Kenny's reward.
When Clementine shoots Kenny and we tell him he is going to see Katjaa and Duck is heartbreaking for many reasons. A lot of people loved the little psychopath. I like to think though his pain was ended and he could rest.
However, this more likely.
He wakes up in the fiery valley of hell...well, at least things cannot get any worse he thinks. Just then a familiar voice calls to him....."Dad...we are going to make a fence!!!" Kenny curls into a ball and cries out for forgiveness....just then another voice calls out to him..."Would you shut up, I knew your wife had your balls Nancy, I just wish you would shut your mouth!" Larry looking dapper.
This discussion has been closed.
That dosen't sound like a reward as much as it sounds like a punishment, which is a lot.
Is the final part a reference to something?
Also is this really worth a topic on it's own considering the discord it will likely sow?
No reference.
In the words of Kenny: "I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but I know it's all bullshit!"
Nice shitpost.
what is this....
I've already said this to you that you have either ignored or did not see this but please read up what a psychopath actually is because your statement of Kenny being one is very wrong. A psychopath does not have a conscience nor cares about other people yet Kenny has proven multiple times that although he can be an asshole, he does care about people. He even checks to see if Jane is ok after the car almost crashes.
So please have a read about that because you need to understand this
Plus it's posts like this that you have made that should get people like yourself banned because all it is doing is provoking an argument for those who disagree with you and your sarcastic/insulting jokes about a game character
...Kenny opened his eyes and... (edit) just died. There was no sex. Oh, take us back, take us back, oh, take us back...
The End.
Ouch. I think we should stay clear of implying one deserves that.
Gee, thanks for that, dude. Totally what I needed on the brain. Yeesh!
What the fuck?
In fairness, that was actually pretty funny.
Actually that was a great response...loved it.
I found this definition on Google.
a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.
synonyms: madman · madwoman · maniac · lunatic · psychotic · [more]
an unstable and aggressive person:
"schoolyard psychopaths will gather around a fight to encourage the combatants"
Fits Kenny almost perfectly. have a point.
I think the issue here though is that 1. it can be a chronic mental disorder and 2. when people here the words psychopath and sociopath, they automatically think villain or evil.
At absolute worst, Kenny is a Well Intentioned Extremist/Knight Templar with anger issues. Calling him evil is a stretch, while calling him a villain is possible, but on a high Anti-villain level.
For someone who has a nurse as a mother and an autistic brother and been around mental health all my life i think a definition you find on google is not as accurate as seeing the real thing in life. Again here you are trying to tell me I'm wrong/against what i said as usual.
Read what I said, pyscho's have no conscience whatsoever. They kill someone and perhaps laugh about it or thoroughly enjoy it. They show no feelings or care of others. Kenny can be an asshole but he "does" have a conscience as shown numerous times of the bad things he'd done and he does care about others or sometimes showing concern for people he doesn't like such as Jane when the car spins out of control. He asks if she is ok, do you think a psychopath would do that?? Would he hell!!
And you can argue the toss with me all you want but Kenny is not a pyscho and your hate for him should have nothing to do with that. Now instead of exacerbating things, just leave it at that before it gets out of hand
I'm sorry, I don't mean to shit all over your speech here, but...
...I wasn't aware that was a verb.
It is from the UK. People say it a lot. Like "the hell he would" or "the fuck i did this or that"
He's a villain who simply isn't aware of it...
Just giving you the definition and how it could match his temperament. So, KennyshouldadiedinS1 isn't technically wrong in his assertion of Kenny's character.
That's all.
Oh, okay. I thought it was a typo at first and thus thought it was safe to make fun of.

Yeah, something like that!
Actually, he does wise up after his fight with Jane and either accepts his death, tells Clementine to just do it when she draws her gun on him, or explains that he knows he's losing control and that he's trying to keep it under control for Clementine and AJ's sake.
BetterToSleep: [Bursts through the fucking door.]
According to this, Kenny might very well classify as a sociopath, but definitely not a psychopath since most of his actions are guided by emotion, for better or worse.
Aditional tags: @DabigRG @Everyone'sClemInTime
Technically, Kenny is a psychopath.
I thought those two things were opposite.
Sociopaths are the more calculating and seemingly well-adjusted whereas psychopaths are more volatile and emotionally unstable.
Whoops! Here's another one.
The first was probably wrong.
Was this intended to have a sexual connotation? Because it does.
"We're going to pick your lock eternally," sounds like slang to me.
This accurately describes my thoughts on Jane: ignoring of the thoughts, feelings, and well-being of others in favor of her own because she's so used to looking out for herself and her interests.
I know, that's what I usually call her.
Actually reading up on it they are both sociopaths...Kenny lack of remorse and manipulation...Jane is just beginning down the path...Kenny is way far yes...I was wrong he is a sociopath.
I think what separates Jane from being an actual sociopath is the pathological liar trait she doesn't have.
The only situations where I recall her lying is in No Going Back to Kenny and in In Harms Way to Troy. Aside from those two particular situations, she was brutally honest throughout the whole game and rarely sugarcoated anything.
And then there's the fact that to have an anti social disorder such as these, you have to lack any remorse or empathy (toward stranger/people they don't care about deeply) which are things Jane shows to have in her through and thorugh.
Showing remorse after killing Vitaly and after stealing/almost stealing from Arvo.
And shows empathy when she sses Rebecca's distress in the herd, while defending Arvo, or when seemingly forgiving Arvo, Mike and Bonnie for running away.
She isn't a sociopath. She shows sociopathic traits (just as Kenny hilariously) but she can't identify as a true sociopath.
Kenny has never truly been remorseful for anything unless it directly affected him. When he killed Larry he said he was sorry...if you do not agree, his tone changes and he states that he will do anything to keep his family safe...yet he hides the fact of what happened from Katjaa.
He comes up with excuses for beating Arvo and like Jane he manipulates Clementine..telling her that he is sorry for what he did, but we gotta keep AJ safe...bypassing the argument of his cruelty and using the baby as a shield to change the subject.
Huh, I suppose you can put it that way. I never really thought about it that way and just assumed he got an attitude and falls back on "I did what I had to do" to avoid admitting that he felt bad about it, which is what I consider to be hiding his remorse.
Manipulation however is NOT his strong suit.
Kenny: "Oh look at this: your tags are all out."
Troy:{Looks right at him}
Kenny: "Don't want em gettin snagged on to somethin."
Troy:{Looks right at Clementine for a second}...Come On!
If Troy wasn't so lazy, they never woulda gotten as far with that plan.
To take a page out of all of your favourite character's book "i don't give 2 shits what you people think". Asshole me right? Well i've said what i have on the psychopath discussion and that's that. I wish people would understand the condition more than just what they read on the internet because i have seen people with severe cases in real life
Troy was not the best henchman for Carver was he?
I do value medical research more than anecdotal evidence.