There is usually a build-up marketing banners...them actually giving the press tantalising tidbits of information.
The build-up to Batman was very noticeable. This has been stealthy to say the least.
Plus, marketing - or at least the marketing that matters, like banners in malls and ads on TV etc. - is expensive as hell, and Telltale is not a big enough company to spend such sums, even if they've been growing a lot recently. And ads on the internet aren't a good move either, nowadays many - if not most - people use adblock, so it would be wasted money.
I feel at this point, Telltale's confident enough in the popularity of the series that they think word of mouth does enough marketing/advert… moreising. I mean yeah, they'll definitely amp it up when we get closer to release, but for now, they probably think people are doing a good enough job of giving S3 exposure.
Might not be the best move in hindsight, but I wouldn't blame them if they felt like the game could carry itself after how well the first two seasons turned out financially/critically
There are varying reasons for various people, but for me it basically comes down to two things:
1) I can't think of any reason outside of standard moral reasoning why AJ should be put on such a high pedestal. By that, I mean I can't find any motivation to protect and guide him outside of "it's the right thing to do." I have no personal attachment to him so why should I treat him above others? Why should I choose his wellbeing over others? If I had to decide between saving him or another good, capable survivor that has proven themselves to be reliable, why should I give preference to AJ over them?
I'm not deliberately pursuing pragmatics here. I've tried so hard since the end of Season 2 to think of a reason why I should sacrifice others for him, and I've come up with nothing.
2) He would be such a drain on Clementine and those around him that it isn't even funny. No really, screw all the gore and horror getting to Clementine, I'm more worried about what the stress of looking after a child for two years would do to her.
I don't doubt for a second that Clementine couldn't look after AJ on her own. I mean, obviously, she survived up to Season 3 with him, right? But you have to consider all the factors that are imposed here: inability to communicate, baby formula, warmth, cleaning, teaching, inability to move, constant 24/7 worry that something will happen to him, protecting him from walkers, protecting him from people, lack of awareness of situations around him.
Personally I think a lot of people seriously underestimate the level of care that has to go into a child. It isn't something that you can just live and do on the side. AJ is almost entirely the reason that I took the Wellington ending. I didn't take it for Clementine's sake, I took it because I felt it was an impossibility for a child to reasonably grow up in the circumstance of Clementine basically being alone in the burden, which would be bad both for her and for AJ.
There's a bunch of other reasons, but for me it's primarily those two.
One more thing that I want to add is the circumstances in which AJ was given to Clementine over. When we had that scene on the observation deck in Episode 4 between Clementine and AJ, I agree, it can be a really heartfelt moment and a sign of hope, but there's just something that stems from this area of the game that gave me and assumingly others the perception that AJ seemed 'forced.'
I think I have an answer as to why that is, and I know it sounds really stupid, but I think it's because that we, as the player, never gave consent. We, as the player, never had an in-game chance to acknowledge or accept that AJ was our responsibility. It just... Is. We get told we're a part of Rebecca's family, but we're never given a choice to reply. We just are. And I think the fact that all of this being imposed, not just on ourselves as the player, but on Clementine, a child herself... To me, it's just something really wrong and uncomfortable.
EDIT: I'd like to add that while I don't actively hate AJ, I refer to my point 1 of 'Why should I prioritise him over others?'
well it doesn't matter if I forgive him out not. he died a painful death for biting Clem and making her sew up her arm. now that's a crime worth death.
tbh i feel a little sad (only a little) and that too cause he could have been an awesome parter for Clem in her adventures. maybe she and sam could take out walkers together (like Robb Stark and his wolf in game of thrones -when they attack enemy camps).
There are varying reasons for various people, but for me it basically comes down to two things:
1) I can't think of any reason outside of… more standard moral reasoning why AJ should be put on such a high pedestal. By that, I mean I can't find any motivation to protect and guide him outside of "it's the right thing to do." I have no personal attachment to him so why should I treat him above others? Why should I choose his wellbeing over others? If I had to decide between saving him or another good, capable survivor that has proven themselves to be reliable, why should I give preference to AJ over them?
