I've been waiting for this all of Season 2. We need a major breakthrough moment for Clementine. It would be a great way to show the mental… more degradation of a person a few years in the apocalypse. I also want to see Melissa Hutchinson in more emotional roles. See TellTale push the character and the actress.
I will certainly be more focused on the Telltale characters rather than the comic characters, and I honestly love Clementine even more than Rick Grimes.
I'm sure someone's already brought this up, as I haven't read through each page, but I am nervous for the addition of more comic characters … moreinto the game. I think it'll be cool, for sure but I kind of like having this diverse storyline as opposed to the show and comics.
I guess I'm just hoping these familiar faces don't take away from Javier's introduction and Clementine's return.
So just a random thought. How do you guys think telltale will introduce Clem and Javier to each other. Here are some of the ways I could thi… morenk of-
* Clementine would be taken in by Javier's group seeing as she's all alone or vice versa. (Meh).
* Clementine and Javier would meet each other and there would a fight between them. (Clem would kick his ass xD)
* Clementine and Javier would be good friends from the start as they are going for the same goals.(would be 'okay'ish)
* Clementine would act to be his friend but in reality she would not trust him from the start cause she doesn't trusts anyone nowadays. And Javier would have to earn her trust. (Interesting)
* Javier and his family seems to have backed up into a back alley by the walkers and there is no way out and then is suddenly saved by Clem. (Hell yeah)
* Clementine comes across Javier's family. His little sister immediately becomes team Clem seeing that she's such a Badass tee… [view original content]
Also also looks like Clementine has learned how to shoot a rifle in season 3, judging from the art poster!
I remember Pete wanted to teac… moreh her in season 2, so it would be cool if we could have a bonding moment where Javi teaches Clem how to shoot with a rifle.
I'm giving it a chance, and am very excited for this game. I'm sure that we will grow to like Javier, and I'm very excited to see Clementine as a young teenager, caring for AJ, and kicking ass with Javier, but's that's just me.
was whether Telltale will ever create something half as good as the first season
I guess this boils down to personal opinion, but they made TFTBL and TWAU, one of which I found even better than TWD, and the other which is almost on par with it
was whether Telltale will ever create something half as good as the first season
I guess this boils down to personal opinion, but th… moreey made TFTBL and TWAU, one of which I found even better than TWD, and the other which is almost on par with it
So yeah, I don't have many misgivings myself
If you want my brutally honest opinion, TWD S1 was a happy fluke. It probably never should have turned out as excellent as it did... but it did. And it surprised just about everyone, including Telltale themselves.
And don't take that the wrong way. I love the game and I do think it was excellent, but I don't think anyone intended it to turn out that good, nor did anyone expect it to be that good.
It's one of those things where it feels like the stars and the planets aligned or something. Like it was just meant to be. It's not a bad thing, but I think the world just works that way; some things are just destined to fall apart, and other things are just destined to defy all expectations. S1 was an example of the latter.
"The Walking Dead Season 3, the latest season of Telltale Games’s critically acclaimed series The Walking Dead, might have been delayed until February of 2017, possibly adding the season to a very busy month of other games. The information comes from a German Amazon leak, which put the release date at February.
It’s possible that Telltale is only delaying the physical release of The Walking Dead to next February, as they did the same with Batman (releasing it digitally in one month and releasing it physically at a different point in time).
Regardless of when the new season comes out, it will be available on the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, much like Telltale’s other games. In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait and see if an official statement from Telltale will come out and confirm whether or not the game is actually delayed."
That reminds me of how I was watching this video interview about their game, Firewatch, and they said a large part of why they thought Season 1 was good was because (something along the lines of) they were motivated by channeling their fears and anxieties into excitement, but that they since felt that they would not have been able to recreate that for future games had they stayed at Telltale due to how successful Season 1 was, hence why they left.
Lots of people who only became Telltale fans during/after Season 1 negate to realize that Telltale has other good writers, and that likewise, Jake and Sean aren't the gold standard just because they made Season 1, however good it may be. I've been a Telltale fan for the long haul and I know that they have plenty of other good writers from experience as a long time fan.
Likewise, trends that people have pointed out in the time that has passed after Season 1, such as shorter episodes, less gameplay, or more focus on cinematics/less player control were trends that Telltale have been working towards as far back as 2010 - that is not a new trend that only started with Wolf and Walking Dead Season 2.
And the longer waiting periods between episodes? That is because Telltale placed a larger emphasis on live revision for each episode after they saw how it helped Season 1. Telltale could do monthly episodes if they want to, but they choose not to because they think it's more important to revise details on the fly and improvise on a larger scale after they tried that with Season 1.
If you want my brutally honest opinion, TWD S1 was a happy fluke. It probably never should have turned out as excellent as it did... but it … moredid. And it surprised just about everyone, including Telltale themselves.
And don't take that the wrong way. I love the game and I do think it was excellent, but I don't think anyone intended it to turn out that good, nor did anyone expect it to be that good.
It's one of those things where it feels like the stars and the planets aligned or something. Like it was just meant to be. It's not a bad thing, but I think the world just works that way; some things are just destined to fall apart, and other things are just destined to defy all expectations. S1 was an example of the latter.
Basically, TWD S1 was too good for its own good.
