number of things to me but probably only means one thing to me. But that doesn't bother me. There are people on these forums who I know absolutely hate me and shit talk me every chance they get, and for some of them, I don't feel very fond of them either. But I won't be naming names, and it doesn't bother me much, and that's just because it's the internet. People are gonna hate you, people aren't gonna like what you say, people won't be interested, etc. It's just a part of being on this cesspool. Don't worry about it man, if it's any consolation, I think you're an alright guy.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Looking at my previous comments and my feed, I don't know what to do or say. Is it bad that my comments aren't accurate? Is it bad that I do

  • Same, dude. My self confidence is shit at this point, I'm so fucking down on myself all the time.

    kmatie posted: »

    I wish I had better self confidence. I joke around saying "Oh I have the self confidence of a blob fish in a mirror house" but it's almost t

  • You sound exactly like me.

    I also want a gf, but of course I cant complain as I dont socialize. And fucking cute anime couples make me want to kill myself. hahaha

    I've felt really lonely and clingy recently. On the bright side of this, I've been hanging out with my friends more and I'm rebuilding the b

  • Looking at your feed, I don't see anything too bad, though it only goes back to September 28 at the moment.

    Are you a native English speaker? There are a lot of subtleties that are hard to understand.

    Feel free to comment on anything. That is what the forums are here for. If someone attacks you for your comments, it's probably best to just leave it alone. (If it's really bad, you can flag it for a moderator to review.) If someone posts something you don't understand, typing it in to Google or whatever search engine you prefer may be enlightening. Otherwise, you can ask (once) what the person means, or just decide it's not so important you have to get it.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Looking at my previous comments and my feed, I don't know what to do or say. Is it bad that my comments aren't accurate? Is it bad that I do

  • Looks like you and I are having opposite problems. There's currently a category 4 (was a category 5) hurricane plowing it's way towards me.

    As if living in California couldn't get any worse... First, the air quality just plummeted because of recent forest fires. And now, we just got issued an earthquake warning. So basically... both the air and the ground are trying to kill me.

  • Don't accept defeat before you've even tried.

    You're doing the right thing, though, in fixing your friendships. The girls will come around eventually.

    I've felt really lonely and clingy recently. On the bright side of this, I've been hanging out with my friends more and I'm rebuilding the b

  • Don't die. That'd be pretty bad.

    As if living in California couldn't get any worse... First, the air quality just plummeted because of recent forest fires. And now, we just got issued an earthquake warning. So basically... both the air and the ground are trying to kill me.

  • hashtag deep


    tylergem2 posted: »

    The term "yolo" sounds dumb but it's true. As long as you don't break a bone on purpose you'll be fine living by it.

  • You shouldn't stop commenting, but you should stop overthinking your posts on some online forum. Seriously, chill out and say whatever you want (but be respectful to others, that is).

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Looking at my previous comments and my feed, I don't know what to do or say. Is it bad that my comments aren't accurate? Is it bad that I do

  • You want to date someone yet you think you'll never date someone. Stop. You matter as much as everyone.

    I've felt really lonely and clingy recently. On the bright side of this, I've been hanging out with my friends more and I'm rebuilding the b

  • How old are you?

    I've felt really lonely and clingy recently. On the bright side of this, I've been hanging out with my friends more and I'm rebuilding the b

  • Whenever I have to see a doctor for something like that, I try to juice it as much as possible. Like say "when's the earliest I can get an appointment? I'm in a lot of pain here." or something like that. Always worked for me.

    I'm only certified in first aid and no doctor, but I'd suggest some kind of hot compress and ibuprofen.

    Hope it gets bette soon!

    My leg is killing me right now. the sole started to peel off one of my slippers so I pulled the whole thing off and continued wearing them f

  • edited October 2016

    17 years old. I'll be 18 early next year which is always terrifying to think about.

    How old are you?

  • I really don't think I do.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    You want to date someone yet you think you'll never date someone. Stop. You matter as much as everyone.

  • You have nothing to worry about when it comes to relationships and your future family. Having a family will happen, but right now you need to focus on school and what's important so you'll be able to support that family.

    17 years old. I'll be 18 early next year which is always terrifying to think about.

  • I'm aware of this, which is why it's such a problem for me. This is not the shit I want to be thinking about, I've never even been interested in romance and shit, I hated it and I hated everything to do with it. For me to be like this now is fucking infuriating.

    You have nothing to worry about when it comes to relationships and your future family. Having a family will happen, but right now you need to focus on school and what's important so you'll be able to support that family.

  • You can think whatever you want to, but you matter equally. Accept it.

    I really don't think I do.

  • I've always found mankind to be its own best critic. Self-deprecation can be unhealthy, however, if not balanced by self-motivation. I'm not qualified to state a perfect solution (though I'd say WarpSpeed has the right idea), but if you're properly focused on your priorities, college will come sooner than you expect.

    If I may be permitted to pass judgement over a person I have never met in person, I believe that there's more to you than you think, and more reason to have confidence in yourself than you realize. Also, every relationship you find (romantic or not) will be easier with less teens involved in your social life. I don't mean this as an insult to an age group, but as a matter of experience.