I'm not deliberately pursuing pragmatics here. I've tried so hard since the end of Season 2 to think of a reason why I should sacrifice others for him, and I've come up with nothing.
2) He would be such a drain on Clementine and those around him that it isn't even funny. No really, screw all the gore and horror getting to Clementine, I'm more … [view original content]
well it doesn't matter if I forgive him out not. he died a painful death for biting Clem and making her sew up her arm. now that's a crime w… moreorth death.
tbh i feel a little sad (only a little) and that too cause he could have been an awesome parter for Clem in her adventures. maybe she and sam could take out walkers together (like Robb Stark and his wolf in game of thrones -when they attack enemy camps).
wait that was the original idea..?
but i think it was better this way. it was so cool to see little Clem has the balls to do what even I can't do and im 17 and while she's 10.5
wait that was the original idea..?
but i think it was better this way. it was so cool to see little Clem has the balls to do what even I can't do and im 17 and while she's 10.5
Plus, marketing - or at least the marketing that matters, like banners in malls and ads on TV etc. - is expensive as hell, and Telltale is not a big enough company to spend such sums, even if they've been growing a lot recently.
They're probably already using up a ton of resources running the Batman commercials on TV as it is. I've seen it on multiple channels, including AMC, and I'd imagine that getting ad space during episodes of TWD takes some... connections.
Plus, marketing - or at least the marketing that matters, like banners in malls and ads on TV etc. - is expensive as hell, and Telltale is n… moreot a big enough company to spend such sums, even if they've been growing a lot recently. And ads on the internet aren't a good move either, nowadays many - if not most - people use adblock, so it would be wasted money.
I have no idea man, I wasn't a fan of AJ in s2 but mostly in the way that I had Clem be bothered by him. I think its mostly people being overly sensitive in that all the attention isn't on Clem no more pretty stupid if you ask me.
I would love for that to happen, but it seems with the updated engine games, there's a solid 2 week wait between trailer and release. That would give Telltale only a week to advertise.
I will most likely get a ton of hate for this but...... I sort of expect average with all Telltale games. PLEASE DONT'T KILL ME!
what I mean is that compared to other games I love (fallout 3, Oblivion and DA: origins) I know the games are smaller and not gonna be on such a grand scale. I still get proper excited for them but in the way that its gonna be a good story and have good characters but there is gonna be flaws. I think the mark of a good game development company is that people keep coming back despite the flaws. besides with a game series like TWD you are always gonna piss people off with all the choices they give, you cant pls everyone.
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-veer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-… moreveer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
Plus, marketing - or at least the marketing that matters, like banners in malls and ads on TV etc. - is expensive as hell, and Telltale is n… moreot a big enough company to spend such sums, even if they've been growing a lot recently.
They're probably already using up a ton of resources running the Batman commercials on TV as it is. I've seen it on multiple channels, including AMC, and I'd imagine that getting ad space during episodes of TWD takes some... connections.
That's how I keep saying it now. I mostly meant that we've been told that he'd be nicknamed just Javi, how would you say that?
Edit: ah thought so, thanks
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-… moreveer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-… moreveer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-… moreveer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
lol I'm British and speak that butchered so I'm guessing id probably say his name wrong no matter how many times I was told , French is pretty thou use to able to speak some and me aunty went and married a frenchy.
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-… moreveer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
The correct pronounciation of Javier is not intuitive in English.
There actually isn't a recognizable sound that resembles the proper way that the J in Javier should be pronounced.
Job's got it wrong, in all honesty.
Closest ive probably heard some is in Fallout 4? I'm guessing they was Boston accents. Fucking guards kept saying 'park your car in the yard' and I had no idea what they meant until I found out its a Boston thing.
Closest ive probably heard some is in Fallout 4? I'm guessing they was Boston accents. Fucking guards kept saying 'park your car in the yard' and I had no idea what they meant until I found out its a Boston thing.