"The Walking Dead Season 3, the latest season of Telltale Games’s critically acclaimed series The Walking Dead, might have been delayed unti… morel February of 2017, possibly adding the season to a very busy month of other games. The information comes from a German Amazon leak, which put the release date at February.
It’s possible that Telltale is only delaying the physical release of The Walking Dead to next February, as they did the same with Batman (releasing it digitally in one month and releasing it physically at a different point in time).
Regardless of when the new season comes out, it will be available on the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, much like Telltale’s other games. In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait and see if an official statement from Telltale will come out and confirm whether or not the game is actually delayed."
Heck, they even had lots of games in production as far back as 2011 - they had a press event where they announced five games at once, including Season 1 - while they were still working on two or three other games already. If that happened nowadays, people would have a heart attack. Telltale had around seven or eight games in upcoming production when Season 1 was announced (see list below), and Season 1 somehow managed to turn out fine enough to be GOTY material.
What Telltale was working on when Season 1 was announced in February 2011:
Announced earlier in 2010:
Back to the Future (this Season was live at this point)
Jurassic Park (this was still was an upcoming title)
Announced in one day, alongside Walking Dead Season 1:
Fables/Wolf Among Us
Puzzle Agent 2
King's Quest (cancelled because Telltale wanted to move away from puzzle adventure titles, replaced with Season 2 of Walking Dead)
Announced later in Summer 2011 - still before Season 1:
That reminds me of how I was watching this video interview about their game, Firewatch, and they said a large part of why they thought Seaso… moren 1 was good was because (something along the lines of) they were motivated by channeling their fears and anxieties into excitement, but that they since felt that they would not have been able to recreate that for future games had they stayed at Telltale due to how successful Season 1 was, hence why they left.
Lots of people who only became Telltale fans during/after Season 1 negate to realize that Telltale has other good writers, and that likewise, Jake and Sean aren't the gold standard just because they made Season 1, however good it may be. I've been a Telltale fan for the long haul and I know that they have plenty of other good writers from experience as a long time fan.
Likewise, trends that people have pointed out in the time that has passed after Season 1, such as shorter episodes, less gamep… [view original content]
It's possible they are delaying the physical release while still keeping on track for the November launch? Granted, this does feel like the Michonne situation, where we thought that it was weird the first episode was not rated this shortly before release.
Granted, either way, it's best to wait for official news from Telltale. Don't put too much stock in this yet.
"The Walking Dead Season 3, the latest season of Telltale Games’s critically acclaimed series The Walking Dead, might have been delayed unti… morel February of 2017, possibly adding the season to a very busy month of other games. The information comes from a German Amazon leak, which put the release date at February.
It’s possible that Telltale is only delaying the physical release of The Walking Dead to next February, as they did the same with Batman (releasing it digitally in one month and releasing it physically at a different point in time).
Regardless of when the new season comes out, it will be available on the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, much like Telltale’s other games. In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait and see if an official statement from Telltale will come out and confirm whether or not the game is actually delayed."
"The Walking Dead Season 3, the latest season of Telltale Games’s critically acclaimed series The Walking Dead, might have been delayed unti… morel February of 2017, possibly adding the season to a very busy month of other games. The information comes from a German Amazon leak, which put the release date at February.
It’s possible that Telltale is only delaying the physical release of The Walking Dead to next February, as they did the same with Batman (releasing it digitally in one month and releasing it physically at a different point in time).
Regardless of when the new season comes out, it will be available on the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, much like Telltale’s other games. In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait and see if an official statement from Telltale will come out and confirm whether or not the game is actually delayed."
It's possible they are delaying the physical release while still keeping on track for the November launch? Granted, this does feel like the … moreMichonne situation, where we thought that it was weird the first episode was not rated this shortly before release.
Granted, either way, it's best to wait for official news from Telltale. Don't put too much stock in this yet.
Javier is "effectively our lead character".
Season 3 "It's really Javier's story".
This I do not like. Putting Clem in the background is not going to fix the shitty writing. I, like many others, wanted Clementine to be the main character, but we wanted her to be written well. Either way, I'll judge how I feel about this when Season 3 comes out (not calling it New Frontier because fuck that name) and we really get a feel of how Javier is as a character. Maybe I'll like him as a lead.
"Roles are reversed" with Javier and Clementine; Javier "really needs Clem".
What adult hasn't needed Clem in the past few years? She's been hauling the fucking group on her own.
"They are in the Alexandria area", so that's a little more specific than just Virginia.
inb4 Telltale fucks up and doesn't use the absolutely perfect voice actors from the TV series to portray the comic book characters and they use Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson for the 300,000th time.
AJ "a very big situation Clementine is dealing with"
Why does this come off more as the writers haven't known how to write parental figures correctly since Lee and so Clem will ditch AJ with some other group? Meh, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
"We're going to be exploring some of the events of the outbreak" from Javier's perspective
Didn't Fear The Walking Dead have this idea? And wasn't FTWD critically panned and hated by nearly everyone? I mean, I personally don't have a problem with this since I loved Fear and I still do. And the concept of seeing how the shit hit the fan from a different character's perspective will never tire me. But I know many people who did have a problem with this idea, and I severely doubt Telltale's Walking Dead writers have become skilled enough since Season Two to make that storyline work.
Telltale fucks up and doesn't use the absolutely perfect voice actors from the TV series to portray the comic book characters and they use Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson for the 300,000th time.
