You could say hra-vee-eh, with the r being silent (not sure if it is). Correctly it would use a "ch" sound, but it doesn't exist in English.… more
Around 1:20 in the video, he mentions a 'back ch'. As far as I can tell, this is also the sound Javier uses, only a bit softer. Just as an orientation.
(Also note that I could be wrong, it's how I would pronounce it and how Google Translate pronounces it)
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-… moreveer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
Remember when we got that new screen shot....good times. Let's take a bet...when the trailer many posts will we see in 1 day? I am thinking 1k easy.
Remember when we got that new screen shot....good times. Let's take a bet...when the trailer many posts will we see in 1 day? I am thinking 1k easy.
As long as posts are on topic and all that, I honestly don't mind. I just don't like it when people post pictures of food, stuff about Walking Dead that is only tangentially related to New Frontier, etc.
On the day the trailer comes, I might give people a temporary free pass to go crazy and post gifs that day even though I'm otherwise wanting people to stay on topic and make better posts.
Hey guys, this might sound ignorant to some but I have Q about Javier.
I had no idea how to pronounce his name at first, lol kept say Jay-… moreveer or Jar-V-air XD (can't say we have many Cubans in UK) but how the hell would you say Javi? would it be pronounced the same way as Harvey or ?
(and how to you say Garcia?)
Remember when we got that new screen shot....good times. Let's take a bet...when the trailer many posts will we see in 1 day? I am thinking 1k easy.
We're usually good at updating the title of the thread with notable news updates, so if you don't see an updated title for the thread (or you don't see anything new on Twitter/News section), don't go in with high expectations.
Even when we're now going by different rules, people still like to chat - which is fine as long as it's on topic.
There are varying reasons for various people, but for me it basically comes down to two things:
1) I can't think of any reason outside of… more standard moral reasoning why AJ should be put on such a high pedestal. By that, I mean I can't find any motivation to protect and guide him outside of "it's the right thing to do." I have no personal attachment to him so why should I treat him above others? Why should I choose his wellbeing over others? If I had to decide between saving him or another good, capable survivor that has proven themselves to be reliable, why should I give preference to AJ over them?
I'm not deliberately pursuing pragmatics here. I've tried so hard since the end of Season 2 to think of a reason why I should sacrifice others for him, and I've come up with nothing.
2) He would be such a drain on Clementine and those around him that it isn't even funny. No really, screw all the gore and horror getting to Clementine, I'm more … [view original content]
I pronounce it as the man in the video shown by @EpicMustacheGuy, except softer, and less as if I were choking. People in the southern zones of South America will tell you that this is the correct pronounciation.
Other countries, closer to the Caribbean and the line of the equator, including Cuba, pronounce it as in this video.
We're usually good at updating the title of the thread with notable news updates, so if you don't see an updated title for the thread (or yo… moreu don't see anything new on Twitter/News section), don't go in with high expectations.
Even when we're now going by different rules, people still like to chat - which is fine as long as it's on topic.
Not losing my shit like tons of people here, but hey let them be excited. Believe it or not, but some people who were hyped as fuck (me) really enjoyed the second season, and Michonne.
There are varying reasons for various people, but for me it basically comes down to two things:
1) I can't think of any reason outside of… more standard moral reasoning why AJ should be put on such a high pedestal. By that, I mean I can't find any motivation to protect and guide him outside of "it's the right thing to do." I have no personal attachment to him so why should I treat him above others? Why should I choose his wellbeing over others? If I had to decide between saving him or another good, capable survivor that has proven themselves to be reliable, why should I give preference to AJ over them?
I'm not deliberately pursuing pragmatics here. I've tried so hard since the end of Season 2 to think of a reason why I should sacrifice others for him, and I've come up with nothing.
2) He would be such a drain on Clementine and those around him that it isn't even funny. No really, screw all the gore and horror getting to Clementine, I'm more … [view original content]
TellTale isn't really known for their advertising. I literally just got a notification from Telltales twitter that they retweeted something Batman related. For some reason they're still holding on tight to everything Batman related, even though the last episode released days ago and we all hope the next thing they release is TWD related. Whenever I go on their page it's almost like The Walking Dead game doesn't even exist. It's a huge mood kill, really.
Ok I have a major gripe. Other than this order of nerds and is anyone else to know season three is coming? 16 days before … morelaunch supposedly and no banners on print synergy with TWD TV show.
Usual marketing is what a month and a half to two months...they should have been screaming about the game from the rooftops weeks ago. Sure the trailer will be soon...but where is all the groundwork ads?
Nothing that has been released or confirmed by TTG themselves. Which is excruciating considering that over three weeks ago they said there would be news "very very very very (or was it 5 very's?) soon.
Nothing that has been released or confirmed by TTG themselves. Which is excruciating considering that over three weeks ago they said there would be news "very very very very (or was it 5 very's?) soon.
Yeah, that's how the joke goes
The stereotypical Boston accent doesn't use hard R's, so car becomes cah, yard becomes yahd, park becomes pahk... you get the idea.
