Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • Mmm...probably depends on how petty some people are.

    NorthStars posted: »

    Would anyone really choose Carver after (dependingly) hitting/punching clem, letting his people boss her and her group around, killing a few of her friends, I think Kenny would have more fans if it was that way.

  • Thumbs up. I haven't played the Kenny ending, but I have a feeling I will when I buy season 3. I don't want the older Clementine to be a callous cynic like Jane, even though Jane had her good points.

    NorthStars posted: »

    I liked Ben, I prefer s2 over s1, I prefer Clem being a kid, leaving with Kenny and not staying at wellignton is best ending.

  • How would we know Wellington was safe. What if it turned out to be like Negan's camp.

    NorthStars posted: »

    I know, but he deserved to stay at wellington along with Clem, I didnt want her to have to stay with a bunch of strangers. Anywho I dont eve

  • Amid the Ruins was my favourite episode.

  • As much as I complain about the game's season 2, on the whole I still think it's more solid than the show's season 2.

  • Exactly.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    How would we know Wellington was safe. What if it turned out to be like Negan's camp.

  • edited November 2016

    Carvers character would have to change alot then, as in his actions not really his rude personality. I dont think he would be considered a villain anymore if they even made him a little bit nicer, but I get ur point.

    1. I don't like Jane.
    2. I don't think Lee is so amazing when you look at the mean things he could've said to Clem, and when you pick those, Clem still loves him unconditionally.
    3. So I just prefer Clem over Lee. Lee is a good man, really I like him, just I think it's weird that Clem is so close with Lee in Season 1, while she spends about as much time with Kenny and Katjaa and all the others. You know, it's just a little weird. But everyone is going to disagree I'm sorry haha.
    4. I HATED the choice of Doug or Carley, loved them both.
    5. I think Rebecca's death is actually really realistic and came at the good time. She died as a good woman.
    6. I would have loved to get to know Walter and Matthew better.
  • I don't like Jane
    I think Rebecca's death is actually really realistic and came at the good time. She died as a good woman.
    I would have loved to get to know Walter and Matthew better.


    twdxoxotwau posted: »

    * I don't like Jane. * I don't think Lee is so amazing when you look at the mean things he could've said to Clem, and when you pick those,

  • St. John's Dairy was a better written story than anything in season2

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2016

    Even the stupidest moments of the game aren't "try to haul a bloated walker out of a well in the hopes that the water somehow doesn't get infected" levels of stupid.

    Seriously, what the hell was anyone trying to accomplish there? You realize the well water is infected because there's a zombie at the bottom... so you decide to try someone to a rope and send them down there so they can attach a rope to it's neck and pull it out of the well... so the water will be magically safe for drinking again?

    When you look back on that entire sequence, it honestly doesn't make any damn sense. The only thing memorable about that scene is that the well walker looked pretty cool.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    As much as I complain about the game's season 2, on the whole I still think it's more solid than the show's season 2.

  • They were gifting valuable supplies to strangers.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    How would we know Wellington was safe. What if it turned out to be like Negan's camp.

  • that noise Jane made when she died

    That was the voice-acting coordinator choking.

    No, 204 had terrible audio and sloppy audio mixing. and in 205? that noise Jane made when she died? What the fuck was that?

  • Carver would then be an antagonist to our allies and not us directly, which is not something that we see explored in media and literature.

    NorthStars posted: »

    Carvers character would have to change alot then, as in his actions not really his rude personality. I dont think he would be considered a villain anymore if they even made him a little bit nicer, but I get ur point.

  • His character would still have to change alot.

    Carver would then be an antagonist to our allies and not us directly, which is not something that we see explored in media and literature.

  • That is, in certain sense, true.

    NorthStars posted: »

    His character would still have to change alot.

  • Clem's character in Season 1 seems a bit off. She's 8-going-on-9 years old; essentially a 3rd grader. However, TellTale wrote her at times as if she was a 5 or 6 year old; a kindergartener. Towards the end of Season 1 in episodes 4 and 5, see starts to come off as a believable 8 to 9 year old. Duck acted more realistic for his age than Clem did. Season 2 Clem acted more like her age than she did in Season 1. I don't know if TellTale was trying to keep her age ambiguous until they settled on an age or if she was supposed to be younger originally. I think it's the later due to Clem stating she was in 1st grade (which I will forever read as either an error in TellTale's script or Clem purposely lying).

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2016

    That's why I actually like the Wellington ending. It's not because it's sad or heartbreaking, or because it makes Kenny look good, it's because it makes it feel like everything that happened up to that point was worth it; that it served some kind of purpose. Going to Wellington, to me, was a way of honoring all the people who died to get Clementine and AJ this far, that sacrificed either their lives or their own safety for the sake of them. If you walk away, I feel that, in a way, you're letting a lot of what happened throughout the course of not only S2, but S1 be in vain.

    Of course, that's just my own interpretation of it. I've seen arguments for both sides that make sense, so I'm not going to judge. But for me personally, that ending just doesn't feel right. And I'm probably one of the few people that doesn't see it as a 'happy ending'. It appears to be one when you take it at face value, but if you look deeper, it starts to become more ambiguous.