They've made a statement in the past that they want to dissociate comic characters in their video games from the characters of the show—Hershel, Glenn and Michonne are proof by itself.
Didn't Fear The Walking Dead have this idea? And wasn't FTWD critically panned and hated by nearly everyone? I mean, I personally don't have a problem with this since I loved Fear and I still do. And the concept of seeing how the shit hit the fan from a different character's perspective will never tire me. But I know many people who did have a problem with this idea, and I severely doubt Telltale's Walking Dead writers have become skilled enough since Season Two to make that storyline work.
I am pretty sure that this is mostly due to Fear The Walking Dead's sloppy dialogue, heavy unrealism, blatant rip-off of Telltale's storylines and unlikeable characters; instead of the aspect of the beginning of the outbreak.
Javier is "effectively our lead character".
Season 3 "It's really Javier's story".
This I do not like. Putting Clem in the backg… moreround is not going to fix the shitty writing. I, like many others, wanted Clementine to be the main character, but we wanted her to be written well. Either way, I'll judge how I feel about this when Season 3 comes out (not calling it New Frontier because fuck that name) and we really get a feel of how Javier is as a character. Maybe I'll like him as a lead.
"Roles are reversed" with Javier and Clementine; Javier "really needs Clem".
What adult hasn't needed Clem in the past few years? She's been hauling the fucking group on her own.
"They are in the Alexandria area", so that's a little more specific than just Virginia.
inb4 Telltale fucks up and doesn't use the absolutely perfect voice actors from the TV series to portray the comic book characters and they use Troy Baker and A… [view original content]
I predict that someone in Javier's family is going to die in "A New Frontier." Possibly one of his siblings. He will be absolutely heartbroken and devastated, and Clem will console him, revealing her own tragic past to him, and losing loved ones like Lee, and her own parents. ,
I want Javier to be a good friend/big brother to Clementine... I feel like they're going to have an interesting relationship and very amusing interactions.
I predict that someone in Javier's family is going to die in "A New Frontier." Possibly one of his siblings. He will be absolutely heartbrok… moreen and devastated, and Clem will console him, revealing her own tragic past to him, and losing loved ones like Lee, and her own parents.
I will fucking slaughter an entire litter of puppies if anyone ever fucking makes an ark joke to me again. I swear to christ is the easiest the most overused joke anyone could possibly make. Just once I'd like to be called a faggot or have my fucking hair made fun of. But nooooooooooooooo, the ark jokes. Gotta make the fucking ark jokes.
What does that even mean.
Telltale fucks up and doesn't use the absolutely perfect voice actors from the TV series to por… moretray the comic book characters and they use Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson for the 300,000th time.
They've made a statement in the past that they want to dissociate comic characters in their video games from the characters of the show—Hershel, Glenn and Michonne are proof by itself.
Didn't Fear The Walking Dead have this idea? And wasn't FTWD critically panned and hated by nearly everyone? I mean, I personally don't have a problem with this since I loved Fear and I still do. And the concept of seeing how the shit hit the fan from a different character's perspective will never tire me. But I know many people who did have a problem with this idea, and I severely doubt Telltale's Walking Dead writers have become skilled enough since Season Two to make that storyline work.
I am pretty sur… [view original content]
I want Javier to be a good friend/big brother to Clementine... I feel like they're going to have an interesting relationship and very amusing interactions.
Putting Clem in the background is not going to fix the shitty writing
You know what else isn't gonna fix it? Everyone shitting all over the writing.
I'm sure all the disparaging comments about the writing quality is very inspiring for them
They must definitely feel encouraged to try harder with everyone shitting all over their work 24/7 and implying they're unskilled, incompetent, deserve to be fired, or whatever else people want to throw in to make the point as clear as possible
Seriously, how would you feel if you made something, and almost everyone was like "wow how did anyone O.K. this for release""what a shit writer""why is this writing so bad""this chucklefuck deserves to be fired"
Imagine seeing and/or hearing that every day for over 2 years, since the moment it came out
Would that actually motivate you
Because I can say, without question, that it sure as fuck wouldn't motivate me
Also, I like to reiterate it because everyone loves their easy scapegoats: the writers themselves are not the problem. It is the lack of communication between them that caused the problems of S2. S2's biggest flaw was a lack of consistency and cohesion. Having multiple writers did not cause that. S1 had different writers for different episodes, but no one ever gets on its case about it. It is a lack of communication and common goals between the writers that caused the disconnect seen throughout the season.
None of these writers are objectively shit-- TWAU, TFTB, TWD S1... all the writers on S2 worked on those titles in some capacity. You know, the three best received Telltale games critically. The ones that almost everyone loved? TFTB, commonly regarded as being on the same level as TWD S1, if not higher? TWAU, with the endless clamoring for a sequel? TWD S1, the game that shouldn't have been as good as it was, but somehow managed to be? These aren't some random dudes snatched off the street and asked to write an episode (well... except for JT Petty, since this seems to be what actually happened), but oh well, it's easy to scapegoat the person credited as writer in the end credits and blame them for everything, right?
