Well ok...see this all started when the United States shot down that UFO at Roswell New Mexico. Most of the crew died and the bodies were t… moreaken to Dayton Ohio...home of the infamous Hanger 18. Then sent to Area 51. However there was a survivor. Now according to my source...this alien could take human form and began his mission of revenge by contaminating the food supply. He opened a Goat Farm. Now as you know..goat milk is higher in vitamins than cow milk and makes a better cheese product.
Slowly..over the years his nefarious plan was starting to work. All the fancy restaurants and exclusive desert chefs were demanding the special goat milk. Soon all he had to do was wait for someone to die...and the outbreak would start.
Very scary...Now the alien has AJ and is making an army of intelligent walkers.
(djWHEAT is the director of Twitch so this seems to be hinting at a stream showing 8 minutes of footage).
I'm really not upset with the (apparent) delay, just the poor communication concerning it, if it actually was or if all the retail sites were full of BS. I mean I know they are busy but they've got to have a PR department that can make a post on Twitter.
They are probably trying to wait until they have finalized info to give. Jumping the gun doesn't help anyone. I would guess that, perhaps th… moreey delayed New Frontier as they did with Michonne, but this time around with the intention of improving the engine or something. That's just my guess as a community volunteer mod.
No 15th release I know amazon said it and releases can be changed but maybe telltale changed the date because if that (stupid thing to think I know). But hey at least we shouldn't have to wait any longer than the 29th.
No 15th release I know amazon said it and releases can be changed but maybe telltale changed the date because if that (stupid thing to think I know). But hey at least we shouldn't have to wait any longer than the 29th.
Wow, that is very interesting and exciting!
You do know I am making this up right?
WOW, I am gullible xD
ok..where is it?
Well...sure we could...but who cares about Duck....I think the vast majority of people don't care about him.
Nope because Telltale never said that it'll be released November 15th.
And its making me nervous now.
Also its my first wait for a telltale game. Only played older games from them before.
Wait, did you actually believe this?
I don't think there'll be aliens in it...
Why does every time Clementine is in a group. It falls apart?
Because deserves to die in aj sake then seasen 4 will be about aj and javior
I'm really not upset with the (apparent) delay, just the poor communication concerning it, if it actually was or if all the retail sites were full of BS. I mean I know they are busy but they've got to have a PR department that can make a post on Twitter.
Oh well, at least it won't be No Man's Sky, lol.
The thread has also reached 101K views.
That just shows you how badly we want this game to come out
Another 1000+ comments since I last checked out this thread for info. And still nothing
Yeeeaaah. I think half of that is just me refreshing the page every 5 seconds.
Me, too...
I'm guilty as well. I'm not alone
Part of me wanted to believe it, but I did realize how ridiculous it sounded.
It hasn't happened yet, considering they said "next week" I guess it'll be next week.
Job said "next week" on the 11th which would make it this week
Okay Telltale.
I have the money, You have the game.
Let's trade!
Starting price - 25 dollars!
Who offers more?
I pay whatever it takes!
Edit after lots of edits: Yes I edited it... Oh, wait. Now again! Edit: Don't want to fill it up with me doing this
No 15th release I know amazon said it and releases can be changed but maybe telltale changed the date because if that (stupid thing to think I know). But hey at least we shouldn't have to wait any longer than the 29th.
The Season Pass will probably be 25$ like Batman's (I think?). 6$ per Episode if you buy them individually.
But the 15th was never confirmed so I doubt Telltale ever changed something.
I ain't gonna miss this!
SECOND EDIT: Why not just post again?
I'll pay 60$!
I think this stream will be on Saturday.
Saturday is the last day they could do the stream so... They better do it.
I hope so. I really hope so.
(Well, it'd be cool to have it sooner, but I'll be happy as long as it's this week.)
where will the stream be?? like youtube or smth, I only heard about this stream very recently so I know nothing about it but I need to watch it
Grrr...85$ is my final offer...
i think in twitch
Twitch probably. If you miss it don't worry, people are bound to record it and post it on the forums.
It will be aired on Twitch first, but people will record it and Telltale will almost certainly post the footage on their YouTube channel as well.
Because she is a disease.