If TellTale does a Banjo-Kazooie game, there goes more more of my life towards TellTale. Wouldn't Banjo-Kazooie really only work with TellTale's old style and format or adventure gameplay?
New tweet from Job. Nothing special, until you zoom in on the picture
Choose how to begin your story:
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier can be started as a brand new story or as a continuation of the season 1 & 2 choices you made.
Then you have a button for starting a new story, or continuing your old one. Gives us a little bit more insight into how the save file stuff will work.
Yo guys
New tweet from Job. Nothing special, until you zoom in on the pict… moreure
Choose how to begin your story:
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier can be started as a brand new story or as a continuation of the season 1 & 2 choices you made.
Then you have a button for starting a new story, or continuing your old one. Gives us a little bit more insight into how the save file stuff will work.
How do you want your decisions to matter 2 years after?
Of course flashbacks are needed.
Or do you want an entire different game if you side with Jane, if you side with Kenny or if you are alone?
My personal favorite part is the shot of Javier in front of the grave.
It was Beau's idea - he's the guy who cut the trailer in our video department!
Hahaha I'm sure Beau will be happy to hear this... I'll make sure he gets lunch at some point. lol
I can't speak to any episodes besides 301 and 302, as those are the only ones I've played. I think it's safe to say that Clem is one of the most emotionally complex characters so far in these episodes... but Javier is a stranger to her, and she's rightfully a little guarded around him.
@mostlypoptarts and any of the ANF staff, I have some questions for you all (provided you are allowed to answer them):
* What was your … morefavorite part about the trailer?
* Whose idea was it to include the clip of Clementine with AJ in her backpack?
* Did you guys give said person in regards to number 2 a raise (or at least buy them lunch)?
* Besides dialogue, was anything in the trailer determinant (you can just simply say yes or no)?
* Was there any episode 2 scenes in the trailer?
* Will we see a greater range of emotions from Clementine this season? While we saw small snippets of happiness, pain, and anger last season, she was mostly said and hardened. I understand why, and it made sense for Season 2, especially considering she showed more towards the end of the season. However, I really would like to see more from her. Can I expect at some point for Clem to let her guard down and to open up emotionally sometime before the end of the season?
new game [...] starts with a Clementine who has lost everyone in the previous Seasons (Lee, Kenny, Jane, etc) -> indicating that she hasn't lost them in the beginning of Season 3
I am so excited to see this... But I am also so terrified... I have so many expectations and faith in this game so it makes the chances of disappointment higher, even if something really small doesn't fit right with the story; I'll still notice it.
Well, I'll keep my hopes up. I look forward to playing both my continuation and a new story.
Yo guys
New tweet from Job. Nothing special, until you zoom in on the pict… moreure
Choose how to begin your story:
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier can be started as a brand new story or as a continuation of the season 1 & 2 choices you made.
Then you have a button for starting a new story, or continuing your old one. Gives us a little bit more insight into how the save file stuff will work.
I want Clem to meet a dog this season. She's probably terrified of them, I'd like to see her interactions with one.
Plus dogs are awesome, might as well have one.
So the Alone ending has now become the default ending, I knew I made the correct descision. jk
Also 42 is an incorrect answer, but lets not open the Douglas Adams can of worms... unless TTG is making a Hitchhikers game, because I would be all about that
JESUS! (Sorry, I had to make it sooner or later...) But, 42! That's... a lot more than I expected.
And I'm quote concerned with the lack of mentions about season 1. Does the uploading of the season 2 files to the cloud also bring the saves from s1? (Assuming S2 retrieved your S1 files and it's saved with s2) It's either this or no files from s1, which I highly doubt they would do.
There are 42 different "starting points"
JESUS! (Sorry, I had to make it sooner or later...) But, 42! That's... a lot more than I e… morexpected.
And I'm quote concerned with the lack of mentions about season 1. Does the uploading of the season 2 files to the cloud also bring the saves from s1? (Assuming S2 retrieved your S1 files and it's saved with s2) It's either this or no files from s1, which I highly doubt they would do.
I want Clem to meet a dog this season. She's probably terrified of them, I'd like to see her interactions with one.
Plus dogs are awesome, might as well have one.
Your Season 1 save file was already read into Season 2. I assume that when Season 2 reads your Season 1 save file, it keeps all of your choices on hand so you would not need to do so again.
There are 42 different "starting points"
JESUS! (Sorry, I had to make it sooner or later...) But, 42! That's... a lot more than I e… morexpected.
And I'm quote concerned with the lack of mentions about season 1. Does the uploading of the season 2 files to the cloud also bring the saves from s1? (Assuming S2 retrieved your S1 files and it's saved with s2) It's either this or no files from s1, which I highly doubt they would do.
But you did! My eye's are open now, everything I love sucks, the entirety of human existence is a sham. I can't go back now, its too late all that's left is a bottomless pit of despair and hopelessness.
But you did! My eye's are open now, everything I love sucks, the entirety of human existence is a sham. I can't go back now, its too late all that's left is a bottomless pit of despair and hopelessness.
Thank you kind stranger for making me aware.
42 different starting points! Goddamn Telltale, way to go, I'd like to see people complain about choices not mattering now. And with how it's worded, it does seem that Kenny and Jane will play be around for Season 3, how long, I don't know, but it definitely seems as if they will be featured and not just killed off.
Telltale Cloud Save
"story generator"
42 different "starting points"
new game [...] starts with a Clementine who has lo… morest everyone in the previous Seasons (Lee, Kenny, Jane, etc) -> indicating that she hasn't lost them in the beginning of Season 3
I always assumed the "Clem alone" ending was the default that they showed in trailers, it makes sense when considering they wanna have as clean a slate as possible for new players, but at the same time there are spots here and there where I felt like it would make sense for Jane, Kenny or other S2 finale elements to be present.
