Episodes 1 and 2 released together just in case we try to move the story in a direction Tell tale don't want. So, yeah, a case of Batman here where we'll do something in episode 1 and the characters will act like we did something else.
Seriously though, if the first two episodes are only 60-90 minutes long, they could put em' together - would be the length of a TWDGS1 episode, they might be doing it for the money, or perhaps they really did try to focus on two episodes - btw does anyone know how many episodes the series will be?
Seriously though, if the first two episodes are only 60-90 minutes long, they could put em' together - would be the length of a TWDGS1 episo… morede, they might be doing it for the money, or perhaps they really did try to focus on two episodes - btw does anyone know how many episodes the series will be?
It's weird how much of TT's Walking Dead series resonates with me personally. 1) I've lived in Athens, GA for almost 20 years and have friends who went to or teach at UGA (and have visited Macon a couple times). 2) I was raised in Miami and, while not Cuban myself, grew up among Cubans and Cuban-American friends, families, teachers, etc.
It just makes these characters and situations even more real for me.
Aaaahhh... I'm so glad I know spanish... btw, I don't know if I love or hate their accent. I mean, it's supposed to sound cuban, right? I never heard cuban accent, but that sounds super Mexican. Also, it brings me memories of Fear TWShit (my family forced me to watch it in spanish [it sounds terrible] and the Mexican accent now provocates me nightmares of that horrible series).
But... I heard it was going to be an 8 minutes gameplay... right? Or did I get something wrong?
Also little Lizzie makes me worry we will have another Sarah. Bitch mom, I wanted to die when I heard the Mijo ("My son"). It's just... I never heard a Mijo in real life! Is it common in the north or just a yankee stereotype of us? I loved how in a dangerous situation they switched from english to spanish, I hope they keep it.
Well I did nail it when I said they will show Clementine in the last few seconds.
And am I the only one that actually liked how the new engine looks like?
When we all thought Javi and Clem would join sides because the farms kidnapped their families but Clem is actually working for them and taking Javier prisoner
Just saw the gameplay footage and I am super impressed with it.
And omfg They showed Clem and she looks sooo badass and soo adorable. Omg I really wanted to watch it live but... my fucking life and fucking college exams
And again soo hyped to meet sweet Badass Clem or should I say- Cute Badass Clementine
It honestly doesn't surprise me, there are 16 year old individuals who are perceived to look like they're in their mid 30's and there are 40 year old individuals that look like young adults. Appearance doesn't equate age after all
Like, if you killed Kenny or not I guess. And maybe if you wanna change your choice, not everyone played through it multiple times, even if they disliked their ending.
I would be surprised if there was anything noticeable to configure besides Kenny and Jane's fates, perhaps Bonnie's.
Episodes 1 and 2 released together just in case we try to move the story in a direction Tell tale don't want. So, yeah, a case of Batman here where we'll do something in episode 1 and the characters will act like we did something else.
Seriously though, if the first two episodes are only 60-90 minutes long, they could put em' together - would be the length of a TWDGS1 episode, they might be doing it for the money, or perhaps they really did try to focus on two episodes - btw does anyone know how many episodes the series will be?
What if both episodes are two and a half hours long?
There will be five episodes.
Is that a joke?
Javi es Cubano, amigo.
Yeah, that stood out for me, too! Nice touch, TT.
It's weird how much of TT's Walking Dead series resonates with me personally. 1) I've lived in Athens, GA for almost 20 years and have friends who went to or teach at UGA (and have visited Macon a couple times). 2) I was raised in Miami and, while not Cuban myself, grew up among Cubans and Cuban-American friends, families, teachers, etc.
It just makes these characters and situations even more real for me.
Aaaahhh... I'm so glad I know spanish... btw, I don't know if I love or hate their accent. I mean, it's supposed to sound cuban, right? I never heard cuban accent, but that sounds super Mexican. Also, it brings me memories of Fear TWShit (my family forced me to watch it in spanish [it sounds terrible] and the Mexican accent now provocates me nightmares of that horrible series).
But... I heard it was going to be an 8 minutes gameplay... right? Or did I get something wrong?
Also little Lizzie makes me worry we will have another Sarah. Bitch mom, I wanted to die when I heard the Mijo ("My son"). It's just... I never heard a Mijo in real life! Is it common in the north or just a yankee stereotype of us? I loved how in a dangerous situation they switched from english to spanish, I hope they keep it.
Clem and Javi at the end have me Luke ptsd.
Well I did nail it when I said they will show Clementine in the last few seconds.
And am I the only one that actually liked how the new engine looks like?

Wow i'm so excited for the 2episodes. This is gonna be HUGE!
any thoughts on if there's a chance Kenny will survive or will he meet the same way as omid.
Finally after all these years...

Unless you're calling all people from Spain a joke, no. That's the correct terminology for someone from Spain.
Its funny how a 13 year old looks like a 16+ year old.
Probably the same way as omid.
Still screaming everytime I see this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: just made this gif

Gotta agree on that...
I swear Clementine looks like a totally different character from a totally different game every time I see her.
She really looks older than she really is. She looks more like she is in her +16 than 13.
When we all thought Javi and Clem would join sides because the farms kidnapped their families but Clem is actually working for them and taking Javier prisoner
Boy, were we wrong!
Well, thats what a world gone to hell does to you
Well now we know why this game was delayed. 2 Episodes in one month is better than having to wait for the second!

Edit 1: How do i post pictures so we can see them here?
Edit 2: There we go
Yeah. I don't mind her looking older, at least it is now more believable when she do the more heavier physical stuff.
I use HTML
Pick the html option
Just saw the gameplay footage and I am super impressed with it.
And omfg They showed Clem and she looks sooo badass and soo adorable. Omg I really wanted to watch it live but... my fucking life and fucking college exams
And again soo hyped to meet sweet Badass Clem or should I say-
Cute Badass Clementine
ikr? she's back!!!
What other platform?
It honestly doesn't surprise me, there are 16 year old individuals who are perceived to look like they're in their mid 30's and there are 40 year old individuals that look like young adults. Appearance doesn't equate age after all
Last gen most likely.
Telltale haven't confirmed nor denied if ps3 and xbox 360 ports would be made, so it could be for those.
Although Dont_Look_Back does have a really compelling theory of a pinball release xd
This is gonna be HUGE! Latest tweet:
What exactly does 'configuring my past' mean?
So like, S3 is five episodes... but it's technically four episodes, but still five despite being four?
Like, if you killed Kenny or not I guess. And maybe if you wanna change your choice, not everyone played through it multiple times, even if they disliked their ending.
I would be surprised if there was anything noticeable to configure besides Kenny and Jane's fates, perhaps Bonnie's.
I'm expecting there to be gif of Javier peering his head around the corner.
Martin Scorcese Presents: The Walking Dead
You mean this :