'Swear' Episode Discussion
I'm going to watch something else and don't want to forget so here it is early.
This week brings back Tara and Heath after the episode about the Hilltop. Jesus and Carl are also on their way to the Sanctuary. Exciting.
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way too early
I wonder how that happened. Alanna Masterson's thing in the intro is an overturned boat, so maybe it is related to that.
Maybe those two are from Oceanside. Or maybe they are just random peoples.
Seems like they're bringing Oceanside into the show. So far I'm not liking it that much. I'm hoping they'll just stick to the comics until Negan is "dealt with"
Looks like we got ourselves a new Lizzie... or maybe a Becca.
Oh god, please not another Becca
Eh I'd like to see Oceanside get developed they're practically non existent in the comics
Is it just me or is this an all-female survivor camp? I mean I think this is Oceanside too, which I don't think was all girl (for obvious reasons).
I think this community is all chicks....
Edit: Goddammit Ingen... stop beating everyone to everything
Lucky for Tara, am I right?
I want in unless this is some sort of anti-men Amazon colony.
Bet Pete wishes he lived in this Oceanside
I read the comics too. I'm just hoping that they don't take away from Negans Arc
I think they all are.
Well, I think we need an explanation first why it is all women so far. Could be good, could be and.
But I agree, why would Pete not want to live in a place like this?
It is Oceanside
Oceanside Coastal Motor Cabin, Virginia.
So this is Oceanside. Certainly weird.
All this talk of boats and fishing is reminding me of the Boatmaster.
Jeez, "shoot strangers on sight". Even the Saviors aren't like that. I mean, not entirely.
I doubt it.
Death by snu snu
Did anyone else notice they use Molly's bell idea?
Finally a character with the same name as me.
They bash strangers on sight.
Its a TERRIBLE policy to have. What if said stranger has friends? All chance of negotiating goes out the window. Try to imagine a scenario where post Terminus/pre Alexandria Rick and company accidently stumble across this place
I had a character that had the same name, age, and general location of living.
He's dead.
"I have a girlfriend I want to get back to."
Yeah, about that.
"I have a girlfriend I want to get back to" poor Tara....If or when she returns to Alexandria.
Well that other group is the Saviors. Probably.
At least they aren't some super feminazi state. To be honest that would have been a really interesting concept to explore in the Walking Dead, still, whatever. Go Oceanside. I hope Pete will live.
The pain will be like arrow through the heart.
Or the eye
Oh how I miss boatmaster....
I don't know if I'm the only one that thinks this, but Tara's attitude/jokes totally ruin the mood for me.
The show is going to have to add a lot more Saviors to make Season 8 interesting.
Which character?
Does Tara have the biggest rack in the Walking Dead, or does Tara have the biggest rack in the Walking Dead? And 2 cheers for flicking off angry little snot nosed brats.
You know, had they not just tried to shoot Tara, I was thinking that they would form an alliance and with Oceanside's supply of guns, that's how they would start the war with the Saviors.
Thank God I'm not the only one who noticed.
I think it's because her actor just had a baby.