I actually changed my mind about rewriting No going Back so additional Altered Amid the Ruins Rewrite.
the episode starts off normally where depending on if you Cut off Sarita s arm or not she s gonna die right there.
Then after Clementine starts Running She will fall for a second but Get back up you will See luke and ((Determinantly)) Nick running. Clem look at Kenny running to the other side and Time will start getting Slower like your usual Telltale Choice.
´´Go with Kenny´´ ´´ Go with Luke´´
´´Go with Kenny´´
If you decide to go with Kenny you will walk with Kenny and mike to the statue spot and Kenny will be very angry at you if you Cut Sarita s arm off. ((If you dint Kenny will just be a little Desperate)) But if Sarita s Bitten as soon as you get out of the herd you will Get the Option to suggest to Cut Sarita s arm to stop her from turning. Kenny will either Disagree or agree depending on if you Chopped Lee s hand in season 1 . ((Disagree if you Cut Lee s hand and Agree if you dint))
In case Kenny disagrees with you . You would be able to convince him to Let you do it if you choose the right options.
Sarita will reluctantly agree and Clementine will then Cut off Sarita s arm and use Part of Sarita s shirt to put a tourniquet in Sarita s Arm to stop the Blood , They will then arrive at the Historical place and in case You cut Sarita s hand off after leaving the Herd she will then Live on to episode 5 and be killed in the end of the shootout by the last Russian that was standing before Jane comes and kills him ((Which will justify Kenny s hatred for Arvo alot more since he s part of the group of the person who killed one of his loved ones.))
´´Go with Luke´´
You will follow Luke and ((Determinantly)) Nick thought a scene were they push their way thought the several zombies that Sarah attracted to her with her screaming. You will then arrive at the place Sarah hid in and will try to calm her down and ((If nick is there)) Nick will suggest to go look for help to which Clem can either agree ((Resulting in Nick s normal dissapointing random Fence walker turn)) or Volunteer to go instead to which Nick will protest but being convinced After Clem suggest for them to go together.
If you go with Nick you will meet Jane and Bonnie who are looking for Luke , Clem and the others. Clem and Nick ((Who will have his death prevented by clem Shoving her hatchet into the zombie that killed Nick originally)) Bonnie, Jane , Nick and Clem will then start moving towards the Place Sarah s in but will Notice the Walkers in front of the trailer and do the same Thing Jane and Clem originally do in episode 4 . Nick will bust the door open the same events that happen in the original episode 4 Happen But Nick will force Sarah into Leaving. ((If you let Nick go alone Jane and Bonnie will suddenly Bust the door open and tell Clem and Luke about Nick s Death.))
Nick will then die in episode 5 attempting to save Luke in the Ice lake Scene .
the rest of the episode goes mostly Normally ((Nick will go with Bonnie and mike , and Sarita will follow Jane if you saved them))
When Rebecca starts giving birth up at the spot where it happens. Sarita will help Kenny in Delivering the Baby if she s alive and if Nick s alive he will be helping the others shoot the walkers ((You will also get a prompt to ask Nick to help Kenny just like you get with Mike in the original episode)) Both Nick and Sarita if alive will tell Sarah if she s still alive to come into the Room where Rebecca s giving birth ((Avoiding Her death))
After the whole incident you will Get a free roam sequence to talk with Everyone ((With questions how they re doing to their opinion on the Baby and Having an additional Gun training session with Sarah if she s alive . By the way Sarah will die to Arvo in episode 5 because she Will accompany Clem if she s alive to check the noise that s being made by Mike ,Bonnie and Arvo)) which will end when you talk with Jane who will tell everyone she s leaving . The rest of the episode continues on the same way as the original one .
Just expanding on my thoughts about the moral ambiguity of the Russians with that info I mentioned (which was actually in this very thread, btw). :P
The Russian's: Just as a head ups, I really wanted the Russian's situation to be a little more expanded upon given that one of the major few locations in the episode is their unfinished home. I really felt that after the disappointingly black and white conflict between Carver's Howes Hardware community and Luke's Cabin Group, having these four show up as a more ambiguous threat was a brilliant move that, unfortunately, got a little undercut by how underutilized they were and how overly unlikable, unsympathetic, or sympathetic I felt Kenny, Jane, and Arvo came off as.
Arvo, from my personal understanding, is a random bystander who becomes something of an adversary to Clementine due to a misunderstanding encouraged by shady circumstances. Having him suddenly come back with own group with sorta intimidating appearances and dialogue, but kinda understandable views of their adversaries (based on the translated dialogue) combined with the presence of a woman who could be his sick sister would make you question how truthful Arvo was being earlier and be a little on edge due to not being able to understand his group. Having the other Russians die, with Arvo paying special attention to the woman, without anything beyond "You robbed that boy Arvo, so now we're gonna take whatever we want from you!" being established about them would continue to send mixed messages about whether they were villainous or if you just wiped out the group of a neutral guy you did technically rob earlier for being angry at you for doing so.
However, the one step I think was necessary to have, whether you sympathize with them or not, is a definitive answer in the form of their house. Pictures, guns, blueprints, stolen belongings, remains of recently used medication, anything that proves one way, another, or even both as to the status of the Russian Group before the encounter between Clementine, Jane, and Arvo. The supplies sorta fill that role a bit, especially once you realize they're the same basic type of bags given out at Wellington, but I'm talking about something that comments on who Buricko, Vitali, and Natasha really are when they're not going after an enemy. I think it would've been more effective to the story if it was one with a sprinkle of the other: personal things showing that this is indeed their unfinished house after immigrating to America, but also some things makes you wonder whether you were one of the first groups who they had to fight against or just their latest victim.
No Going Back
I'll have to think of anything more.
Just add in a number of lines addressing these and we're probably good for the mome… morent:
* Nick's death
* Sarah's death
* Arvo's Group
* Jane's hidden empathy/remorse
* Christa and Omid
* Mike's background
A Carley or Doug scenario at the italic textbeginning of the episode--Interesting!
Cut Sarita's Arm
A proper callback to Season 1 in that it actually has relevance and an effect on the present. Good thinking! And it gives Kenny an actual reason to get mad, too!
Go with Nick
This is some Time Squad shit right here!
Also, maybe I'm confusing one other time for a general consensus, but I love the idea of Nick personally getting Sarah to leave.
Nick will then die in episode 5 attempting to save Nick in the Ice lake Scene .
Don't worry me!I'll save me!
After the whole incident you will Get a free roam sequence to talk with Everyone ((With questions how they re doing to their opinion on the Baby and Having an additional Gun training session with Sarah if she s alive, which will end when you talk with Jane who will tell everyone she s leaving .
By the way Sarah will die to Arvo in episode 5 because she Will accompany Clem if she s alive to check the noise that s being made by Mike ,Bonnie and Arvo
I actually changed my mind about rewriting No going Back so additional Altered Amid the Ruins Rewrite.
the episode starts off normally wher… moree depending on if you Cut off Sarita s arm or not she s gonna die right there.
Then after Clementine starts Running She will fall for a second but Get back up you will See luke and ((Determinantly)) Nick running. Clem look at Kenny running to the other side and Time will start getting Slower like your usual Telltale Choice.
´´Go with Kenny´´ ´´ Go with Luke´´
´´Go with Kenny´´
If you decide to go with Kenny you will walk with Kenny and mike to the statue spot and Kenny will be very angry at you if you Cut Sarita s arm off. ((If you dint Kenny will just be a little Desperate)) But if Sarita s Bitten as soon as you get out of the herd you will Get the Option to suggest to Cut Sarita s arm to stop her from turning. Kenny will either Disagree or agree depending on if you Chopped Lee s hand i… [view original content]
Okay, let's try this again:
Go with Kenny or Go with Luke
A Carley or Doug scenario at the italic textbeginning of the episode… more--Interesting!
Cut Sarita's Arm
A proper callback to Season 1 in that it actually has relevance and an effect on the present. Good thinking! And it gives Kenny an actual reason to get mad, too!
Go with Nick
This is some Time Squad shit right here!
Also, maybe I'm confusing one other time for a general consensus, but I love the idea of Nick personally getting Sarah to leave.
Nick will then die in episode 5 attempting to save Nick in the Ice lake Scene .
Don't worry me! I'll save me!
After the whole incident you will Get a free roam sequence to talk with Everyone ((With questions how they re doing to their opinion on the Baby and Having an additional Gun training session with Sarah if she s alive, which will end when you talk with Jane who will tell everyo… [view original content]
Okay, I'm isolating this plot point because of a recent question I asked and because I don't plan on having it be canon to my personal rewrite--at least right now.
One of the complaints of No Going Back was that the Russian Group had little point to their presence, which isn't helped by the fact that no one actually dies by their hands. I've seen some people single out Mike as the person who should've died, which I didn't really agree with since, with his original backstory and subplot unused in the final game, the only things of note that he does in the story is help out the Group with his strength and eventually attempts to free Arvo from Kenny.
However, with the possibility of his death with the story carrying on the same basic way on the tables, I thought of a few alternatives in mind as to who else could've done what he did in the penultimate scene? :
Overwhelmed Youths: What's that? A legitimate moral dilemma and personal choice?
Hero or Flake?: Without the ice bucket challenge.
Guilty Screwups: A few recent suggestions.
Shitbirds of a feather fucku together: The idea I referenced.
Damn Junkies: Semi-canon anyway.
The Lazy and the Lame: Villains team up and Slip back into evil.
Shady Teens with Insecurities: Another random possibility.
I once posted this idea about how I would change Episode 3 and 4. And Pete is still alive till Episode 3.
Episode 3 would only focus on Clem and the group inside Carver's camp. She would slowly get to know more people like people from 400 Days. The episode would end with a major death and in my mind, Pete would have been a perfect candidate for this.
Episode 4 would have been about the rebellion, ending with the death of some characters and the remaining group will flee into the wilderness and winter.
Episode 5 would generally be the same, but with slight changes such as Arvo not being around and Luke will still die in the lake without his wounded leg.
I'd honestly rewrite almost everything, I've thought of so many ideas since the season was over that I could change. I've actually tried but I'm not experienced at writing, so I have a bunch of ideas lying around in google docs lel
I'd honestly rewrite almost everything, I've thought of so many ideas since the season was over that I could change. I've actually tried but I'm not experienced at writing, so I have a bunch of ideas lying around in google docs lel
I always thought Pete could survive but be killed off as an "example" to what happens when you go against Carver. Or Pete has the radio and is beaten but he gets killed. It makes more sense if his leg injury in episode 1 wasn't actually a walker bite, since Carver doesn't like weak people.
