Hold on guys PSN isn't always right, let's hear it from Telltale before jumping to conclusions. I mean they said that Watch dogs 1 would release in June 2014, but it actually released way earlier.
God, are you there? Any chance you can make sure that TT releases this and Episode 5 of Batman on this date so I can play both before I have to go away for Christmas for a few days and when I come back I will no doubt be super distracted with games like Skyrim and Bioshock? That would be awesome, so thanks.
Hold on guys PSN isn't always right, let's hear it from Telltale before jumping to conclusions. I mean they said that Watch dogs 1 would release in June 2014, but it actually released way earlier.
Hold on guys PSN isn't always right, let's hear it from Telltale before jumping to conclusions. I mean they said that Watch dogs 1 would release in June 2014, but it actually released way earlier.
This thread just blew up lol. I'm glad we finally got a release date and I really don't mind that It got delayed. I just hope it wont have FPS issues like Batman had
Awesome Key art and Cover art. I don't mind waiting a bit longer for the game to release on December 20 but I am extremely disappointed that Telltale didn't tell us earlier and instead waited until the end of the month
I am happy and dissapointet at the same time.
New game page is up
The day I get on a plane to start vacation... figures.
Does anyone remember how much GB was Season 1 and 2?
Season 3 seems to be 9.3GB according to psn
Wait...If it release on the 20th, do I wait until I get a new computer at Christmas or buy it for PS4. What do.
20th December. Nice that we were lied to when they said it would be released in November thanks telltale
It's still comming in 2016!!!
Hold on guys PSN isn't always right, let's hear it from Telltale before jumping to conclusions. I mean they said that Watch dogs 1 would release in June 2014, but it actually released way earlier.
God, are you there? Any chance you can make sure that TT releases this and Episode 5 of Batman on this date so I can play both before I have to go away for Christmas for a few days and when I come back I will no doubt be super distracted with games like Skyrim and Bioshock? That would be awesome, so thanks.
Javier has a beard. Does that mean he got lucky?........Real lucky?
I think mobile version will be delay as usual
Oh my... OzzyUK & Blind Sniper posted at the same time. You know what this means...
Telltale has said it's Dec 20 on their Twitter
Telltale already confirmed it on twitter.
GOD BLESS I will be able to download it on my new phone by the time it comes out for iOS lol
Oh man. I can't keep up with the pages. Every time I move on to the next one, another one appears.
This girl is 5 years into the apocalypse and she's still wearing earrings...
Eh, peace & love works too.
This thread just blew up lol. I'm glad we finally got a release date and I really don't mind that It got delayed. I just hope it wont have FPS issues like Batman had
Annnnd new background saved.
Cover art!
Wahoo news! But damn the 20th of Dec. Ugh thought it was closer. Nice picture though, very dramatic looking.
I can wait till December lol It'd be an awesome Christmas present! (a gift to myself that is)
Okay, This is fucking beautiful I'm not gonna lie.
They never said themselves it would be november, it was leaked...
He has. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Game of Mods confirmed to release next year.
I like how Clem still has her signature resting bitch face on most of the screenshots so far
It's adorable
I hope they do the pre order deal with xbox one, i really wanted to get season 1 and 2 but only two and 3 sounds nice too
This is perhaps one of the best cover art I've ever witnessed.
Oh, hey Sandra!
Wow, Telltale has really stepped up their production qualities over the years - look at all the detail on Javier's model.
That girl in the front must be Kate or Eleanor from the IMDB
Awesome Key art and Cover art. I don't mind waiting a bit longer for the game to release on December 20 but I am extremely disappointed that Telltale didn't tell us earlier and instead waited until the end of the month