Oh yeah, and let's not forget all the designers and directors that worked on S1 that also worked on S2. They deserve just as much credit as the writers, because they play an integral role in the development of a game and the creation of an episode. Everyone thanks the writers, but how about the people that map out how those scenes will play out on screen? The ones that choreograph the action? That choose the camera angles? That dictate the use of music? The ones that determine how a character will emote during a given scene? All the important visual and gameplay aspects are thanks to the ladies and gents that work as designers, directors, cinematic artists, and so forth.
Besides, does everyone forget that Nick Breckon, lead writer for S2, was picked by Sean Vanaman himself to take over when he left
Or does everyone just brush that under the rug
Sorry for the rant, but I'm tired of trying to mince my words about this: I'm sick of everyone just blaming the S2 writers 100% for everything under the sun, and acting like they're terrible because they made mistakes on onefucking game. It's bullshit, plain and simple.
Javier is "effectively our lead character".
Season 3 "It's really Javier's story".
This I do not like. Putting Clem in the backg… moreround is not going to fix the shitty writing. I, like many others, wanted Clementine to be the main character, but we wanted her to be written well. Either way, I'll judge how I feel about this when Season 3 comes out (not calling it New Frontier because fuck that name) and we really get a feel of how Javier is as a character. Maybe I'll like him as a lead.
"Roles are reversed" with Javier and Clementine; Javier "really needs Clem".
What adult hasn't needed Clem in the past few years? She's been hauling the fucking group on her own.
"They are in the Alexandria area", so that's a little more specific than just Virginia.
inb4 Telltale fucks up and doesn't use the absolutely perfect voice actors from the TV series to portray the comic book characters and they use Troy Baker and A… [view original content]
Jeez, I'm sorry man. I didn't know it pissed anyone off so much. I'm still just very pessimistic and angry with how Season Two came out but I never thought of it that way. I'm very sorry and I'm gonna try and keep my awful comments under control from now on. Sorry.
Putting Clem in the background is not going to fix the shitty writing
You know what else isn't gonna fix it? Everyone shitting all o… morever the writing.
I'm sure all the disparaging comments about the writing quality is very inspiring for them
They must definitely feel encouraged to try harder with everyone shitting all over their work 24/7 and implying they're unskilled, incompetent, deserve to be fired, or whatever else people want to throw in to make the point as clear as possible
Seriously, how would you feel if you made something, and almost everyone was like "wow how did anyone O.K. this for release" "what a shit writer" "why is this writing so bad" "this chucklefuck deserves to be fired"
Imagine seeing and/or hearing that every day for over 2 years, since the moment it came out
Would that actually motivate you
Because I can say, without question, that it sure as fuck wouldn't motivate me
Also, I like to reitera… [view original content]
He wasn't aiming that at you personally, I imagine, but rather towards the general mindset that people have in needlessly scapegoating random things as being at fault behind Season 2 not being as strong as Season 1. Yeah, Season 2 could use improvement in areas, but just as people are annoyed at choices Telltale made in Season 2, others are annoyed at the constant crapping all over the writers. I'm not saying Season 2 was flawless, and I agree with you in some areas (such as how they should focus more on writing Clementine closer to Season 1 with more intelligent writing), but it ruins the forum's atmosphere with all this constant negativity.
It's a good thing to hold people to standards and have high expectations of them, but I feel that some people (again, not you personally) overstate or scapegoat what went wrong during Season 2.
As I explain in my own post above, I've seen people scapegoat random things are not at fault until they are blue in the face, as if Telltale could only just repeat what people *think* caused Season 1 to work, and try it again.
Jake and Sean leaving is not the death of Telltale.
Telltale working on multiple games is not the death of Telltale.
Things like shorter episodes, or less puzzles/hubs/etc, or longer waiting periods are not because Telltale works on multiple games at once.
You did not bring up the bit about short episodes/multiple games/etc, so this is certainly not aimed at you, but I constantly see people scapegoating things that are not at fault, and I have to explain to people that these trends go back years before Season 1 even started - it certainly did not start with Wolf or Dead Season 2 (with the exception of longer waiting periods, which are caused by Telltale trying to recreate Season 1's success with live episode revision - not the cause of Telltale working on multiple projects). They have had multiple projects going on at once for years prior to Walking Dead, and Season 1 turned out fine. Season 1 was actually the product of Telltale simplifying their games by lessening the amount of puzzles, hub areas, interactive bits, etc that were from earlier games.
I think what Deltino was getting at is that the constant barrage of negativity that people brought over during Season 2 gets old and it ruins the vibe here. Again, I'm not faulting people for having high standards as you want to hold things or people you care about to high standards. Rather, it's how people have responded to when their high standards were not met.
Jeez, I'm sorry man. I didn't know it pissed anyone off so much. I'm still just very pessimistic and angry with how Season Two came out but … moreI never thought of it that way. I'm very sorry and I'm gonna try and keep my awful comments under control from now on. Sorry.
Don't take my post the wrong way. I'm not trying to attack you or call you out. I didn't mean anything personal by any of that. It was more of a rant in general, not directed at anybody in particular.
Most of that was fueled by the fact that I'm sympathetic to the writers, I guess. As someone that creates stuff (I do art as a hobby), seeing someone else getting slammed for creating stuff is a bit of a trigger, to say the least. A lot of people don't always realize it, but when you attack someone's work, you're hitting them in a place where it can really hurt. It might not seem like it, but when someone puts a lot of heart and soul into something, only to see it get pounded into the ground (literally or figuratively), it can be pretty disheartening. To you, the writing in S2 might not seem like that much, but to the writer themselves, there's almost certainly a passion of some sort in there, even if it isn't as clear as the passion in S1's writing. And when you try to take a jab at the writing, you're taking a jab at that passion as well.
