The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • What are each character's respective Philosophy? Would a thread on this Foursome topic be appropriate?

  • You are forgiven!

    Now that I think of it, Michelle could have been interesting. Like, she feels guilty and tries to stick around and look after Clem, but Clem be like "Fuck you you heartless monster". Idk.

    DabigRG posted: »

    But baby, it's cold outside! But for serious, Daze summed it up pretty well before he was abducted: she set the tone for the entire Seaso

  • I swear I recall seeing someone say something similar at one point before I joined this community, but I don't remember where it was.

    Not sure how I feel about the last part though.

    You are forgiven! Now that I think of it, Michelle could have been interesting. Like, she feels guilty and tries to stick around and look after Clem, but Clem be like "Fuck you you heartless monster". Idk.

  • Last part was shit. Let's pretend it never happened.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I swear I recall seeing someone say something similar at one point before I joined this community, but I don't remember where it was. Not sure how I feel about the last part though.

  • I'd love a 'behind the game" thing for S2 for sure.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I am very curious about what their original intentions for half of the initial plot points were and what they actually would've involved before they changed their direction.

  • edited December 2016

    Larry definitely would have told her.

    How did Lilly find out Lee was a murderer?

  • He's certainly one of the more reasonable and competent members of the Cabin group

    DabigRG posted: »

    Does anyone legitimately like Carlos?

  • edited December 2016

    you apparently got abducted not too long ago

    I suppose it's periodic.

    Edited section

    Never mind! I messed up the dates.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That you do my friend. Summed it up pretty nice considering you apparently got abducted not too long ago.

  • These would've been breaking news, and maybe she saw the news.

    How did Lilly find out Lee was a murderer?

  • Yet everyone else didn't see it?

    These would've been breaking news, and maybe she saw the news.

  • Well, then why wouldn't he tell everyone else?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Larry definitely would have told her.

  • I think Russel says something about Shel and Becca being lucky to join the group after Danny died, thus implying he did rape, ir at least harm someone. And I trust Russel more than that guy.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was it ever confirmed that he did do it? All I ever got was that he was sentenced for statutory rape, he just mentions once that he didn't d

  • He needed a way to have Lee under control, I guess? Like, if he told everyone else, he wouldn't have anything else to use in order to theat Lee.

    Well, then why wouldn't he tell everyone else?

  • To be fair, Russell just spent an indefinite amount of time with Steve and Nate, so he clearly had no patience for anyone he finds suspicious or uncomfortable. After all, he is quick to call him an asshole and say he got killed when Vince brings him in a favoring manner, so I always just assumed either a walker or some hostile survivor killed him and Russell just didn't like his teasing attitude combined with his sentence after what happened with Nate.

    I think Russel says something about Shel and Becca being lucky to join the group after Danny died, thus implying he did rape, ir at least harm someone. And I trust Russel more than that guy.

  • Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck were on their way back from vacation, who knows what Doug and Glenn were doing, Larry either saw it on TV before the outbreak(I think he was retired, wasn't he) or he overheard Carley say it in the office, and Carley only knew because she worked as a reporter.

    Yet everyone else didn't see it?

  • Where are the game audio files on PC?

  • Pour hot water out of a large pot or bowl. Try to make it fall it a slight swirl towards the hole.

    Regarding to No Going Back. How do you unclog a toilet?

  • To be fair, there was a five day timeskip to take into account.

    Davissons posted: »

    That depends on what you mean by 'liked'. I can't speak for everyone, but one of the reasons I disliked him was his nigh non-existant charac

  • I ser your point. Anyways, I believe he was indeed a rapist.

    DabigRG posted: »

    To be fair, Russell just spent an indefinite amount of time with Steve and Nate, so he clearly had no patience for anyone he finds suspiciou

  • Yeah, Larry was definitely trying to use Lee's past as leverage. At the end of episode 1, he basically tells Lee "You do anything stupid, and I'll tell everyone who you are"

    And if you try to talk to him in the meat locker, he'll say "Don't forget; I know who you really are..."

    He needed a way to have Lee under control, I guess? Like, if he told everyone else, he wouldn't have anything else to use in order to theat Lee.

  • nessa.

    Somebody will harm me for this one day. Rashid and Va

  • "I woke up one day, and suddenly, I was Cuban"

    DabigRG posted: »

    Lee, what happened to you?

  • Depends what you're playing on; steam or Telltale version

    For Steam, its

    Program files\Steam\Steamapps\common\The Walking Dead\Pack\

    From there, you have a ton of Telltale archive files (.ttarch + .ttarch2). The audio files are split across _ms and _voice

    'ms' is for music and sound effects. 'voice' is, obviously, for voice.

    You can't open/unzip the files too easily, so the more simple option is to use the Telltale music extractor and the Telltale speech extractor to get the voices/music/sounds/etc.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Where are the game audio files on PC?

