AJ will be so dead at the end of this season.You see how Javier,Clem and other survivors are leaving Caprikorn Farm,with AJ nowhere to be seen. If the Caprikorn guys didn't take him,then I don't know who did.
I'm not a bad man, but this baby has to die, he's nothing to me.
I'm sorry, but that is really harsh, he's just a baby!
And how is AJ dying meant to help anyone? Especially Clementine? It would be the hardest on her.
I'm not a bad man, but ... but for everyone, especially for our Clementine, this baby have to die, he's nothing to me, Clementine does not need this responsibility. Even the players do not have it.
It absolutely sickens me when people see Clem in a sexual way. I understand if you are just attracted to her, that's fine with me, but when it gets to the point where you are having sexual fantasies about her, that is where I draw the line. I love Clementine, just not at all in that way. She's my little girl, and I get very defensive about her very easily.
I agree with both of your points. I don't want Clem to become a badass out of the blue. I liked how she was portrayed as she's not an expert… more at killing walkers in season 2 as she was only 11 years old( for example the shed fight with one zombie in ep1 or bridge fight with 3/4 walkers in ep2 and even the fight in hardware store in ep3). But I think she will be a bit better in season 3 but not exactly like michonne or Jesus in the comic book who are experts
And obviously the sick people who sexualize Clem disgust me. She is our baby girl Clementine idk how can people even think to do something like this to her.
It absolutely sickens me when people see Clem in a sexual way. I understand if you are just attracted to her, that's fine with me, but when … moreit gets to the point where you are having sexual fantasies about her, that is where I draw the line. I love Clementine, just not at all in that way. She's my little girl, and I get very defensive about her very easily.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that clem aint real. She's a video game character, you know, pixels?? I adore Clem and she is probs my favourite female video game character but I don't understand why people get so damn angry -_- she ''belongs'' to all of us.
not tryna rant just annoying is all.
I just want Telltale to put as much hard work into this game as they did the others and I'm sure i'll love it I'm looking forward to play as both Clem AND Javier (lol I had NO idea how to pronounce his name at 1st). He seems like a chill dude. I agree with a lot of these post about wanting to see Clemmy breaking a bit, shes been throu so much
I'd also love to know what happened those few days during those first few days of the zombie outbreak and how she survived.
Am I the only one here that's not very excited about Clem having AJ in S3? I mean, first off Clem (us in this situation) is a kid herself and AJ is what, a 3-year-old who's going to be constantly afraid, crying, while Clem's gonna have to provide food and shelter 24/7? What do you think?
Am I the only one here that's not very excited about Clem having AJ in S3? I mean, first off Clem (us in this situation) is a kid herself an… mored AJ is what, a 3-year-old who's going to be constantly afraid, crying, while Clem's gonna have to provide food and shelter 24/7? What do you think?
Because people react differently to trauma. Clem is no different, you may want your Clem to stride through this world with no effects to her personality but I prefer to have my Clem be deeply scarred by her experiences. Playing a hardened Clem is not at all against character for a child. Children face horrors every day in the real world, they fight wars, they face abuse and none of them come through its as well adjusted people. She began the apocalypse as a sweet and innocent girl but for me to play her as unaffected by her trauma beyond being a bit depressed rings false to me, my Clem has killed both friends and enemies, been a prisoner, hero and a bit of a villain. She is a badass because I shaped her into one as her coping mechanism to survive.
In my own head canon this is my approach to my badass little Sweet Pea. Clem was deeply affected by Crawford and the idea of children being turned out for being a burden on society, in her mind she can in no way be considered a burden, she in fact over compensates for this by doing so much all of the adults around her look like complete incompetents. Clem made a stupid move and got Lee killed, this is the next piece that shapes my Clem into a total badass, she can not allow her self to make mistakes anymore and now she hates herself for any minor screw up and see's anyone else's screw ups or signs of weakness as huge flaws, she has no pity for these people. After Lee's death she reverted back to an innocent young girl, but the death of Omid and the death of Christa's child broke her. I find all of this very sad, it breaks my heart that my Clem has become this hardened person without much pity or remorse, but my Clem feels true to life, she is not some simpering child, she is a survivor of the highest caliber.
