Ok, the way I understand it that selection is just a little service to connect to the correct store (gamestop.co.uk vs. gamestop.com for example) if you go with retail?
Why does TTStore only give Canada/US/UK as options at the pre-order screen? Does that selection matter? Am I able to order it as "american" … morefor example and still be able to download it? I am german and want to pre-order, so... maybe put a few more countries in that list? Or remove it completely.
Guys, how many of you have preordered this game, or IS going to preorder this game?
I really want to preorder it because i love this series… more. I dont care paying full price for this game. That 10% is just a bonus.
But, do you think it'll be a good idea to preorder games from telltale?
Sometimes tho he'll mess with me and open my door and the conversation goes..... him: "Clementine's going to die." me: "No she won't, how do you know?" him: "what happened to the duck kid?" me: "He died." him: "exactly." and walks off. XD
It's worse on YouTube. Any video not having anything to do with TWD is filled with people demanding TWD, while TWD videos are filled with people shitting on it and demanding new seasons of this game or that game. Honestly, Telltale just cannot win.
The comments on Facebook are really pissing me off. They finally give us some new info and a release date and all anyone can say is, "Enough… more with TWD. Give us new seasons to a series that was never even confirmed to have multiple seasons." Good fucking lord, nobody accepts good news when they see it.
I'm still hyped regardless, and while I'm a little dissapointed that it won't be premiering this month, I'm glad we got something at least.
I'm just gonna say, if they pull an Omid with Kenny and Jane, the fucking game will be number one on the list of worst games I've played this decade. It's one thing to have a shitty plot point, it's a whole other thing to use that shitty plot point again with major characters in the same way. Hopefully it'll be good, but if it isn't, there's always Dontnod and Tales from the Borderlands.
the fucking game will be number one on the list of worst games I've played this decade.
Of the decade? Well, now I'm just downright curious. What do you consider the current worst game of the decade? I mean, for games, a decade is a pretty long time, you know? There has been a metric shit-ton of shit in the past decade.
I'm just gonna say, if they pull an Omid with Kenny and Jane, the fucking game will be number one on the list of worst games I've played thi… mores decade. It's one thing to have a shitty plot point, it's a whole other thing to use that shitty plot point again with major characters in the same way. Hopefully it'll be good, but if it isn't, there's always Dontnod and Tales from the Borderlands.
Well I was exaggerating a bit, I'll be pissed but not that pissed. But now that you ask I am interested in answering. For me, a bad game has to have shit gameplay, poor story, devoid of game feel and of course, be glitchy. Bonus points if it betrays long time fans of the series the game is from and even more if the game is boring. But most of all, 100+ shit points if it contains things that are a huge issue with the gaming industry. Such as Microtransactions, Movies as games, etc
When you narrow it down to that much, you have quite a few options. (this is from last decade and this one)
Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)
Resident Evil 6
Skyward Sword
Ride to Hell: Retribution
The Order 1886
Final Hallway 13
Umbrella Corps
Mortal Kombat X
Heavy Rain
Indigo Prophecy
Beyond Two Souls
Mighty No 9
MegaMan X7
Sonic Boom
Silent Hill Book of Memories
And a few others that are too tasking to mention.
For me personally, the worst game I've played in the past 10 years is Resident Evil 6. ANF will never be anywhere as bad I'm sure, but I'll definitely be fuckin' miffed if the game pulls the shit that Season 2 pulled. And yes, I get it, there are valid reasons for how Season 2 turned out, but there are also valid reasons for how Sonic 06 turned out and nobody excuses that shit.
the fucking game will be number one on the list of worst games I've played this decade.
Of the decade? Well, now I'm just downright … morecurious. What do you consider the current worst game of the decade? I mean, for games, a decade is a pretty long time, you know? There has been a metric shit-ton of shit in the past decade.
No, it was Clementine, and that's exactly the problem with Season 2. Everyone else pretty much existed only so that they could fuck up and die. They had almost no personality even before Kenny showed up, or did a 180 in Episode 2 like Rebecca. Kenny only "overshadowed" the other characters because they were almost nonexistent in the first place. Kenny and Clementine are the most realistic characters in this Season (and that says quite something about the rest of the cast), pretty much everyone else was a disaster waiting to happen and shouldn't even have survived that long. Just think about it. And while Kenny did get a lot of screentime, in the end, he also only came back to further Clementine's transformation into some uber human survivor (she's eleven). Clementine is also being compared by a man in 40s to himself because she's apparently one of the toughest people he has met or something (she's still eleven btw), which again says quite something about the people Carver keeps around him and about the writers of Season 2.