Wow that's so 2 years ago. If you really want to impersonate new Telltale they have to announce a crowd play and an exclusive clip that will only be shown to people who can guess Job's favorite color, but they can only see 10 seconds of it and its just the audio.
Wow that's so 2 years ago. If you really want to impersonate new Telltale they have to announce a crowd play and an exclusive clip that will… more only be shown to people who can guess Job's favorite color, but they can only see 10 seconds of it and its just the audio.
Yeah, that's how the joke goes
The stereotypical Boston accent doesn't use hard R's, so car becomes cah, yard becomes yahd, park becomes pahk... you get the idea.
People are still on that. He's been doing a wonderful job hosting Batman, but I can agree it would be a little overkill for him to do walking dead again.
How could we not? It's not easy forgetting something as bad as that. Waiting so long for those interviews just so it could be bombarded by his endless interrupting and inappropriate comments. I don't hate the guy, he's just an awful host. Or for The Walking Dead S2 he was, at least.
People are still on that. He's been doing a wonderful job hosting Batman, but I can agree it would be a little overkill for him to do walking dead again.
Yeah, this is also how you pronounce "ch" and "h" in Poland.
I love how some English speakers pronounce some German, Polish, Spanish or French names.
P.S: My real name's Javier so there's that. XD
Remember when we got that new screen shot....good times. Let's take a bet...when the trailer many posts will we see in 1 day? I am thinking 1k easy.
Too many, and I feel bad for Blind, since his feed is going to become even more of a mess than it probably already is
IKR? Every day for the past 5 days when I log in here in the morning, there's always 50+ new comments! And no news to talk about!
As long as posts are on topic and all that, I honestly don't mind. I just don't like it when people post pictures of food, stuff about Walking Dead that is only tangentially related to New Frontier, etc.
On the day the trailer comes, I might give people a temporary free pass to go crazy and post gifs that day even though I'm otherwise wanting people to stay on topic and make better posts.
Javier is Ha-vee-air.
Garcia is Gar-See-Yuh or Gar-See-Ya. I would know haha.
You don't need to role your R though.
In one day? I'm going to guess 3,000.
"That is one big pile of shit(posts)..."
Most of it probably will be. At least no more food shit though. On the other hand, I'm really looking froward to real discussions.
We're usually good at updating the title of the thread with notable news updates, so if you don't see an updated title for the thread (or you don't see anything new on Twitter/News section), don't go in with high expectations.
Even when we're now going by different rules, people still like to chat - which is fine as long as it's on topic.
AJ is ugly and i hope he will die.
Exactly. The first reason is what I think! I will not do favoritism baby over other children.
I pronounce it as the man in the video shown by @EpicMustacheGuy, except softer, and less as if I were choking. People in the southern zones of South America will tell you that this is the correct pronounciation.
Other countries, closer to the Caribbean and the line of the equator, including Cuba, pronounce it as in this video.
Don't do that; it hurts your eyes!
I thought that something so mindblowing had been released that you hadn't even had the time to update the title and description.
Correct pronounciation is Haeve Ys.
Been gone for a bit, any news since the last week or more?
Not losing my shit like tons of people here, but hey let them be excited. Believe it or not, but some people who were hyped as fuck (me) really enjoyed the second season, and Michonne.
Really expecting some type of news tomorrow on Halloween. It would be such a missed opportunity to announce nothing that day.
Thank you so much.
TellTale isn't really known for their advertising. I literally just got a notification from Telltales twitter that they retweeted something Batman related. For some reason they're still holding on tight to everything Batman related, even though the last episode released days ago and we all hope the next thing they release is TWD related. Whenever I go on their page it's almost like The Walking Dead game doesn't even exist. It's a huge mood kill, really.
Me either. I have learned to not be hyped for games anymore.
I couldn't agree more:)
Nothing that has been released or confirmed by TTG themselves. Which is excruciating considering that over three weeks ago they said there would be news "very very very very (or was it 5 very's?) soon.
[Checks thread edit history]
Just as people track Valve Time, we should track Telltale Time!
(Fortunately, Telltale is going back to monthly episode releases, so long waits won't be as big of a problem.)
Alfred has a Boston accent!
Wow that's so 2 years ago. If you really want to impersonate new Telltale they have to announce a crowd play and an exclusive clip that will only be shown to people who can guess Job's favorite color, but they can only see 10 seconds of it and its just the audio.
...and the Crowd Play has to be 2-3 weeks ahead of the episode release.
You are actually not replying to anything.
...and then, Greg Miller gets to host a new panel/talk show/event related to the newest game, on top of hosting the Crowd Play.
Slightly off topic but for some reason reading this reminded me of a video where Melissa attempted to do Clementine's voice in a Boston accent
But getting excited makes it all the better. It's just boring to sit around and expect a game to be average. Getting hyped in itself is fun.
Yeah I did notice.
People are still on that. He's been doing a wonderful job hosting Batman, but I can agree it would be a little overkill for him to do walking dead again.
How could we not? It's not easy forgetting something as bad as that. Waiting so long for those interviews just so it could be bombarded by his endless interrupting and inappropriate comments. I don't hate the guy, he's just an awful host. Or for The Walking Dead S2 he was, at least.
Stop It already.