Now I am not saying if you don't play a hardened Clem your playing it wrong, but those of us who do are also unfortunately not wrong, and in my opinion are actually playing it closer to reality than those who don't.
I'm a bit confused on why people want Clem to be this super-mega bad ass. Her appeal in Season 1 wasn't that she was a bad ass, it was that … moreshe was competent (for the most part) but still innocent. I get that she would have to be hardened after the time skip before the events of Season 2, but I think that she should've gone down the route of more competent, but still introverted(-ish), sensitive within reason, and inquisitive more like she was in Season 1. I feel that some parts of Season 2 over played it to compensate for her being the playable character, and they didn't follow up on writing her like a believable child character.
I think that, if they wanted to go down that route, that they should have just now saved that for Season 3. To see all these posts about how bad ass she is because of her Season 2 portrayal kinda throws me off since it goes against Season 1 in my own personal opinion. [Moderators are only community volunteers, we are not staff members.]
What do you guys think?
I think Clem likes AJ as her little brother. I remember how in s2 Clem was somewhat fond of AJ. I think Clem will think the responsibility of keeping Aj safe as some kind of tribute to Lee the great man who kept her safe and taught her to survive. She will find that regardless of odds and she still being a kid herself she has to do everything in her power to try to provide Aj with everything she can. I think Clem won't let Aj die or something even though he may be a burden on her.
Now seeing how my little Clemmy deals with such a big situation is what makes me really excited for this game.
Am I the only one here that's not very excited about Clem having AJ in S3? I mean, first off Clem (us in this situation) is a kid herself an… mored AJ is what, a 3-year-old who's going to be constantly afraid, crying, while Clem's gonna have to provide food and shelter 24/7? What do you think?
It absolutely sickens me when people see Clem in a sexual way. I understand if you are just attracted to her, that's fine with me, but when … moreit gets to the point where you are having sexual fantasies about her, that is where I draw the line. I love Clementine, just not at all in that way. She's my little girl, and I get very defensive about her very easily.
You know what I mean.
They can be attracted all they want as long as they don't say it out loud cause you know ,now reading or hearing some shit like that... that's what really gets me.
Yes you are somewhat right. Why do people get mad saying s2 didn't show Clem's character in a right way. Shit has happened to her. She just didn't speak as much in s1 but now she began expressing herself. After all she's been through, I think it was okay if she was a little hardened and took it upon herself to help out with vsrious stuff.
Because people react differently to trauma. Clem is no different, you may want your Clem to stride through this world with no effects to her… more personality but I prefer to have my Clem be deeply scarred by her experiences. Playing a hardened Clem is not at all against character for a child. Children face horrors every day in the real world, they fight wars, they face abuse and none of them come through its as well adjusted people. She began the apocalypse as a sweet and innocent girl but for me to play her as unaffected by her trauma beyond being a bit depressed rings false to me, my Clem has killed both friends and enemies, been a prisoner, hero and a bit of a villain. She is a badass because I shaped her into one as her coping mechanism to survive.
In my own head canon this is my approach to my badass little Sweet Pea. Clem was deeply affected by Crawford and the idea of children being turned out for being a burden on society, in her mind … [view original content]
I I think the playable flashbacks might retcon her to be a more realistic child for the events taking place around those in Season Two. Or at least, I hope so.
I'm a bit confused on why people want Clem to be this super-mega bad ass. Her appeal in Season 1 wasn't that she was a bad ass, it was that … moreshe was competent (for the most part) but still innocent. I get that she would have to be hardened after the time skip before the events of Season 2, but I think that she should've gone down the route of more competent, but still introverted(-ish), sensitive within reason, and inquisitive more like she was in Season 1. I feel that some parts of Season 2 over played it to compensate for her being the playable character, and they didn't follow up on writing her like a believable child character.