I once posted this idea about how I would change Episode 3 and 4. And Pete is still alive till Episode 3.
Episode 3 would only focus on C… morelem and the group inside Carver's camp. She would slowly get to know more people like people from 400 Days. The episode would end with a major death and in my mind, Pete would have been a perfect candidate for this.
Episode 4 would have been about the rebellion, ending with the death of some characters and the remaining group will flee into the wilderness and winter.
Episode 5 would generally be the same, but with slight changes such as Arvo not being around and Luke will still die in the lake without his wounded leg.
These are really random and not really in order, since these are the ones off the top of my head lol.
The first episode starts with the cabin group leaving Howe's.
We actually see a flash back of Nick's mom's death.
Ralph (aka Mike) kills Christa.
Pete survives episode 1
Clem has more development with the cabin group in episode 1
Sometime when the cabin group are heading to the lodge, Bonnie finds Luke and tries to convince him to give himself up, this is where Luke decides to leave the group if Carver shows up in order to sneak in later.
Since Pete says Nick sucks at shooting, he doesn't kill Matthew and only injures him.
When Carver shows up, Matthew is brought out and killed since they don't have the medical supplies to help him on the way back, thus still making Walter blame his death on Nick.
Sarita is determinant and dies if Kenny shoots Carver. Making Kenny have a reason to want to kill Carver even more (after Matt's death)
Episode 3 involves Clem making friends with the 400 days group and eventually convincing them all to leave with them.
Episode 3 revolves more about learning about the characters, nothing really happens till the end.
Kenny can not lose his eye if he shot Carver earlier at the end of episode 2, since Carvers good arm is damaged.
Rebecca goes into labor at the end of episode 3
The start of episode 4 is the group leaving Howe's, where, Pete, and Rebbeca die, and Sarah and Carlos can die.
In the Horde, Sarah saves Carlos if Clem taught her how to shoot in episode 1, but she dies due to the sound.
If Sarah wasn't taught how to shoot, Carlos is killed.
Haven't thought about how she gets it but, if Sarah doesn't have a gun while in the horde Carlos and Sarah both die.
Pete somehow gets bit and Nick will feel its his fault.
At the end of Episode 4 they reach a town and start a shoot out with Carvers group, who is chasing them.
In episode 5, Walter will try and convince Carver to stop and he will die.
The 400 days group helps the cabin group against Carver, only if you convinced them all.
Alvin will fight Carver, and Kenny will kill him, Alvin will die due to being wounded.
The lake scene has Luke surviving and Bonnie or Nick die saving him.
The finale is Luke vs Kenny.
These are not all my ideas, and its pretty much in the fanfic area but I just sat here for like 30 mins typing this so I'm going to post it anyway lol.
Episode 3 would only focus on Clem and the group inside Carver's camp. She would slowly get to know more people like people from 400 Days. The episode would end with a major death and in my mind, Pete would have been a perfect candidate for this.
You know what, I was always curious about Carver's'take on Pete given his tough love angle compared to Carver's supposed own.
Episode 4 would have been about the rebellion, ending with the death of some characters and the remaining group will flee into the wilderness and winter.
Ooh, expanding the episode to give the jailbreak more buildup? Nice!
Episode 5 would generally be the same, but with slight changes such as Arvo not being around and Luke will still die in the lake without his wounded leg.
Interesting. So, with the Russians apparently off doing something else, what exactly guides the group over a frozen lake(even assuming it's not the same one)?
I once posted this idea about how I would change Episode 3 and 4. And Pete is still alive till Episode 3.
Episode 3 would only focus on C… morelem and the group inside Carver's camp. She would slowly get to know more people like people from 400 Days. The episode would end with a major death and in my mind, Pete would have been a perfect candidate for this.
Episode 4 would have been about the rebellion, ending with the death of some characters and the remaining group will flee into the wilderness and winter.
Episode 5 would generally be the same, but with slight changes such as Arvo not being around and Luke will still die in the lake without his wounded leg.
The first episode starts with the cabin group leaving Howe's.
We actually see a flash back of Nick's mom's death.
Oh, a proper prologue? Interesting.
Ralph (aka Mike) kills Christa.
Oh damn! You're goin' all out, aren't?
Clem has more development with the cabin group in episode 1
More development is always nice!
Since Pete says Nick sucks at shooting, he doesn't kill Matthew and only injures him.
When Carver shows up, Matthew is brought out and killed since they don't have the medical supplies to help him on the way back, thus still making Walter blame his death on Nick.
Making Carver more pragmatic/ruthless? Okay.
Sometime when the cabin group are heading to the lodge, Bonnie finds Luke and tries to convince him to give himself up, this is where Luke decides to leave the group if Carver shows up in order to sneak in later.
I placed this here for a question: does Bonnie allow Luke to sneak away during the hostage situation or does Luke simply leave at that moment?
Sarita is determinant and dies if Kenny shoots Carver. Making Kenny have a reason to want to kill Carver even more (after Matt's death)
Okay then, what happens to Sarita if Kenny doesn't shoot?
Episode 3 involves Clem making friends with the 400 days group and eventually convincing them all to leave with them.
Episode 3 revolves more about learning about the characters, nothing really happens till the end.
Biding time and building up the army, eh? This should be good.
Rebecca goes into labor at the end of episode 3
The start of episode 4 is the group leaving Howe's, where, Pete, and Rebbeca die, and Sarah and Carlos can die.
Okay, does Rebecca die before or after having the baby?
In the Horde, Sarah saves Carlos if Clem taught her how to shoot in episode 1, but she dies due to the sound.
If Sarah wasn't taught how to shoot, Carlos is killed.
Haven't thought about how she gets it but, if Sarah doesn't have a gun while in the horde Carlos and Sarah both die.
Okay, wait a friggin minute! So, it's either Carlos, Sarah, or neither, but not both?
The 400 days group helps the cabin group against Carver, only if you convinced them all.
And its time for a war!
Alvin will fight Carver, and Kenny will kill him, Alvin will die due to being wounded.
Some actual payoff between those two? Nice!
These are not all my ideas, and its pretty much in the fanfic area but I just sat here for like 30 mins typing this so I'm going to post it anyway lol.
Oh, that's perfectly fine mate. I sometimes make longer posts and/or spend a lot of time posting myself.
These are really random and not really in order, since these are the ones off the top of my head lol.
* The first episode starts with t… morehe cabin group leaving Howe's.
* We actually see a flash back of Nick's mom's death.
* Ralph (aka Mike) kills Christa.
* Pete survives episode 1
* Clem has more development with the cabin group in episode 1
* Sometime when the cabin group are heading to the lodge, Bonnie finds Luke and tries to convince him to give himself up, this is where Luke decides to leave the group if Carver shows up in order to sneak in later.
* Since Pete says Nick sucks at shooting, he doesn't kill Matthew and only injures him.
* When Carver shows up, Matthew is brought out and killed since they don't have the medical supplies to help him on the way back, thus still making Walter blame his death on Nick.
* Sarita is determinant and dies if Kenny shoots Carver. Making Kenny have a reason to want to kill Carver even more (… [view original content]
To answer some questions...
(Phone wouldnt let me reply normally rip)
I haven't really thought about what exactly happened to sarita if she lives and I don't really want to repeat what happened in my version if the story. Carver killing her is probably the only option, like maybe she's talking to Kenny and she gets sniped right in front of him by Carver/Troy
In concerns to Rebecca, she will die giving birth, and clem and her group escape with the baby... therfor making Carver give chase.
Mike killing Christa is impactful because Clem has to be around him, and also he did it on accident. When clem throws the rock to distract him, it hits him and Christa and him get into a struggle, making him shoot his ear and also kill Christa. ( not with thr same bullet) Even if Clem doesn't throw it she still is killed by him.
Also, Christa is still pregnant when she dies, it makes sense because Ralph Winston and Victor will be looking for a pregnant woman that caused the death of their whole camp, because Carver is looking for Rebecca, and since he didn't find her he just kills everyone, mostly because someone will attack him.. and Carvers group has assault rifles. This would explain the lake and ralphs gang motives. However Victor would not appear at the lake later on, but is assumed dead as Ralph is the only one that appears at Howes.
Carlos and Sarah is hard to think about, because I thought either one of them dying and living on without the other is interesting. Both dying could be an option, butI only see that if Sarah starts freaking out when Carlos dies, and she doesn't miraculously survive running through the horde like in season 2.
Yeah, I've seen quite a few people say they had that problem. Now for your reply:
Mike killing Christa is impactful because Clem has to be around him, and also he did it on accident. When clem throws the rock to distract him, it hits him and Christa and him get into a struggle, making him shoot his ear and also kill Christa. ( not with thr same bullet) Even if Clem doesn't throw it she still is killed by him.
Oh okay. Kinda fucked up, but okay.
I assumed he killed her anyway at first. When I wrote my initial ideas for Episode 3 on the first page, I made sure to stick to what Dan White said was originally supposed to happen so that not only would that mystery still be there, but Clementine trusting him wouldn't be as out of the question--even if she gave him shit for it. .
Also, Christa is still pregnant when she dies, it makes sense because Ralph Winston and Victor will be looking for a pregnant woman that caused the death of their whole camp, because Carver is looking for Rebecca, and since he didn't find her he just kills everyone, mostly because someone will attack him.. and Carvers group has assault rifles. This would explain the lake and ralphs gang motives. However Victor would not appear at the lake later on, but is assumed dead as Ralph is the only one that appears at Howes.
...Huh? Okay, you honestly lost me a little there: did Mike shoot Christa or not? Alternatively, are you implying that the Cabin Group screwed them over at some point? Plus, unless there's supposed to be a tragedy to his friendship with Clementine, having Mike flat out kill Christa while she's still pregnant seems incredibly counterproductive to his likability.
In concerns to Rebecca, she will die giving birth, and clem and her group escape with the baby... therfor making Carver give chase.
That makes more sense. Cause if I was playing this version of the story and Rebecca got killed in the herd while still pregnant, I'd be pissed!
Carlos and Sarah is hard to think about, because I thought either one of them dying and living on without the other is interesting. Both dying could be an option, butI only see that if Sarah starts freaking out when Carlos dies, and she doesn't miraculously survive running through the horde like in season 2.
Oh, okay. I thought you said they can both die, making me question you line of thinking for a second. My bad!
