So I've currently got the Season Pass hard copy pre ordered from Amazon. Did anyone else do this or is everyone just going to buy it on PSN/Xbox whatever name their store is?
So I've currently got the Season Pass hard copy pre ordered from Amazon. Did anyone else do this or is everyone just going to buy it on PSN/Xbox whatever name their store is?
Gasp! I'm... I'm so sorry...
Sell your toothbrush, sell your food, sell YOUR HOUSE!! Sell everything if you have to!
Ahem ... Sorry, I don't know what came over me.
Do you guys think that the St Johns could appear in S3 depending if you killed them in S1 or not? I think it would be pretty cool if they show up as side villians, maybe working with the antagonist. I would always think about the reaction people would get. Of course this is only possible if both or one of them are alive.
Kinda doubt that because for some people, they're dead. Then it was already crazy we found Kenny. I doubt: "Why! Its those no good cannibal farm boys fromm Georgia, out here in Virginia to continue their lust for human meat!"
Do you guys think that the St Johns could appear in S3 depending if you killed them in S1 or not? I think it would be pretty cool if they sh… moreow up as side villians, maybe working with the antagonist. I would always think about the reaction people would get. Of course this is only possible if both or one of them are alive.
I'm not taking note of personal information that people give away!
Jokes aside, I attempt to remember what users share of their personal life as a way to construct real people off of black characters, but we all know that relying on memory is a joke.
The chances for them getting out of that farm (if you didn't kill them) were pretty slim... Then again, so was Kenny's chance of getting out of the herd...
Do you guys think that the St Johns could appear in S3 depending if you killed them in S1 or not? I think it would be pretty cool if they sh… moreow up as side villians, maybe working with the antagonist. I would always think about the reaction people would get. Of course this is only possible if both or one of them are alive.
What about your other games? Are there any you don't want anymore that you can maybe sell to pay for Season 3 that way? They do it where I live with game stores o.o
Yeah that's why I'm saying that they could be side villians aka background characters. Maybe they got recruited by the antagonist' s gang and quit there cannibal ways.
Kinda doubt that because for some people, they're dead. Then it was already crazy we found Kenny. I doubt: "Why! Its those no good cannibal farm boys fromm Georgia, out here in Virginia to continue their lust for human meat!"
What about your other games? Are there any you don't want anymore that you can maybe sell to pay for Season 3 that way? They do it where I live with game stores o.o
Back when we got that new screenshot there was literally a comment every 5 seconds. It was insane.
Oh those were the days of wine and roses...we were so young and life was so vibrant!!!
Maybe... (I've barely seen any of the Game Over deaths in season 2, so it could be a lot worse then I think)
It's just that... Well, my mother's not too keen on me playing R rated games... And just so you know, I'm not a kid.
I sure hope we get multiple endings for s3 all well. But I want in all endings for s3 Aj, Clem and Javier should be together cause if Javier… more is a cool character them I want him on the picture too for season 4. obviously I don't want anything to happen to Clemmy but I think If aj is being too naughty or whiny and becomes a burden for Clem then it wouldn't be too much of a problem if he's expendable (determinant).
Have you noticed how everyone who touches it dies? Bingo. It sucks their lifespan away the moment they make contact with it and it fuels Clementine's own.
That's probably why it didn't fall off when she fell into that damn river.
Telltale said that they will give us more news "very soon," and that's been two weeks ago. If Telltale's gonna give us any info, it has to be this weekend. Not to mention that TWD TV Show is coming out Sunday. This has to be it guys, this has to be it.
Telltale said that they will give us more news "very soon," and that's been two weeks ago. If Telltale's gonna give us any info, it has to b… moree this weekend. Not to mention that TWD TV Show is coming out Sunday. This has to be it guys, this has to be it.
It's the hat.
Have you noticed how everyone who touches it dies? Bingo. It sucks their lifespan away the moment they make contact with it and it fuels Clementine's own.