Yeah, that's how the joke goes
The stereotypical Boston accent doesn't use hard R's, so car becomes cah, yard becomes yahd, park becomes pahk... you get the idea.
You could say hra-vee-eh, with the r being silent (not sure if it is). Correctly it would use a "ch" sound, but it doesn't exist in English.
Around 1:20 in the video, he mentions a 'back ch'. As far as I can tell, this is also the sound Javier uses, only a bit softer. Just as an orientation.
(Also note that I could be wrong, it's how I would pronounce it and how Google Translate pronounces it)
But... He was lost and starving... Surely you can forgive him?
I know he hurt Clem, but...
I wasn't really around for Batman much..
Plus, marketing - or at least the marketing that matters, like banners in malls and ads on TV etc. - is expensive as hell, and Telltale is not a big enough company to spend such sums, even if they've been growing a lot recently. And ads on the internet aren't a good move either, nowadays many - if not most - people use adblock, so it would be wasted money.
There are varying reasons for various people, but for me it basically comes down to two things:
1) I can't think of any reason outside of standard moral reasoning why AJ should be put on such a high pedestal. By that, I mean I can't find any motivation to protect and guide him outside of "it's the right thing to do." I have no personal attachment to him so why should I treat him above others? Why should I choose his wellbeing over others? If I had to decide between saving him or another good, capable survivor that has proven themselves to be reliable, why should I give preference to AJ over them?
I'm not deliberately pursuing pragmatics here. I've tried so hard since the end of Season 2 to think of a reason why I should sacrifice others for him, and I've come up with nothing.
2) He would be such a drain on Clementine and those around him that it isn't even funny. No really, screw all the gore and horror getting to Clementine, I'm more worried about what the stress of looking after a child for two years would do to her.
I don't doubt for a second that Clementine couldn't look after AJ on her own. I mean, obviously, she survived up to Season 3 with him, right? But you have to consider all the factors that are imposed here: inability to communicate, baby formula, warmth, cleaning, teaching, inability to move, constant 24/7 worry that something will happen to him, protecting him from walkers, protecting him from people, lack of awareness of situations around him.
Personally I think a lot of people seriously underestimate the level of care that has to go into a child. It isn't something that you can just live and do on the side. AJ is almost entirely the reason that I took the Wellington ending. I didn't take it for Clementine's sake, I took it because I felt it was an impossibility for a child to reasonably grow up in the circumstance of Clementine basically being alone in the burden, which would be bad both for her and for AJ.
There's a bunch of other reasons, but for me it's primarily those two.
One more thing that I want to add is the circumstances in which AJ was given to Clementine over. When we had that scene on the observation deck in Episode 4 between Clementine and AJ, I agree, it can be a really heartfelt moment and a sign of hope, but there's just something that stems from this area of the game that gave me and assumingly others the perception that AJ seemed 'forced.'
I think I have an answer as to why that is, and I know it sounds really stupid, but I think it's because that we, as the player, never gave consent. We, as the player, never had an in-game chance to acknowledge or accept that AJ was our responsibility. It just... Is. We get told we're a part of Rebecca's family, but we're never given a choice to reply. We just are. And I think the fact that all of this being imposed, not just on ourselves as the player, but on Clementine, a child herself... To me, it's just something really wrong and uncomfortable.
EDIT: I'd like to add that while I don't actively hate AJ, I refer to my point 1 of 'Why should I prioritise him over others?'
well it doesn't matter if I forgive him out not. he died a painful death for biting Clem and making her sew up her arm. now that's a crime worth death.
tbh i feel a little sad (only a little) and that too cause he could have been an awesome parter for Clem in her adventures. maybe she and sam could take out walkers together (like Robb Stark and his wolf in game of thrones -when they attack enemy camps).
I see your reasoning. I feel like Telltale will make us have a deeper love for AJ in the coming season, but who knows?
I don't wanna see your shame in math AGAIN, thanks.
Okay, your right... That was a horrible scene.
