Now that I think about it, its going to be weird playing as Javier with Clem around. Like Clem holding Javier hostage when your playing as him, who's side should I be on? Im playing as Javier but am I still Clementine? Like if there is a Clem vs Javier when they first meet, I'd probably just let Clementine beat up Javier because I wouldn't want to attack Clem.
Something I find relatable with Javier, is that he is speaking Spanish to his family. In my home, I am speaking Cantonese (Chinese) with my family. It helps to establish a closer and trusted relation, because you are sorta speaking your own private language between family.
Now that I think about it, its going to be weird playing as Javier with Clem around. Like Clem holding Javier hostage when your playing as h… moreim, who's side should I be on? Im playing as Javier but am I still Clementine? Like if there is a Clem vs Javier when they first meet, I'd probably just let Clementine beat up Javier because I wouldn't want to attack Clem.
agreed. if there is ever a Clem vs Javier. and we are playing as Javier.
I'll stop using the controls and get Javier's ass kicked cause I don't want to hurt Clementine even if it's a friendly fight
Now that I think about it, its going to be weird playing as Javier with Clem around. Like Clem holding Javier hostage when your playing as h… moreim, who's side should I be on? Im playing as Javier but am I still Clementine? Like if there is a Clem vs Javier when they first meet, I'd probably just let Clementine beat up Javier because I wouldn't want to attack Clem.
agreed. if there is ever a Clem vs Javier. and we are playing as Javier.
I'll stop using the controls and get Javier's ass kicked cause I don't want to hurt Clementine even if it's a friendly fight
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Clem's dialogue in the trailer is determinant. It sounds frighteningly similar to Nick's nihilistic spee… morech from episode two of season two, and I've always tried to make my version of Clementine the one holdout against all the cynicism in the TWD universe. It's perfectly possible to be a hardened survivor without becoming a complete sociopath.
No. It's absolutely fake. Notice the date? No American company would announce the release date like that; it's not "[Day] [Month]" it's [Month] [Day]" and you can see that reflected in the official, real, announcement.
Batman just got an optimization update on Steam; I am guessing New Frontier was delayed in part so that they could add the same optimization settings to New Frontier. I used the new "Balanced Performance" render settings in Batman, and got a massive boost in FPS.
I think they are just treating Episodes 1 and 2 as two parts now instead of two separate episodes. I don't think they actually went in and changed much.
I agree a hundred percent that these comments are tedious.
Regarding the point of discrepancy, I did feel like you were invalidating my opinion by connecting it with how annoying the community can become at times; perhaps you did not intend to do that. I just don't see what is inherently bad about disliking Telltale's latest decision.
All I'm saying is that out of all the communities on this website, The walking dead isn't the most friendly or positive. Might be due to tru… morest issues with Telltale after Season 2, but users can take it pretty far, and end up jumping to ridiculous conclusions. "It's just speculation". Yeah, but does it have to be so bitter? I'm not asking for 100% positive because that can get obnoxious, but seeing stuff like "OH MY GOD! CLEM SAID KENNY/JANE IS DEAD! FUCK TELLTALE!". "JAVIER IS SO BORING can get pretty irritating. I'll provide a example of a neutral standpoint "Javier's family seem a bit underdeveloped from the teaser, but maybe getting to interact with them in the full game, as Javier might improve my opinion of them". Its like a speech class you can't just throw negative after negative opinions on the presenter, there needs to be some positive feedback so that the presenter doesn't get discouraged and gives up.
The discussion of "Part One" will practically fall short compared to the case of other episodes, and the speculation of what will happen in "Part Two" will be nonexistent.
From what I've seen, users are not that upset by both episodes being released on the same day as much as they're upset by the separation itself; if they had kept the premiere as one, we would have one more episode in the season and more time to connect ourselves with the characters.
Please tell me what would have made it any different if Telltale released Part 2 of the premiere a month later? The only "complaint" that I can find is that the season will be over quicker.
Batman just got an optimization update on Steam; I am guessing New Frontier was delayed in part so that they could add the same optimization… more settings to New Frontier. I used the new "Balanced Performance" render settings in Batman, and got a massive boost in FPS.
It's not all new content - the game size is still relatively the same before and after. I think it's more that they largely updated files instead of adding new files.
Batman just got an optimization update on Steam
Oh, you mean that giant 7.7 GB update that just started for me a while ago?
They must have done some serious work if it's nearly 8 gigs worth of fixes.