    I felt the leaving with Kenny ending was terrible....then what was the point? Everyone died and he just lets Clementine piss all over everyone who died protecting her and AJ by letting her not go to safety?

  • You know, I've seen some people complain about that sound, but I personally don't see what the problem is

    Given the manner of her death and how it seemed instantaneous, I don't think that sound would be too far off from what a person getting a knife jammed through their sternum would sound like.

    That being said though, I haven't actually seen someone get a knife jammed through their sternum first-hand, so I might be wrong.

    No, 204 had terrible audio and sloppy audio mixing. and in 205? that noise Jane made when she died? What the fuck was that?

  • If you ask me, Starved For Help's story is better than just about everything in the game, including stuff in S1

    But that's just me, someone who is definitely not biased towards episode 2 and definitely doesn't consider it the best episode of the entire series thus far.

    St. John's Dairy was a better written story than anything in season2

  • It was set up at first like it'd be Luke vs Kenny.

    I remember it distinctly because Kenny fans were hating on Luke for a good long while.

  • edited December 2016

    While I do have a few issues with her, the reception Lilly gets does kinda annoy me a bit. Particularly where Carley, Kenny, and sometimes Larry are concerned.

  • Rebecca is probably the most bizarrely unattractive person I've ever seen.

  • I love Bonnie and Mike. Is that unpopular?

  • Could everyone take time to vote for your favourite character?! http://www.strawpoll.me/11627384/r Thankyou x

  • edited November 2016

    Well, for what it's worth, I thought Mike was a pretty cool dude while Season 2 was still running. I even made him my Gravatar for a long time, actually. So yeah, when he did a 180 in Episode 5, I was rather pissed because I actually liked him.

    I was indifferent towards Bonnie throughout Season 2, I only started hating her when she had the nerve to blame Clementine for Luke's death and acted as if everyone always does what Clem says. Seriously, what a dumb thing to say, seeing as Clementine is for some reason the only one getting shit done in the entire group.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    I love Bonnie and Mike. Is that unpopular?

  • She would've died pretty quickly, so she couldn't really scream, right?

    No, 204 had terrible audio and sloppy audio mixing. and in 205? that noise Jane made when she died? What the fuck was that?

  • Out of all seasons or just season 2?

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Amid the Ruins was my favourite episode.

  • Do you mean that Clementine acted too childish in episodes 1-3 or too mature?

    eRock92 posted: »

    Clem's character in Season 1 seems a bit off. She's 8-going-on-9 years old; essentially a 3rd grader. However, TellTale wrote her at times

  • What? Really?

    She's much better looking then Brenda in my opinion.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Rebecca is probably the most bizarrely unattractive person I've ever seen.

  • A lot of times in Season 1, some of the characters lines are really quiet and some are REALLY loud. One example is when Lee is in the cop car and the cop says "Maybe you just married the wrong woman." and when Lee replies with the growl it's like 100x louder than the cop. For the most part, I'm pretty sure it was just Lee but I do remember some character's audio bouncing up and down.

    What was wrong with the audio in A New Day?

  • I couldn't agree more.

    Well, for what it's worth, I thought Mike was a pretty cool dude while Season 2 was still running. I even made him my Gravatar for a long ti

  • edited November 2016

    Oh, like that's hard. Brenda has gotta be pushin' 60 and has two adult sons with careers of their own, while Rebecca is barely 40 and is just on cusp of having her first baby--Clearly an even match!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    What? Really? She's much better looking then Brenda in my opinion.

  • Oh, like that's hard.


    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, like that's hard. Brenda has gotta be pushin' 60 and has two adult sons with careers of their own, while Rebecca is barely 40 and is just on cusp of having her first baby--Clearly an even match!

  • edited November 2016

    enter image description here

    Oh, like that's hard. True.

  • edited November 2016

    Mike sucks, but for different reasons. He's got no real personality, no real character, and he just leaves for shock value.

    Nick and Sarah get the axe but "colorful and complex" Mike gets to live for another episode.


  • Thought I was the only one who thought this. Glad I'm not alone.

    J-Master posted: »

    Mike sucks, but for different reasons. He's got no real personality, no real character, and he just leaves for shock value. Nick and Sarah get the axe but "colorful and complex" Mike gets to live for another episode. Lame.

  • Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I just wanted to say...

    Wow, TWD: Michonne episode 2 was fantastic! I thought episode one was good, it wasn't great but it was good. But episode two was so much better.

    The choices were really hard, and I really liked the action sequences (mainly in the first chapter), the combat/QTE's are just so much more fun in Michonne than the other TWD games, but I don't really know why.

    So, yeah. Can't wait to play the final episode.

    And then... Season three...

  • Eeeh...I wouldn't say he's got no personality, but whatever.

    J-Master posted: »

    Mike sucks, but for different reasons. He's got no real personality, no real character, and he just leaves for shock value. Nick and Sarah get the axe but "colorful and complex" Mike gets to live for another episode. Lame.

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