I have a question about Clementine. Isn't she have black and half white? Because her father Ed looked similar to Lee as Clem thinks it's her… more dad in her house in first episode. Also remember Clementine had really pale skin in Season 1 like her mom Diana. Her accent also resembled a white woman's voice. If someone could please tell me about Clementine's ethnicity that would be great. Thanks lol
No, I have curly hair and I am light skinned. But both my parents are black. She is just light skinned. Both her parents are black. It's just her design. Not to mention the person who created Clementine was Asian and he wanted Clem to remind him of his daughter.
I have a question about Clementine. Isn't she have black and half white? Because her father Ed looked similar to Lee as Clem thinks it's her… more dad in her house in first episode. Also remember Clementine had really pale skin in Season 1 like her mom Diana. Her accent also resembled a white woman's voice. If someone could please tell me about Clementine's ethnicity that would be great. Thanks lol
No, I have curly hair and I am light skinned. But both my parents are black. She is just light skinned. Both her parents are black. It's jus… moret her design. Not to mention the person who created Clementine was Asian and he wanted Clem to remind him of his daughter.
You do realize that carver could still be the father and Alvin be really dark right? He could just take more from his mother. Also we still don't know for sure. It could very well be Carver's.
You do realize that carver could still be the father and Alvin be really dark right? He could just take more from his mother. Also we still don't know for sure. It could very well be Carver's.
I'm sitting in my college class right now on my computer and I don't want anyone to see my screen so the brightness is down. Because of thi… mores I can barely read my screen so I thought you said "I welcome you to come cry with me and we can make immature babies" I had to pause and deeply reconsider my existence on these forums.
Do you honestly think that looking at AJ in the screenshot and looking at Carver and Rebecca that he could be that dark? Not trying to be defensive, just asking.
That would be cool to see. Like, if Javier looks at AJ, AJ just coldly glares at him xD
No, I have curly hair and I am light skinned. But both my parents are black. She is just light skinned. Both her parents are black. It's just her design. Not to mention the person who created Clementine was Asian and he wanted Clem to remind him of his daughter.
That's interesting, I never knew that.
Everyone seems to forget that AJ might be Carver's son since it was never confirmed to be Alvin's lol
just a thought
Doesn't he look like Alvin though?
AJ is black, dude. Alvin was black. Carver was white. End of story.
He's Alvin's son.
You do realize that carver could still be the father and Alvin be really dark right? He could just take more from his mother. Also we still don't know for sure. It could very well be Carver's.
Rebecca wasn't really that dark, and in the screenshot of Clem & AJ, he is a lot darker than she was. I think it's safe to assume he's Alvin's.
…so that's a no?
Recessive genes beg to differ.
Do you honestly think that looking at AJ in the screenshot and looking at Carver and Rebecca that he could be that dark? Not trying to be defensive, just asking.
Me every day:

"twdgs3 twdgs3 twdgs3 twdgs3 twdgs3 twdgs3"
What the hell is that!?
The intro to the secret best ending for TWD xD
Yeah, case closed
Like me, he's got two dads and a mom.
Is this a post for ants?
Hey guys, who else hopes for an opening for Season Three that shows events that have transpired during the first two Seasons?
No, it's a leaked screenshot!
...for ants.
I'm sure we will hear "Previously, on The Walking Dead.." on the first episode
I'm hoping for David Fennoy xD
Seriously, if they keep killing determinant characters off, people will continue to rip them out for that xD
I hope that we get to interact with Kenny and Jane in the flashbacks!
Here ya go, I sized it up for you!
Why are some people saying the game got delayed?
Me too
Hello, you're new here right? Well welcome to he- I mean... Welcome to the forums!
The game hasn't been officially delayed, but it could happen.
I'm kinda hoping it'll be Clementine's voice this time...
Wait, what...?
Look up "Our God is an awesome God Kenny" on YouTube and you'll see.
... No thanks.
I'm so excited to hear Clementine's teenage voice
Your loss bro :P
That will be a moment I'll never forget.
Thanks for telling me! I was confused since I couldn't really find anything confirming that it was delayed.
And neither will I.
... If you say so...