Me, and many others on the forums are very hyped for A New Frontier coming out later this month. Myself, like other folks here have been looking forward to this for a long time. Some have differing opinions on it, and that is completely okay. You are your own person, and you are entitled to your beliefs.
I have this fucking cynic friend that's incredibly hard to impress and they found the trailer (God knows I didn't send it to them) after it aired last night and started to nitpick the living fuck out of it and the TellTale series as a whole to me, knowing I'm excited for it. They don't care and openly admit that they're an asshole about this kind of stuff and are trying to better themselves about it. (P.S., they're doing a terrible job on that.) They do this constantly to nearly everything I enjoy/like and they also stated that they like "turning people over to their side and loves proving people wrong" when the instance of looking forward to the game is entirely a matter of opinion. Which yet again, they admit they are an asshole about this, and are doing nothing to change it.
You can feel how you want about this game, but holy shit, dude. For once in our entire friendship...
I could give half of a premeditated fuck whether or not you "feel good" explaining to someone why what they like is shit and have inferior thoughts just because you disagree. Giving your opinion is all fine and dandy, but you take it even further than that. Could you stop being an asshole for a single goddamned microsecond? Holy trees with DICKS. This might come as a shock to you, but there's this fucking mind-blowing concept called differing opinions. Regardless of whether or not you want them to, they exist. (I could be totally wrong about this, I'm not on a lot of sleep. But I feel like some of my anger is just here.)
I'm not sure how you could even be friends with someone like that. Enjoy the game, or not, but let it be your own opinion.
Oh, and "Thank you for your comments" is one way to get out of a conversation with someone hell-bent on trying to convince you of something when you know they're not going to succeed, and you just want it to end. Say it as many times as necessary.
Okay, I just have to get this off of my chest.
Me, and many others on the forums are very hyped for A New Frontier coming out later this … moremonth. Myself, like other folks here have been looking forward to this for a long time. Some have differing opinions on it, and that is completely okay. You are your own person, and you are entitled to your beliefs.
I have this fucking cynic friend that's incredibly hard to impress and they found the trailer (God knows I didn't send it to them) after it aired last night and started to nitpick the living fuck out of it and the TellTale series as a whole to me, knowing I'm excited for it. They don't care and openly admit that they're an asshole about this kind of stuff and are trying to better themselves about it. (P.S., they're doing a terrible job on that.) They do this constantly to nearly everything I enjoy/like and they also stated that they like "turning people over to their si… [view original content]
Before I start, I want to just say briefly that I have a mild form of Aspergers Syndrome - (A mild form of autism.)
So a while back, someone that I see on a social basis invited me to her new apartment to celebrate her moving in, as well as others.
However, I have some concerns about attending.
Number 1, I had a crush on her for a long time a couple of years ago. And we even went on a date once.
Now that in itself doesn't necessarily concern me but what does is the fact that she, as well as the people that she is inviting, have shown by there actions that they don't want anything to do with me beforehand.
In fact, when I use to hang out with these people quite a bit, I often got the feeling I was there for their amusement. And I often found myself the butt of a lot of backhanded remarks.
To be clear, I can take a joke, but there is a clear line between good natured banter and bullying.
I'll give you an example, one time we were all at a party, and one the guys, a man I had just met, made a comment that I was really rockin' out.
And one of the guys who I knew quite well made the comments replied: "I don't think he knows how."
And there were other occasions where stuff like this happened.
(Now obviously those people are not my friends, nor do I think of them as such. They're just people that I see on occasion, but quite honestly couldn't give a flying fuck about. Hence is why I end up seeing them at rock concerts, amd I am always gracious with them, but other than that I don't have a thing to do with them, and visa-versa.)
She herself even told me once that she didn't want to hang out socially speaking, and when we do see each other in the social circuit we travel in, we have very minimal contact.
So based on everything that I have said, I can't help but wonder, why does she all of a sudden want me around? What does she possibly have to gain from it?
I mentioned this to my dad, and he said: "Maybe she sees that this guy is lonely, and maybe she was just making a kindly gesture."
But based on previous experiences with the people she is inviting, and my experience with her, I can't help but wonder if her invitation is just a way for them to get some more amusement from me?
And as we all know, people will often zoom in on someone who is different, even if it is slightly, and will often make them the target of bullying, which they will sometimes disguise as "good natured fun."
What do you think? And don't dismiss this as paranoia, because along with telling my story, I think I made some good points about the subject I am addressing.