    Good luck, kmatie! You know what you're doing!

    kmatie posted: »

    I wish I had better self confidence. I joke around saying "Oh I have the self confidence of a blob fish in a mirror house" but it's almost t

  • I know that feel, bro. Well... not exactly, but I'm pretty sure there's a depressive state over such matters that comes with the age of seventeen. A cold, hollow void surrounded by desaturated walls, and the infuriating question still lingers... why? Why now?

    Eh, I'm probably way off. Still, I'm curious as to why you're terrified of turning eighteen. Is it the red carpet? The paparazzi? The lack thereof? If it's a matter of responsibility, your body will prepare itself for whatever trials you need to face, even if your conscious mind won't. There are too many variables to be concerned with to feel decisive, but stay by your standards and you'll push through. When high school finishes, a new world you hadn't thought to seek out before will suddenly open up.

    Let's see... what other "helpful" insights can I think of... (sorry if I'm not being very helpful with this, um...) eat, sleep, and you'll be good 98.75% of the time. :)

    I'm aware of this, which is why it's such a problem for me. This is not the shit I want to be thinking about, I've never even been intereste

  • edited October 2016

    Wiggle your toes, draw a campfire, kick a tree, breathe deeply, rub your feet against carpet (if the floor's made of wood, rub them against that), slap your feet for their insolent frigidity, stretch, watch Pride and Prejudice, smile because you already know how it ends, frown if you haven't seen it already, eat popcorn, throw the popcorn away if it doesn't really exist, raise an eyebrow while still reading this comment (or simply sigh if you can't raise an eyebrow), then smile, because as of right now you've just had a good day. Now slap your feet again and kick another tree before the hippies attack you.

    All good? :)

  • Comment of the year. X)

    Don't die. That'd be pretty bad.

  • WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THE LEGEND OF KORRA?? It's four seasons of pandering, fanservice, forced messages, bad writing, frightfully unthought through design choices, and dumb cliches! The only character I liked dies by the end of the first season (if you watched it, then you know who I'm talking about), and the inconsistencies from TLAB to the content pumped out in TLoK's own seasons pile up like seventy times seven layers of seven layer dip!

    I guess I'm not really asking why people enjoyed the show (from what I've read and heard from other people, it's mainly because of at least some of the descriptors I've used for it), it's just that I strongly disagree with the notion that the series warrants the amount of praise it's received. Most people seem to be okay with how TLoK turned out, and although the team did some good, especially under the circumstances, it just doesn't deserve the acclaim attributed to it! At best, many of the decisions regarding the plot were unwise, at worst they act as outright detriments to the Avatar name itself! It's an absolute tragedy, especially when I think about what the creators could've been making instead! If they had been safer with the series so that any ideas that don't work out prove mostly inconsequential to the Avatar universe, or had made a completely different show unrelated to Avatar, I wouldn't complain, but now this series stands as one of the most undeserving award-winners in history! ...Okay, yeah, it didn't get that many awards, and the ones it got are mostly unrelated to what I'm ranting about... but still! I'm very upset about this!

    Alright... venting done... sorry guys...

  • Put on socks, stand on fire for an hour.

    If you do the second option, you'll never have to worry about cold feet again...

  • Honestly I think season 1 had good writing. After that LoK wasn't that interesting to me. Season 2 was about spirits which I didn't like. Season 3 had people gain airbending abilities which I thought was cool but the plot was kinda lame. I stopped watching after the first 2 episode of season 4. I think the shipping thing was out of place and totally inbalanced.

    Tohabath posted: »

    WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THE LEGEND OF KORRA?? It's four seasons of pandering, fanservice, forced messages, bad writing, frightfully unthought thr

  • edited October 2016

    just me being a whiny bitch please ignore

  • edited October 2016

    Is it possible to be able to connect with someone who's background is totally different from yours?

    I know that people often connect from having shared experiences, even though that does not mean they shared them together. But what if you don't?

    I'll give a few examples of what I am talking about.

    Say for example that one person grew up very poor, the other grew up rich. The poor person had to work like a dog as a child to earn everything they ever got.

    The rich person, on the other hand, never wanted for anything, and never really had to work to provide for the basic needs and desires.

    Or, say for example that one person went to public schoil as a child, while the other one was home schooled. The person who went to public school experienced all the things a person who goes to public scool experiences, while the home schooled person never got to experience any of that.

    Or say for example that one person grew up celebrating all the hollidays as a kid. Easter, St. Pactric's day, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, and etc.

    While the other person never got any of that. Never got anything for Easter, or Christmas. Never even had a Thanksgiving dinner. Never even got a present for their birthday.

    Yet you still like this person, and what to get to know them. How can you possibly make a connection with them, when you're backgrounds are completely different?

  • Do you have any giant bowls?

    If so, fill one with some warm water, and then dip your feet in the water until your feet aren't cold.

  • If you can't do everything, prioritize.

    If you can't prioritize (you have to do everything), do whatever's easiest to mark "complete" first, to give yourself at least some sense of accomplishment.

    just me being a whiny bitch please ignore

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