I think that, if they wanted to go down that route, that they should have just now saved that for Season 3. To see all these posts about how bad ass she is because of her Season 2 portrayal kinda throws me off since it goes against Season 1 in my own personal opinion. [Moderators are only community volunteers, we are not staff members.]
What do you guys think?
I've bashed Javi pretty hard, and I stand by it. But my hopes for his character are this.
I want Javi to be my window to the person I turned Clem into in the first 2 seasons. I want his reactions to Clem to be my reactions to what I have made of her.
As for his personality I hope he is a strong person with a decent moral compass. A person who was for what ever reason protected some what from this world, so that my Clem can begin to affect his world view.
So much discussion about Clementine going on!
What do you guys think Javier is going to be like? So far, his personality reminds me somewhat of Lee... But I definitely think he'll be a lovable character.
So much discussion about Clementine going on!
What do you guys think Javier is going to be like? So far, his personality reminds me somewhat of Lee... But I definitely think he'll be a lovable character.
Am I the only one here that's not very excited about Clem having AJ in S3? I mean, first off Clem (us in this situation) is a kid herself an… mored AJ is what, a 3-year-old who's going to be constantly afraid, crying, while Clem's gonna have to provide food and shelter 24/7? What do you think?
Because people react differently to trauma. Clem is no different, you may want your Clem to stride through this world with no effects to her… more personality but I prefer to have my Clem be deeply scarred by her experiences. Playing a hardened Clem is not at all against character for a child. Children face horrors every day in the real world, they fight wars, they face abuse and none of them come through its as well adjusted people. She began the apocalypse as a sweet and innocent girl but for me to play her as unaffected by her trauma beyond being a bit depressed rings false to me, my Clem has killed both friends and enemies, been a prisoner, hero and a bit of a villain. She is a badass because I shaped her into one as her coping mechanism to survive.
In my own head canon this is my approach to my badass little Sweet Pea. Clem was deeply affected by Crawford and the idea of children being turned out for being a burden on society, in her mind … [view original content]
I'm excited, I cant wait to see how Clem can interact with him and weather she has the option to treat him like a brother or adopted son or maybe just dislike him. Like if he's being a little sh1t, Clem can either be nice to him or plain yell at him and the way you treat him can get reactions from others.
Am I the only one here that's not very excited about Clem having AJ in S3? I mean, first off Clem (us in this situation) is a kid herself an… mored AJ is what, a 3-year-old who's going to be constantly afraid, crying, while Clem's gonna have to provide food and shelter 24/7? What do you think?
My Clem is a highly traumatized, very smart and highly competent person. She stopped being "Just a Kid" when she put a bullet in Lee's head. She is a complex person living in a tragic and nihilistic world, and in my head she is far better equipped to survive this world than anyone else.
Well then happy birthday to dear Melissa. She is such a great person, I hope she lives a long and happy life. I can't thank her enough for giving such an awesome voice to such an awesome character that we all love and care for. All thanks to Melissa Hutchison and her great talented voice.
I doubt that would happen. But I hope telltale don't go too much into making Javier the main character (sigh) into a 'cool' guy cause if they give Clem less screen time that would be so not cool.
Nooo I hope only Kenny/Jane get kidnapped as I want some scenes where we can see Clem trying to take care of Aj (cause it would be awesome as she's a little girl herself and she probably makes some mistakes and then maybe sings some rhymes or something to calm down Aj) and we as Javier can either help her or just mind our own business ( I'll definitely help her).
Well then happy birthday to dear Melissa. She is such a great person, I hope she lives a long and happy life. I can't thank her enough for g… moreiving such an awesome voice to such an awesome character that we all love and care for. All thanks to Melissa Hutchison and her great talented voice.
I'm sure she'll be gentle with him. But I'm not sure about some scenes where if she is maybe frustrated about something and Aj's like "yo bitch where's my supper" and that's it she snaps and yells at him. xD
I'm excited, I cant wait to see how Clem can interact with him and weather she has the option to treat him like a brother or adopted son or … moremaybe just dislike him. Like if he's being a little sh1t, Clem can either be nice to him or plain yell at him and the way you treat him can get reactions from others.