So please carefully read it, think about what I have said, and then make your judgements.
I really doubt she's inviting you because she wants everyone to make fun of you. She probably just wants to include you, as you're a "regular" at these things, and she doesn't realize that you get hurt at them. I'd just politely decline, saying I have other plans, but if she'd like me to see her new apartment, we can get together another time.
Before I start, I want to just say briefly that I have a mild form of Aspergers Syndrome - (A mild form of autism.)
So a while back, som… moreeone that I see on a social basis invited me to her new apartment to celebrate her moving in, as well as others.
However, I have some concerns about attending.
Number 1, I had a crush on her for a long time a couple of years ago. And we even went on a date once.
Now that in itself doesn't necessarily concern me but what does is the fact that she, as well as the people that she is inviting, have shown by there actions that they don't want anything to do with me beforehand.
In fact, when I use to hang out with these people quite a bit, I often got the feeling I was there for their amusement. And I often found myself the butt of a lot of backhanded remarks.
To be clear, I can take a joke, but there is a clear line between good natured banter and bullying.
I'll give you an example, one time … [view original content]
My YouTube channel, which I have been putting countless hours into for the past several weeks, was just deleted by YouTube for a violation of terms and services, which they did not specify. Is Telltale responsible for this? Did they make a copyright claim against me? What the actual fuck.
My YouTube channel, which I have been putting countless hours into for the past several weeks, was just deleted by YouTube for a violation o… moref terms and services, which they did not specify. Is Telltale responsible for this? Did they make a copyright claim against me? What the actual fuck.
I'm just trying to figure out what happened because YouTube did not send me the usual three strikes before deleting my account, so it seems like some sort of copyright claim. Do I have to put a copyright disclaimer on every video?
I'm just trying to figure out what happened because YouTube did not send me the usual three strikes before deleting my account, so it seems like some sort of copyright claim. Do I have to put a copyright disclaimer on every video?
My YouTube channel, which I have been putting countless hours into for the past several weeks, was just deleted by YouTube for a violation o… moref terms and services, which they did not specify. Is Telltale responsible for this? Did they make a copyright claim against me? What the actual fuck.
My goddamn spacebar is broken so I really have to pound it for it to work and it's doing double spaces a lot of the time too. I just got this computer too. I think something in the keyboard broke during shipping.
I did a let's play if episode 1 of micchone and all it said for me is "your not in trouble" it just said I could not make ad revenue off it no idea what could have gotten your channel deleted. Did you curse in the video at all? Because YouTube usually strikes you for that if they can find it.
I did a let's play if episode 1 of micchone and all it said for me is "your not in trouble" it just said I could not make ad revenue off it … moreno idea what could have gotten your channel deleted. Did you curse in the video at all? Because YouTube usually strikes you for that if they can find it.
My YouTube channel, which I have been putting countless hours into for the past several weeks, was just deleted by YouTube for a violation o… moref terms and services, which they did not specify. Is Telltale responsible for this? Did they make a copyright claim against me? What the actual fuck.
Sorry, sorry. It's just that, nobody knows why YouTube does the shit they do. Shit just happens. If I can give you any advice, it's to make clickbait bullshit and videos with biased opinions. YouTube never does anything to those fuckers, but destroys people who put effort into things. YouTube is currently a broken platform. You're gonna experience their bullshit for your entire time on there, even if you're only a viewer of the channel. You and I know just about as much as everybody else does.
Before I start, I want to just say briefly that I have a mild form of Aspergers Syndrome - (A mild form of autism.)
So a while back, som… moreeone that I see on a social basis invited me to her new apartment to celebrate her moving in, as well as others.
However, I have some concerns about attending.
Number 1, I had a crush on her for a long time a couple of years ago. And we even went on a date once.
Now that in itself doesn't necessarily concern me but what does is the fact that she, as well as the people that she is inviting, have shown by there actions that they don't want anything to do with me beforehand.
In fact, when I use to hang out with these people quite a bit, I often got the feeling I was there for their amusement. And I often found myself the butt of a lot of backhanded remarks.
To be clear, I can take a joke, but there is a clear line between good natured banter and bullying.
I'll give you an example, one time … [view original content]
So amount amount of copyright disclaimers that I include will guarantee that my channel won't get deleted? This is frustrating as hell, I emailed them and they won't even specify why my account was deleted without any warnings or strikes.
