Issue 159 Discussion



  • Negan catching Lucille was awesome!

    And rip Lucille. He's lost her again. Anyone reading the Negan back story?

  • Lyphiarl, anyone?

    sony12 posted: »

    I get a filling we are in store for a little Carl/Lydia/Sophia love triangle in the future. Hopefully it won't be as predictable as your sta

  • I actually did feel a little bad for Negan when Lucille broke apart. He's almost redeemed himself in my eyes. Almost. Still not sure what his angle is. I'm hoping this whole wanting to prove himself to Rick & join them is for real. Trouble is you can never tell with Negan.

  • ÑO!

    Lyphiarl, anyone?

  • That was a joke, Raven.


  • I have been back through past issues the past couple days and I noticed that it would work to bring Sophia into the love story right away. You really have to pay attention to the details for it to make sense but it would work if you pay attention to both dialogue spoken and how panels are drawn.

    Sophia actually seemed to be trying to spend a lot of time with Carl from issues 133-137. She invited him to lunch and they played a game of chess together. After lunch they were off talking amongst themselves when they got jumped by those two kids.

    After that is when Lydia came into the picture when Maggie put Carl into the cell for awhile to keep him away from the kids parents. After Lydia got sent back to the Whisperers Sophia went up to Carl's room to check on him and that was when they discovered he had ran off. In issue 139 they were sitting by the table at lunch talking about Carl being missing and Dante mentions 'when you get your first piece of ass you will do crazy things to try to keep it'. What is interesting about that line is that the panel for that piece of dialogue had Sophia drawn in there as well with a bit of a shocked look on her face (chances are that may have been the first time Sophia heard about Carl and Lydia since they just had sex the issue right before and that issue picked up just as they were getting dressed again). The next panel when Maggie mentions that she wasn't worried about Carl Sophia is shown looking away with her eyes closed. After that is when Sophia really started dissapearing from the comic.

    The only interaction Carl and Sophia had after that prior to the latest issue was in issue 154 when the group was coming back to the Hilltop after returning from the fair. Maggie and Sophia are walking up to Carl and Sophia is looking right at Carl. Maggie then hands Hershel to her and tells Sophia to take him up to his room and Sophia is drawn with a bit of an annoyed look on her face.

    So I guess it would work for Sophia to have a bit of a crush on Carl right now. Perhaps the reason she did practically disappear from the comic for the last twenty issues or so was because she knew Carl was involved with someone else.


    That was a joke, Raven.

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