Fans on Season 2: "Fuck you Telltale! Why'd you put so much focus on Clementine? The game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "Okay."
Fans on Season 3 T… moreRAILER: "Fuck you Telltale! Why is there less focus on Clementine? This game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "....."
Telltale can never make any of you people happy can they?
Yeah. Previously, even using a higher end PC, my FPS would jump anywhere from ~20 to 60 FPS, but using the Balanced Rendering settings makes… more it consistently 50-60 FPS. Texture quality didn't make too much of a difference - I suspect the new rendering techniques they added in this newer engine version was the main culprit of the FPS issues.
If they added the equivalent of the "Balanced Performance" rendering settings to Console and Mobile ports, I bet the performance and optimization would practically skyrocket.
Er... if any non-spanish Speaker (argh whatever) is curious about the part in spanish of the conversation in the trailer...
(This is a shitty way to translate the conversation, but I can't think of any other way. If anyone else has a better idea...)
Spanish in Italics.
Mamá: "He's gone, Mijo...
"My son"
Papá:¿Rafa? (I did't hear to what he said. Rafa? Papá? Whatever I'll just asume he said Rafa)... ¿C... Cómo es esto posible?
"Rafa? H-How is this possible?"
David:¡Papá, cálmate! ¡Soy yo! ¡David! ¡Estas en tu casa! ¡Cálmate!
"Dad, calm down! It's me! David! You're in your home! Calm down!"
Mamá:¿¡Qué estás haciendo!?
"What are you doing!?"
David: *¡Él esta loco! ¡El atacó a Héctor!
"He's crazy! He attacked Hector!"
Mamá:Solamente está... confundido...
"He's just... confunsed"
[You already know what Mamá means]
Aaaaand that's it. You see, they seem to use spanish mainly when they are scared, so just replace any spanish word with FUCKFUCKFUCK SHIT! and it will work.
It does become longer in a sense. One of the things I most enjoy in Telltale games is discussing the game with other fans, speculate. If you release the episodes too briefly (or even simultaneously as it happens to be the case) such deptful analysation, discussion and speculation also become shortened, in a sense.
With more time between episodes you also spend more time thinking about the characters and the plot which makes you get more attached to the story.
Finally, there's the fact that faster releases will make it all end more quickly and the end of a series is always depressing. (Have you had the though that if this is the last season, it will all end in three months?).
Anyways, it's no big deal, just a random thought. I realise this situation might not be the case for everyone else. At least we won't have to experience any more 4 whole months of agoniating waiting time.
Dude, the game isn't longer if you have to wait more to get it.
The game is going to have the same duration, play it now, or play it when t… morehe 5 episodes are out already.
I don't understand why you like to wait to continue playing the game, it should be the opposite.
It does become longer in a sense. One of the things I most enjoy in Telltale games is discussing the game with other fans, speculate. If you… more release the episodes too briefly (or even simultaneously as it happens to be the case) such deptful analysation, discussion and speculation also become shortened, in a sense.
With more time between episodes you also spend more time thinking about the characters and the plot which makes you get more attached to the story.
Finally, there's the fact that faster releases will make it all end more quickly and the end of a series is always depressing. (Have you had the though that if this is the last season, it will all end in three months?).
Anyways, it's no big deal, just a random thought. I realise this situation might not be the case for everyone else. At least we won't have to experience any more 4 whole months of agoniating waiting time.
Sorry I haven't been looking on what people have been saying. I was so sleepy last night I fell right asleepy, and then when i came home I j… moreust been working on this widdle thing:
Other little things to point out:
* Saw the St John's Dairy in one of the pictures.
* The way that ending scene with Clementine is shown, I would guess it to be where Jane and Kenny might be inserted depending on your endings. It's reminding of Pete during Episode 2 how it was optional him being with Michonne and Sam. It's a easily a scene that could play with or without anybody with Clem if she's keeping Javi prisoner.
* Speaking of which, oh god is that the cool jacket? It looks like the cool jacket but I can't be sure!
* I want to adopt Javi and his family.
* Also I totally knew Javier was going to be a pro baseball player...or just a baseball player, but I had hunches on the first one!
* Whoever decided on Javi moving around that corner… [view original content]
Fans on Season 2: "Fuck you Telltale! Why'd you put so much focus on Clementine? The game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "Okay."
Fans on Season 3 T… moreRAILER: "Fuck you Telltale! Why is there less focus on Clementine? This game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "....."
Telltale can never make any of you people happy can they?
Er... if any non-spanish Speaker (argh whatever) is curious about the part in spanish of the conversation in the trailer...
(This is a s… morehitty way to translate the conversation, but I can't think of any other way. If anyone else has a better idea...)
Spanish in Italics.
Javier: Mamá...