I still have the video files and I want to put them online for people to see. Youtube was my first and only resort.... is there another streaming service that you could recommend? Or any other advice whatsoever? I just want to upload gameplay, no commentary preferably.
Do you know why they did it
Pffft, heh... Hahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Sorry, sorry. It's just that, nobody knows why YouTube do… morees the shit they do. Shit just happens. If I can give you any advice, it's to make clickbait bullshit and videos with biased opinions. YouTube never does anything to those fuckers, but destroys people who put effort into things. YouTube is currently a broken platform. You're gonna experience their bullshit for your entire time on there, even if you're only a viewer of the channel. You and I know just about as much as everybody else does.
is there another streaming service that you could recommend? Or any other advice whatsoever?
So far I haven't had any major problems with Twitch. Just exclude any nudity in your streams and you'll be good. If you want a platform to just post videos however, that's a different story. The only user and creator friendly video website out there that isn't PornHub is Newgrounds, and Newgrounds really only allows animation on there. YouTube is the best we've got right now, and that's pretty fucked up.
As for real advice other than clickbait bullshit, don't let YouTube's bullshit discourage you too much. Make a new account and have some fun man, don't let YouTube's asinine policies get you down, I'm sure they'll fix their shit eventually. Especially since their biggest money maker himself (PewDiePie) is going to delete is channel at 50 Million because of this bullshit.
So amount amount of copyright disclaimers that I include will guarantee that my channel won't get deleted? This is frustrating as hell, I e… moremailed them and they won't even specify why my account was deleted without any warnings or strikes.
I still have the video files and I want to put them online for people to see. Youtube was my first and only resort.... is there another streaming service that you could recommend? Or any other advice whatsoever? I just want to upload gameplay, no commentary preferably.
I'll give you an example, I was at this bar with a woman I had been dating, and her roomate. We had ridden down there together, and this bar was maybe a mile or two from her house.
Anyway there was this band that was playing there, that a friend of mine plays in, and anyway I asked her to dance, and she said no.
So I went out onto the dance floor on my own. There were many people smoking in there, so as you can imagine, the cigarette smoke was pretty heavy in the air.
While I was out on the dance floor, which wasn't very long, out of the corner of my eye I saw her and her roomate leaving, because she couldn't stand the cigarette smoke, or so she said.
They were leaving, and neither one of them the courtesy to let me know. Luckily I saw them leaving and was able to get a ride back to my truck which was parked at her house.
The point is because she would've left me there to walk back to my truck, over a mile away, and it was very hot outside that evening. That showed she didn't care a thing about me, and was looking to get rid of me.
So instead of letting me think that everything between us was cool, why couldn't she just have told me the truth?
You've posted about this before, on page 72. My reply from then still stands.
In a more general sense, people don't tell the truth because they are either protecting someone (usually themselves), or they want something and don't think they'll get it if the truth is known.
Why can't people just say what they really feel?
I'll give you an example, I was at this bar with a woman I had been dating, and her room… moreate. We had ridden down there together, and this bar was maybe a mile or two from her house.
Anyway there was this band that was playing there, that a friend of mine plays in, and anyway I asked her to dance, and she said no.
So I went out onto the dance floor on my own. There were many people smoking in there, so as you can imagine, the cigarette smoke was pretty heavy in the air.
While I was out on the dance floor, which wasn't very long, out of the corner of my eye I saw her and her roomate leaving, because she couldn't stand the cigarette smoke, or so she said.
They were leaving, and neither one of them the courtesy to let me know. Luckily I saw them leaving and was able to get a ride back to my truck which was parked at her house.
The point is because she would've left me there to wal… [view original content]
(I've let this go by now but I figured I'd share for the hell of it.)
Let me just get one thing straight, when I am working, if I do something wrong, I have absolutely ZERO problem with being corrected as long as you're up front with me about it. One of the things I can't stand is when people are too much of a pussy to tell you something to your face. If I have a problem with you, I'm going to let you know about it. So I work at an Animal Vet and I'm mainly in charge of the boarding dogs, (making sure they're walked, fed, etc.) so I came in a couple of days ago to find a big note left on a check off list saying, "MAKE SURE ALL DOGS HAVE CLEAN BEDS AND ALL DISHES ARE WASHED BEFORE LEAVING." This was from someone who I have never worked with before, and who is a vet assistant. The big problem I had was the note was clearly addressed to me because I'm the only one that's not a vet assistant. There's a contact list posted up near the front desk. If she had a problem with me, my number is right fucking there. Call me, shoot me a text, just something to let me know directly. She didn't even address it to me, so there is a good possibility I would have never even seen it and completely disregarded her intention. It's also pretty hypocritical as well because really, I'm the only one that works there that actually looks out for the animals. All the vet assistants are always busy with the vet or working the front desk, so the bulk of the heavy duty work falls on me, but yet no thank you's except from the one girl who I regularly work with and has taken my side. Like I said, zero motherfucking problem with being corrected, just please tell me to my face, that's all I ask. I don't think it's that difficult of a request.
