Wow this has to be the most active thread on the forums. Anyway I'm kind of disappointed the season pass disc is not until February because … morethe box art looks amazing but I can't wait to play episode 1 I'm probably not going to get the episode until the 22nd anyway and spoilers are so hard to avoid.
No he's not. If he wasn't returning then you'd know. This is the best way he can tell the fans that he's in the season without using those exact words.
I don't really know how it works but I just checked my game after replacing my hard drive that broke and I had no save on my documents folder.
I entered the game and checked "my saves" and I found out that my save from 2014 was still there. So I don't know where the save's actually are but probably in some steam cloud or telltale cloud if there's one.
Guys, if i uninstall The Walking Dead Season 2 (Steam) right now, will my save carry over to TWD: A New Frontier? Gotta make some space for other games too
Well then you're one of the lucky ones. A lot of people (and I mean A LOT) have been experiencing performance issues and bugs, even more so than other Telltale games.
By "choices matter", do you mean that choices have a significant impact? (Such as determinant characters playing a large role in the story)
This more. There doesn't need to be 20 different endings for a choice to matter. But in all their games, no matter how you treat a certain character, they're always going to hate you. Fed Larry and you're nice to him? No, sucks for you because he's always going to treat you the same. Like in TWAU, I was always nice to Dee and Dum. Never put a finger on them. Didn't took their money. But what happened? Everyone's saying I "Beat them to a pulp." My choice never mattered. I might as well have played Bigby as a dick because no matter what, people always say I did this or I did that, when I never did. In Batman too. If you choose the less violent choice, people still say "Batman tried to kill them!" Also determinate characters too. Might as well not even give us a chance to save anyone since they're going to die in six seconds anyways. When I got the choice to leave Sarah, I left her. For two reasons: 1) She was liability. 2) I knew she was going to die or be saved. But I knew if I saved her, she would die in six seconds anyways. So I left her.
Guess what? She did died six seconds after that. It's like Telltale always brags about having all these staff members that work on their games. But when it comes to branching out a little, they don't have enough time to make the additional parts with the determinate characters so they just off them.
By "choices matter", do you mean that choices have a significant impact? (Such as determinant characters playing a large role in the story) … moreor just more outcomes depending on choices you made in previous episodes?
Or neither? I've never really played a choice-based game where choices actually matter. (InFamous doesn't count, does it?)
So, I don't really know what people mean when they say that.
Clem and AJ stayed with Kenny in my ending. Originally I was alone but 1. I love Kenny, and 2. I was curious about his role in Season 3 ... and if he's dead or not with me for any reason and I'm alone, to begin with...... Kinda hard to see him in game XD
I can't understand people that keep asking Gavin if he's gonna Voice Act Kenny in season 3.
Do they not understand that the actors sign on some NDA shit and are not allowed to speak about the game unless they get premission to? They expect him to just spill the beans and tell us everything we want to know?
The Valking D?
I know how you feel. I want to hold out until the season pass disc, but I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to. Same thing happened for me with Batman...
As long as the game runs smoothly on my PC, no gamebreaking bugs and other annoying stuff, we should be fine.
Rashid and Vanessa.
Did Batman playing good on your PC?
It didn't play good on anyones PC.
No he's not. If he wasn't returning then you'd know. This is the best way he can tell the fans that he's in the season without using those exact words.
It's just gonna be like 5 minutes anyways.
i had no problem with my laptop
You haven't heard about Valking Ead: W Frontier?
Or zero minutes for me.
I was forced to play the game on Window mode on my Laptop in order to run it smoothly. Even in my big PC back home, it doesn't run perfectly.
Oh hey, me too!
I'm on the PSN website and I have no idea how to download. Would you know how to download it?
ugh this is such a headache!!!
I don't really know how it works but I just checked my game after replacing my hard drive that broke and I had no save on my documents folder.
I entered the game and checked "my saves" and I found out that my save from 2014 was still there. So I don't know where the save's actually are but probably in some steam cloud or telltale cloud if there's one.
It runs smooth as butter on my PC, and it's slightly below minimum requirements.
Well then you're one of the lucky ones. A lot of people (and I mean A LOT) have been experiencing performance issues and bugs, even more so than other Telltale games.
I too had no problems beside some broken lip sync in Episode 3 :P
Then you got lucky. Real lucky.
Your system requirements. NOW!
Your system requirements.
Your system requirements.
Totaly for me.
But maybe Clem will say about him in flashback.
The Walking Dead A New Frontier still is not arrival in the Xbox store?? Or was anyone able to pree order?
I can see it now...
It is a MSI notebook ( GE70 2PE Apache pro), have it already for more than 2 years
Windows 8.1
Nvidea GTX860M
Intel core i7-4710HQ
I was looking at this picture seeing Omid and than BAM.
Wild Kenny appeared out of no where.
wakes up in the morning
"Oh, it isn't December 20th yet? Okay then, back to the usual."
This more. There doesn't need to be 20 different endings for a choice to matter. But in all their games, no matter how you treat a certain character, they're always going to hate you. Fed Larry and you're nice to him? No, sucks for you because he's always going to treat you the same. Like in TWAU, I was always nice to Dee and Dum. Never put a finger on them. Didn't took their money. But what happened? Everyone's saying I "Beat them to a pulp." My choice never mattered. I might as well have played Bigby as a dick because no matter what, people always say I did this or I did that, when I never did. In Batman too. If you choose the less violent choice, people still say "Batman tried to kill them!" Also determinate characters too. Might as well not even give us a chance to save anyone since they're going to die in six seconds anyways. When I got the choice to leave Sarah, I left her. For two reasons: 1) She was liability. 2) I knew she was going to die or be saved. But I knew if I saved her, she would die in six seconds anyways. So I left her.
Guess what? She did died six seconds after that. It's like Telltale always brags about having all these staff members that work on their games. But when it comes to branching out a little, they don't have enough time to make the additional parts with the determinate characters so they just off them.
I like your profile picture.
Thanks I made it by myself.
What about #TeamAloneWithAJ
Rashid and Vanessa XD The missing people from Pete's crew in Michonne.
I wish telltale would go back to single protagonist. This multiple viewpoint stuff is so immersion-breaking.
Clem and AJ stayed with Kenny in my ending. Originally I was alone but 1. I love Kenny, and 2. I was curious about his role in Season 3 ... and if he's dead or not with me for any reason and I'm alone, to begin with...... Kinda hard to see him in game XD
I can't understand people that keep asking Gavin if he's gonna Voice Act Kenny in season 3.
Do they not understand that the actors sign on some NDA shit and are not allowed to speak about the game unless they get premission to? They expect him to just spill the beans and tell us everything we want to know?
Dayum no chill
Ahh...deja vu..