But fuck it, let's not get all poetic here. I'm not gonna make excuses. I apologize if my post made me come across as a dickhead or anything. I won't lie, I have a tendency to do that.
Jeez, I'm sorry man. I didn't know it pissed anyone off so much. I'm still just very pessimistic and angry with how Season Two came out but … moreI never thought of it that way. I'm very sorry and I'm gonna try and keep my awful comments under control from now on. Sorry.
Yeah, that basically sums it up. I've been around here for a long time before I signed up, lurking and whatnot. I saw a shit ton of negativity back when S2 was ongoing/wrapping up. It's part of why I held off making an account; trying to wait until things cooled down. I'm one of the people on here that tends to come to S2's defense, but I'm not gonna say it's perfect, either. Mistakes were made, and yeah, there were some stupid moments here and there. But I just don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be. I've seen people that treat this game like a literal antichrist. It just gets a bit daunting having to see everyone give it shit while I'm sitting here, feeling more or less content. Granted, I'm someone that has the blessing/curse of low standards, which probably explains it. I grew up on the "settle for less" mindset.
But when it see all the negative posts, I think about how the people at Telltale feel. If it's driving me crazy seeing all the negativity, I can only wonder what people at Telltale feel like. I agree, you should hold people to some level of standards, but people here are coming down on them way harder than I think they should be.
He wasn't aiming that at you personally, I imagine, but rather towards the general mindset that people have in needlessly scapegoating rando… morem things as being at fault behind Season 2 not being as strong as Season 1. Yeah, Season 2 could use improvement in areas, but just as people are annoyed at choices Telltale made in Season 2, others are annoyed at the constant crapping all over the writers. I'm not saying Season 2 was flawless, and I agree with you in some areas (such as how they should focus more on writing Clementine closer to Season 1 with more intelligent writing), but it ruins the forum's atmosphere with all this constant negativity.
It's a good thing to hold people to standards and have high expectations of them, but I feel that some people (again, not you personally) overstate or scapegoat what went wrong during Season 2.
As I explain in my own post above, I've seen people scapegoat random things are not at fault until they a… [view original content]
I will certainly be more focused on the Telltale characters rather than the comic characters, and I honestly love Clementine even more than Rick Grimes.
Telltale staff used to post on the forums a lot, during and before Season 1. They stopped during Season 2, and did so again around the time of Borderlands, Thrones, and Minecraft. Hmm, makes you wonder, right?
Yeah, that basically sums it up. I've been around here for a long time before I signed up, lurking and whatnot. I saw a shit ton of negativi… morety back when S2 was ongoing/wrapping up. It's part of why I held off making an account; trying to wait until things cooled down. I'm one of the people on here that tends to come to S2's defense, but I'm not gonna say it's perfect, either. Mistakes were made, and yeah, there were some stupid moments here and there. But I just don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be. I've seen people that treat this game like a literal antichrist. It just gets a bit daunting having to see everyone give it shit while I'm sitting here, feeling more or less content. Granted, I'm someone that has the blessing/curse of low standards, which probably explains it. I grew up on the "settle for less" mindset.
But when it see all the negative posts, I think about how the people at Telltale feel. If it's driving me … [view original content]
...and that reminds me - I was thinking more on it, and I offhandedly remembered a post I saw from when Minecraft was first announced.
There were even people blaming the existence of Minecraft: Story Mode on Jake and Sean leaving. It's not enough that they didn't like Season 2, or that they think Telltale working on multiple games is a bad thing - no, people will scapegoat anything they don't like on Jake and Sean leaving
The post is from December 2014 so their opinions have possibly changed, but even so, it's pretty contrived to insinuate that literally anything you don't like about modern Telltale can be traced to Jake and Sean leaving. I don't think they need to be placed on that high of a pedestal, considering that even had they stayed at Telltale, they are not responsible for picking out the games that Telltale would work on. They still would have done Minecraft: Story Mode, even if Jake and Sean had stayed.
If you want my brutally honest opinion, TWD S1 was a happy fluke. It probably never should have turned out as excellent as it did... but it … moredid. And it surprised just about everyone, including Telltale themselves.
And don't take that the wrong way. I love the game and I do think it was excellent, but I don't think anyone intended it to turn out that good, nor did anyone expect it to be that good.
It's one of those things where it feels like the stars and the planets aligned or something. Like it was just meant to be. It's not a bad thing, but I think the world just works that way; some things are just destined to fall apart, and other things are just destined to defy all expectations. S1 was an example of the latter.
Basically, TWD S1 was too good for its own good.
I'll go with 5
But my own personal head canon is my fave.
Clem and Javier are both traveling with 2 people. Clem is moving east and Ja… morevier is moving West. They meet when Javi and Clem's group are both taken by a band of psycho's. This group forces a choice on them.
The player controls Clem. They pull Clem first and give her a choice she either kills one from her group, Kenny/Jane/Rando or one of Javier's group.
Control switches to Javier and the same choice is given to him.
The survivors and AJ are taken prisoner and Clem and Javi are left to either kill each other or try to save the survivors.