(I've let this go by now but I figured I'd share for the hell of it.)
Let me just get one thing straight, when I am working, if I do some… morething wrong, I have absolutely ZERO problem with being corrected as long as you're up front with me about it. One of the things I can't stand is when people are too much of a pussy to tell you something to your face. If I have a problem with you, I'm going to let you know about it. So I work at an Animal Vet and I'm mainly in charge of the boarding dogs, (making sure they're walked, fed, etc.) so I came in a couple of days ago to find a big note left on a check off list saying, "MAKE SURE ALL DOGS HAVE CLEAN BEDS AND ALL DISHES ARE WASHED BEFORE LEAVING." This was from someone who I have never worked with before, and who is a vet assistant. The big problem I had was the note was clearly addressed to me because I'm the only one that's not a vet assistant. There's a contact list posted up near the front des… [view original content]
2 nights ago, my dog was abnormally thin and suddenly fainted on the afternoon, by nighttime, she started getting seizures.
Her blood tests were 'Ok', so I assumed something else was wrong.
Until she died yesterday (around 1 AM or so), when the vet did an autopsy, they found out that something was wrong in the lungs. They opened it up and saw black things inside but they didn't specify what it was (Since they sent the pictures to my mom).
2 nights ago, my dog was abnormally thin and suddenly fainted on the afternoon, by nighttime, she started getting seizures.
Her blood tes… morets were 'Ok', so I assumed something else was wrong.
Until she died yesterday (around 1 AM or so), when the vet did an autopsy, they found out that something was wrong in the lungs. They opened it up and saw black things inside but they didn't specify what it was (Since they sent the pictures to my mom).
I'm a little sad since she suffered so much.
Okay, I just have to get this off of my chest.
Me, and many others on the forums are very hyped for A New Frontier coming out later this month. Myself, like other folks here have been looking forward to this for a long time. Some have differing opinions on it, and that is completely okay. You are your own person, and you are entitled to your beliefs.
I have this fucking cynic friend that's incredibly hard to impress and they found the trailer (God knows I didn't send it to them) after it aired last night and started to nitpick the living fuck out of it and the TellTale series as a whole to me, knowing I'm excited for it. They don't care and openly admit that they're an asshole about this kind of stuff and are trying to better themselves about it. (P.S., they're doing a terrible job on that.) They do this constantly to nearly everything I enjoy/like and they also stated that they like "turning people over to their side and loves proving people wrong" when the instance of looking forward to the game is entirely a matter of opinion. Which yet again, they admit they are an asshole about this, and are doing nothing to change it.
You can feel how you want about this game, but holy shit, dude. For once in our entire friendship...
I could give half of a premeditated fuck whether or not you "feel good" explaining to someone why what they like is shit and have inferior thoughts just because you disagree. Giving your opinion is all fine and dandy, but you take it even further than that. Could you stop being an asshole for a single goddamned microsecond? Holy trees with DICKS. This might come as a shock to you, but there's this fucking mind-blowing concept called differing opinions. Regardless of whether or not you want them to, they exist. (I could be totally wrong about this, I'm not on a lot of sleep. But I feel like some of my anger is just here.)
Picture heavily related.
I'm not sure how you could even be friends with someone like that. Enjoy the game, or not, but let it be your own opinion.
Oh, and "Thank you for your comments" is one way to get out of a conversation with someone hell-bent on trying to convince you of something when you know they're not going to succeed, and you just want it to end. Say it as many times as necessary.
Before I start, I want to just say briefly that I have a mild form of Aspergers Syndrome - (A mild form of autism.)
So a while back, someone that I see on a social basis invited me to her new apartment to celebrate her moving in, as well as others.
However, I have some concerns about attending.