Now that I think about it, its going to be weird playing as Javier with Clem around. Like Clem holding Javier hostage when your playing as h… moreim, who's side should I be on? Im playing as Javier but am I still Clementine? Like if there is a Clem vs Javier when they first meet, I'd probably just let Clementine beat up Javier because I wouldn't want to attack Clem.
It's not all new content - the game size is still relatively the same before and after. I think it's more that they largely updated files instead of adding new files.
Yeah. Previously, even using a higher end PC, my FPS would jump anywhere from ~20 to 60 FPS, but using the Balanced Rendering settings makes it consistently 50-60 FPS. Texture quality didn't make too much of a difference - I suspect the new rendering techniques they added in this newer engine version was the main culprit of the FPS issues.
If they added the equivalent of the "Balanced Performance" rendering settings to Console and Mobile ports, I bet the performance and optimization would practically skyrocket.
Look, I'm happy that we now have to wait less for the episodes to release, but knowing that this third season will take literally 3 months to complete is really sadenning. It almost feels like I'm yet again awaiting another mini series rather than a whole season.
I fear that having their series wrap up so quickly is going to lead to some serious moments of "Telltale void".
In all honesty, maybe having a void would be a good thing. If not for us, then for Telltale. I mean, when you think about it, they've basically been releasing games for over two years straight. No real stops along the way; when one series concluded, another was still going, then another one started up, and so forth. I think they have more than earned a small break. A month or two of downtime isn't really that bad.
Look, I'm happy that we now have to wait less for the episodes to release, but knowing that this third season will take literally 3 months t… moreo complete is really sadenning. It almost feels like I'm yet again awaiting another mini series rather than a whole season.
I fear that having their series wrap up so quickly is going to lead to some serious moments of "Telltale void".
Sorry I haven't been looking on what people have been saying. I was so sleepy last night I fell right asleepy, and then when i came home I just been working on this widdle thing:
Other little things to point out:
Saw the St John's Dairy in one of the pictures.
The way that ending scene with Clementine is shown, I would guess it to be where Jane and Kenny might be inserted depending on your endings. It's reminding of Pete during Episode 2 how it was optional him being with Michonne and Sam. It's a easily a scene that could play with or without anybody with Clem if she's keeping Javi prisoner.
Speaking of which, oh god is that the cool jacket? It looks like the cool jacket but I can't be sure!
I want to adopt Javi and his family.
Also I totally knew Javier was going to be a pro baseball player...or just a baseball player, but I had hunches on the first one!
Whoever decided on Javi moving around that corner like that and getting slapped by his Gran, I want to kiss you.
Clementine's boots are cool, so trendy.
I want Javier's bag. I WANT IT!
Clem is either keeping her distance because she doesn't trust him, or he smells and needs a shower.
I'm pretty positive it's because Javi stinks.
Clem made the right choice, I wouldn't trust a washed up baseball player with a scraggy beard who smells of twinkies. We raised her well! T.T good girl! You just, you just keep him bound up Clem until you find some other people okay!? You da boss, not him, he your bitch. Stay safe widdle waffle.
Yeah, I'm friggin excited. I would dance if I wasn't so exhausted right now. I need to go to bed now sorry. Fucking beautiful preview. That family stuff was awesome! So goooood [Crawls off for chocolate and sleepy time.]
We know Clementine is seeking revenge so maybe the community Javier and his siblings are apart of are the ones that wronged her in the past.… more
She might be taking him as an hostage so her group/community has bargain. I'm assuming they eventually bond in their time together.
Now, if Clementine is indeed not playable in the present timeline, then this is a really interesting set-up. The person/people who hurt Clem might be Javier's relatives and friends who were probably unjustified. Javier will have this dilemma between choosing to protect his family from Clem and the people she's with, or to just let fate decide everything. Our Clem might show more mercy and compassion on the people who did some bad shit depending on our choices from past Seasons and in the flashbacks.
Or maybe she's not taking him hostage at all. I don't think it's that clear.
Ravensnowstorm, would it be too much to ask you translate the Spanish conversations? I know a little Spanish but not a lot and I'm curious to what they were saying.
Aaaahhh... I'm so glad I know spanish... btw, I don't know if I love or hate their accent. I mean, it's supposed to sound cuban, right? I n… moreever heard cuban accent, but that sounds super Mexican. Also, it brings me memories of Fear TWShit (my family forced me to watch it in spanish [it sounds terrible] and the Mexican accent now provocates me nightmares of that horrible series).