Mamá: "He's gone, Mijo...
"My son"
Papá: ¿Rafa? (I did't hear to what he said. Rafa? Papá? Whatever I'll just asume he said Rafa)... ¿C... Cómo es esto posible?
"Rafa? H-How is this possible?"
David: ¡Papá, cálmate! ¡Soy yo! ¡David! ¡Estas en tu casa! ¡Cálmate!
"Dad, calm down! It's me! David! You're in your home! Calm down!"
Mamá: ¿¡Qué estás haciendo!?
"What are you doing!?"
David: *¡Él esta loco! ¡El atacó a Héctor!
"He's crazy! He attacked Hector!"
Mamá: Solamente está... confundido...
"He's just... confunsed"
[You already know what Mamá means]… [view original content]
Clem is either keeping her distance because she doesn't trust him, or he smells and needs a shower.
I'm pretty positive it's because Javi stinks.
Clem made the right choice, I wouldn't trust a washed up baseball player with a scraggy beard who smells of twinkies. We raised her well! T.T good girl! You just, you just keep him bound up Clem until you find some other people okay!? You da boss, not him, he your bitch. Stay safe widdle waffle.
Sorry I haven't been looking on what people have been saying. I was so sleepy last night I fell right asleepy, and then when i came home I j… moreust been working on this widdle thing:
Other little things to point out:
* Saw the St John's Dairy in one of the pictures.
* The way that ending scene with Clementine is shown, I would guess it to be where Jane and Kenny might be inserted depending on your endings. It's reminding of Pete during Episode 2 how it was optional him being with Michonne and Sam. It's a easily a scene that could play with or without anybody with Clem if she's keeping Javi prisoner.
* Speaking of which, oh god is that the cool jacket? It looks like the cool jacket but I can't be sure!
* I want to adopt Javi and his family.
* Also I totally knew Javier was going to be a pro baseball player...or just a baseball player, but I had hunches on the first one!
* Whoever decided on Javi moving around that corner… [view original content]
Damn this game is looking good. I'm liking all the news that's being revealed.
That trailer woo doogie. Javier is freaking strong ripping that bed post off in one go and hooray for Clem's awesome teen voice.
Er... if any non-spanish Speaker (argh whatever) is curious about the part in spanish of the conversation in the trailer...
(This is a s… morehitty way to translate the conversation, but I can't think of any other way. If anyone else has a better idea...)
Spanish in Italics.
Javier: Mamá...
Mamá: "He's gone, Mijo...
"My son"
Papá: ¿Rafa? (I did't hear to what he said. Rafa? Papá? Whatever I'll just asume he said Rafa)... ¿C... Cómo es esto posible?
"Rafa? H-How is this possible?"
David: ¡Papá, cálmate! ¡Soy yo! ¡David! ¡Estas en tu casa! ¡Cálmate!
"Dad, calm down! It's me! David! You're in your home! Calm down!"
Mamá: ¿¡Qué estás haciendo!?
"What are you doing!?"
David: *¡Él esta loco! ¡El atacó a Héctor!
"He's crazy! He attacked Hector!"
Mamá: Solamente está... confundido...
"He's just... confunsed"
[You already know what Mamá means]… [view original content]
Look, I'm happy that we now have to wait less for the episodes to release, but knowing that this third season will take literally 3 months t… moreo complete is really sadenning. It almost feels like I'm yet again awaiting another mini series rather than a whole season.
I fear that having their series wrap up so quickly is going to lead to some serious moments of "Telltale void".
Nice translations, Raven!
David: ¡Él esta loco! ¡Lo atacó!
David actually says, "¡Él está loco! ¡Él atacó al Hector!" with this curious misplaced accent on the second syllable of Hector.
I'm sorry but this is really bugging me. Is it correct to say ''should of expected smth''? I have seen other people use it too and it confus… morees me because I was taught at school to say it ''should have expected smth''
Sorry again about my dumb question and for writing something unrelated to TWD.
Fans on Season 2: "Fuck you Telltale! Why'd you put so much focus on Clementine? The game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "Okay."
Fans on Season 3 T… moreRAILER: "Fuck you Telltale! Why is there less focus on Clementine? This game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "....."
Telltale can never make any of you people happy can they?
Fuck you Telltale! Why'd you put so much focus on Clementine? The game SUCKS!"
Mind you but I was always a fan of season 2 and liked her more as a playable character than even Lee. Like bettertosleep or whoever said it because I know someone did, said this is not everyone.
Fans on Season 2: "Fuck you Telltale! Why'd you put so much focus on Clementine? The game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "Okay."
Fans on Season 3 T… moreRAILER: "Fuck you Telltale! Why is there less focus on Clementine? This game SUCKS!"
Telltale: "....."
