I'm fed up at this point. I know I'm one person and there's plenty of other fans but I don't even care about the game anymore. I can't take the lack of communication or transparency or borderline lying anymore. I'm so sad about it but it is what it is. Have fun with it guys. I'm out.
I'm fed up at this point. I know I'm one person and there's plenty of other fans but I don't even care about the game anymore. I can't take … morethe lack of communication or transparency or borderline lying anymore. I'm so sad about it but it is what it is. Have fun with it guys. I'm out.
I can't help but compare this wait to the Sombra ARG at Overwatch. The ARGists were extremely angry with how long it took, boycotting Blizzard and claiming that they don't care about the new hero anymore, only for everyone to be very happy and hyped when Sombra was introduced at Blizzcon, despite supposedly not caring.
This is the exact same thing, just with different company and no ARG.
Is it just me or is anybody else that checks this waiting thread every hour in hopes of new updates showing up and wishing that you could just travel in time into the future on the day ep 1 comes out?
I can't help but compare this wait to the Sombra ARG at Overwatch. The ARGists were extremely angry with how long it took, boycotting Blizza… morerd and claiming that they don't care about the new hero anymore, only for everyone to be very happy and hyped when Sombra was introduced at Blizzcon, despite supposedly not caring.
This is the exact same thing, just with different company and no ARG.
I'm fed up at this point. I know I'm one person and there's plenty of other fans but I don't even care about the game anymore. I can't take … morethe lack of communication or transparency or borderline lying anymore. I'm so sad about it but it is what it is. Have fun with it guys. I'm out.
I understand that this is how Telltale has "promoted" their games in the past, but this is such an atrocious marketing strategy. Instead of hyping your fans, you are just pissing them off at this point. Being this silent about A New Frontier for so long, is so fucking insulting and a joke. I understand the floods of comments saying "be patient". I've been patient for over two years. The game is supposed to be released THIS month, and yet we have NOTHING. No trailers, no additional screenshots, just constantly shoving Batman up our asses. I'm so sorry for being rude, I am just a passionate TWDG fan who is so excited for this game, and just wishes that Telltale would actually promote their game.
I understand that this is how Telltale has "promoted" their games in the past, but this is such an atrocious marketing strategy. Instead of … morehyping your fans, you are just pissing them off at this point. Being this silent about A New Frontier for so long, is so fucking insulting and a joke. I understand the floods of comments saying "be patient". I've been patient for over two years. The game is supposed to be released THIS month, and yet we have NOTHING. No trailers, no additional screenshots, just constantly shoving Batman up our asses. I'm so sorry for being rude, I am just a passionate TWDG fan who is so excited for this game, and just wishes that Telltale would actually promote their game.
Seeing Batman episode 4 get a trailer before TWD got me like
Well I like both but I understand you.
lol TTWD fans are salty :P
cough teasertrailerandscreenshotsmonthsbeforerelease cough
PLEASE no references to S1...please no references to S2...please no references to Michonne. :P
cough andthennothingatallformonthsonend,justablackholeofgrowinganticipationwithnopayoff coughcough hackhack wheeze
damn i need to have another cigarette
And now your just sad...
Here you are.
I'm fed up at this point. I know I'm one person and there's plenty of other fans but I don't even care about the game anymore. I can't take the lack of communication or transparency or borderline lying anymore. I'm so sad about it but it is what it is. Have fun with it guys. I'm out.
If you were waiting for batman for nearly three years and all they were talking about was TWD you'd be salty too.
They said there would be 8min of footage this week. Hold off saying that until the end of this week if they haven't released it by then.
I can't help but compare this wait to the Sombra ARG at Overwatch. The ARGists were extremely angry with how long it took, boycotting Blizzard and claiming that they don't care about the new hero anymore, only for everyone to be very happy and hyped when Sombra was introduced at Blizzcon, despite supposedly not caring.
This is the exact same thing, just with different company and no ARG.
That was me a couple weeks back, now its just checking a few times a day then fall back into my pit of sadness.
Ha, not gonna happen.
how long did they wait? like a month or 2?
We wait for like 3 years now.
Welcome back! It's good to see you again.
And... Probably not the best thing to say...
Telltale you better give us more info this week...

if not this will happen
The more days pass, the more i feel like twd s3 is just a prank ;(
Bye, Felicia.
No i wouldn't.
Um, I think you're forgetting the superior version of this song.
That actually looks like a really comfortable place to be. (providing air holes of course)
I keep meaning to replay season 1 and 2 so my choices are ready but I cant get any motivation to do so.
You are not welcome in our sub-forum¿
I understand that this is how Telltale has "promoted" their games in the past, but this is such an atrocious marketing strategy. Instead of hyping your fans, you are just pissing them off at this point. Being this silent about A New Frontier for so long, is so fucking insulting and a joke. I understand the floods of comments saying "be patient". I've been patient for over two years. The game is supposed to be released THIS month, and yet we have NOTHING. No trailers, no additional screenshots, just constantly shoving Batman up our asses. I'm so sorry for being rude, I am just a passionate TWDG fan who is so excited for this game, and just wishes that Telltale would actually promote their game.
Couldnt you do something else while you wait? Just sitting around waiting for the game seems pointless.
I do other things, it's just that the game is always on my mind, and I can't stop thinking about it.
Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face!
I betting there getting Batman done first. Than release the TWD A new frontier. Well Friday I going to enjoy Pokemon sun and Moon till TWD.
I'm just sooooo booooored. I'm like a bloody child, I need constant entertainment.
Social Experiment - Fake Game Announcement [GONE VIRAL]
... I think I just died.
(I know this is fake)
Well, I'll hopefully be picking up The Wolf Among Us soon, which should keep my mind off of this game for a while.