And yeah, it would've been cool if they had stuck with their original idea that Sam stays longer.
Why not AJ?
wait that was the original idea..?
but i think it was better this way. it was so cool to see little Clem has the balls to do what even I can't do and im 17 and while she's 10.5
What if the father's name is not Alvin?
Yeah, he was originally going to stay until episode 2.
I saw it on a Things you didn't know about TWD S2 video, I'll send you the link when I find it if you want.
Edit: Found it:
WTF!? Whenever I try to post the video, it keeps posting the S3 teaser... Am I cursed?
Edit: Okay, I fixed it.
They're probably already using up a ton of resources running the Batman commercials on TV as it is. I've seen it on multiple channels, including AMC, and I'd imagine that getting ad space during episodes of TWD takes some... connections.
All of you almost gave me a stroke.
153 new comments and yet no news.
Yeah, I saw the sudden jump in comments and was like: "Screenshot? Trailer!?"
I have no idea man, I wasn't a fan of AJ in s2 but mostly in the way that I had Clem be bothered by him. I think its mostly people being overly sensitive in that all the attention isn't on Clem no more
pretty stupid if you ask me.
well fuck -_- if that does happen I guess that's better than it being released on the 23rd or 30th.
I will most likely get a ton of hate for this but...... I sort of expect average with all Telltale games. PLEASE DONT'T KILL ME!
what I mean is that compared to other games I love (fallout 3, Oblivion and DA: origins) I know the games are smaller and not gonna be on such a grand scale. I still get proper excited for them but in the way that its gonna be a good story and have good characters but there is gonna be flaws. I think the mark of a good game development company is that people keep coming back despite the flaws. besides with a game series like TWD you are always gonna piss people off with all the choices they give, you cant pls everyone.
Where have you been the last 2 hours?
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-veer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
I think Javier is pronounced Har-vee-err, and Javi is pronounced Harvey.
At least... That's how I say it...
That's how I keep saying it now. I mostly meant that we've been told that he'd be nicknamed just Javi, how would you say that?
Edit: ah thought so, thanks
Yeah but Warner Bros Interactive is the publisher for Batman and S3. Usually they do some advertising right?
So basically, Harvey in a Boston accent
Not sure about Javier, but I'm sure Garcia is how it looks (Gar-See-A).
The correct pronounciation of Javier is not intuitive in English.
There actually isn't a recognizable sound that resembles the proper way that the J in Javier should be pronounced.
Job's got it wrong, in all honesty.
lol have no idea how Boston accent sounds but thanks
Yeah, it's Hav-yeh or Av-yeh.
Spanish, man. Great language. But I still think French is prettier.
lol I'm British and speak that butchered so I'm guessing id probably say his name wrong no matter how many times I was told
, French is pretty thou use to able to speak some and me aunty went and married a frenchy.
I found a video that tells you how to pronounce it.
Is Harv-V-err the closest an English person would be able to pronounce it then?
I was close then
The Boston accent thing is more of a joke. If you're not from the US, you probably wouldn't get it. So uh, disregard that part.
Closest ive probably heard some is in Fallout 4? I'm guessing they was Boston accents. Fucking guards kept saying 'park your car in the yard' and I had no idea what they meant until I found out its a Boston thing.
Yeah, that's how the joke goes
The stereotypical Boston accent doesn't use hard R's, so car becomes cah, yard becomes yahd, park becomes pahk... you get the idea.
He'll call him Poop1995 Junior.
Perfect if you ask me.
You know that moment when you don't even meet someone yet you immediately hate them?
Yeah me neither.
Yeah, sounds like our equivalent of folks from up Black Country in UK.
You could say hra-vee-eh, with the r being silent (not sure if it is). Correctly it would use a "ch" sound, but it doesn't exist in English.
Around 1:20 in the video, he mentions a 'back ch'. As far as I can tell, this is also the sound Javier uses, only a bit softer. Just as an orientation.
(Also note that I could be wrong, it's how I would pronounce it and how Google Translate pronounces it)