I haven't really thought about what exactly happened to sarita if she lives and I don't really want to repeat what happened in my version if the story. Carver killing her is probably the only option, like maybe she's talking to Kenny and she gets sniped right in front of him by Carver/Troy
...K. I'm just gonna assume this happens during the final battle, thus explaining Kenny's huge meltdown and possibly his fight with Luke.
Also, what happens with characters like Nick, Bonnie, and Jane, who I don't think you mentioned?
To answer some questions...
(Phone wouldnt let me reply normally rip)
I haven't really thought about what exactly happened to sarita if … moreshe lives and I don't really want to repeat what happened in my version if the story. Carver killing her is probably the only option, like maybe she's talking to Kenny and she gets sniped right in front of him by Carver/Troy
In concerns to Rebecca, she will die giving birth, and clem and her group escape with the baby... therfor making Carver give chase.
Mike killing Christa is impactful because Clem has to be around him, and also he did it on accident. When clem throws the rock to distract him, it hits him and Christa and him get into a struggle, making him shoot his ear and also kill Christa. ( not with thr same bullet) Even if Clem doesn't throw it she still is killed by him.
Also, Christa is still pregnant when she dies, it makes sense because Ralph Winston and Victor will be looking for a p… [view original content]
Honestly, most of my ideas are a bit hard to explain, mostly because I suck at it... but anyway.
...Huh? Okay, you honestly lost me a little there: did Mike shoot Christa or not? Alternatively, are you implying that the Cabin Group screwed them over at some point? Plus, unless there's supposed to be a tragedy to his friendship with Clementine, having Mike flat out kill Christa while she's still pregnant seems incredibly counterproductive to his likability.
Mike shooting Christa is pure accident, and when it occurs, its obvious it is.
Also yes, the cabin group is basically at fault for that groups death, because Carver is searching for Rebecca, a pregnant woman. When Mike's group find pregnant Christa, they want payback for what Carver did (obviously not knowing its not the right person).
That makes more sense. Cause if I was playing this version of the story and Rebecca got killed in the herd while still pregnant, I'd be pissed!
Yeah, a ton of people would, that's why she'd either die giving birth, or die in the herd a while after Alvin Jr is born.
...K. I'm just gonna assume this happens during the final battle, thus explaining Kenny's huge meltdown and possibly his fight with Luke.
Yeah, that's exactly right, but I don't really think it serves her character any justice, that's why I'm still thinking about that to this day.
Also, what happens with characters like Nick, Bonnie, and Jane, who I don't think you mentioned?
Nick, being a character that's almost exactly like Ben, I think he should survive the season. However, he can die at the lake scene, but he might have another death....
Bonnie is the same, she can die at the lake scene or survive, haven't thought much after that.
As for Jane.... I'm not sure. I obviously want to stay as true as possible to each character, and I didn't really like Jane, and when she left Luke in the game, it made sense for her character, so that would probably happen again.
Yeah, I've seen quite a few people say they had that problem. Now for your reply:
Mike killing Christa is impactful because Clem has t… moreo be around him, and also he did it on accident. When clem throws the rock to distract him, it hits him and Christa and him get into a struggle, making him shoot his ear and also kill Christa. ( not with thr same bullet) Even if Clem doesn't throw it she still is killed by him.
Oh okay. Kinda fucked up, but okay.
I assumed he killed her anyway at first. When I wrote my initial ideas for Episode 3 on the first page, I made sure to stick to what Dan White said was originally supposed to happen so that not only would that mystery still be there, but Clementine trusting him wouldn't be as out of the question--even if she gave him shit for it. .
Also, Christa is still pregnant when she dies, it makes sense because Ralph Winston and Victor will be looking for a pregnant woman that caused the dea… [view original content]
Sorry I'm just seeing this. The one flaw in having a topic like this with Spoiler tabs.
They went to Howe's Hardward/ They went to Parker's Run
Why are they going back to Howe's? It's not like the herd isn't 15 yd away.
Jane checks the map (that actually exists in the original episode!). She sees that there is a pitstop not that far from there. She sugests scavenging it. Clem says that it might be already scavenged but Jane responds that they don't have a better option. They keep heading North.
A little detour, eh? Okay, let's see where this goes.
(this will be crucial to one of Jane's endings)
? !
There's a teenage girl, stabbed to death. Her wounds recent. Blood still warm. Next to her there is an old man with his neck slit and a middle aged woman with a stab in the stomach. Jane and Clem wonder who did such thing. Clem spots a walker banging on the pitstop's front door. A walker with a bloodied knife stuc on its neck (and the zombie's neck is still dripping blood, meaning it was recent). The knife has a green snake symbol on it, easily recognizable.
The only difference being that on the third body Clem and Jane roll over, Clem finds a bear necklace.
Well, this doesn't bode well.
Clem searches the girl's restroom, while Jane checks the man's (Familiar, uh?).
When Clem opens the thrid door, she finds a boy inside it. A boy covered in walker blood, just as her, pointing a gun at her, with a bag in his other arm. Clem slowly back away. The boy - Arvo - presents himself and says that he'll be on his way.
Not gonna lie, I had to reread that three times to make sure I got that right.
"Is beautiful blood splatter we have today, no?" No, that's not jarring-- why do you ask?
The scene plays like in the original, with the exeption that Arv o's bag has several bandages, pain killers, antibiotics, peroxide, ethilic alchool and some canned food.
Ooh, more incentive to take the bag.
They approach the open busted gate and find a legless Troy trying to enter Howe's. Jane ignores him but you, as Clem, have the option to either step on him smashing his skull or just ignore him.
Well, that's lovely.
To be finished later.
Well, shoot, it took me several weeks to reply to this and you finish. Aw well, I await the thrilling conclusion.
Third Scene (In The Woods) (2 to 3 am)
* The group leaves the RV but are unable to push through any longer due to the great walker dens… moreity there is now in the Trailer Park. Sarah, if alive, keeps strongly gripping Luke and Clementine's hands. The group stops for a moment.
* Jane says that they have to push through the cluster of walkers. She then starts scanning the area for a good enough walker. When she finds one, she tells Clem to get its attention. After she does, and Jane cuts off the walker's mouth, she tels everyone that they have to stay close because if they fall behind she won't be able to come back to them. They leave the walker infested Trailer Park and head into the woods.
* The herd still hasn't passed. The group finds an abandoned car nearby and enter it to decide what they should do.
* Jane mentions that this herd is bigger than any she had ever encountered. Clem tells everyone that Rebecca is having the baby. Luke, ex… [view original content]
Mike shooting Christa is pure accident, and when it occurs, its obvious it is.
Oh, okay. Still, it's pretty hardcore.
Also yes, the cabin group is basically at fault for that groups death, because Carver is searching for Rebecca, a pregnant woman. When Mike's group find pregnant Christa, they want payback for what Carver did (obviously not knowing its not the right person).
Oh. Not sure if that's social commentary or not.
Yeah, a ton of people would, that's why she'd either die giving birth, or die in the herd a while after Alvin Jr is born.
Oh, jeez, now I'm imagine a bunch of walkers stopping in a circle and going "Push! Push!"
Yeah, that's exactly right, but I don't really think it serves her character any justice, that's why I'm still thinking about that to this day.
Yeah, if any minor character deserve a bigger payroll, it's Sarita.
As for Jane.... I'm not sure. I obviously want to stay as true as possible to each character, and I didn't really like Jane, and when she left Luke in the game, it made sense for her character, so that would probably happen again.
Yeah, I hear ya. I just noticed you never brought her up once and wanted to ask.
Honestly, most of my ideas are a bit hard to explain, mostly because I suck at it... but anyway.
...Huh? Okay, you honestly lost me a … morelittle there: did Mike shoot Christa or not? Alternatively, are you implying that the Cabin Group screwed them over at some point? Plus, unless there's supposed to be a tragedy to his friendship with Clementine, having Mike flat out kill Christa while she's still pregnant seems incredibly counterproductive to his likability.
Mike shooting Christa is pure accident, and when it occurs, its obvious it is.
Also yes, the cabin group is basically at fault for that groups death, because Carver is searching for Rebecca, a pregnant woman. When Mike's group find pregnant Christa, they want payback for what Carver did (obviously not knowing its not the right person).
That makes more sense. Cause if I was playing this version of the story and Rebecca got killed in the herd while still pregnant, I'd b… [view original content]
Sorry I'm just seeing this. The one flaw in having a topic like this with Spoiler tabs.
I spoiler tagged it so we didn't have my huge wall of text forcing everyone to spend 5 minutes scrolling down. My next edit will finish Amid The Ruins and then I'll have a new post for No Going Back not spoiler tagged.
Why are they going back to Howe's? It's not like the herd isn't 15 yd away.
In one version Clem told Bonnie and Rebecca to go to Howe's. Luke and Nick/Sarah will go there to see if Rebecca made it. Jane and Clem head to Parker's because in In Harm's Way they had decided that'd be the meeting spot, so they went check if Mike, Kenny or Sarita were there. Both parties should also try to find supplies for Rebecca to have the baby.
In the version where Clem told Bonnie and Rebecca to keep heading towards Parker's Run, Clem and Jane go to Parker's to check if they are there and if Kenny, Mike or Sarita made it there. Luke and Nick/Sarah are suposed to scavenge whatever was left at Howe's. Both parties should also try to find suplies yadda yadda yadda.
Either way, Luke, Jane and Clem (and Nick/Sarah if any is alive) decide to meet at Howe's with whoever they found on their expeditions.
This is a little bit confusing, I know. I also don't have the best English in the world so it's kinda hard to express myself at times through text.
A little detour, eh? Okay, let's see where this goes.
This pitstop scene is basically the trailer park scene + the observation deck scene.
? !
The recently killed people on the ground were stabbed with the snake knife on the zombie's neck. That knife will play a part on the Jane ending, it will appear again. I think that it will make her ending more... ambiguous.
Ooh, more incentive to take the bag.
Believe me, this steal not steal from Arvo situation annoyed me a lot. A. Lot.
The player has the choice to make this big moral sacrifice that is stealing and recievese little to no payback for it. This bag will help Rebecca's labour and other group injuries (because there will be injured people, you just don't walk through a herd and leave unharmed) a lot.
Well, this doesn't bode well.
Hehe, it's probably the only original thing I'm adding here. Everything else is an adaptation of the original story.
