Funny you say that, because it looks like they did heed by that rule until they said "screw it' and played it for a straight 2 hours and 40min. And still going!
But what for? Maybe some guys want to swap Javi on the one who is important for Clem.
Oh oh wait, maybe Clem began a bounty hunter, and wants to get a reward for Javier? Hehe, it was nice.
I do not consider the theory that he had stolen from her something, because if it is, he hella scumbag for robbing 13 year old girl and deserve to horrible and suffering die for this.
There is no such thing as split up one episode, Telltale games always needed the next episode to keep going.
The only games the didn't do that were Minecraft Story Mode and Walking Dead Season 1.
Since in MSM after Ep 4 there is another story, the first topic already finished.
And in Walking Dead there used to be a topic per episode, and a time jump, so you didn't need to play Ep 2 right after E1.
If they are going to reveal Ep 1 and Ep 2 the same day because they need each other to make you understand the story, they should have done the same with Wolf Among Us, the ending of Ep 1 for the people that didn't knew the comics, was shocking, and Ep 2 was totally needed to understand everything.
Looks like.
But what for? Maybe some guys want to swap Javi on the one who is important for Clem.
Oh oh wait, maybe Clem began a boun… morety hunter, and wants to get a reward for Javier? Hehe, it was nice.
I do not consider the theory that he had stolen from her something, because if it is, he hella scumbag for robbing 13 year old girl and deserve to horrible and suffering die for this.
They didn't confirm this yet for some reason, which just makes me think that yes, we will only play her in flashbacks. But they probably don… more't want to confirm that otherwise there will be a lot of people disappointed. I think they want the players to experience the premiere themselves instead of going in with a negative attitude towards Javier (which to be honest, is already happening anyway lol). I'm ok with this if it turns out to be true. I think it will be great to have Clem as a friend, always by your side and interact with her. Kind of like season 1 but this time you're not her protector and she's not a little girl anymore. I just hope Javier will be an interesting character to play as.
Funny you say that, because it looks like they did heed by that rule until they said "screw it' and played it for a straight 2 hours and 40min. And still going!
The real question we need the answer to is how Clementine's hat still manages to fit her after all these years
Is it the magic of "one size fits all", or are more dastardly powers at work here... We need answers, Telltale.
The real question we need the answer to is how Clementine's hat still manages to fit her after all these years
Is it the magic of "one size fits all", or are more dastardly powers at work here... We need answers, Telltale.
The real question we need the answer to is how Clementine's hat still manages to fit her after all these years
Is it the magic of "one size fits all", or are more dastardly powers at work here... We need answers, Telltale.
"Filler" is an impractical term popularly employed to qualify pieces of fiction that people consider boring or irrelevant to the plot, yet said people fail to realize that what they consider "filler" was not created by the writer solely to use up space.
Telltale is not even tied to a certain runtime, unlike television series, so the idea that they would spend work hours just creating "filler" is illogical.
So clem takes Javier hostage?
Its a Soak test
Looks like.
But what for? Maybe some guys want to swap Javi on the one who is important for Clem.
Oh oh wait, maybe Clem began a bounty hunter, and wants to get a reward for Javier? Hehe, it was nice.
I do not consider the theory that he had stolen from her something, because if it is, he hella scumbag for robbing 13 year old girl and deserve to horrible and suffering die for this.

There is no such thing as split up one episode, Telltale games always needed the next episode to keep going.
The only games the didn't do that were Minecraft Story Mode and Walking Dead Season 1.
Since in MSM after Ep 4 there is another story, the first topic already finished.
And in Walking Dead there used to be a topic per episode, and a time jump, so you didn't need to play Ep 2 right after E1.
If they are going to reveal Ep 1 and Ep 2 the same day because they need each other to make you understand the story, they should have done the same with Wolf Among Us, the ending of Ep 1 for the people that didn't knew the comics, was shocking, and Ep 2 was totally needed to understand everything.
Apparently she wants to know something about the Gortys project.
Why do you think he looks like an owl?
I actually would like that.
How many times do I have to explain it's written Javier?!
I know it's a joke but I honestly love the idea.
it removes the filler episode that ign will complain about.
Are you kidding me?! The resemblance is uncanny...
yeah but even though im not the biggest fan of clementine I still dont want her charecter to be reduced to the status she was in season 1.
Filler doesn't exist.
It sounds like a ratchet version, frankly.
You win the Comment Of The Year Award.
The real question we need the answer to is how Clementine's hat still manages to fit her after all these years
Is it the magic of "one size fits all", or are more dastardly powers at work here... We need answers, Telltale.
How did you find this graph?
edit: nvm, i'm dumb
The hat expands as her head does, since she never takes it off.
Well it was her father's know.
It's yankee. Don't ruin America with your US.
There are hats that are made to fit all sizes. I actually have my own Clem hat that does this
Just seen the preview and it looks amazing! I'm at dangerous levels of hype right now!!
And 2 episodes at once!?
Then Starved for Help doesn't exist?
Who? Delsin?
Whatever. I just really hate the US and seeing Javier written with "X" gives me a Yankee vibe. Just ignore me. think you could hook another brother up? Steam is davescott1234 if you could be an awesome guy. :P
"Filler" is an impractical term popularly employed to qualify pieces of fiction that people consider boring or irrelevant to the plot, yet said people fail to realize that what they consider "filler" was not created by the writer solely to use up space.
Telltale is not even tied to a certain runtime, unlike television series, so the idea that they would spend work hours just creating "filler" is illogical.
"Fook yuu"
Depends, which games are you looking for?
How is "Starved For Help" of all episodes filler? If anything, that title should go to "Around Every Corner".
Xavier and Javier are completely different sames. Not even pronounced the same.
(Ignore the last name)
Even if the spelling looks the same or Xavier looks cooler. That's like calling Ben = Sven. Not the same but looks cooler.
How can America ruin the US if they're the same thing.
Telltale pleeeeease please please have Clem laugh in season 3, her laugh probably sounds beautiful.
So excited for this, Are we gonna be able to pre order on PSN?
And two episodes at once freaking nice!
Well I mean there is South America and North America.