But... I heard it was going to be an 8 minutes gameplay... right? Or did I get something wrong?
Also little Lizzie makes me worry we will have another Sarah. Bitch mom, I wanted to die when I heard the Mijo ("My son"). It's just... I never heard a Mijo in real life! Is it common in the north or just a yankee stereotype of us? I loved how in a dangerous situation they switched from english to spanish, I hope they keep it.
Clem and Javi at the end have me Luke ptsd.
Also, stress can age a person. Plus her experiences made her grow up (mentally) early in life. No school, no play time... just ... survival and learning to care for herself. All that combined made her an adult at age 13....
It honestly doesn't surprise me, there are 16 year old individuals who are perceived to look like they're in their mid 30's and there are 40 year old individuals that look like young adults. Appearance doesn't equate age after all
Dude, the game isn't longer if you have to wait more to get it.
The game is going to have the same duration, play it now, or play it when the 5 episodes are out already.
I don't understand why you like to wait to continue playing the game, it should be the opposite.
Look, I'm happy that we now have to wait less for the episodes to release, but knowing that this third season will take literally 3 months t… moreo complete is really sadenning. It almost feels like I'm yet again awaiting another mini series rather than a whole season.
I fear that having their series wrap up so quickly is going to lead to some serious moments of "Telltale void".
Are people really whining because they are releasing 2 episodes at the same time? I guess I should of expected this. I mean this is the most whiny community on the forums.
Kennyshouladiedins1 said:
My Gripes....Her voice does not sound like she smoked 4 packs a day and drank a bottle of rotgut a night....MY DREAM CRUSHED.
My Gripes....Her voice does not sound like she smoked 4 packs a day and drank a bottle of rotgut a night....MY DREAM CRUSHED. RIP AWESOME J… moreACKET 2014-2016
I would not screw around with new Clem...she has a friggen shotgun!!
Already like Javi
Why is it not on my computer right now?
"Hijo de pu*a, eres un mierda"
I think she's just being careful, doesn't want to take any chances, then after some time she gets to trust him
Now that I think about it, its going to be weird playing as Javier with Clem around. Like Clem holding Javier hostage when your playing as him, who's side should I be on? Im playing as Javier but am I still Clementine? Like if there is a Clem vs Javier when they first meet, I'd probably just let Clementine beat up Javier because I wouldn't want to attack Clem.
Something I find relatable with Javier, is that he is speaking Spanish to his family. In my home, I am speaking Cantonese (Chinese) with my family. It helps to establish a closer and trusted relation, because you are sorta speaking your own private language between family.
Is playing as Javier
Forces Clementine not to trust me to keep her safe
Exactly, so strange :P
agreed. if there is ever a Clem vs Javier. and we are playing as Javier.
cause I don't want to hurt Clementine even if it's a friendly fight 
I'll stop using the controls and get Javier's ass kicked
I can tell already Im just going to end up making Javier a suck up to Clem, lmao.
Although, all that she said was perfectly true...
No. It's absolutely fake. Notice the date? No American company would announce the release date like that; it's not "[Day] [Month]" it's [Month] [Day]" and you can see that reflected in the official, real, announcement.
Strange. My PlayStation 4 couldn't find Walking Dead: ANF on the console's store so I had to preorder it from the website.
I didn't realise that Clem tied Javier up in the Extended trailer. Is she becoming...... evil?
Daze, you deserve a cookie.
Batman just got an optimization update on Steam; I am guessing New Frontier was delayed in part so that they could add the same optimization settings to New Frontier. I used the new "Balanced Performance" render settings in Batman, and got a massive boost in FPS.
I think they are just treating Episodes 1 and 2 as two parts now instead of two separate episodes. I don't think they actually went in and changed much.
I agree a hundred percent that these comments are tedious.
Regarding the point of discrepancy, I did feel like you were invalidating my opinion by connecting it with how annoying the community can become at times; perhaps you did not intend to do that. I just don't see what is inherently bad about disliking Telltale's latest decision.
The discussion of "Part One" will practically fall short compared to the case of other episodes, and the speculation of what will happen in "Part Two" will be nonexistent.
From what I've seen, users are not that upset by both episodes being released on the same day as much as they're upset by the separation itself; if they had kept the premiere as one, we would have one more episode in the season and more time to connect ourselves with the characters.
Oh, you mean that giant 7.7 GB update that just started for me a while ago?
They must have done some serious work if it's nearly 8 gigs worth of fixes.