Well, it's basically a callback to the begining of the season where Christa and Omid go check the man's restroom while CLem searches the girl's. On this case, Jane is Christa and Omid and Clem is Clem.
Actually, Arvo is Clem. He's the one hiding in one of the individual's afterall xD.
And that would amke Clem Michelle. Except she's not the one holding the gun.
Well, shoot, it took me several weeks to reply to this and you finish. Aw well, I await the thrilling conclusion.
I would've wirtten it all by now, but honestly, I didn't think anyone was reading anymore, so I just stopped.
Good job!
Thanks, really glad to know this isn't all being ignored : D.
By the way, I edited my first, original post. I added reactions to Sarah's/Nick's deaths and how the managed to get Sarah to not panick while walking through the herd. I also added some of the seeds to the future character arcs Nick or Sarah will go through.
Sorry I'm just seeing this. The one flaw in having a topic like this with Spoiler tabs.
They went to Howe's Hardward/ They went to Par… moreker's Run
Why are they going back to Howe's? It's not like the herd isn't 15 yd away.
Jane checks the map (that actually exists in the original episode!). She sees that there is a pitstop not that far from there. She sugests scavenging it. Clem says that it might be already scavenged but Jane responds that they don't have a better option. They keep heading North.
A little detour, eh? Okay, let's see where this goes.
(this will be crucial to one of Jane's endings)
? !
There's a teenage girl, stabbed to death. Her wounds recent. Blood still warm. Next to her there is an old man with his neck slit and a middle aged woman with a stab in the stomach. Jane and Clem wonder who did such thing. Clem spots a walker banging on the pitstop's front door. A walker with a bloodi… [view original content]
I spoiler tagged it so we didn't have my huge wall of text forcing everyone to spend 5 minutes scrolling down. My next edit will finish Amid The Ruins and then I'll have a new post for No Going Back not spoiler tagged.
Oh, I know I just wanted to apologize for not seeing your post sooner.
Either way, Luke, Jane and Clem (and Nick/Sarah if any is alive) decide to meet at Howe's with whoever they found on their expeditions.
This is a little bit confusing, I know. I also don't have the best English in the world so it's kinda hard to express myself at times through text.
Yes, it is a little confusing why people would convene at a place where they know people want to either shoot them or chomp their necks.
Also, I had no idea you didn't speak English normally. It's incredibly good!
That knife will play a part on the Jane ending, it will appear again. I think that it will make her ending more... ambiguous.
Okay, I'll take your word for it and wait n'see.
The player has the choice to make this big moral sacrifice that is stealing and recievese little to no payback for it. This bag will help Rebecca's labour and other group injuries (because there will be injured people, you just don't walk through a herd and leave unharmed) a lot.
Yeah, that was an aspect of Clementine's involvement in that situation that should've been developed more and what they ended up doing with Arvo himself wasn't too gratifying either.
Well, it's basically a callback to the begining of the season where Christa and Omid go check the man's restroom while CLem searches the girl's. On this case, Jane is Christa and Omid and Clem is Clem.
Actually, Arvo is Clem. He's the one hiding in one of the individual's afterall xD.
And that would amke Clem Michelle. Except she's not the one holding the gun.
By the way, I edited my first, original post. I added reactions to Sarah's/Nick's deaths and how the managed to get Sarah to not panick while walking through the herd. I also added some of the seeds to the future character arcs Nick or Sarah will go through.
Cool! I'll look over the differences and create a separate reply. Keep up the good work!
Sorry I'm just seeing this. The one flaw in having a topic like this with Spoiler tabs.
I spoiler tagged it so we didn't have my hug… moree wall of text forcing everyone to spend 5 minutes scrolling down. My next edit will finish Amid The Ruins and then I'll have a new post for No Going Back not spoiler tagged.
Why are they going back to Howe's? It's not like the herd isn't 15 yd away.
In one version Clem told Bonnie and Rebecca to go to Howe's. Luke and Nick/Sarah will go there to see if Rebecca made it. Jane and Clem head to Parker's because in In Harm's Way they had decided that'd be the meeting spot, so they went check if Mike, Kenny or Sarita were there. Both parties should also try to find supplies for Rebecca to have the baby.
In the version where Clem told Bonnie and Rebecca to keep heading towards Parker's Run, Clem and Jane go to Parker's to check if they are there and if Kenny, Mike or Sarita made it there. Luke … [view original content]
This is a bit different but it's a combination of 2 episodes leading into the ending of season one.
Ending of Around Every Corner
No Time Left
Instead of having Ben die, i would've changed it to Omid dying when the group came back, and having Christa die in no time left instead of Ben.
I would've also of had Lee not be bit because i feel it would've made it more meaningful in no time left which i will get to.
No Time Left: I would've had Christa die instead of Ben, and have Ben be somewhat of a hero and try to save her or fight off the walkers until she was taken. I don't like the cheap death Ben got, i felt he deserved a lot more then he got. I'd have Kenny and Ben be separated from Lee. Have Lee defeat the stranger but get mortally wounded by being shot by the stranger and then repeat the rest of the episode. The reason i like this opinion is :
I don't like how Lee got bit, the fact that they made his character unaware of something so simple with all he had been through, and the fact that him getting shot by the stranger would've been more shocking and upsetting because you'd feel him and Clementine are going to be okay until he is shot.
Christa and Omid served no purpose in the end. They were killed off almost straight away at the start of season two (Omid was) And in season 1, they came in with 2 episodes 2 go when other characters like Kenny and Ben had been in the game for the majority of it. Plus, Christa and Omid, didn't have the character development the other 2 had, All we knew was that Christa was pregnant, Omid was a guy who tried to hard to be funny, and the baby and Omids badly infected leg was the only thing they had going for them. Kenny had his family, his conflict with Lily which effected Lee's relationship with Kenny depending on who you side with, his family dying and his switch into depression madness, His will to keep looking for a boat and safety. Ben had a major storyline where he was slipping the bandits supplies, he was a weak young man who made mistakes, but then stood up to someone who was always putting him down for the indirectly caused deaths of his wife and son and seemed to be on the path to redeem himself, was always on the receiving end of insults by players of the game, and had that style that he could've turned from weak and foolish, to hardened and wiser.
It would of also helped Season two's characters i believe because instead of having Kenny show up in a house divided, he could've been with Clementine and Ben and unlike Christa and Omid, would've stayed in the game a lot longer. I'd even go as far as saying that Ben could've got separated and he was a part of the ski lodge or Carvers group.
Oh, and i know it's not an episode, but just a wildcard, i'd without doubt change the way the 400 days characters were portrayed. Cameos was lame and made 400 days seem a waste.
Aw, a rewrite from Season 1. Don't get many of these, so let's look at it:
Instead of having Ben die, i would've changed it to Omid dying when the group came back, and having Christa die in no time left instead of Ben.
I would've also of had Lee not be bit because i feel it would've made it more meaningful in no time left which i will get to.
...K. Let's see where this goes.
I would've had Christa die instead of Ben, and have Ben be somewhat of a hero and try to save her or fight off the walkers until she was taken. I don't like the cheap death Ben got, i felt he deserved a lot more then he got.
...had that style that he could've turned from weak and foolish, to hardened and wiser.
Yeah, Ben is one of those cases where I tolerate the sudden/anticlimactic/unfair deaths of characters I really loved having around and/or wanted to see do more purely out of respect for the plot direction and character development that came out of it. So, while I personally leave those deaths alone unless I can think of a way to improve/top it, I'm interested in what you have in mind for him.
I don't like how Lee got bit, the fact that they made his character unaware of something so simple with all he had been through, and the fact that him getting shot by the stranger would've been more shocking and upsetting because you'd feel him and Clementine are going to be okay until he is shot.
Okay, that last part is what got me, cause you're kinda right. Now, I think the idea they were going for was that after 3 1/2 episodes of making important choices, kicking zombie/enemy ass, and looking after little Clementine, Lee is just as susceptible to dying as everyone else and so in just a split-second, that sense of power was meaningless as something as small as a quick bite is going to kill Lee and there's little he can do about it. However, you're right in that having him seemingly overcome the odds and save the day once again before being struck down would've been more shocking and upsetting because of the inherent power high. So, you're basically trading a bunch of things going wrong to make this seem bleak for a violent ensuing of reality.
Christa and Omid served no purpose in the end. Plus, Christa and Omid, didn't have the character development the other 2 had, All we knew was that Christa was pregnant, Omid was a guy who tried to hard to be funny, and the baby and Omids badly infected leg was the only thing they had going for them.
Yeah, I was gonna question killing those two off until you brought this up. Aside from giving Kenny an opportunity to seize, Christa being separated from Clementine did little for the Season 2 as a whole. Literally the only other thing that may have come out of that is her "Not again" that she can apparently say when it looks like Rebecca miscarriaged.
It would of also helped Season two's characters i believe because instead of having Kenny show up in a house divided, he could've been with Clementine and Ben and unlike Christa and Omid, would've stayed in the game a lot longer. I'd even go as far as saying that Ben could've got separated and he was a part of the ski lodge or Carvers group.
Sounds neat? I'm so accustomed to having Kenny hogging the spotlight that I'm having a hard time imagining that.
Oh, and i know it's not an episode, but just a wildcard, i'd without doubt change the way the 400 days characters were portrayed. Cameos was lame and made 400 days seem a waste.
Join the club.
Good job! Hope to hear from you again in the future.
This is a bit different but it's a combination of 2 episodes leading into the ending of season one.
* Ending of Around Every Corner
* … moreNo Time Left
Instead of having Ben die, i would've changed it to Omid dying when the group came back, and having Christa die in no time left instead of Ben.
I would've also of had Lee not be bit because i feel it would've made it more meaningful in no time left which i will get to.
No Time Left: I would've had Christa die instead of Ben, and have Ben be somewhat of a hero and try to save her or fight off the walkers until she was taken. I don't like the cheap death Ben got, i felt he deserved a lot more then he got. I'd have Kenny and Ben be separated from Lee. Have Lee defeat the stranger but get mortally wounded by being shot by the stranger and then repeat the rest of the episode. The reason i like this opinion is :
* I don't like how Lee got bit, the fact that they made his character unawa… [view original content]
Okay, I'm isolating this plot point because of a recent question I asked and because I don't plan on having it be canon to my personal rewri… morete--at least right now.
One of the complaints of No Going Back was that the Russian Group had little point to their presence, which isn't helped by the fact that no one actually dies by their hands. I've seen some people single out Mike as the person who should've died, which I didn't really agree with since, with his original backstory and subplot unused in the final game, the only things of note that he does in the story is help out the Group with his strength and eventually attempts to free Arvo from Kenny.
