What if, at the beginning, Javier is being dragged by a guy in a mask and Clementine is tied to a pole and the flashbacks are actually referring to how they met one another?
I think we will be playing as Javier first, they will establish his character and backstory, and eventually he will meet Clementine for the first time, and they will establish their partnership.
Idk why..but i say finger...
She's a brave girl, losing a finger will hurt much less than losing the only thing that reminds her of her saviour and angel, you know who i'm talkin about
At this point I would be surprised if Clementine didn't have some sort of clinical depression. They could show how sometime's she's not abl… moree to handle everything and sort of breaks down. Not that I want her to be sad, but I hope Tellale really does show how everything she has gone through has had a huge impact on her emotional stability. Or...em, instability. It would be a fantastic way in building and strengthening her character.
Finally found it.
Check this out guys. Mellisa does the voice of older Clem in this one. At around 19:30 some guy asks her how older Clem will sound like and she talks as Clem at 20:09.
I have made probably mostly the worst choices leaving a character to die if I am given the choice. Also, that's what I hope will happen with Javier.
I guess I'll like the Clementine I end up with.
Telltale said that they will give us more news "very soon," and that's been two weeks ago. If Telltale's gonna give us any info, it has to b… moree this weekend. Not to mention that TWD TV Show is coming out Sunday. This has to be it guys, this has to be it.
What if, at the beginning, Javier is being dragged by a guy in a mask and Clementine is tied to a pole and the flashbacks are actually referring to how they met one another?
So I'm curious:
What do you guys all think is happening in this scene? Because I've got theories just dancing in my head over this thingy and driving me craaaazy.
Yes in the comics, some sex hungry 16/17 year old bitch convinced little Carl to do it. Sorry if it put you in a bad mood but the worst part is he now fucks her on a regular basis.
Oh, sorry, I didn't mean that she shouldn't be with guys that are younger then her.
I just sort of thought 15 was a bit young, but I dunno. If she's 22 and he's 20 I think that's fine...
...Is that weird?
So I'm curious:
What do you guys all think is happening in this scene? Because I've got theories just dancing in my head over this thingy and driving me craaaazy.
I think we are almost to the release date I feel that this week we will have some news from TellTale concerning the release date! Let's all hope they do give us a release date this week or next week!
I think we are almost to the release date I feel that this week we will have some news from TellTale concerning the release date! Let's all hope they do give us a release date this week or next week!
I've never watched the show, and never plan to. I just love the story and characters in the game series more, and I'm way more immersed and invested.
Everyone's like "Yay! Season 7! Woo!"
I'm like "So...how bout that Season 3 trailer?"
I think they can show the trailer in tomorrow's episode amongst the 17 million viewers who watch walking dead. That would be amazing in my opinion and I how they do because the Season pass disc was rated meaning they saw the game in action. Let's go TellTale let's go! LOL
I think they can show the trailer in tomorrow's episode amongst the 17 million viewers who watch walking dead. That would be amazing in my o… morepinion and I how they do because the Season pass disc was rated meaning they saw the game in action. Let's go TellTale let's go! LOL
There may be a scene where Clem and AJ get stranded and then she starts talking to AJ so she doesn't feel alone and telling about the adventure she has with Lee and then they can make a playable segment of Lee with Clementine narrating it. I think it could make for an emotional scene!
What if, at the beginning, Javier is being dragged by a guy in a mask and Clementine is tied to a pole and the flashbacks are actually referring to how they met one another?
Idk why..but i say finger...
She's a brave girl, losing a finger will hurt much less than losing the only thing that reminds her of her saviour and angel, you know who i'm talkin about
Dont you see the change in her? I cant see the innocence, at least not in the poster
Does medicine count as drug?
I aint listening to that right now...
Dont wanna spoil the suspense of listening to grown up clem from clem herself, in newFrontier
No it doesnt...what makes you think so? She looks a teen oright
I have made probably mostly the worst choices leaving a character to die if I am given the choice. Also, that's what I hope will happen with Javier.
I guess I'll like the Clementine I end up with.
She looks older ,though.Maybe it's her face since she never smiles.
No, it doesn't.
She's 13 and looks 13 to me
I approve of a Clementine nun.
So I'm curious:
What do you guys all think is happening in this scene? Because I've got theories just dancing in my head over this thingy and driving me craaaazy.
They seem lost to me. Maybe they escaped from the antagonists and are now trying to figure out where they are.
Yes in the comics, some sex hungry 16/17 year old bitch convinced little Carl to do it. Sorry if it put you in a bad mood but the worst part is he now fucks her on a regular basis.
Yea 15 did seem a little too young. But let's end this stupid discussion here . Lol
I think he said it cause s2 Clem sound so mature than Mellisa did in the video
Javi's being a bitch and Clem's being sassy over his bitchiness, what else could it be?
I think we are almost to the release date I feel that this week we will have some news from TellTale concerning the release date! Let's all hope they do give us a release date this week or next week!
"We are pleased to announce that 'The Walking Dead: A New Frontier' will be available for purchase on the 1st of November!"

Maybe they will release a trailer tomorrow.
Maybe not.
A man can dream!
The Walking Dead: A NEW FRONTIER...DELAYED TO 2017.
Is not something I want to see posted. I would be so bummed.
Imagine the explosion of comments then.
Imagine the number of disappointed fans they have promised a Fall 2016 release!
It's over 9000!
Y'll gotta stop with these kind of bold text being the first thing in your comment because it's extremely misleading.
Am I the only one more excited for TWDG S3 trailer than TWD S7 premiere?
Nope, I could care less about the show. Can't handle gore in live action settings for some reason.
I'm with you,son.
I've never watched the show, and never plan to. I just love the story and characters in the game series more, and I'm way more immersed and invested.
Everyone's like "Yay! Season 7! Woo!"
I'm like "So...how bout that Season 3 trailer?"
Well they have people who work on the voice audio and they can make it sound like a older Clementine. But I still like Melissa's voice as Clementine!
I think they can show the trailer in tomorrow's episode amongst the 17 million viewers who watch walking dead. That would be amazing in my opinion and I how they do because the Season pass disc was rated meaning they saw the game in action. Let's go TellTale let's go! LOL
Do you guys think that Clem will tell AJ about Lee? I think that she will, but just not now, because he is still too young.
That would be so awesome if they showed the trailer during the premiere!! Come on, Telltale, please give us the trailer! PLEASE!!
There may be a scene where Clem and AJ get stranded and then she starts talking to AJ so she doesn't feel alone and telling about the adventure she has with Lee and then they can make a playable segment of Lee with Clementine narrating it. I think it could make for an emotional scene!