What if her teenage voice sounds like she has been smoking 3 packs a day and pounding tall boy,s every day since the end of s2. Think a female Carver voice. Tall boys reference to beer cans btw.
What if her teenage voice sounds like she has been smoking 3 packs a day and pounding tall boy,s every day since the end of s2. Think a female Carver voice. Tall boys reference to beer cans btw.
Hey it's the apocalypse...not like her chance of living long enough for lung cancer or liver disease to be a thing...getting bitten, stabbed shot burned crushed are her more likely causes of death lol.
Hey it's the apocalypse...not like her chance of living long enough for lung cancer or liver disease to be a thing...getting bitten, stabbed shot burned crushed are her more likely causes of death lol.
Clem: Oh my god! The pilot passed out! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!
Javier: Help me move him! I'll take over!
Clem: Do you even know how to fly … morethis thing!?
Javier: Trust me, professional talking here!
Pilot: [wakes up and...]
Hey it's the apocalypse...not like her chance of living long enough for lung cancer or liver disease to be a thing...getting bitten, stabbed shot burned crushed are her more likely causes of death lol.
Whoa!! WTF?!?! Why'd u say that??
Still thanks for adding the beer cans thing at the end. I assumed u meant something else. That would have put me in a bad mood.
Anyway the beer and smoking is a straight NO for my Clem.
What if her teenage voice sounds like she has been smoking 3 packs a day and pounding tall boy,s every day since the end of s2. Think a female Carver voice. Tall boys reference to beer cans btw.
Whoa!! WTF?!?! Why'd u say that??
Still thanks for adding the beer cans thing at the end. I assumed u meant something else. That would have put me in a bad mood.
Anyway the beer and smoking is a straight NO for my Clem.
Oh I didn't mean to reply to you so I'm sorry. Btw I missed the beer cans part too (at first) I think he deliberately put that to throw us off. It actually mad me really mad for a second there.
Javier: C'mon Clem don't be like that. Clem: Aww hell no. Javier: dammit Clem! Why don't you understand you are too small to fly that fucking aircraft (in the background) so give me the keys we found on that dead pilot. Clem: oh yeah! Is that so. Well lemme tell you It's me flying that sweet ass thing or nobody. Javier: (looks pissed but suddenly becomes confused as he sees Aj climbing out of the pilot seat) Aj: Supp Bitches Clem: (angrily) hey you little shit. What did you just call me? Aj: calm down Missy. "You don't wanna test me. I'll pass every time" Javier: damn... Clem: (in shock) what the hell are you saying?? Aj: now give me those fucking keys or else... Javier: (nervously) or else what... After 10 seconds Aj: time up. (Starts singing the song 'oh my darling Clementine') Clem and Javier: Nooo... anything but this. Here take the keys. Aj: (looks at Javier) now that's how you do it you fucking pussy. Aj disappears on the horizon with the plane
Lmao. Aj's such a boss. But why the hell is Aj saying Carver's lines. Something's fishy . And that song tho. Those lyrics are dark as hell, no wonder Clem and Javier couldn't take it. Hell even I can't take it.
Javier: C'mon Clem don't be like that.
Clem: Aww hell no.
Javier: dammit Clem! Why don't you understand you are too small to fly that fuck… moreing aircraft (in the background) so give me the keys we found on that dead pilot.
Clem: oh yeah! Is that so. Well lemme tell you It's me flying that sweet ass thing or nobody.
Javier: (looks pissed but suddenly becomes confused as he sees Aj climbing out of the pilot seat)
Aj: Supp Bitches
Clem: (angrily) hey you little shit. What did you just call me?
Aj: calm down Missy. "You don't wanna test me. I'll pass every time"
Javier: damn...
Clem: (in shock) what the hell are you saying??
Aj: now give me those fucking keys or else...
Javier: (nervously) or else what...
After 10 seconds
Aj: time up. (Starts singing the song 'oh my darling Clementine')
Clem and Javier: Nooo... anything but this. Here take the keys.
Aj: (looks at Javier) now that's how you do it you fucking pussy.
Aj disappears on the horizon with the plane
Javier: C'mon Clem don't be like that.
Clem: Aww hell no.
Javier: dammit Clem! Why don't you understand you are too small to fly that fuck… moreing aircraft (in the background) so give me the keys we found on that dead pilot.
Clem: oh yeah! Is that so. Well lemme tell you It's me flying that sweet ass thing or nobody.
Javier: (looks pissed but suddenly becomes confused as he sees Aj climbing out of the pilot seat)
Aj: Supp Bitches
Clem: (angrily) hey you little shit. What did you just call me?
Aj: calm down Missy. "You don't wanna test me. I'll pass every time"
Javier: damn...
Clem: (in shock) what the hell are you saying??
Aj: now give me those fucking keys or else...
Javier: (nervously) or else what...
After 10 seconds
Aj: time up. (Starts singing the song 'oh my darling Clementine')
Clem and Javier: Nooo... anything but this. Here take the keys.
Aj: (looks at Javier) now that's how you do it you fucking pussy.
Aj disappears on the horizon with the plane
Javier: is he always like this? Clem: well no but my friend AJ was being more of a CJ if you know what I mean Javier: umm.. idk what does it means? Clem: nevermind. Let's just say the next I see his face again, no one else will see it afterwards ( if you know what she means xD).
Oh I didn't mean to reply to you so I'm sorry. Btw I missed the beer cans part too (at first) I think he deliberately put that to throw us off. It actually mad me really mad for a second there.
I hope no one else was in the roo-
Okay, I'll stop saying that whenever I see that gif now.
And no, it's not bad... Me, @TheComicBookGuy and many other people felt that way too.
Javier: C'mon Clem don't be like that.