However, with the possibility of his death with the story carrying on the same basic way on the tables, I thought of a few alternatives in mind as to who else could've done what he did in the penultimate scene? :
Overwhelmed Youths: What's that? A legitimate moral dilemma and personal choic… [view original content]
"Lay-person's terms". I was confused by the creative names. I assume the hero or flake is Luke and the shady teen is Arvo. I have no idea what this comment means in general though.
Alternative Defectors from what had become Kenny's group instead of Mike, who would've either died before hand or stuck around.
You were right about Luke having his hero complex questioned using Witty!KennyDialogue. Here are the other characters
Overwhelmed Youths= Clementine
Hero or Flake?= Luke
Guilty Screwups =Nick
Shitbirds of a feather fucku together=Sarah
Damn Junkies= Bonnie
The Lazy and the Lame=Troy
Shady Teens with Insecurities=Don't remember. I'll have to double check the characters to know for sure but it presumably refers to Michelle, given how much I like her and the fact that I used the word shady.
"Lay-person's terms". I was confused by the creative names. I assume the hero or flake is Luke and the shady teen is Arvo. I have no idea what this comment means in general though.
Wright Micah Rough Build 34 (Major Grammar Improvements, sentence rewrite, corrected spelling errors and 5 others) Telltale Community
I will have to apologize to everyone with this newest post. This was very awful compared to other posts that I made. Not even I could understand this. that to me is really unacceptable thicks for 6765694. for pointing this out
Reed all the comments and mostly I seen that season 2 shold be rewritten
I feel like season 1 episode 2, needs more work.
That those this one glitch in intel 4 series that lee Everett runs to the fance, that Mark is shot & killed by the bandits.
If I do rewrite the story. I wound not but I feel like that, Carley and DONG shold be more involve. If I save dong like I do 90% of my play throughs. Carley will not even be mentioned at all in episode 2 or 3. That to me defends the purpose of your choice matters unless you count season 1 episode 5. With the stranger. including the end of episode 1 with guilt between Carley and Dong; & 2 other mediocre choices.
Telltale should’ve added a dream sanqunse. That whatever lee kills it will haunt Everett. Or at the end of the game they cound have a meeting with Lilly's group. Of what they fount with lee’s past choices with the sant joins. and episode 1
I noticed some inconsistency in starved for help episode 2. like jolene, come out of no where and got clementines hat from lillys camp. you most be thanking big dual she must be some random stocker.
when I was playing this game on Intel hd graphics GMA 950 on windows 7. iv 3 times got a scene with Jolene said Danielle, after that the game closes. now I can past that scion by manipulating the kit49684.inf & void the choose. however doing that leads to another Bugged.
why in the hick was she spying on a 8 year old girl. unloose that she is delusional of thanking that clementine was her daughter that died & needs protected if so. why in the fuck was jolene porting the finger to the Sant Johns. applying she's alive. fixing the 1st glitch caused even more questions not resolved.
if Danielle was alive by the St. Johns. with this problematic audio. what is the point exactly going after Lilly's group. Then?
if I have not played this same game on almost impossible hardware from 2006. I might've never got those glitch's. and got small pieces of the story. The more that I play they games on old graphics cards. Iv noticing they is some proof of 2 different story branches.
for that ill have to give it as 4 out of 10. because telltale left to many plot holes that livet unexplained even with those glitches I have a basic idea what telltale was attending to do. it's just telltale should've kept 2 different story plots for greater choose then what we have.
Im actually surprised why we don't, i mean majority say season 1 is better then season 2, yet it seems season 2 is more popular then season one, maybe because it's more recent ?
That's true, it's more of the no matter how strong and smart you are in the ZA, if you leave your guard down for 1 second, you can lose everything. I guess for me, i went into the game thinking "okay, the worse thing they can do, is have Lee get bit", and what happened? He got bit, as soon as that happened, i lost a lot of excitement i had for the game, i kinda hoped that chopping the arm off would work but obviously it didn't. i would've much prefered him being shot by the stranger because it would've made it more sader and a greater impact because people would've thought "all he had to do was grab the gun or be a bit quicker and he would've survived". That was kind of the same with the choice to chop the arm off, you think there's a chance he could live but in the end he dies from the bite.
I just didn't know why they chose to keep Christa and Omid alive, only to kill them off so early in season two, when they were IMO the least important out of the main characters i.e (Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Ben, Christa, Omid) Even Earlier characters like Lily, Carley etc had more value.
Suppose it's hard when Kenny is loved by the telltale staff eh? Im just hoping that him or Jane aren't killed off so quickly in season 3 like Christa, and Omid were, that's if they even are in the new season.
Aw, a rewrite from Season 1. Don't get many of these, so let's look at it:
Instead of having Ben die, i would've changed it to Omid dy… moreing when the group came back, and having Christa die in no time left instead of Ben.
I would've also of had Lee not be bit because i feel it would've made it more meaningful in no time left which i will get to.
...K. Let's see where this goes.
I would've had Christa die instead of Ben, and have Ben be somewhat of a hero and try to save her or fight off the walkers until she was taken. I don't like the cheap death Ben got, i felt he deserved a lot more then he got.
...had that style that he could've turned from weak and foolish, to hardened and wiser.
Yeah, Ben is one of those cases where I tolerate the sudden/anticlimactic/unfair deaths of characters I really loved having around and/or wanted to see do more purely out of respect for the plot direction and character development … [view original content]
Im actually surprised why we don't, i mean majority say season 1 is better then season 2, yet it seems season 2 is more popular then season one, maybe because it's more recent ?
Likely because Season 1 was such a huge success that told an amazing story with well-developed characters, while Season 2 is full of wasted characters, aborted arcs, inconsistencies, and asspulls that drag down it's quality.
He got bit, as soon as that happened, i lost a lot of excitement i had for the game, i kinda hoped that chopping the arm off would work but obviously it didn't.
I gotcha. To be fair though, Lee getting bitten served to create a bleak mood for the final episode that brought the group together to make sure Lee saves Clementine one more time before he dies.
I just didn't know why they chose to keep Christa and Omid alive, only to kill them off so early in season two, when they were IMO the least important out of the main characters i.e (Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Ben, Christa, Omid) Even Earlier characters like Lily, Carley etc had more value.
Yeah, that is true. There was a thread a while ago where someone suggested that they be a hope spot for Lee and Clementine should something happen to them: the perfect parents. However, they didn't get to do much outside of give the group a personal motivation for the Crawford storyline where Christa gets her limited and subtle character development while Omid is mostly just there to lighten the mood. They also acted as buffers for the conflict between Lee, Clementine, Kenny, and Ben.
Suppose it's hard when Kenny is loved by the telltale staff eh? Im just hoping that him or Jane aren't killed off so quickly in season 3 like Christa, and Omid were, that's if they even are in the new season.
Honestly, I'm kinda hoping he does get written off fairly early just because I think he's more than overstayed his welcome. I guess I wouldn't mind if Jane got more to do instead, but I'm kinda hoping she flat out gets killed.
Im actually surprised why we don't, i mean majority say season 1 is better then season 2, yet it seems season 2 is more popular then season … moreone, maybe because it's more recent ?
That's true, it's more of the no matter how strong and smart you are in the ZA, if you leave your guard down for 1 second, you can lose everything. I guess for me, i went into the game thinking "okay, the worse thing they can do, is have Lee get bit", and what happened? He got bit, as soon as that happened, i lost a lot of excitement i had for the game, i kinda hoped that chopping the arm off would work but obviously it didn't. i would've much prefered him being shot by the stranger because it would've made it more sader and a greater impact because people would've thought "all he had to do was grab the gun or be a bit quicker and he would've survived". That was kind of the same with the choice to chop the arm off, you think there's a chance he could live but in th… [view original content]
I guess, there are still some wasted characters in season.
I.e Carley, Doug, Mark, Chuck, Glenn etc. I thought it was because it was more recent because a lot of the members on here talk about season 2 a lot more then season one.
Yeha i kinda didn't like what happened there. I mean, Clementine was already a major part of the game, and while the characters in the final episode got their little moments, Ben and Kenny in the alley way, Ben standing up for himself, it just felt like they all got killed off or lost to set the tone for Lee and Clementine. Christa and Omid getting lost just so they can meet up with her later, Ben dying, Kenny getting separated.
Well Omid is barely even in around every corner, his at the start, then when they find the mansion, his absent until the end, Christa is only there because she wants medicine for Omid and gets upset at Anna Correa because the woman (who has the same model as Christa) is pregnant as well. I dunno, i was happy with Lee, Clementine, Ben and Kenny, and when they showed up, i wasn't that interested in them.
Yeah i'd rather they get written off if they're brought in just to be killed off in the first 5 minutes. Kind off literally kills the characters rep.
Im actually surprised why we don't, i mean majority say season 1 is better then season 2, yet it seems season 2 is more popular then season … moreone, maybe because it's more recent ?
Likely because Season 1 was such a huge success that told an amazing story with well-developed characters, while Season 2 is full of wasted characters, aborted arcs, inconsistencies, and asspulls that drag down it's quality.
He got bit, as soon as that happened, i lost a lot of excitement i had for the game, i kinda hoped that chopping the arm off would work but obviously it didn't.
I gotcha. To be fair though, Lee getting bitten served to create a bleak mood for the final episode that brought the group together to make sure Lee saves Clementine one more time before he dies.
I just didn't know why they chose to keep Christa and Omid alive, only to kill them off so early in season two, when they were IMO the least important out of the main c… [view original content]
I guess, there are still some wasted characters in season.
I.e Carley, Doug, Mark, Chuck, Glenn etc. I thought it was because it was more recent because a lot of the members on here talk about season 2 a lot more then season one.
Yeha i kinda didn't like what happened there. I mean, Clementine was already a major part of the game, and while the characters in the final episode got their little moments, Ben and Kenny in the alley way, Ben standing up for himself, it just felt like they all got killed off or lost to set the tone for Lee and Clementine. Christa and Omid getting lost just so they can meet up with her later, Ben dying, Kenny getting separated.
Well Omid is barely even in around every corner, his at the start, then when they find the mansion, his absent until the end, Christa is only there because she wants medicine for Omid and gets upset at Anna Correa because the woman (who has the same model as Christa) is pregnant as well. I dunno, i was happy with Lee, Clementine, Ben and Kenny, and when they showed up, i wasn't that interested in them.