Number 1, I had a crush on her for a long time a couple of years ago. And we even went on a date once.
Now that in itself doesn't necessarily concern me but what does is the fact that she, as well as the people that she is inviting, have shown by there actions that they don't want anything to do with me beforehand.
In fact, when I use to hang out with these people quite a bit, I often got the feeling I was there for their amusement. And I often found myself the butt of a lot of backhanded remarks.
To be clear, I can take a joke, but there is a clear line between good natured banter and bullying.
I'll give you an example, one time we were all at a party, and one the guys, a man I had just met, made a comment that I was really rockin' out.
And one of the guys who I knew quite well made the comments replied: "I don't think he knows how."
And there were other occasions where stuff like this happened.
(Now obviously those people are not my friends, nor do I think of them as such. They're just people that I see on occasion, but quite honestly couldn't give a flying fuck about. Hence is why I end up seeing them at rock concerts, amd I am always gracious with them, but other than that I don't have a thing to do with them, and visa-versa.)
She herself even told me once that she didn't want to hang out socially speaking, and when we do see each other in the social circuit we travel in, we have very minimal contact.
So based on everything that I have said, I can't help but wonder, why does she all of a sudden want me around? What does she possibly have to gain from it?
I mentioned this to my dad, and he said: "Maybe she sees that this guy is lonely, and maybe she was just making a kindly gesture."
But based on previous experiences with the people she is inviting, and my experience with her, I can't help but wonder if her invitation is just a way for them to get some more amusement from me?
And as we all know, people will often zoom in on someone who is different, even if it is slightly, and will often make them the target of bullying, which they will sometimes disguise as "good natured fun."
What do you think? And don't dismiss this as paranoia, because along with telling my story, I think I made some good points about the subject I am addressing.
So please carefully read it, think about what I have said, and then make your judgements.
I really doubt she's inviting you because she wants everyone to make fun of you. She probably just wants to include you, as you're a "regular" at these things, and she doesn't realize that you get hurt at them. I'd just politely decline, saying I have other plans, but if she'd like me to see her new apartment, we can get together another time.
i may just try that thanks
My YouTube channel, which I have been putting countless hours into for the past several weeks, was just deleted by YouTube for a violation of terms and services, which they did not specify. Is Telltale responsible for this? Did they make a copyright claim against me? What the actual fuck.
Why would Telltale be responsible?
I'm just trying to figure out what happened because YouTube did not send me the usual three strikes before deleting my account, so it seems like some sort of copyright claim. Do I have to put a copyright disclaimer on every video?
Don't know my dude, all I know is that it wasn't Telltale.
How do you know? Genuinely curious
Telltale doesn't seem to do copyright strikes, as far as I can tell. Third parties might try, but they aren't Telltale.
What exactly did this channel upload?
Just both seasons of TWD game and the first episode of the Michonne miniseries.
Maybe the music was copyrighted and they striked you for some reason? Can't exactly give you an answer there man.
I'm very upset. All I want to do is share my playthroughs with everybody.
My goddamn spacebar is broken so I really have to pound it for it to work and it's doing double spaces a lot of the time too. I just got this computer too. I think something in the keyboard broke during shipping.
I did a let's play if episode 1 of micchone and all it said for me is "your not in trouble" it just said I could not make ad revenue off it no idea what could have gotten your channel deleted. Did you curse in the video at all? Because YouTube usually strikes you for that if they can find it.
There was no commentary though
Telltale is not responsible actually, it's YouTube's fault. YouTube has been massively fucking itself in the ass recently.
Do you know why they did it and what I can do to keep this from happening again when I make a new channel?
Pffft, heh... Hahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Sorry, sorry. It's just that, nobody knows why YouTube does the shit they do. Shit just happens. If I can give you any advice, it's to make clickbait bullshit and videos with biased opinions. YouTube never does anything to those fuckers, but destroys people who put effort into things. YouTube is currently a broken platform. You're gonna experience their bullshit for your entire time on there, even if you're only a viewer of the channel. You and I know just about as much as everybody else does.
As WarpSpeed said, she makes you a 'regular'.
Now, never let it start. Instead, make another person that 'regular'.
So amount amount of copyright disclaimers that I include will guarantee that my channel won't get deleted? This is frustrating as hell, I emailed them and they won't even specify why my account was deleted without any warnings or strikes.
I still have the video files and I want to put them online for people to see. Youtube was my first and only resort.... is there another streaming service that you could recommend? Or any other advice whatsoever? I just want to upload gameplay, no commentary preferably.