I'll go with 5
But my own personal head canon is my fave.
Clem and Javier are both traveling with 2 people. Clem is moving east and Ja… morevier is moving West. They meet when Javi and Clem's group are both taken by a band of psycho's. This group forces a choice on them.
The player controls Clem. They pull Clem first and give her a choice she either kills one from her group, Kenny/Jane/Rando or one of Javier's group.
Control switches to Javier and the same choice is given to him.
The survivors and AJ are taken prisoner and Clem and Javi are left to either kill each other or try to save the survivors.
I'll go with 5
But my own personal head canon is my fave.
Clem and Javier are both traveling with 2 people. Clem is moving east and Ja… morevier is moving West. They meet when Javi and Clem's group are both taken by a band of psycho's. This group forces a choice on them.
The player controls Clem. They pull Clem first and give her a choice she either kills one from her group, Kenny/Jane/Rando or one of Javier's group.
Control switches to Javier and the same choice is given to him.
The survivors and AJ are taken prisoner and Clem and Javi are left to either kill each other or try to save the survivors.
I think they will be kiddaped by this capricorn fucks and be "cellmates". They will hate each other and argue every five minutes, but finally join forces to defeat this capricorn shit and become friends in the process.
I agree. I know that Melissa could deliver a powerful performance as Clem having a mental breakdown.
I will certainly be more focused on the Telltale characters rather than the comic characters, and I honestly love Clementine even more than Rick Grimes.
6, 7, 4, 2
These are my favorites.
Oh, I see.
I, uh…
I'm glad that was the answer.
Clem is certainly going to be going through some "changes" in Season 3 Lol
That could be a great bonding moment between Javier and Clementine.
I'm giving it a chance, and am very excited for this game. I'm sure that we will grow to like Javier, and I'm very excited to see Clementine as a young teenager, caring for AJ, and kicking ass with Javier, but's that's just me.
I guess this boils down to personal opinion, but they made TFTBL and TWAU, one of which I found even better than TWD, and the other which is almost on par with it
So yeah, I don't have many misgivings myself
But dude...
Jake and Sean didn't write those, so they suck. /sarcasm
If you want my brutally honest opinion, TWD S1 was a happy fluke. It probably never should have turned out as excellent as it did... but it did. And it surprised just about everyone, including Telltale themselves.
And don't take that the wrong way. I love the game and I do think it was excellent, but I don't think anyone intended it to turn out that good, nor did anyone expect it to be that good.
It's one of those things where it feels like the stars and the planets aligned or something. Like it was just meant to be. It's not a bad thing, but I think the world just works that way; some things are just destined to fall apart, and other things are just destined to defy all expectations. S1 was an example of the latter.
Basically, TWD S1 was too good for its own good.
I wonder is some member of Telltale Staff is secretly around in this thread to take some ideas and think about how to break our heart.
That would be amazing and emotionally devastating.
"The Walking Dead Season 3, the latest season of Telltale Games’s critically acclaimed series The Walking Dead, might have been delayed until February of 2017, possibly adding the season to a very busy month of other games. The information comes from a German Amazon leak, which put the release date at February.
It’s possible that Telltale is only delaying the physical release of The Walking Dead to next February, as they did the same with Batman (releasing it digitally in one month and releasing it physically at a different point in time).
Regardless of when the new season comes out, it will be available on the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC, much like Telltale’s other games. In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait and see if an official statement from Telltale will come out and confirm whether or not the game is actually delayed."
That reminds me of how I was watching this video interview about their game, Firewatch, and they said a large part of why they thought Season 1 was good was because (something along the lines of) they were motivated by channeling their fears and anxieties into excitement, but that they since felt that they would not have been able to recreate that for future games had they stayed at Telltale due to how successful Season 1 was, hence why they left.
Lots of people who only became Telltale fans during/after Season 1 negate to realize that Telltale has other good writers, and that likewise, Jake and Sean aren't the gold standard just because they made Season 1, however good it may be. I've been a Telltale fan for the long haul and I know that they have plenty of other good writers from experience as a long time fan.
Likewise, trends that people have pointed out in the time that has passed after Season 1, such as shorter episodes, less gameplay, or more focus on cinematics/less player control were trends that Telltale have been working towards as far back as 2010 - that is not a new trend that only started with Wolf and Walking Dead Season 2.
And the longer waiting periods between episodes? That is because Telltale placed a larger emphasis on live revision for each episode after they saw how it helped Season 1. Telltale could do monthly episodes if they want to, but they choose not to because they think it's more important to revise details on the fly and improvise on a larger scale after they tried that with Season 1.
Pray to your gods that it isn't getting delayed
I will no joke CRY if it's delayed
Heck, they even had lots of games in production as far back as 2011 - they had a press event where they announced five games at once, including Season 1 - while they were still working on two or three other games already. If that happened nowadays, people would have a heart attack. Telltale had around seven or eight games in upcoming production when Season 1 was announced (see list below), and Season 1 somehow managed to turn out fine enough to be GOTY material.
What Telltale was working on when Season 1 was announced in February 2011:
Announced earlier in 2010:
Announced in one day, alongside Walking Dead Season 1:
Announced later in Summer 2011 - still before Season 1:
They're certainly excited that we know about Capricorn Farm.
I'm very excited to know about Capricorn Farm!