Yeah i'd rather they get written off if they're brought in just to be killed off in the first 5 minutes. Kind off literally kills the characters rep.
Im actually surprised why we don't, i mean majority say season 1 is better then season 2, yet it seems season 2 is more popular then season … moreone, maybe because it's more recent ?
Likely because Season 1 was such a huge success that told an amazing story with well-developed characters, while Season 2 is full of wasted characters, aborted arcs, inconsistencies, and asspulls that drag down it's quality.
He got bit, as soon as that happened, i lost a lot of excitement i had for the game, i kinda hoped that chopping the arm off would work but obviously it didn't.
I gotcha. To be fair though, Lee getting bitten served to create a bleak mood for the final episode that brought the group together to make sure Lee saves Clementine one more time before he dies.
I just didn't know why they chose to keep Christa and Omid alive, only to kill them off so early in season two, when they were IMO the least important out of the main c… [view original content]
i love "Long Road Ahead." but i would love to make some changes now that i think about it.
Instead of Duck getting bitten, he is shot by one of the bandits.
I think a good choice would be:
•Leave Lily at the Motor Inn
•Let her in the RV
kind of the same thing of the original choice. in the rewrite, if you killed Larry, she tries multiple times to shoot you during the bandit raid and play it off as an accident. if you didnt kill Larry, she tries to shoot Kenny. if you leave her, it shows her shooting bandits/walkers and she runs out of ammo and she fleas. if she tries to kill Kenny and you bring her, Lily questions Ben and Kenny hits a walker. Kenny then hears all of Lily and Ben talking and snaps at Lily for trying to shoot him and calls her the traitor. Kenny and Lily get into a big argument and Lily snaps and tries to shoot Kenny but accidently shoots Katjaa. If you have Carely with you, she shoots Lily. If you have Doug, Kenny shoots her. Duck still dies and turns and in this playthrough, you or Kenny shoot him.
If she tries to kill Lee and you brought her, when she is questioning Ben, you can tell Lily you saw her trying to kill you and you think she's the traitor. When Kenny hits the walker, Lily then says she can prove it was Ben. They get out and Lily is starting to scare Ben, but Doug/Carely heard what you said about her trying to shoot you, so they tell her they think shes the traitor. When Kenny comes up, of course he agrees. Lily is then left behind. Duck attacks Katjaa at the train after he turns. Katjaa shoots Duck and tries to shoot herself but is out of ammo, she then dies. Kenny or Lee shoot her.
If you left Lily back at the Motor Inn, Kenny backs up your choice, especially if she tried to shoot Kenny. Doug, Clementine, and Katjaa don't agree. But if you have Carely, she agrees. Ben also agrees. Duck then dies at the train area and turns and bites Katjaa in the neck. Katjaa shoots walker Duck and tries to shoot herself but is out of ammo, then she dies. Lee or Kenny can shoot her.
In this rewrite, Doug/Carley survive the episode.
Omid and Christa still appear, but this time in the train station.
The rest of the episode goes pretty much the same, just with Doug/Carely.
Maybe i'll do an episode 4 and 5 rewrite sometime.
I actually changed my mind about rewriting No going Back so additional Altered Amid the Ruins Rewrite.
the episode starts off normally where depending on if you Cut off Sarita s arm or not she s gonna die right there.
Then after Clementine starts Running She will fall for a second but Get back up you will See luke and ((Determinantly)) Nick running. Clem look at Kenny running to the other side and Time will start getting Slower like your usual Telltale Choice.
´´Go with Kenny´´ ´´ Go with Luke´´
If you decide to go with Kenny you will walk with Kenny and mike to the statue spot and Kenny will be very angry at you if you Cut Sarita s arm off. ((If you dint Kenny will just be a little Desperate)) But if Sarita s Bitten as soon as you get out of the herd you will Get the Option to suggest to Cut Sarita s arm to stop her from turning. Kenny will either Disagree or agree depending on if you Chopped Lee s hand in season 1 . ((Disagree if you Cut Lee s hand and Agree if you dint))
In case Kenny disagrees with you . You would be able to convince him to Let you do it if you choose the right options.
Sarita will reluctantly agree and Clementine will then Cut off Sarita s arm and use Part of Sarita s shirt to put a tourniquet in Sarita s Arm to stop the Blood , They will then arrive at the Historical place and in case You cut Sarita s hand off after leaving the Herd she will then Live on to episode 5 and be killed in the end of the shootout by the last Russian that was standing before Jane comes and kills him ((Which will justify Kenny s hatred for Arvo alot more since he s part of the group of the person who killed one of his loved ones.))
You will follow Luke and ((Determinantly)) Nick thought a scene were they push their way thought the several zombies that Sarah attracted to her with her screaming. You will then arrive at the place Sarah hid in and will try to calm her down and ((If nick is there)) Nick will suggest to go look for help to which Clem can either agree ((Resulting in Nick s normal dissapointing random Fence walker turn)) or Volunteer to go instead to which Nick will protest but being convinced After Clem suggest for them to go together.
If you go with Nick you will meet Jane and Bonnie who are looking for Luke , Clem and the others. Clem and Nick ((Who will have his death prevented by clem Shoving her hatchet into the zombie that killed Nick originally)) Bonnie, Jane , Nick and Clem will then start moving towards the Place Sarah s in but will Notice the Walkers in front of the trailer and do the same Thing Jane and Clem originally do in episode 4 . Nick will bust the door open the same events that happen in the original episode 4 Happen But Nick will force Sarah into Leaving. ((If you let Nick go alone Jane and Bonnie will suddenly Bust the door open and tell Clem and Luke about Nick s Death.))
Nick will then die in episode 5 attempting to save Luke in the Ice lake Scene .
the rest of the episode goes mostly Normally ((Nick will go with Bonnie and mike , and Sarita will follow Jane if you saved them))
When Rebecca starts giving birth up at the spot where it happens. Sarita will help Kenny in Delivering the Baby if she s alive and if Nick s alive he will be helping the others shoot the walkers ((You will also get a prompt to ask Nick to help Kenny just like you get with Mike in the original episode)) Both Nick and Sarita if alive will tell Sarah if she s still alive to come into the Room where Rebecca s giving birth ((Avoiding Her death))
After the whole incident you will Get a free roam sequence to talk with Everyone ((With questions how they re doing to their opinion on the Baby and Having an additional Gun training session with Sarah if she s alive . By the way Sarah will die to Arvo in episode 5 because she Will accompany Clem if she s alive to check the noise that s being made by Mike ,Bonnie and Arvo)) which will end when you talk with Jane who will tell everyone she s leaving . The rest of the episode continues on the same way as the original one .
Just expanding on my thoughts about the moral ambiguity of the Russians with that info I mentioned (which was actually in this very thread, btw). :P
The Russian's: Just as a head ups, I really wanted the Russian's situation to be a little more expanded upon given that one of the major few locations in the episode is their unfinished home. I really felt that after the disappointingly black and white conflict between Carver's Howes Hardware community and Luke's Cabin Group, having these four show up as a more ambiguous threat was a brilliant move that, unfortunately, got a little undercut by how underutilized they were and how overly unlikable, unsympathetic, or sympathetic I felt Kenny, Jane, and Arvo came off as.
Arvo, from my personal understanding, is a random bystander who becomes something of an adversary to Clementine due to a misunderstanding encouraged by shady circumstances. Having him suddenly come back with own group with sorta intimidating appearances and dialogue, but kinda understandable views of their adversaries (based on the translated dialogue) combined with the presence of a woman who could be his sick sister would make you question how truthful Arvo was being earlier and be a little on edge due to not being able to understand his group. Having the other Russians die, with Arvo paying special attention to the woman, without anything beyond "You robbed that boy Arvo, so now we're gonna take whatever we want from you!" being established about them would continue to send mixed messages about whether they were villainous or if you just wiped out the group of a neutral guy you did technically rob earlier for being angry at you for doing so.
However, the one step I think was necessary to have, whether you sympathize with them or not, is a definitive answer in the form of their house. Pictures, guns, blueprints, stolen belongings, remains of recently used medication, anything that proves one way, another, or even both as to the status of the Russian Group before the encounter between Clementine, Jane, and Arvo. The supplies sorta fill that role a bit, especially once you realize they're the same basic type of bags given out at Wellington, but I'm talking about something that comments on who Buricko, Vitali, and Natasha really are when they're not going after an enemy. I think it would've been more effective to the story if it was one with a sprinkle of the other: personal things showing that this is indeed their unfinished house after immigrating to America, but also some things makes you wonder whether you were one of the first groups who they had to fight against or just their latest victim.
Okay, let's try this again:
A Carley or Doug scenario at the italic textbeginning of the episode--Interesting!
A proper callback to Season 1 in that it actually has relevance and an effect on the present. Good thinking! And it gives Kenny an actual reason to get mad, too!
This is some Time Squad shit right here!
Also, maybe I'm confusing one other time for a general consensus, but I love the idea of Nick personally getting Sarah to leave.
Don't worry me! I'll save me!
Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant!
Arvo killing Sarah--why didn't I think of that?!
Lol i meant to put Luke there but i for some reason derped and wrote Nick again .
I know, I just couldn't help but make fun of it.
Okay, I'm isolating this plot point because of a recent question I asked and because I don't plan on having it be canon to my personal rewrite--at least right now.
One of the complaints of No Going Back was that the Russian Group had little point to their presence, which isn't helped by the fact that no one actually dies by their hands. I've seen some people single out Mike as the person who should've died, which I didn't really agree with since, with his original backstory and subplot unused in the final game, the only things of note that he does in the story is help out the Group with his strength and eventually attempts to free Arvo from Kenny.
However, with the possibility of his death with the story carrying on the same basic way on the tables, I thought of a few alternatives in mind as to who else could've done what he did in the penultimate scene? :
Overwhelmed Youths: What's that? A legitimate moral dilemma and personal choice?
Hero or Flake?: Without the ice bucket challenge.
Guilty Screwups: A few recent suggestions.
Shitbirds of a feather fucku together: The idea I referenced.
Damn Junkies: Semi-canon anyway.
The Lazy and the Lame: Villains team up and Slip back into evil.
Shady Teens with Insecurities: Another random possibility.
I once posted this idea about how I would change Episode 3 and 4. And Pete is still alive till Episode 3.
