Hooray for December release! I think I'm not away at that time so it's great! I missed the Batman premiere by 5 days because I was away. Had to avoid spoilers. But not this time! This'll be fun.
It's understandable, considering how long it was thought to be November. I can see why some people are a bit annoyed about the delay. Personally for me, as long as it performs well and I can enjoy the game, I'm happy.
The season pass. For digital download. What you're talking about is the Disc release with season pass, in February. The normal season pass comes in late December.
The Digital Season Pass comes in December. The Season Pass Disc comes in February. Pre-ordering from Telltale.com gives you the digital Season Pass, I believe.
Hooray for December release! I think I'm not away at that time so it's great! I missed the Batman premiere by 5 days because I was away. Had to avoid spoilers. But not this time! This'll be fun.
is that all episodes together?
It's understandable, considering how long it was thought to be November. I can see why some people are a bit annoyed about the delay. Personally for me, as long as it performs well and I can enjoy the game, I'm happy.
S2 released Dec 17 2013
*3 years ago
Okay, thanks, I got a little scared there for a second
He got lucky... Real luck.
Kenny Effect is working as it seems.
The girl looks like Jane with long hair lol... Btw, I'M SO EXCITED!!!
He needs the power that comes with the beard.
I would assume everyone in the apocalypse does considering the amount of stress they're under.
Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.
That feeling when you can only preorder the game if you're in the US, UK or Canada.
Well...now we know....Dec 20 will be a day of days.
Wait...if the season pass for PS4 isn't coming until Feb, what exactly am i pre ordering?
The Season Pass Disc isn't coming until February.
I admit, when I saw the art. My initial first thought was of Joel and Ellie.
The season pass. For digital download. What you're talking about is the Disc release with season pass, in February. The normal season pass comes in late December.
Okay, so the pre order is for the digital season pass then?
They said during the last comic con it would be released in november. That's a fact.
Well Pre-orders are available now i want buyit on the steam but i cant find it.
Oh, They must be very good friends or... not think about it hehehe

Yes. Episode 1 comes out on December 20, midnight Eastern Time, as seen here.
The Digital Season Pass comes in December. The Season Pass Disc comes in February. Pre-ordering from Telltale.com gives you the digital Season Pass, I believe.
I hope the positioning of Clem and that Walker isn't hinting something bad for her...
Good pull, i wonder why that woman is wearing Clem's flanel.
Edit: Nevermind. Read it wrong.
steam version is not up yet. checked so i could wishlist it but not there.
This beard...
I hope how Javier looks in the art isn't just only in the art. He needs that beard to look badass.
Oh dear...
It's up for pre ordering on PS4, this will be the first game EVER that I will pre order.
Are pre-orders available for PS4? I can't find it.
Is she the person Clem is looking for with Javier? hmmmmm
Only for US, UK and Canada right now, at least according to the Telltale site.
And a guy wouldn't always have a razor on hand, or might not feel the need to shave so much in the apocalypse as well.
Good luck with the pre-order guys! I'll have to wait to play on my Android or iOS device... Ohh