People also say that they heard both Kenny and Jane in the latest trailer, so there's that. I'm looking forward to seeing what they make of it.
42 different starting points! Goddamn Telltale, way to go, I'd like to see people complain about choices not mattering now. And with how it'… mores worded, it does seem that Kenny and Jane will play be around for Season 3, how long, I don't know, but it definitely seems as if they will be featured and not just killed off.
42 different starting points! Goddamn Telltale, way to go, I'd like to see people complain about choices not mattering now. And with how it'… mores worded, it does seem that Kenny and Jane will play be around for Season 3, how long, I don't know, but it definitely seems as if they will be featured and not just killed off.
Btw, people, just for clarity... Default world state is not the same thing as an official "canon" state. Default doesn't imply that that's what TT considers to have "really happened." It's just the one that makes the fewest inferences and relies on the fewest connections to previous characters/plot points. In other words, the simplest world state for new people. (This is also the why and how for Bioware's default states.)
What...you didn't get the memo that all gay characters are immediately loved?
No @enzeruanimefan , he is liked because he is an awesome character and a bad ass.
I can see that happening too.
It took Jesus 2-3 years to finally come and save Clem.
It'd be best if they did a crossover with Sam and Max, yeah.
Yo guys
New tweet from Job. Nothing special, until you zoom in on the picture
Then you have a button for starting a new story, or continuing your old one. Gives us a little bit more insight into how the save file stuff will work.
safe to say this is gonna be a soft reboot.
I wonder what type of pills Javi is popping. They look like they're fucking him up.
I also wonder if Clem even knows what drugs are...
He's just coughing.
Looked like he tossed something in his mouth, but I guess I could be wrong. This season has the "drug use" tag as well.
Don't all the episodes have that warning due to the scenes where characters are needing to go find medicine/drugs and some need to use them?
I don't think it means he's an addict.
The alone ending would be a really boring game
Here’s how to import your Walking Dead data into Season Three!
42 different starting points! They clearly wouldn't have went through any of this if your choices didn't matter!
"nah, choices don't matter cuz it's a telltale game lul" - generic YouTube comment
I am so excited to see this... But I am also so terrified... I have so many expectations and faith in this game so it makes the chances of disappointment higher, even if something really small doesn't fit right with the story; I'll still notice it.
Well, I'll keep my hopes up. I look forward to playing both my continuation and a new story.
I want Clem to meet a dog this season. She's probably terrified of them, I'd like to see her interactions with one.
Plus dogs are awesome, might as well have one.
The last time Clem met a dog, it gave her a giant gash on her arm that she had to sew herself xD
I have not paid for this game because Lee was killed. SEASON TWO HAD BAD WRITING
So the Alone ending has now become the default ending, I knew I made the correct descision. jk
Also 42 is an incorrect answer, but lets not open the Douglas Adams can of worms... unless TTG is making a Hitchhikers game, because I would be all about that
(Sorry, I had to make it sooner or later...) But, 42! That's... a lot more than I expected.
And I'm quote concerned with the lack of mentions about season 1. Does the uploading of the season 2 files to the cloud also bring the saves from s1? (Assuming S2 retrieved your S1 files and it's saved with s2) It's either this or no files from s1, which I highly doubt they would do.
I would hope Season 1 data is incorporated into season 2 and both transfer seemlessly
A little dog. Like a pomeranian would he nice. So that you would just have to kick it if it betrays you and problem solved.
I am so relieved! I really appreciate them taking the time to do this.
You have convinced me! These games suck, can't believe I wasted so much time on them, what a fool I was.
Then go. If you don't want to play season 2 don't play season 3, Lee's still dead.
Don't have to convince you. Fact's Clearly show season 1 writing was better then season 2.
Your Season 1 save file was already read into Season 2. I assume that when Season 2 reads your Season 1 save file, it keeps all of your choices on hand so you would not need to do so again.
But you did! My eye's are open now, everything I love sucks, the entirety of human existence is a sham. I can't go back now, its too late all that's left is a bottomless pit of despair and hopelessness.
Thank you kind stranger for making me aware.
lol @Plan_R Has Leveled their Trolling the Troll skill to level 3
[Mod edit: fixed broken formatting]
42 different starting points! Goddamn Telltale, way to go, I'd like to see people complain about choices not mattering now. And with how it's worded, it does seem that Kenny and Jane will play be around for Season 3, how long, I don't know, but it definitely seems as if they will be featured and not just killed off.
This is definitely cuter than Clementine in Season 1 in my opinion.
I always assumed the "Clem alone" ending was the default that they showed in trailers, it makes sense when considering they wanna have as clean a slate as possible for new players, but at the same time there are spots here and there where I felt like it would make sense for Jane, Kenny or other S2 finale elements to be present.
People also say that they heard both Kenny and Jane in the latest trailer, so there's that. I'm looking forward to seeing what they make of it.
Well i'd like to see how it turns out first before people start flipping out based on some stats
This person has been banned like 4 times but keeps coming back, he's just trolling.
Genuinely impressed with the 42 different starting points.
Btw, people, just for clarity... Default world state is not the same thing as an official "canon" state. Default doesn't imply that that's what TT considers to have "really happened." It's just the one that makes the fewest inferences and relies on the fewest connections to previous characters/plot points. In other words, the simplest world state for new people. (This is also the why and how for Bioware's default states.)