Episode 3 would only focus on Clem and the group inside Carver's camp. She would slowly get to know more people like people from 400 Days. The episode would end with a major death and in my mind, Pete would have been a perfect candidate for this.
Episode 4 would have been about the rebellion, ending with the death of some characters and the remaining group will flee into the wilderness and winter.
Episode 5 would generally be the same, but with slight changes such as Arvo not being around and Luke will still die in the lake without his wounded leg.
I'd honestly rewrite almost everything, I've thought of so many ideas since the season was over that I could change. I've actually tried but I'm not experienced at writing, so I have a bunch of ideas lying around in google docs lel
Care to share, Mr.Gentlman?
Perhaps as quick bullet points?
I always thought Pete could survive but be killed off as an "example" to what happens when you go against Carver. Or Pete has the radio and is beaten but he gets killed. It makes more sense if his leg injury in episode 1 wasn't actually a walker bite, since Carver doesn't like weak people.
These are really random and not really in order, since these are the ones off the top of my head lol.
These are not all my ideas, and its pretty much in the fanfic area but I just sat here for like 30 mins typing this so I'm going to post it anyway lol.
Now to disappear until season 3~
You know what, I was always curious about Carver's'take on Pete given his tough love angle compared to Carver's supposed own.
Ooh, expanding the episode to give the jailbreak more buildup? Nice!
Interesting. So, with the Russians apparently off doing something else, what exactly guides the group over a frozen lake(even assuming it's not the same one)?
Thank you for your contribution! Let's see now:
Oh, a proper prologue? Interesting.
Oh damn! You're goin' all out, aren't?
More development is always nice!
Making Carver more pragmatic/ruthless? Okay.
I placed this here for a question: does Bonnie allow Luke to sneak away during the hostage situation or does Luke simply leave at that moment?
Okay then, what happens to Sarita if Kenny doesn't shoot?
Biding time and building up the army, eh? This should be good.
Okay, does Rebecca die before or after having the baby?
Okay, wait a friggin minute! So, it's either Carlos, Sarah, or neither, but not both?
And its time for a war!
Some actual payoff between those two? Nice!
Oh, that's perfectly fine mate. I sometimes make longer posts and/or spend a lot of time posting myself.
Okay, this sounds pretty neat!
Good job!
To answer some questions...
(Phone wouldnt let me reply normally rip)
I haven't really thought about what exactly happened to sarita if she lives and I don't really want to repeat what happened in my version if the story. Carver killing her is probably the only option, like maybe she's talking to Kenny and she gets sniped right in front of him by Carver/Troy
In concerns to Rebecca, she will die giving birth, and clem and her group escape with the baby... therfor making Carver give chase.
Mike killing Christa is impactful because Clem has to be around him, and also he did it on accident. When clem throws the rock to distract him, it hits him and Christa and him get into a struggle, making him shoot his ear and also kill Christa. ( not with thr same bullet) Even if Clem doesn't throw it she still is killed by him.
Also, Christa is still pregnant when she dies, it makes sense because Ralph Winston and Victor will be looking for a pregnant woman that caused the death of their whole camp, because Carver is looking for Rebecca, and since he didn't find her he just kills everyone, mostly because someone will attack him.. and Carvers group has assault rifles. This would explain the lake and ralphs gang motives. However Victor would not appear at the lake later on, but is assumed dead as Ralph is the only one that appears at Howes.
Carlos and Sarah is hard to think about, because I thought either one of them dying and living on without the other is interesting. Both dying could be an option, butI only see that if Sarah starts freaking out when Carlos dies, and she doesn't miraculously survive running through the horde like in season 2.
Yeah, I've seen quite a few people say they had that problem. Now for your reply:
Oh okay. Kinda fucked up, but okay.
I assumed he killed her anyway at first. When I wrote my initial ideas for Episode 3 on the first page, I made sure to stick to what Dan White said was originally supposed to happen so that not only would that mystery still be there, but Clementine trusting him wouldn't be as out of the question--even if she gave him shit for it. .
...Huh? Okay, you honestly lost me a little there: did Mike shoot Christa or not? Alternatively, are you implying that the Cabin Group screwed them over at some point? Plus, unless there's supposed to be a tragedy to his friendship with Clementine, having Mike flat out kill Christa while she's still pregnant seems incredibly counterproductive to his likability.
That makes more sense. Cause if I was playing this version of the story and Rebecca got killed in the herd while still pregnant, I'd be pissed!
Oh, okay. I thought you said they can both die, making me question you line of thinking for a second. My bad!
...K. I'm just gonna assume this happens during the final battle, thus explaining Kenny's huge meltdown and possibly his fight with Luke.
Also, what happens with characters like Nick, Bonnie, and Jane, who I don't think you mentioned?
At the risk of being lazy, oblivious, and/or redundant, who are those two characters?
Nick and Sarah
Honestly, most of my ideas are a bit hard to explain, mostly because I suck at it... but anyway.
Mike shooting Christa is pure accident, and when it occurs, its obvious it is.
Also yes, the cabin group is basically at fault for that groups death, because Carver is searching for Rebecca, a pregnant woman. When Mike's group find pregnant Christa, they want payback for what Carver did (obviously not knowing its not the right person).
Yeah, a ton of people would, that's why she'd either die giving birth, or die in the herd a while after Alvin Jr is born.
Yeah, that's exactly right, but I don't really think it serves her character any justice, that's why I'm still thinking about that to this day.
Nick, being a character that's almost exactly like Ben, I think he should survive the season. However, he can die at the lake scene, but he might have another death....
Bonnie is the same, she can die at the lake scene or survive, haven't thought much after that.
As for Jane.... I'm not sure. I obviously want to stay as true as possible to each character, and I didn't really like Jane, and when she left Luke in the game, it made sense for her character, so that would probably happen again.
Sorry I'm just seeing this. The one flaw in having a topic like this with Spoiler tabs.
Why are they going back to Howe's? It's not like the herd isn't 15 yd away.
A little detour, eh? Okay, let's see where this goes.
? !
Well, this doesn't bode well.
Not gonna lie, I had to reread that three times to make sure I got that right.
"Is beautiful blood splatter we have today, no?"
No, that's not jarring-- why do you ask?
Ooh, more incentive to take the bag.
Well, that's lovely.
Well, shoot, it took me several weeks to reply to this and you finish. Aw well, I await the thrilling conclusion.
Good job!
Obviously, huh? :P Also, I love how you spoilered it for no fucking reason.
Well, I'm sure there's at least one person here that's never finished season 2.
Oh, okay. Still, it's pretty hardcore.
Oh. Not sure if that's social commentary or not.
Oh, jeez, now I'm imagine a bunch of walkers stopping in a circle and going "Push! Push!"
Yeah, if any minor character deserve a bigger payroll, it's Sarita.
Yeah, I hear ya. I just noticed you never brought her up once and wanted to ask.
I spoiler tagged it so we didn't have my huge wall of text forcing everyone to spend 5 minutes scrolling down. My next edit will finish Amid The Ruins and then I'll have a new post for No Going Back not spoiler tagged.
In one version Clem told Bonnie and Rebecca to go to Howe's. Luke and Nick/Sarah will go there to see if Rebecca made it. Jane and Clem head to Parker's because in In Harm's Way they had decided that'd be the meeting spot, so they went check if Mike, Kenny or Sarita were there. Both parties should also try to find supplies for Rebecca to have the baby.
In the version where Clem told Bonnie and Rebecca to keep heading towards Parker's Run, Clem and Jane go to Parker's to check if they are there and if Kenny, Mike or Sarita made it there. Luke and Nick/Sarah are suposed to scavenge whatever was left at Howe's. Both parties should also try to find suplies yadda yadda yadda.
Either way, Luke, Jane and Clem (and Nick/Sarah if any is alive) decide to meet at Howe's with whoever they found on their expeditions.
This is a little bit confusing, I know. I also don't have the best English in the world so it's kinda hard to express myself at times through text.
This pitstop scene is basically the trailer park scene + the observation deck scene.
The recently killed people on the ground were stabbed with the snake knife on the zombie's neck. That knife will play a part on the Jane ending, it will appear again. I think that it will make her ending more... ambiguous.
Believe me, this steal not steal from Arvo situation annoyed me a lot. A. Lot.
The player has the choice to make this big moral sacrifice that is stealing and recievese little to no payback for it. This bag will help Rebecca's labour and other group injuries (because there will be injured people, you just don't walk through a herd and leave unharmed) a lot.
Hehe, it's probably the only original thing I'm adding here. Everything else is an adaptation of the original story.
Well, it's basically a callback to the begining of the season where Christa and Omid go check the man's restroom while CLem searches the girl's. On this case, Jane is Christa and Omid and Clem is Clem.
Actually, Arvo is Clem. He's the one hiding in one of the individual's afterall xD.
And that would amke Clem Michelle. Except she's not the one holding the gun.
I would've wirtten it all by now, but honestly, I didn't think anyone was reading anymore, so I just stopped.
Thanks, really glad to know this isn't all being ignored : D.
By the way, I edited my first, original post. I added reactions to Sarah's/Nick's deaths and how the managed to get Sarah to not panick while walking through the herd. I also added some of the seeds to the future character arcs Nick or Sarah will go through.
Oh, I know I just wanted to apologize for not seeing your post sooner.
Yes, it is a little confusing why people would convene at a place where they know people want to either shoot them or chomp their necks.
Also, I had no idea you didn't speak English normally. It's incredibly good!
Okay, I'll take your word for it and wait n'see.
Yeah, that was an aspect of Clementine's involvement in that situation that should've been developed more and what they ended up doing with Arvo himself wasn't too gratifying either.
Oooh, you noticed that parallel too and decided to make it more obvious!
Cool! I'll look over the differences and create a separate reply. Keep up the good work!
This is a bit different but it's a combination of 2 episodes leading into the ending of season one.
Instead of having Ben die, i would've changed it to Omid dying when the group came back, and having Christa die in no time left instead of Ben.
I would've also of had Lee not be bit because i feel it would've made it more meaningful in no time left which i will get to.
No Time Left: I would've had Christa die instead of Ben, and have Ben be somewhat of a hero and try to save her or fight off the walkers until she was taken. I don't like the cheap death Ben got, i felt he deserved a lot more then he got. I'd have Kenny and Ben be separated from Lee. Have Lee defeat the stranger but get mortally wounded by being shot by the stranger and then repeat the rest of the episode. The reason i like this opinion is :
Aw, a rewrite from Season 1. Don't get many of these, so let's look at it:
...K. Let's see where this goes.
