I also liked Michonne Series, but I can't say that it was better than Season 1 & 2. I have to say that I saw the whole serie as a "little peek" to Clementine that we will see in Season 3. So, I really liked that, too!
I really hope we (or the few among us) didn't scare Caroline (@mostlypoptarts) away. I can only imagine getting this job and on day one see… moreing this side of the forums.
Now as for The Walking Dead, I feel like spoilers will soon abound. @OzzyUK, will you, Blind, or others give a friendly "no spoilers" warning soon (or "forthcoming"... sorry, I couldn't resist)? It looks like I'll be tip-toein in my Jordan through the forums from now on.
I was hoping it'd be the 22nd at latest, but if it ends up being released on the 29th, I'll be too busy with this game.
And even if i… moret got delayed to early Decmber, well... Team ICO has a special place in my heart after ICO and SoTC, so The Last Guardian is a priority.
On the plus side, I'll be able to know if the game is as much of a technical disaster as Batman was at launch, in which case I'll just hold off until the season pass is 50% off.
TellTale makes some awesome trailers. Sure, this one was spoiler filled. However, this one has to be the best one. I can't wait for this ANF trailer. I might watch it provided it's confirmed it doesn't spoil anything.
I can't take it anymore.
Then goes and watch some trailers to calm myself... ends up watching this
But it didn't help. I cry every time.
Edit: the last part is the most powerful thing I ever saw a trailer do. SO SAD!!!!
Crazy good....Engine troubles aside....this is Telltalegames firing on all cylinders...great story with really good pacing.
I also liked Michonne Series, but I can't say that it was better than Season 1 & 2. I have to say that I saw the whole serie as a "little peek" to Clementine that we will see in Season 3. So, I really liked that, too!
I liked the parts that wasn't Michonne.
I also hope that it will be November, at least....
Hey you were brilliant.
nope I think Michonne was just as good if not better.
Unless you were blindly picking dialogue options without thinking, that's impossible. I can see 45-50 minutes maybe, but 30? I dunno.
Well, hey now. Don't you two look like the S3 trailer... back when it still wasn't deleted!
Yes you are. On the contrary, I thought Michonne was inferior to season 1 and 2.
You know, that's actually tough for me to answer. I'd say I like it just as much. I wouldn't say it's better or worse.
That being said however, Michonne ep 2 is one of my favorite episodes of the entire game series, so there's that.
What's been going on here? did a trailer get deleted or something? been outta the loop on TWD
Well. the we wish for a trailer. But that's all whats going on here.
TWD S1 = Michonne > 400 days >>>>>>TWD S2.
We found out that Javier supposedly isn't a joke.
Any guesses on which day the trailer drops?
for me its like (twds1=twds2) > (michonne = 400 days)
still not bitten
November 28th
Ugh Final Fantasy XV
Batman TAS reference?
Season 2 - 9.5/10
Season 1 - 9.2/10
Michonne - 8.5/10
If Michonne's premiere was better I would give it probably a 9
Well, hopefully before Thanksgiving for us in the USA.
I have a hunch on who @emilybuckshot is.
TWD S2 > or TWD S1 (+ 400 Days) and Michonne somewhere there.
Oh yeah, now you know how to save her...
Nope. I like Michonne just as much as the other series.
I think the only thing stopping it from being the best so far to me is the fact that the first episode wasn't as good as the rest.
I even have my own theme.
Well... Today's the 15th, which is the day when we thought TWD S3 would release...
Remember those times? Around a month ago?
More like a blaze of gory...
For me, it's still the 14th xD
thats tomorrow.
TellTale makes some awesome trailers. Sure, this one was spoiler filled. However, this one has to be the best one. I can't wait for this ANF trailer. I might watch it provided it's confirmed it doesn't spoil anything.
Please don't tell me I'm the guy that gets his neck sliced open, and then is kicked into the water...
For some reason I always thought @Blind Sniper was a guy... Sorry.
It's still the 14th in California. 29-14=15. Release date November 15th confirmed?
Maybe...maybe yes. Maybe yes^2. Maybe yes^2 x (infininty).
Not for the whole world.
It just turned the 15th for me.
I... I don't understand...
Holy crap! I used to listen to that song after watching that trailer too!!
It's a reference to an episode of TWD's Gamer Poop, don't worry about it