So far I haven't had any major problems with Twitch. Just exclude any nudity in your streams and you'll be good. If you want a platform to just post videos however, that's a different story. The only user and creator friendly video website out there that isn't PornHub is Newgrounds, and Newgrounds really only allows animation on there. YouTube is the best we've got right now, and that's pretty fucked up.
As for real advice other than clickbait bullshit, don't let YouTube's bullshit discourage you too much. Make a new account and have some fun man, don't let YouTube's asinine policies get you down, I'm sure they'll fix their shit eventually. Especially since their biggest money maker himself (PewDiePie) is going to delete is channel at 50 Million because of this bullshit.
C.A.T. is a bitch, not even kidding. I swear to God -- why do I have to go through this in 10th grade??
Because its a standardized test and those make your school money.
I totally agree, they're useless as fuck and they're all public school really prepare you for.
Memory in useless subjects, and how to take standardized tests.
Why can't people just say what they really feel?
I'll give you an example, I was at this bar with a woman I had been dating, and her roomate. We had ridden down there together, and this bar was maybe a mile or two from her house.
Anyway there was this band that was playing there, that a friend of mine plays in, and anyway I asked her to dance, and she said no.
So I went out onto the dance floor on my own. There were many people smoking in there, so as you can imagine, the cigarette smoke was pretty heavy in the air.
While I was out on the dance floor, which wasn't very long, out of the corner of my eye I saw her and her roomate leaving, because she couldn't stand the cigarette smoke, or so she said.
They were leaving, and neither one of them the courtesy to let me know. Luckily I saw them leaving and was able to get a ride back to my truck which was parked at her house.
The point is because she would've left me there to walk back to my truck, over a mile away, and it was very hot outside that evening. That showed she didn't care a thing about me, and was looking to get rid of me.
So instead of letting me think that everything between us was cool, why couldn't she just have told me the truth?
You've posted about this before, on page 72. My reply from then still stands.
In a more general sense, people don't tell the truth because they are either protecting someone (usually themselves), or they want something and don't think they'll get it if the truth is known.
(I've let this go by now but I figured I'd share for the hell of it.)
Let me just get one thing straight, when I am working, if I do something wrong, I have absolutely ZERO problem with being corrected as long as you're up front with me about it. One of the things I can't stand is when people are too much of a pussy to tell you something to your face. If I have a problem with you, I'm going to let you know about it. So I work at an Animal Vet and I'm mainly in charge of the boarding dogs, (making sure they're walked, fed, etc.) so I came in a couple of days ago to find a big note left on a check off list saying, "MAKE SURE ALL DOGS HAVE CLEAN BEDS AND ALL DISHES ARE WASHED BEFORE LEAVING." This was from someone who I have never worked with before, and who is a vet assistant. The big problem I had was the note was clearly addressed to me because I'm the only one that's not a vet assistant. There's a contact list posted up near the front desk. If she had a problem with me, my number is right fucking there. Call me, shoot me a text, just something to let me know directly. She didn't even address it to me, so there is a good possibility I would have never even seen it and completely disregarded her intention. It's also pretty hypocritical as well because really, I'm the only one that works there that actually looks out for the animals. All the vet assistants are always busy with the vet or working the front desk, so the bulk of the heavy duty work falls on me, but yet no thank you's except from the one girl who I regularly work with and has taken my side. Like I said, zero motherfucking problem with being corrected, just please tell me to my face, that's all I ask. I don't think it's that difficult of a request.
It is pretty kinky.
Tell her that
2 nights ago, my dog was abnormally thin and suddenly fainted on the afternoon, by nighttime, she started getting seizures.
Her blood tests were 'Ok', so I assumed something else was wrong.
Until she died yesterday (around 1 AM or so), when the vet did an autopsy, they found out that something was wrong in the lungs. They opened it up and saw black things inside but they didn't specify what it was (Since they sent the pictures to my mom).
I'm a little sad since she suffered so much.
I'm really really sorry that happened, man. Know that she's at peace now!
Does this count as the depression thread as well. Holy shit am I in a bad place.
Worse than YouTube?
Haha, definitely worse than YouTube frustrations.
Is it about your wife?
Yeah pretty much. She just takes and takes and takes from me.
Stay strong bro! We're always here for you. One door closes, another opens. Just gotta take the time to search for it.