It's possible they are delaying the physical release while still keeping on track for the November launch? Granted, this does feel like the Michonne situation, where we thought that it was weird the first episode was not rated this shortly before release.
Granted, either way, it's best to wait for official news from Telltale. Don't put too much stock in this yet.
Definite bullshit, especially since just recently Job said it will definitely be out sometime in November.
Alright, I know it's most likely false, I just wanted to let you guys know.
This I do not like. Putting Clem in the background is not going to fix the shitty writing. I, like many others, wanted Clementine to be the main character, but we wanted her to be written well. Either way, I'll judge how I feel about this when Season 3 comes out (not calling it New Frontier because fuck that name) and we really get a feel of how Javier is as a character. Maybe I'll like him as a lead.
What adult hasn't needed Clem in the past few years? She's been hauling the fucking group on her own.
inb4 Telltale fucks up and doesn't use the absolutely perfect voice actors from the TV series to portray the comic book characters and they use Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson for the 300,000th time.
Why does this come off more as the writers haven't known how to write parental figures correctly since Lee and so Clem will ditch AJ with some other group? Meh, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Didn't Fear The Walking Dead have this idea? And wasn't FTWD critically panned and hated by nearly everyone? I mean, I personally don't have a problem with this since I loved Fear and I still do. And the concept of seeing how the shit hit the fan from a different character's perspective will never tire me. But I know many people who did have a problem with this idea, and I severely doubt Telltale's Walking Dead writers have become skilled enough since Season Two to make that storyline work.
What does that even mean.
They've made a statement in the past that they want to dissociate comic characters in their video games from the characters of the show—Hershel, Glenn and Michonne are proof by itself.
I am pretty sure that this is mostly due to Fear The Walking Dead's sloppy dialogue, heavy unrealism, blatant rip-off of Telltale's storylines and unlikeable characters; instead of the aspect of the beginning of the outbreak.
Your ark isn't even that good, to be honest.
Edited section
You forgot to include Laura Freaking Baley.
I predict that someone in Javier's family is going to die in "A New Frontier." Possibly one of his siblings. He will be absolutely heartbroken and devastated, and Clem will console him, revealing her own tragic past to him, and losing loved ones like Lee, and her own parents.
I want Javier to be a good friend/big brother to Clementine... I feel like they're going to have an interesting relationship and very amusing interactions.
I will fucking slaughter an entire litter of puppies if anyone ever fucking makes an ark joke to me again. I swear to christ is the easiest the most overused joke anyone could possibly make. Just once I'd like to be called a faggot or have my fucking hair made fun of. But nooooooooooooooo, the ark jokes. Gotta make the fucking ark jokes.
Oh, of course. How could I forget Laura?
I feel the exact same way. I think they may not get along at first, but they will warm up to each other, and work together as a team.
You know what else isn't gonna fix it? Everyone shitting all over the writing.
I'm sure all the disparaging comments about the writing quality is very inspiring for them
They must definitely feel encouraged to try harder with everyone shitting all over their work 24/7 and implying they're unskilled, incompetent, deserve to be fired, or whatever else people want to throw in to make the point as clear as possible
Seriously, how would you feel if you made something, and almost everyone was like "wow how did anyone O.K. this for release" "what a shit writer" "why is this writing so bad" "this chucklefuck deserves to be fired"
Imagine seeing and/or hearing that every day for over 2 years, since the moment it came out
Would that actually motivate you
Because I can say, without question, that it sure as fuck wouldn't motivate me
Also, I like to reiterate it because everyone loves their easy scapegoats: the writers themselves are not the problem. It is the lack of communication between them that caused the problems of S2. S2's biggest flaw was a lack of consistency and cohesion. Having multiple writers did not cause that. S1 had different writers for different episodes, but no one ever gets on its case about it. It is a lack of communication and common goals between the writers that caused the disconnect seen throughout the season.
None of these writers are objectively shit-- TWAU, TFTB, TWD S1... all the writers on S2 worked on those titles in some capacity. You know, the three best received Telltale games critically. The ones that almost everyone loved? TFTB, commonly regarded as being on the same level as TWD S1, if not higher? TWAU, with the endless clamoring for a sequel? TWD S1, the game that shouldn't have been as good as it was, but somehow managed to be? These aren't some random dudes snatched off the street and asked to write an episode (well... except for JT Petty, since this seems to be what actually happened), but oh well, it's easy to scapegoat the person credited as writer in the end credits and blame them for everything, right?
Oh yeah, and let's not forget all the designers and directors that worked on S1 that also worked on S2. They deserve just as much credit as the writers, because they play an integral role in the development of a game and the creation of an episode. Everyone thanks the writers, but how about the people that map out how those scenes will play out on screen? The ones that choreograph the action? That choose the camera angles? That dictate the use of music? The ones that determine how a character will emote during a given scene? All the important visual and gameplay aspects are thanks to the ladies and gents that work as designers, directors, cinematic artists, and so forth.
Besides, does everyone forget that Nick Breckon, lead writer for S2, was picked by Sean Vanaman himself to take over when he left
Or does everyone just brush that under the rug
Sorry for the rant, but I'm tired of trying to mince my words about this: I'm sick of everyone just blaming the S2 writers 100% for everything under the sun, and acting like they're terrible because they made mistakes on one fucking game. It's bullshit, plain and simple.