Yeah, Ben is one of those cases where I tolerate the sudden/anticlimactic/unfair deaths of characters I really loved having around and/or wanted to see do more purely out of respect for the plot direction and character development that came out of it. So, while I personally leave those deaths alone unless I can think of a way to improve/top it, I'm interested in what you have in mind for him.
Okay, that last part is what got me, cause you're kinda right. Now, I think the idea they were going for was that after 3 1/2 episodes of making important choices, kicking zombie/enemy ass, and looking after little Clementine, Lee is just as susceptible to dying as everyone else and so in just a split-second, that sense of power was meaningless as something as small as a quick bite is going to kill Lee and there's little he can do about it. However, you're right in that having him seemingly overcome the odds and save the day once again before being struck down would've been more shocking and upsetting because of the inherent power high. So, you're basically trading a bunch of things going wrong to make this seem bleak for a violent ensuing of reality.
Yeah, I was gonna question killing those two off until you brought this up. Aside from giving Kenny an opportunity to seize, Christa being separated from Clementine did little for the Season 2 as a whole. Literally the only other thing that may have come out of that is her "Not again" that she can apparently say when it looks like Rebecca miscarriaged.
Sounds neat? I'm so accustomed to having Kenny hogging the spotlight that I'm having a hard time imagining that.
Join the club.
Good job! Hope to hear from you again in the future.
No Going Back. Amid the ruins sets up such a tense and exciting cliffhanger but the resolution is just so rubbish and disappointing.
Yes, that was a disappointment. One of the many that exists due to poor set up and carry over of elements established in Amid the Ruins.
What is the English version?
"The English version?" Unless you're making a technobabble joke, I'm not sure what you're referring to since everything is in English.
"Lay-person's terms". I was confused by the creative names. I assume the hero or flake is Luke and the shady teen is Arvo. I have no idea what this comment means in general though.
Alternative Defectors from what had become Kenny's group instead of Mike, who would've either died before hand or stuck around.
You were right about Luke having his hero complex questioned using Witty!KennyDialogue. Here are the other characters
Overwhelmed Youths= Clementine
Hero or Flake?= Luke
Guilty Screwups =Nick
Shitbirds of a feather fucku together=Sarah
Damn Junkies= Bonnie
The Lazy and the Lame=Troy
Shady Teens with Insecurities=Don't remember. I'll have to double check the characters to know for sure but it presumably refers to Michelle, given how much I like her and the fact that I used the word shady.
((Gone to repost the Edit and add more to the rewrite
Sounds cool! I await your the results of your stormy weather.
Wright Micah Rough Build 34 (Major Grammar Improvements, sentence rewrite, corrected spelling errors and 5 others) Telltale Community
I will have to apologize to everyone with this newest post. This was very awful compared to other posts that I made. Not even I could understand this. that to me is really unacceptable thicks for 6765694. for pointing this out
Reed all the comments and mostly I seen that season 2 shold be rewritten
I feel like season 1 episode 2, needs more work.
That those this one glitch in intel 4 series that lee Everett runs to the fance, that Mark is shot & killed by the bandits.
If I do rewrite the story. I wound not but I feel like that, Carley and DONG shold be more involve. If I save dong like I do 90% of my play throughs. Carley will not even be mentioned at all in episode 2 or 3. That to me defends the purpose of your choice matters unless you count season 1 episode 5. With the stranger. including the end of episode 1 with guilt between Carley and Dong; & 2 other mediocre choices.
Telltale should’ve added a dream sanqunse. That whatever lee kills it will haunt Everett. Or at the end of the game they cound have a meeting with Lilly's group. Of what they fount with lee’s past choices with the sant joins. and episode 1
I noticed some inconsistency in starved for help episode 2. like jolene, come out of no where and got clementines hat from lillys camp. you most be thanking big dual she must be some random stocker.
if I have not played this same game on almost impossible hardware from 2006. I might've never got those glitch's. and got small pieces of the story. The more that I play they games on old graphics cards. Iv noticing they is some proof of 2 different story branches.
for that ill have to give it as 4 out of 10. because telltale left to many plot holes that livet unexplained even with those glitches I have a basic idea what telltale was attending to do. it's just telltale should've kept 2 different story plots for greater choose then what we have.
Im actually surprised why we don't, i mean majority say season 1 is better then season 2, yet it seems season 2 is more popular then season one, maybe because it's more recent ?
That's true, it's more of the no matter how strong and smart you are in the ZA, if you leave your guard down for 1 second, you can lose everything. I guess for me, i went into the game thinking "okay, the worse thing they can do, is have Lee get bit", and what happened? He got bit, as soon as that happened, i lost a lot of excitement i had for the game, i kinda hoped that chopping the arm off would work but obviously it didn't. i would've much prefered him being shot by the stranger because it would've made it more sader and a greater impact because people would've thought "all he had to do was grab the gun or be a bit quicker and he would've survived". That was kind of the same with the choice to chop the arm off, you think there's a chance he could live but in the end he dies from the bite.
I just didn't know why they chose to keep Christa and Omid alive, only to kill them off so early in season two, when they were IMO the least important out of the main characters i.e (Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Ben, Christa, Omid) Even Earlier characters like Lily, Carley etc had more value.
Suppose it's hard when Kenny is loved by the telltale staff eh? Im just hoping that him or Jane aren't killed off so quickly in season 3 like Christa, and Omid were, that's if they even are in the new season.
Likely because Season 1 was such a huge success that told an amazing story with well-developed characters, while Season 2 is full of wasted characters, aborted arcs, inconsistencies, and asspulls that drag down it's quality.
I gotcha. To be fair though, Lee getting bitten served to create a bleak mood for the final episode that brought the group together to make sure Lee saves Clementine one more time before he dies.
Yeah, that is true. There was a thread a while ago where someone suggested that they be a hope spot for Lee and Clementine should something happen to them: the perfect parents. However, they didn't get to do much outside of give the group a personal motivation for the Crawford storyline where Christa gets her limited and subtle character development while Omid is mostly just there to lighten the mood. They also acted as buffers for the conflict between Lee, Clementine, Kenny, and Ben.
Honestly, I'm kinda hoping he does get written off fairly early just because I think he's more than overstayed his welcome. I guess I wouldn't mind if Jane got more to do instead, but I'm kinda hoping she flat out gets killed.
I guess, there are still some wasted characters in season.
I.e Carley, Doug, Mark, Chuck, Glenn etc. I thought it was because it was more recent because a lot of the members on here talk about season 2 a lot more then season one.
Yeha i kinda didn't like what happened there. I mean, Clementine was already a major part of the game, and while the characters in the final episode got their little moments, Ben and Kenny in the alley way, Ben standing up for himself, it just felt like they all got killed off or lost to set the tone for Lee and Clementine. Christa and Omid getting lost just so they can meet up with her later, Ben dying, Kenny getting separated.
Well Omid is barely even in around every corner, his at the start, then when they find the mansion, his absent until the end, Christa is only there because she wants medicine for Omid and gets upset at Anna Correa because the woman (who has the same model as Christa) is pregnant as well. I dunno, i was happy with Lee, Clementine, Ben and Kenny, and when they showed up, i wasn't that interested in them.
Yeah i'd rather they get written off if they're brought in just to be killed off in the first 5 minutes. Kind off literally kills the characters rep.
I guess, there are still some wasted characters in season.
I.e Carley, Doug, Mark, Chuck, Glenn etc. I thought it was because it was more recent because a lot of the members on here talk about season 2 a lot more then season one.
Yeha i kinda didn't like what happened there. I mean, Clementine was already a major part of the game, and while the characters in the final episode got their little moments, Ben and Kenny in the alley way, Ben standing up for himself, it just felt like they all got killed off or lost to set the tone for Lee and Clementine. Christa and Omid getting lost just so they can meet up with her later, Ben dying, Kenny getting separated.
Well Omid is barely even in around every corner, his at the start, then when they find the mansion, his absent until the end, Christa is only there because she wants medicine for Omid and gets upset at Anna Correa because the woman (who has the same model as Christa) is pregnant as well. I dunno, i was happy with Lee, Clementine, Ben and Kenny, and when they showed up, i wasn't that interested in them.
Yeah i'd rather they get written off if they're brought in just to be killed off in the first 5 minutes. Kind off literally kills the characters rep.
i love "Long Road Ahead." but i would love to make some changes now that i think about it.
Instead of Duck getting bitten, he is shot by one of the bandits.
I think a good choice would be:
•Leave Lily at the Motor Inn
•Let her in the RV
kind of the same thing of the original choice. in the rewrite, if you killed Larry, she tries multiple times to shoot you during the bandit raid and play it off as an accident. if you didnt kill Larry, she tries to shoot Kenny. if you leave her, it shows her shooting bandits/walkers and she runs out of ammo and she fleas. if she tries to kill Kenny and you bring her, Lily questions Ben and Kenny hits a walker. Kenny then hears all of Lily and Ben talking and snaps at Lily for trying to shoot him and calls her the traitor. Kenny and Lily get into a big argument and Lily snaps and tries to shoot Kenny but accidently shoots Katjaa. If you have Carely with you, she shoots Lily. If you have Doug, Kenny shoots her. Duck still dies and turns and in this playthrough, you or Kenny shoot him.
If she tries to kill Lee and you brought her, when she is questioning Ben, you can tell Lily you saw her trying to kill you and you think she's the traitor. When Kenny hits the walker, Lily then says she can prove it was Ben. They get out and Lily is starting to scare Ben, but Doug/Carely heard what you said about her trying to shoot you, so they tell her they think shes the traitor. When Kenny comes up, of course he agrees. Lily is then left behind. Duck attacks Katjaa at the train after he turns. Katjaa shoots Duck and tries to shoot herself but is out of ammo, she then dies. Kenny or Lee shoot her.
If you left Lily back at the Motor Inn, Kenny backs up your choice, especially if she tried to shoot Kenny. Doug, Clementine, and Katjaa don't agree. But if you have Carely, she agrees. Ben also agrees. Duck then dies at the train area and turns and bites Katjaa in the neck. Katjaa shoots walker Duck and tries to shoot herself but is out of ammo, then she dies. Lee or Kenny can shoot her.
In this rewrite, Doug/Carley survive the episode.
Omid and Christa still appear, but this time in the train station.
The rest of the episode goes pretty much the same, just with Doug/Carely.
Maybe i'll do an episode 4 and 5 rewrite sometime.