That's probably why it didn't fall off when she fell into that damn river.
Telltale said that they will give us more news "very soon," and that's been two weeks ago. If Telltale's gonna give us any info, it has to b… moree this weekend. Not to mention that TWD TV Show is coming out Sunday. This has to be it guys, this has to be it.
Here you go...
You've seen her again!
So I've currently got the Season Pass hard copy pre ordered from Amazon. Did anyone else do this or is everyone just going to buy it on PSN/Xbox whatever name their store is?
I'm going to try and preorder it from EB Games soon.
I'm currently saving my money, so I won't be able to buy the game.... I'll have to watch a playthrough of it on YouTube.
Gasp! I'm... I'm so sorry...
Sell your toothbrush, sell your food, sell YOUR HOUSE!! Sell everything if you have to!
Ahem ... Sorry, I don't know what came over me.
Right Acheive, you should be ashamed of yourself.
You fool, It's a kidney she's got to sell! She'll get more money that way.
I might just have to give in and purchase it... I'm terrible at saving money, it seems!
I was trying to think of things they can get back, but... You're right.
Do you guys think that the St Johns could appear in S3 depending if you killed them in S1 or not? I think it would be pretty cool if they show up as side villians, maybe working with the antagonist. I would always think about the reaction people would get. Of course this is only possible if both or one of them are alive.
Kinda doubt that because for some people, they're dead. Then it was already crazy we found Kenny. I doubt: "Why! Its those no good cannibal farm boys fromm Georgia, out here in Virginia to continue their lust for human meat!"
I'm not taking note of personal information that people give away!
Jokes aside, I attempt to remember what users share of their personal life as a way to construct real people off of black characters, but we all know that relying on memory is a joke.
The chances for them getting out of that farm (if you didn't kill them) were pretty slim... Then again, so was Kenny's chance of getting out of the herd...
What about your other games? Are there any you don't want anymore that you can maybe sell to pay for Season 3 that way? They do it where I live with game stores o.o
Yeah that's why I'm saying that they could be side villians aka background characters. Maybe they got recruited by the antagonist' s gang and quit there cannibal ways.
The stores never really seem to give you much for your games (At least where I live) so it's probably best to sell them on something like Ebay.
I want to see Lilly.
Oh those were the days of wine and roses...we were so young and life was so vibrant!!!
I'm convinced that it was only R18 because Clementine's a kid and bad stuff happened to her. Oh and drugs are evil.
Yeah... 3 days ago...
But just wait, it'll be even better when that trailer hits!
So... Excited...!
Something told me to check on this thread today and there's a new screenshot.
Clementine looks so grown up and as sassy as I remember.
Maybe... (I've barely seen any of the Game Over deaths in season 2, so it could be a lot worse then I think)
It's just that... Well, my mother's not too keen on me playing R rated games... And just so you know, I'm not a kid.
Our little girl is growing up.

They grow up so fast. Too fast.
No boyfriends till she's 50.
...or the weed smokes him
I remember how annoyed I was when GTA 5 came out. I was 17 at the time XD
I'm hoping that this game ends with a full group alive for once xD
No boyfriends till she's a million.
I knew Clementine was immortal.
I wanna see Clem.
Hurry up TellTale.
My heart can only take so much....
It's not immortality it's a fine set of plot armour.
I think my heart will melt when I see Clementine in the Season 3 trailer

It's the hat.
Have you noticed how everyone who touches it dies? Bingo. It sucks their lifespan away the moment they make contact with it and it fuels Clementine's own.
That's probably why it didn't fall off when she fell into that damn river.
Here ya go!
What did you do to my daughter Clem!?! Why is she sad you better not think she's 8 still lol she's 13!! LMAO JK!
Seriously. You're missing out.
Telltale said that they will give us more news "very soon," and that's been two weeks ago. If Telltale's gonna give us any info, it has to be this weekend. Not to mention that TWD TV Show is coming out Sunday. This has to be it guys, this has to be it.
Good god, I hope so. I'm SO excited!!

No looking at boys until she's 50
This has to be it. This has to be it!