Jeez, I'm sorry man. I didn't know it pissed anyone off so much. I'm still just very pessimistic and angry with how Season Two came out but I never thought of it that way. I'm very sorry and I'm gonna try and keep my awful comments under control from now on. Sorry.
He wasn't aiming that at you personally, I imagine, but rather towards the general mindset that people have in needlessly scapegoating random things as being at fault behind Season 2 not being as strong as Season 1. Yeah, Season 2 could use improvement in areas, but just as people are annoyed at choices Telltale made in Season 2, others are annoyed at the constant crapping all over the writers. I'm not saying Season 2 was flawless, and I agree with you in some areas (such as how they should focus more on writing Clementine closer to Season 1 with more intelligent writing), but it ruins the forum's atmosphere with all this constant negativity.
It's a good thing to hold people to standards and have high expectations of them, but I feel that some people (again, not you personally) overstate or scapegoat what went wrong during Season 2.
As I explain in my own post above, I've seen people scapegoat random things are not at fault until they are blue in the face, as if Telltale could only just repeat what people *think* caused Season 1 to work, and try it again.
Jake and Sean leaving is not the death of Telltale.
Telltale working on multiple games is not the death of Telltale.
Things like shorter episodes, or less puzzles/hubs/etc, or longer waiting periods are not because Telltale works on multiple games at once.
You did not bring up the bit about short episodes/multiple games/etc, so this is certainly not aimed at you, but I constantly see people scapegoating things that are not at fault, and I have to explain to people that these trends go back years before Season 1 even started - it certainly did not start with Wolf or Dead Season 2 (with the exception of longer waiting periods, which are caused by Telltale trying to recreate Season 1's success with live episode revision - not the cause of Telltale working on multiple projects). They have had multiple projects going on at once for years prior to Walking Dead, and Season 1 turned out fine. Season 1 was actually the product of Telltale simplifying their games by lessening the amount of puzzles, hub areas, interactive bits, etc that were from earlier games.
I think what Deltino was getting at is that the constant barrage of negativity that people brought over during Season 2 gets old and it ruins the vibe here. Again, I'm not faulting people for having high standards as you want to hold things or people you care about to high standards. Rather, it's how people have responded to when their high standards were not met.
Don't take my post the wrong way. I'm not trying to attack you or call you out. I didn't mean anything personal by any of that. It was more of a rant in general, not directed at anybody in particular.
Most of that was fueled by the fact that I'm sympathetic to the writers, I guess. As someone that creates stuff (I do art as a hobby), seeing someone else getting slammed for creating stuff is a bit of a trigger, to say the least. A lot of people don't always realize it, but when you attack someone's work, you're hitting them in a place where it can really hurt. It might not seem like it, but when someone puts a lot of heart and soul into something, only to see it get pounded into the ground (literally or figuratively), it can be pretty disheartening. To you, the writing in S2 might not seem like that much, but to the writer themselves, there's almost certainly a passion of some sort in there, even if it isn't as clear as the passion in S1's writing. And when you try to take a jab at the writing, you're taking a jab at that passion as well.
But fuck it, let's not get all poetic here. I'm not gonna make excuses. I apologize if my post made me come across as a dickhead or anything. I won't lie, I have a tendency to do that.
Yeah, that basically sums it up. I've been around here for a long time before I signed up, lurking and whatnot. I saw a shit ton of negativity back when S2 was ongoing/wrapping up. It's part of why I held off making an account; trying to wait until things cooled down. I'm one of the people on here that tends to come to S2's defense, but I'm not gonna say it's perfect, either. Mistakes were made, and yeah, there were some stupid moments here and there. But I just don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be. I've seen people that treat this game like a literal antichrist. It just gets a bit daunting having to see everyone give it shit while I'm sitting here, feeling more or less content. Granted, I'm someone that has the blessing/curse of low standards, which probably explains it. I grew up on the "settle for less" mindset.
But when it see all the negative posts, I think about how the people at Telltale feel. If it's driving me crazy seeing all the negativity, I can only wonder what people at Telltale feel like. I agree, you should hold people to some level of standards, but people here are coming down on them way harder than I think they should be.
Clementine is BEST!

Telltale staff used to post on the forums a lot, during and before Season 1. They stopped during Season 2, and did so again around the time of Borderlands, Thrones, and Minecraft. Hmm, makes you wonder, right?
...and that reminds me - I was thinking more on it, and I offhandedly remembered a post I saw from when Minecraft was first announced.
There were even people blaming the existence of Minecraft: Story Mode on Jake and Sean leaving. It's not enough that they didn't like Season 2, or that they think Telltale working on multiple games is a bad thing - no, people will scapegoat anything they don't like on Jake and Sean leaving
The post is from December 2014 so their opinions have possibly changed, but even so, it's pretty contrived to insinuate that literally anything you don't like about modern Telltale can be traced to Jake and Sean leaving. I don't think they need to be placed on that high of a pedestal, considering that even had they stayed at Telltale, they are not responsible for picking out the games that Telltale would work on. They still would have done Minecraft: Story Mode, even if Jake and Sean had stayed.
or did u mean as in only 1 will survive?
"left to kill each other" as in the fighting pits from woodbury ( governer's city in the comic)?
"Capricorn fucks" lol. also I like the idea of them fighting every 5 mins that'd be hilarious to play.