Telltale can never make any of you people happy can they?
Am I the only one wondering how long exactly the first 2 episodes premiering on December 20th actually are? E.g. are Ep 1 and Ep 2 about 1.5 hours each, and each episode from there is also 1.5 hours each? Or are ep 1 and ep 2 like 2 hours total and the rest of the eps are 1.5 hours each??
Am I the only one wondering how long exactly the first 2 episodes premiering on December 20th actually are? E.g. are Ep 1 and Ep 2 about 1.5… more hours each, and each episode from there is also 1.5 hours each? Or are ep 1 and ep 2 like 2 hours total and the rest of the eps are 1.5 hours each??
So will episode 1 be the 'Javier episode', and episode 2 be the 'Clementine episode', and they want to introduce them at the same time, otherwise, why not release episode 2 in January?
Telltale was right, she definitely isn't like in the previous seasons.
People always want the opposite of what's given to them
you act like we did not have like 5 series between season 2 and now.
Screw that, we've waited 10+ years for Kingdom Hearts III (and who knows how long we still have to wait for the next Half-Life).
I'm talking about this game specificly...
Holy shit...7.7 Gigs...Noooo My Lappy is at home and no one is there to update this...and I am working a 16 hour shift...urge to kill rising....
I am READY for Season 3 now. I'm feeling confident that the game will run just fine now after Batman's latest patch! WOO!!!
Er... if any non-spanish Speaker (argh whatever) is curious about the part in spanish of the conversation in the trailer...
(This is a shitty way to translate the conversation, but I can't think of any other way. If anyone else has a better idea...)
Spanish in Italics.
"My son"
"Rafa? H-How is this possible?"
"Dad, calm down! It's me! David! You're in your home! Calm down!"
"What are you doing!?"
"He's crazy! He attacked Hector!"
"He's just... confunsed"
[You already know what Mamá means]
Aaaaand that's it. You see, they seem to use spanish mainly when they are scared, so just replace any spanish word with FUCKFUCKFUCK SHIT! and it will work.
You never know, we're on the internet after all
It does become longer in a sense. One of the things I most enjoy in Telltale games is discussing the game with other fans, speculate. If you release the episodes too briefly (or even simultaneously as it happens to be the case) such deptful analysation, discussion and speculation also become shortened, in a sense.
With more time between episodes you also spend more time thinking about the characters and the plot which makes you get more attached to the story.
Finally, there's the fact that faster releases will make it all end more quickly and the end of a series is always depressing. (Have you had the though that if this is the last season, it will all end in three months?).
Anyways, it's no big deal, just a random thought. I realise this situation might not be the case for everyone else. At least we won't have to experience any more 4 whole months of agoniating waiting time.
300 Comments? God damn!
Praise for you, Iron! I understand completely.
She in fact stinks as well.
They're all accustomed to the smell!
These are different people with different opinions!
A simplistic and pessimistic world-view.
Nice translations, Raven!
David actually says, "¡Él está loco! ¡Él atacó al Hector!" with this curious misplaced accent on the second syllable of Hector.
Lilac you're adorable.
Well maybe not that strong..the post looked like it was loose to begin with.
I read somewhere every time they talk Spanish it's because they're discussing the best salsa recipe.
Good to know Im not the only one who feels this way.
Thank you. I couldn't really hear him that well, I just asumed it wasn't so important and took the easy way... I mustn't do that again.
We already know who is Hector! Now we only have to figure out who are mainly everyone else!
could, should, would

Yeah, the best one is the FUCKFUCKFUCK SHIT! one
The spicy kind of salsa.
Fuck you Telltale! Why'd you put so much focus on Clementine? The game SUCKS!"
Mind you but I was always a fan of season 2 and liked her more as a playable character than even Lee. Like bettertosleep or whoever said it because I know someone did, said this is not everyone.
Still cant wait to see Kenny with the beard physics, gonna be great.
And completely true
Am I the only one wondering how long exactly the first 2 episodes premiering on December 20th actually are? E.g. are Ep 1 and Ep 2 about 1.5 hours each, and each episode from there is also 1.5 hours each? Or are ep 1 and ep 2 like 2 hours total and the rest of the eps are 1.5 hours each??
it might be to much for the system to handle.
Not at all—it is generalizing.
I really hope to God there's both normal length. 3/3.5 hours of TWD would be Heaven!!
Every hair better be modeled separately, not a single hair can be the same.
So will episode 1 be the 'Javier episode', and episode 2 be the 'Clementine episode', and they want to introduce them at the same time, otherwise, why not release episode 2 in January?
Making of the hype train:
So much photo cropping....
Just beware to walker hoard following it.
Hype train: The making of
So much photo cropping...
Looks like a The Walking Dead Guardians of the Galaxy crossover.