It's not all new content - the game size is still relatively the same before and after. I think it's more that they largely updated files instead of adding new files.
this is why meta gaming is bad. javier has no idea who clem is so the fact you do should not factor.
Yeah, I know it's not new content, but still. 8 GB is pretty big for a performance patch. They must have practically updated everything.
Yeah. Previously, even using a higher end PC, my FPS would jump anywhere from ~20 to 60 FPS, but using the Balanced Rendering settings makes it consistently 50-60 FPS. Texture quality didn't make too much of a difference - I suspect the new rendering techniques they added in this newer engine version was the main culprit of the FPS issues.
If they added the equivalent of the "Balanced Performance" rendering settings to Console and Mobile ports, I bet the performance and optimization would practically skyrocket.
Look, I'm happy that we now have to wait less for the episodes to release, but knowing that this third season will take literally 3 months to complete is really sadenning. It almost feels like I'm yet again awaiting another mini series rather than a whole season.
I fear that having their series wrap up so quickly is going to lead to some serious moments of "Telltale void".
In all honesty, maybe having a void would be a good thing. If not for us, then for Telltale. I mean, when you think about it, they've basically been releasing games for over two years straight. No real stops along the way; when one series concluded, another was still going, then another one started up, and so forth. I think they have more than earned a small break. A month or two of downtime isn't really that bad.
Sorry I haven't been looking on what people have been saying. I was so sleepy last night I fell right asleepy, and then when i came home I just been working on this widdle thing:
Other little things to point out:
Saw the St John's Dairy in one of the pictures.
The way that ending scene with Clementine is shown, I would guess it to be where Jane and Kenny might be inserted depending on your endings. It's reminding of Pete during Episode 2 how it was optional him being with Michonne and Sam. It's a easily a scene that could play with or without anybody with Clem if she's keeping Javi prisoner.
Speaking of which, oh god is that the cool jacket? It looks like the cool jacket but I can't be sure!
I want to adopt Javi and his family.
Also I totally knew Javier was going to be a pro baseball player...or just a baseball player, but I had hunches on the first one!
Whoever decided on Javi moving around that corner like that and getting slapped by his Gran, I want to kiss you.
Clementine's boots are cool, so trendy.
I want Javier's bag. I WANT IT!
Clem is either keeping her distance because she doesn't trust him, or he smells and needs a shower.
I'm pretty positive it's because Javi stinks.
Clem made the right choice, I wouldn't trust a washed up baseball player with a scraggy beard who smells of twinkies. We raised her well! T.T good girl! You just, you just keep him bound up Clem until you find some other people okay!? You da boss, not him, he your bitch. Stay safe widdle waffle.
Yeah, I'm friggin excited. I would dance if I wasn't so exhausted right now. I need to go to bed now sorry. Fucking beautiful preview. That family stuff was awesome! So goooood [Crawls off for chocolate and sleepy time.]
That would be very interesting.
So sort of like the stranger in TFTBL, except we know who the stranger is?
Ravensnowstorm, would it be too much to ask you translate the Spanish conversations? I know a little Spanish but not a lot and I'm curious to what they were saying.
Also, stress can age a person. Plus her experiences made her grow up (mentally) early in life. No school, no play time... just ... survival and learning to care for herself. All that combined made her an adult at age 13....
How do I find it on the PSN store?
Damn this game is looking good. I'm liking all the news that's being revealed.
That trailer woo doogie. Javier is freaking strong ripping that bed post off in one go and hooray for Clem's awesome teen voice.
Fans on Season 2: "Fuck you Telltale! Why'd you put so much focus on Clementine? The game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "Okay."
Fans on Season 3 TRAILER: "Fuck you Telltale! Why is there less focus on Clementine? This game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "....."
Telltale can never make any of you people happy can they?!/en-us/games/addons/the-walking-dead-a-new-frontier-season-pass/cid=UP2026-CUSA06884_00-WDS3SP0000000000
Damn it, how did he know
Imagine this.
Waiting 2+ years for a game that will be done in like 3 months.
Dude, the game isn't longer if you have to wait more to get it.
The game is going to have the same duration, play it now, or play it when the 5 episodes are out already.
I don't understand why you like to wait to continue playing the game, it should be the opposite.
And that's saying a lot as we have a section dedicated to Minecraft. You'd think that one would be the most whiny and childish.
Don't worry. Be happy.
Nah, she probably just doesn't trust him yet.