Hey guys. For when we eventually reach the point of being close enough to the New Frontier Season Premiere to worry about this stuff, we further clarified our stance on people posting spoilers in the form of story discussion or sharing videos in waiting threads. This does not exclusively apply to Walking Dead, but all Telltale series.
Do not discuss story spoilers (or share Let's Plays/other videos) for the latest episode in a Waiting Thread - Discussion of spoilers from past episodes is okay. Alluding to vague and spoiler free details like episode length is also okay. However, do not link to videos of early gameplay, Let's Plays, leaked videos, etc. Likewise, do not discuss or allude to story spoilers. Doing so leaves you at risk of punishment. Episode Waiting Threads are meant to be spoiler free discussions, so please respect that.
Still shouldn't be something that should be discussed in this community. "I love Clem, its cool though I'm 13". Great discussion!
I really hope not. I really like AJ.
I'm sorry, but that is really harsh, he's just a baby!
And how is AJ dying meant to help anyone? Especially Clementine? It would be the hardest on her.
It absolutely sickens me when people see Clem in a sexual way. I understand if you are just attracted to her, that's fine with me, but when it gets to the point where you are having sexual fantasies about her, that is where I draw the line. I love Clementine, just not at all in that way. She's my little girl, and I get very defensive about her very easily.
This wrong use of a meme triggers me.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that clem aint real. She's a video game character, you know, pixels?? I adore Clem and she is probs my favourite female video game character but I don't understand why people get so damn angry -_- she ''belongs'' to all of us.
I'm looking forward to play as both Clem AND Javier (lol I had NO idea how to pronounce his name at 1st). He seems like a chill dude. I agree with a lot of these post about wanting to see Clemmy breaking a bit, shes been throu so much 
not tryna rant just annoying is all.
I just want Telltale to put as much hard work into this game as they did the others and I'm sure i'll love it
I'd also love to know what happened those few days during those first few days of the zombie outbreak and how she survived.
Am I the only one here that's not very excited about Clem having AJ in S3? I mean, first off Clem (us in this situation) is a kid herself and AJ is what, a 3-year-old who's going to be constantly afraid, crying, while Clem's gonna have to provide food and shelter 24/7? What do you think?
It kinda grinds my gears.
That's why I am really sure that he will die,sooner or later,Rickon style.
Oright sorry -_-
Because people react differently to trauma. Clem is no different, you may want your Clem to stride through this world with no effects to her personality but I prefer to have my Clem be deeply scarred by her experiences. Playing a hardened Clem is not at all against character for a child. Children face horrors every day in the real world, they fight wars, they face abuse and none of them come through its as well adjusted people. She began the apocalypse as a sweet and innocent girl but for me to play her as unaffected by her trauma beyond being a bit depressed rings false to me, my Clem has killed both friends and enemies, been a prisoner, hero and a bit of a villain. She is a badass because I shaped her into one as her coping mechanism to survive.
In my own head canon this is my approach to my badass little Sweet Pea. Clem was deeply affected by Crawford and the idea of children being turned out for being a burden on society, in her mind she can in no way be considered a burden, she in fact over compensates for this by doing so much all of the adults around her look like complete incompetents. Clem made a stupid move and got Lee killed, this is the next piece that shapes my Clem into a total badass, she can not allow her self to make mistakes anymore and now she hates herself for any minor screw up and see's anyone else's screw ups or signs of weakness as huge flaws, she has no pity for these people. After Lee's death she reverted back to an innocent young girl, but the death of Omid and the death of Christa's child broke her. I find all of this very sad, it breaks my heart that my Clem has become this hardened person without much pity or remorse, but my Clem feels true to life, she is not some simpering child, she is a survivor of the highest caliber.
Now I am not saying if you don't play a hardened Clem your playing it wrong, but those of us who do are also unfortunately not wrong, and in my opinion are actually playing it closer to reality than those who don't.