Job did say "Javier is central to this story" and "It's really Javier's story".
Ok, the way I understand it that selection is just a little service to connect to the correct store (gamestop.co.uk vs. gamestop.com for example) if you go with retail?
So my country of origin should not matter if I check TTStore, right? The link is also always the same (https://telltale.com/cart/?add=PROD0078DEADXX00WDS3)
Still, I would like some clarification on this before I put my money in.
For telltale

Ya right...
Get Hyped!

Please don't let me regret this...
I do, indeed, and Tokyo Ghoul is very dear to me.
It was said on the Amazon page for the game, shes on a "quest for revenge"
Just bough it too
Guys from that new poster thingy, I think I've figured out what the first episode of Season 3 is going to be called...
Close Shave!
(They don't; we found something out on our own but held off on sharing it as we weren't sure if Telltale wanted to tell people first or not)
Javier's beard will rememeber that.
she should because overwise she will be overused like "The Walking Dead : Season 12 : Clementine as an old woman"
I've preordered the moment it was available.
Stop being so angsty, Clementine was the sole focus of Season 2 and it didn't work well.
Me too, just hoping it'll actually run on my laptop.
I wouldn't say that, some people enjoyed Clem as a sole focus.
Eh He doesn't really LIKE it but he knows I love it and he'll listen. (Sorry if I came off a bit rude, I didn't mean it to be rude ><)
Sometimes tho he'll mess with me and open my door and the conversation goes..... him: "Clementine's going to die." me: "No she won't, how do you know?" him: "what happened to the duck kid?" me: "He died." him: "exactly." and walks off. XD
EXCITING!!! Cant wait.
They already have specifications on the game page
Poster, which I would
like to see))
Lmao at Kenny running.
No shit. She's a fantastic character.
Balls of steel.
Um... Considering clem's size and weight was integral to using the lift to escape carter, they may not have gotten out.
Not to mention carver caught them all and clem either shoots him or jumps on his back allowing kenny to gain the upper hand.
oh no God please no
It's worse on YouTube. Any video not having anything to do with TWD is filled with people demanding TWD, while TWD videos are filled with people shitting on it and demanding new seasons of this game or that game. Honestly, Telltale just cannot win.
I'd pay to see this, actually.
Wrong, all Telltale TWD episodes have three word titles.
You want to see Valking Ead: W Frontier?
Episode 5 better be called: Three Words Long
A Close Shave?
No, idiot! That was Kenny!
"The Closest Shave"
Javier's Close Shave
I'm just gonna say, if they pull an Omid with Kenny and Jane, the fucking game will be number one on the list of worst games I've played this decade. It's one thing to have a shitty plot point, it's a whole other thing to use that shitty plot point again with major characters in the same way. Hopefully it'll be good, but if it isn't, there's always Dontnod and Tales from the Borderlands.
Of the decade? Well, now I'm just downright curious. What do you consider the current worst game of the decade? I mean, for games, a decade is a pretty long time, you know? There has been a metric shit-ton of shit in the past decade.
Well I was exaggerating a bit, I'll be pissed but not that pissed. But now that you ask I am interested in answering. For me, a bad game has to have shit gameplay, poor story, devoid of game feel and of course, be glitchy. Bonus points if it betrays long time fans of the series the game is from and even more if the game is boring. But most of all, 100+ shit points if it contains things that are a huge issue with the gaming industry. Such as Microtransactions, Movies as games, etc
When you narrow it down to that much, you have quite a few options. (this is from last decade and this one)
For me personally, the worst game I've played in the past 10 years is Resident Evil 6. ANF will never be anywhere as bad I'm sure, but I'll definitely be fuckin' miffed if the game pulls the shit that Season 2 pulled. And yes, I get it, there are valid reasons for how Season 2 turned out, but there are also valid reasons for how Sonic 06 turned out and nobody excuses that shit.
No, it was Clementine, and that's exactly the problem with Season 2. Everyone else pretty much existed only so that they could fuck up and die. They had almost no personality even before Kenny showed up, or did a 180 in Episode 2 like Rebecca. Kenny only "overshadowed" the other characters because they were almost nonexistent in the first place. Kenny and Clementine are the most realistic characters in this Season (and that says quite something about the rest of the cast), pretty much everyone else was a disaster waiting to happen and shouldn't even have survived that long. Just think about it. And while Kenny did get a lot of screentime, in the end, he also only came back to further Clementine's transformation into some uber human survivor (she's eleven). Clementine is also being compared by a man in 40s to himself because she's apparently one of the toughest people he has met or something (she's still eleven btw), which again says quite something about the people Carver keeps around him and about the writers of Season 2.