So "A new frontier" is also a kind of gang? Kind of weird but that trailer was awesome it didn't even feel like the walking dead which I thought was cool it felt like something new and different.
I don't think it would make much sense to bring characters from past seasons since this is a completely different story in a completely different place and time. Not to mention it's more centered around Javier and less on Clementine. Who were they going to bring back anyway? Almost all characters are dead. I honestly don't see Kenny or Jane's appearance making sense in this story either (as much as I want Kenny to come back). Besides, most people follow the comics or at least watch the show so introducing a loved character like Jesus is a smart move by Telltale.
I mean no offense to anyone who loves the comic (I'm a big comic guy myself) or the show but as someone who doesn't bother with the Walking … moreDead outside of the video game i was honestly hoping that the trailer would have shown someone, anyone who had been involved in the first two seasons of the game. Not someone from outside the game universe. @InGen_Nate_Kenny @zeke10
The trailer here is the press one, meaning telltale had to give them a link...Which can only mean one thing...
Which mod has ties to telltale, saw this trailer slightly early, and never spilled the beans?
The trailer here is the press one, meaning telltale had to give them a link...Which can only mean one thing...
Which mod has ties to telltale, saw this trailer slightly early, and never spilled the beans?
The trailer here is the press one, meaning telltale had to give them a link...Which can only mean one thing...
Which mod has ties to telltale, saw this trailer slightly early, and never spilled the beans?
I got the trailer link from their youtube channel be spamming refresh before it was even listed until it showed up, i guess they set the wrong one to public by accident.
The trailer here is the press one, meaning telltale had to give them a link...Which can only mean one thing...
Which mod has ties to telltale, saw this trailer slightly early, and never spilled the beans?
I honestly keep replaying the tralier it is so good! 8 days to go!
So "A new frontier" is also a kind of gang? Kind of weird but that trailer was awesome it didn't even feel like the walking dead which I thought was cool it felt like something new and different.
Probably because we last saw a clear shot of her face 6 months ago.
Yeah, and you can see her badass scar big time. I'm so excited!
This is going to be an action packed two episode premiere from the looks of it.
Seeing all of these new characters just excites me. I've been iffy about my feelings for this new season but now I'm more hyped and excited than ever.
Just got done watching the trailer, Javier is SAVAGE
from the Comics?
Jesus from the comics.
I don't think it would make much sense to bring characters from past seasons since this is a completely different story in a completely different place and time. Not to mention it's more centered around Javier and less on Clementine. Who were they going to bring back anyway? Almost all characters are dead. I honestly don't see Kenny or Jane's appearance making sense in this story either (as much as I want Kenny to come back). Besides, most people follow the comics or at least watch the show so introducing a loved character like Jesus is a smart move by Telltale.
No, from the comics, the game is canon to the comic series, not the TV show.
From the comics, actually. The game takes place in the comic universe, TV universe is its own thing.
Looked like Javier was popping pills at the beginning of the trailer, right before Clementine approached him.
sorry i know nothing about the comics, so forgive my ignorance
Jesus from the bible, Duh..
Maybe the boy in the beanie
Maybe the boy in the beanie
It's already been posted by someone else, but doggone it! I'm gonna post it again! Clementine is actually smiling!
Looks more like a smirk than a smile.
No it doesn't.
"You don't steal from me!"
so are Jane and Kenny not in this?
That picture is so adorable omg
New villain is actually Carver.
He got lucky.... Real lucky.
That was the shortest, fastest and most jam-packed trailer I have ever seen in my life.
Let's do this...
I prefer her in the trailer about Javier's family, she looks more badass, here she looks...

Sure, Lilly grow hair in her hands and stopped being pale!
Try watching it in x2 then!
The trailer here is the press one, meaning telltale had to give them a link...Which can only mean one thing...
Which mod has ties to telltale, saw this trailer slightly early, and never spilled the beans?
Telltale has the "(PRESS)" version of the trailer linked on the blog. Shit, I wish we had early access to trailers lol.
Is it just me or does Jesus sound a little bit like Garrus from Mass Effect?
I watched both this press and the public one and didn't seem to find a difference. I wonder why they did that.
I literally paused the trailer right then and there to get a screenshot. They knew we would love this.
Yes! I was just about to say that.
Little bit? It's what everyone calls any character he voices ever. He was random mooks in Dishonored 2 as well, and everyone heard Garrus.
Why is the video unlisted?
EDIT: Huh, I saw it was unlisted for a second. Back to public now.
A couple bandages here and there and he's all good to go!
I got the trailer link from their youtube channel be spamming refresh before it was even listed until it showed up, i guess they set the wrong one to public by accident.
Yeah, I heard him too. I also heard Thane and Ashley somewhere in there too. It's like they were trying to have a Mass Effect reunion in that game.