Clem: Aww hell no.
Javier: dammit Clem! Why don't you understand you are too small to fly that fuck… moreing aircraft (in the background) so give me the keys we found on that dead pilot.
Clem: oh yeah! Is that so. Well lemme tell you It's me flying that sweet ass thing or nobody.
Javier: (looks pissed but suddenly becomes confused as he sees Aj climbing out of the pilot seat)
Aj: Supp Bitches
Clem: (angrily) hey you little shit. What did you just call me?
Aj: calm down Missy. "You don't wanna test me. I'll pass every time"
Javier: damn...
Clem: (in shock) what the hell are you saying??
Aj: now give me those fucking keys or else...
Javier: (nervously) or else what...
After 10 seconds
Aj: time up. (Starts singing the song 'oh my darling Clementine')
Clem and Javier: Nooo... anything but this. Here take the keys.
Aj: (looks at Javier) now that's how you do it you fucking pussy.
Aj disappears on the horizon with the plane
Javier: is he always like this?
Clem: well no but my friend AJ was being more of a CJ if you know what I mean
Javier: umm.. idk what doe… mores it means?
Clem: nevermind. Let's just say the next I see his face again, no one else will see it afterwards ( if you know what she means xD).
For anyone who doesn't get it CJ = Carver Junior
We haven't actually had an exact release date yet. They just said that it's definitely coming in November. So we should be getting one soon.
Do you think we're a bit... I don't know... Too excited for TWD S3?
What if her teenage voice sounds like she has been smoking 3 packs a day and pounding tall boy,s every day since the end of s2. Think a female Carver voice. Tall boys reference to beer cans btw.
WTF would even make you think that!?
She's 13, there's no way she has been doing that.
Hey it's the apocalypse...not like her chance of living long enough for lung cancer or liver disease to be a thing...getting bitten, stabbed shot burned crushed are her more likely causes of death lol.
We are sorta betting that news will come in around Sunday with the season 7 premiere of the TV show...no guarantee though.
Boats rain as Lee thrashes around
Actually, Clementine or Lee's, so long as it's one or the other xD
Clementine with a smoker voice... oh goodness, I blame Bonnie! xD
Is it bad that this is how I feel after just seeing a single screenshot of the game? xD
What happens next? Does the pilot reanimate and get tossed around inside the plane?
Morality still exists...
I hope no one else was in the roo-
Okay, I'll stop saying that whenever I see that gif now.
And no, it's not bad... Me, @TheComicBookGuy and many other people felt that way too.
Whoa!! WTF?!?! Why'd u say that??
Still thanks for adding the beer cans thing at the end. I assumed u meant something else. That would have put me in a bad mood.
Anyway the beer and smoking is a straight NO for my Clem.
Yea fuck Bonnie. That bitch offering that cigarette to Clem.
idc man. I'm too fuckIng excited. It's twds3 man. And most importantly 'Clem's back bitches' Yay.

Exactly xD
Neither will I
Oohh, okay... I missed the beer cans part, that's why I was so mad...
But still, my Clementine (Well, everyones should) does NOT smoke or drink.
Oh I didn't mean to reply to you so I'm sorry. Btw I missed the beer cans part too (at first) I think he deliberately put that to throw us off. It actually mad me really mad for a second there.
Javier: C'mon Clem don't be like that.
Clem: Aww hell no.
Javier: dammit Clem! Why don't you understand you are too small to fly that fucking aircraft (in the background) so give me the keys we found on that dead pilot.
Clem: oh yeah! Is that so. Well lemme tell you It's me flying that sweet ass thing or nobody.
Javier: (looks pissed but suddenly becomes confused as he sees Aj climbing out of the pilot seat)
Aj: Supp Bitches
Clem: (angrily) hey you little shit. What did you just call me?
Aj: calm down Missy. "You don't wanna test me. I'll pass every time"
Javier: damn...
Clem: (in shock) what the hell are you saying??
Aj: now give me those fucking keys or else...
Javier: (nervously) or else what...
After 10 seconds
Aj: time up. (Starts singing the song 'oh my darling Clementine')
Clem and Javier: Nooo... anything but this. Here take the keys.
Aj: (looks at Javier) now that's how you do it you fucking pussy.
Aj disappears on the horizon with the plane
Lmao. Aj's such a boss. But why the hell is Aj saying Carver's lines. Something's fishy
. And that song tho. Those lyrics are dark as hell, no wonder Clem and Javier couldn't take it. Hell even I can't take it.
As each day comes and goes, TWDG S3 gets closer and closer....

Clem: AJ, get yo bitch ass back here!
Javier: is he always like this?
Clem: well no but my friend AJ was being more of a CJ if you know what I mean
Javier: umm.. idk what does it means?
Clem: nevermind. Let's just say the next I see his face again, no one else will see it afterwards ( if you know what she means xD).
For anyone who doesn't get it CJ = Carver Junior
Damn i miss clem so much more right now when i know i'll be seeing her so soon
What's this about beer cans? xD
I don't want Javier's first impression of Clementine to be a Teen Mom with lung problems and a drug addiction.
I always make sure I'm alone when I go to Forums lol
Well, at least we know one of the Season Three endings now
Just throwing this out there, but wouldn't it be cool if the characters and some of the walkers all danced to 'Thriller' at the end of the Season? xD
Wait, it isn't photoshopped?
Runs fast
I thought CJ meant Carl Johnson, too much GTA...
I know I will be so excited next month as we are closer to the release date. Lol
are you on drugs?
when they were all going up the mountain in S2E2 I was thinking it was a good idea to play "THE CLIMB" from Miley Cyrus.
"Duuuude, that's the greatest idea I've heard so far!"
"Duuuude, that's terrible! Delete your account!"