  • How do you think Lilly is doing?

    Better character: Sam the dog or Sam from the Michonne mini-series?

  • edited December 2016


  • Using Steam. Thanks, but all I see is are a bunch of .lenc and .ttarch2 files?

    Deltino posted: »

    Depends what you're playing on; steam or Telltale version For Steam, its Program files\Steam\Steamapps\common\The Walking Dead\Pack\

  • enter image description here

    me whenever you post something like this

    “No! No, I don't think so!”

  • I can see that--don't do bourbon kids!

    Deltino posted: »

    "I woke up one day, and suddenly, I was Cuban"

  • Probably eating someone or doing her daily duties.

    Sam from Michonne.

    Auruo posted: »

    How do you think Lilly is doing? Better character: Sam the dog or Sam from the Michonne mini-series?

  • Just reply and then either put a random question here or label it as spam. It's what I always do.


  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited December 2016

    Well there's something fun

    Lee: Mostly phlegmatic and sanguine

    Clementine (S1): Phlegmatic

    Clementine (S2): Melancholic

    Duck: Sanguine

    Katjaa: Phlegmatic/Sanguine

    Kenny (S1): Choleric

    Kenny (S2): Choleric x2, but attempting to be sanguine

    Christa: Phlegmatic

    Christa (S2): Melancholic/Phlegmatic

    Omid: Sanguine

    Chuck: Phlegmatic/Melancholic

    Ben: Melancholic

    Carley: Phlegmatic

    Doug: Phlegmatic

    Larry: Choleric

    Lilly: Choleric/Phlegmatic

    Molly: Melancholic/Choleric

    Luke: Sanguine

    Sarah: Sanguine/Melancholic

    Nick: Choleric/Melancholic

    Jane: Choleric/Melancholic (albeit with different traits than Molly)

    Rebecca: Choleric in episode 1, Melancholic or Phlegmatic for episode 2+

    Carlos: Phlegmatic, with some hints of choleric

    Alvin: Phlegmatic, with a little bit of melancholic

    Pete: Phlegmatic, with some sanguine traits

    Mike: Phlegmatic

    Bonnie: Phlegmatic/Melancholic

    Arvo: Melancholic

    DabigRG posted: »

    What are each character's respective Temperament? Would a thread on this Foursome topic be appropriate?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited December 2016

    Yeah, the ttarch2 files are what you're looking for. Look for ones ending in _ms and _voice. You can tell what episode they are from the rest of the file name (WalkingDead20X, X representing the episode number-- 201 is episode 1, etc)

    For example, the voices for Amid The Ruins are in WalkingDead_pc_WalkingDead204_voice.ttarch2

    BroKenny posted: »

    Using Steam. Thanks, but all I see is are a bunch of .lenc and .ttarch2 files?

  • I dunno, but I hope she's okay.

    And the character from Michonne.

    Auruo posted: »

    How do you think Lilly is doing? Better character: Sam the dog or Sam from the Michonne mini-series?

  • Gotcha. But how do I open them? Like say I wanna try and make a Walking Urban esque video?

    Deltino posted: »

    Yeah, the ttarch2 files are what you're looking for. Look for ones ending in _ms and _voice. You can tell what episode they are from the res

  • What is the image on the side of Buricko's head and the text underneath it? I figured out all the other tattoos except this one

  • Some sort of aztec-esque skull and something about framework limb snitch.

    What is the image on the side of Buricko's head and the text underneath it? I figured out all the other tattoos except this one

  • Why do you say aztec-esque? I truly cannot make out anything specific about it, if you could provide whatever you see that'd help a lot.

    something about framework limb snitch

    Wait what do you mean? Can you actually make out any of the Russian letters? I can't make them out but I'd be happy to translate them

    DabigRG posted: »

    Some sort of aztec-esque skull and something about framework limb snitch.

  • Why do you say aztec-esque? I truly cannot make out anything specific about it, if you could provide whatever you see that'd help a lot.

    Just telling it like I see it. And that is a guess.

    Wait what do you mean? Can you actually make out any of the Russian letters? I can't make them out but I'd be happy to translate them

    That's the best tranlation I could get myself. I don't know Russian, after all.
    This is what it actually looks like to me: MO4N CYK CTYKA4EA

    Why do you say aztec-esque? I truly cannot make out anything specific about it, if you could provide whatever you see that'd help a lot.

  • Shame on you, Sleep! You're only supposed to say "Rashid and Vanessa" if the question is 3 or less words long! You must be sentenced for your crime.

    Somebody will harm me for this one day. Rashid and Va

  • I won't. I'll do margarita. ;)

    DabigRG posted: »

    I can see that--don't do bourbon kids!

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