anyone who tries to hit on Clem will be shown No Mercy. I'll blow off his dick with the shotgun Javier is carrying in the teasor.
Btw I'm… more pretty sure that sex-moderate impact will be for Javier or if those Capricorn guys try some shit on Clem... then they better watch their ass.
I had a random thought today, but wouldn't it be cool if Season 3 ever got an official music video and it was sort of live-action showing characters from the game? The game Alan Wake had one just like that, and it actually features the actor who portrayed the main protagonist, all dressed up like Alan Wake encountering elements from the game. I'm not even a big fan of the series, but I really enjoyed the music video:
Neeever gonna happen, but it'd be so cool if cosplayers did it someday to some music from TWDG.
I hope the romantic interest for Javier OR Clem is optional I do not want it to be forced like in Game of Thrones or Tales from the Borderlands. I always say that Clem might not be romantically interested in anyone because she seen how evil people can be! For the people who say Carl has seen worse and that he still finds love you are forgetting one thing. He still has his father Rick Grimes! Clem lost her parents and lost her guardian father figure Lee Everett! After losing these three people in her life she may not be able to ever love anyone again! Clem knows that if you love someone you will lose them and it'll hurt.
Correction: Lost her guardian parental figures Christa and Omid.
Addressing the actual response, I can definitely see how the events that she has witnessed could have led to a potential automatic distrust of strangers. That would be an interesting aspect to experience from a stranger's perspective!
I hope the romantic interest for Javier OR Clem is optional I do not want it to be forced like in Game of Thrones or Tales from the Borderla… morends. I always say that Clem might not be romantically interested in anyone because she seen how evil people can be! For the people who say Carl has seen worse and that he still finds love you are forgetting one thing. He still has his father Rick Grimes! Clem lost her parents and lost her guardian father figure Lee Everett! After losing these three people in her life she may not be able to ever love anyone again! Clem knows that if you love someone you will lose them and it'll hurt.
That seems a bit like catastrophizing, doesn't it? They aren't going to tone it down for kids - Telltale makes games that are faithful to the same tone/presentation/etc as the source material.
Besides - if some of the forum users that Season 2 brought onto the forums during that time are any indication, a lower/higher rating doesn't stop young teens from playing Walking Dead anyways. They wouldn't make that trade off as the overall Walking Dead franchise is too well known for Telltale to try and pull on over on parents.
The season pass disc has now been rated by Australia.
link to rating
Excuse my French but FUCK YEA!!!! ITS ALMOST HERE !!!! Lol sorry really hyped after Sunday's episode!!! Lol
Drug use?
Well now, I didn't see that one coming. Maybe someone in Javi's past is an addict.
Drug use, moderate impact.
It's official, Clementine and Javier are going to get high as fuck
this'll be entertaining.
Sex- "Moderate impact"
I swear, if some teenage boy in the group starts hitting on Clem, I'm gonna have Javier beat the shit out of him.
Clem is perfectly capable of beating the shit out of someone on her own, she doesn't need Javier to do the work for her.
Sex with Moderate Impact?
After that last Batman episode, should I be worried?
These will be your options
(Say No to Drugs)
(Take a hit)
(Boggart that shit)
I don't know, what did Batman's rating for the recent episode look like? Maybe we can compare them a little.
Boggart that shit all the way.
anyone who tries to hit on Clem will be shown No Mercy. I'll blow off his dick with the shotgun Javier is carrying in the teasor.
Btw I'm pretty sure that sex-moderate impact will be for Javier
or if those Capricorn guys try some shit on Clem...
then they better watch their ass.
If it get released on 8th November , a day before my birthday, that will be amazing.
My birthday is actually on November 8th
It's the same rating for sex.
Yes this song is beautiful. I almost cried too. Every word reminded me of Clem and how much she has to suffer
Can I have a link to the dialogue hinting at him being a creeper?
#Javier getting lucky confirmed for Season 3!
If anything like that happens, I'll need an option that says (Make Negan look like an alter boy)
I had a random thought today, but wouldn't it be cool if Season 3 ever got an official music video and it was sort of live-action showing characters from the game? The game Alan Wake had one just like that, and it actually features the actor who portrayed the main protagonist, all dressed up like Alan Wake encountering elements from the game. I'm not even a big fan of the series, but I really enjoyed the music video:
Neeever gonna happen, but it'd be so cool if cosplayers did it someday to some music from TWDG.
I wonder with whom.
Moderate impact for sex, but no impact for nudity? I'm assuming there's only going to be innuendo then, maybe strong sexual themes too.
15+ ?? ewwww. previous two seasons were 18+. the more i find out about s3 less im excited for it. i guess they are toning it down for children.
No nudity for Batman either.
Medicine use does not count as drug use?
Sedatives and such?
Sedatives for Javi, perhaps?
Sleep, Javier's getting laid. Sex and getting high. HE DON'T NEED NO SEDATIVES BRO.
I was thinking that!! Why is it a 15+, of which there will be less blood and gore:(
I want the goat farmers to sedate him before they brand him!
The case is closed.
I hope the romantic interest for Javier OR Clem is optional I do not want it to be forced like in Game of Thrones or Tales from the Borderlands. I always say that Clem might not be romantically interested in anyone because she seen how evil people can be! For the people who say Carl has seen worse and that he still finds love you are forgetting one thing. He still has his father Rick Grimes! Clem lost her parents and lost her guardian father figure Lee Everett! After losing these three people in her life she may not be able to ever love anyone again! Clem knows that if you love someone you will lose them and it'll hurt.
It still might be 18+ in America.
So it has less language and less violence than season 2?
season 4 will be 12+ and season 5 will be PG lol
iirc they always put it that high although nothing ever happens
Nobody is implying anything.
Age ratings vary from country to country.
Correction: Lost her guardian parental figures Christa and Omid.
Addressing the actual response, I can definitely see how the events that she has witnessed could have led to a potential automatic distrust of strangers. That would be an interesting aspect to experience from a stranger's perspective!
Good God!
And I am telling you what @VirulentVulpine likely meant.
knowing Telltale, the episode will likely be released November 27th or something and so almost December.
That seems a bit like catastrophizing, doesn't it? They aren't going to tone it down for kids - Telltale makes games that are faithful to the same tone/presentation/etc as the source material.
Besides - if some of the forum users that Season 2 brought onto the forums during that time are any indication, a lower/higher rating doesn't stop young teens from playing Walking Dead anyways. They wouldn't make that trade off as the overall Walking Dead franchise is too well known for Telltale to try and pull on over on parents.