I think Clem likes AJ as her little brother. I remember how in s2 Clem was somewhat fond of AJ. I think Clem will think the responsibility of keeping Aj safe as some kind of tribute to Lee the great man who kept her safe and taught her to survive. She will find that regardless of odds and she still being a kid herself she has to do everything in her power to try to provide Aj with everything she can. I think Clem won't let Aj die or something even though he may be a burden on her.
Now seeing how my little Clemmy deals with such a big situation is what makes me really excited for this game.
I think that goes for all of us Clemmy fanboys ( if ur a boy).
As long as it is not like 90% Javier, and 10% Clem i'll be fine with season 3
You know what I mean.
They can be attracted all they want as long as they don't say it out loud cause you know ,now reading or hearing some shit like that... that's what really gets me.
Yes exactly. I think ep1 will be 90% Javier and 10 %Clem but I hope they bring the ratio to at least 60-40 (Javier -Clem) in the later episodes.
I'm a boy
Yes you are somewhat right. Why do people get mad saying s2 didn't show Clem's character in a right way. Shit has happened to her. She just didn't speak as much in s1 but now she began expressing herself. After all she's been through, I think it was okay if she was a little hardened and took it upon herself to help out with vsrious stuff.
O hope it gets reversed/vice-versa
I I think the playable flashbacks might retcon her to be a more realistic child for the events taking place around those in Season Two. Or at least, I hope so.
I've bashed Javi pretty hard, and I stand by it. But my hopes for his character are this.
I want Javi to be my window to the person I turned Clem into in the first 2 seasons. I want his reactions to Clem to be my reactions to what I have made of her.
As for his personality I hope he is a strong person with a decent moral compass. A person who was for what ever reason protected some what from this world, so that my Clem can begin to affect his world view.
Well, all of the playable characters in Telltale's TWD have been likeable to some degree so far.
Except Vince
First all: Aj is 2 and Clem is 13.
And i'm not excited for this baby ... i don't like him.
Clem is just a poor kid ...
I'm excited, I cant wait to see how Clem can interact with him and weather she has the option to treat him like a brother or adopted son or maybe just dislike him. Like if he's being a little sh1t, Clem can either be nice to him or plain yell at him and the way you treat him can get reactions from others.
My Clem is a highly traumatized, very smart and highly competent person. She stopped being "Just a Kid" when she put a bullet in Lee's head. She is a complex person living in a tragic and nihilistic world, and in my head she is far better equipped to survive this world than anyone else.
I would like for it to be 70% Clem and 30% Javier, but that's not gonna happen, because Javier is the "new character."
Today is Melissa Hutchison's (Voice of Clementine) birthday!
That's alright, there might be some new people who don't know, so I put that just in case.
Holy cow! Well here's me wishing a very talented voice actress a very Happy Birthday and eager to see her in the next season of the game.
Well then happy birthday to dear Melissa. She is such a great person, I hope she lives a long and happy life. I can't thank her enough for giving such an awesome voice to such an awesome character that we all love and care for. All thanks to Melissa Hutchison and her great talented voice.
I doubt that would happen. But I hope telltale don't go too much into making Javier the main character (sigh) into a 'cool' guy cause if they give Clem less screen time that would be so not cool.
Nooo I hope only Kenny/Jane get kidnapped as I want some scenes where we can see Clem trying to take care of Aj (cause it would be awesome as she's a little girl herself and she probably makes some mistakes and then maybe sings some rhymes or something to calm down Aj) and we as Javier can either help her or just mind our own business ( I'll definitely help her).
Melissa has done an amazing job bringing Clementine to life, and I am SO EXCITED to see her again this season! 
Well happy birthday to her!
If its Melissa's birthday, I think it should be Clem's birthday too.
I'm sure she'll be gentle with him. But I'm not sure about some scenes where if she is maybe frustrated about something and Aj's like "yo bitch where's my supper" and that's it she snaps and yells at him. xD
Maybe your thoughts will change after season 3
Hey guys. For when we eventually reach the point of being close enough to the New Frontier Season Premiere to worry about this stuff, we further clarified our stance on people posting spoilers in the form of story discussion or sharing videos in waiting threads. This does not exclusively apply to Walking Dead, but all Telltale series.