Well, your dream was better than mine. I just dreamed about me checking the forum and reading lots of things about the first 2 episodes. All night long. lmao
And I dreamed about this game all night long. I think I need some help
I had a TWD game Dream where I was in TWD world walking and t… morealking to 11-year-old Clem. And we went in a building and there was Kenny. Clem yelled "KENNY!" and ran over to hug him, and when I looked at Kenny, he was messed up. His eyepatch was gone and his eye was all red and permanently shut. And he had a very long beard, but his mustache was half hanging off. Then I woke up going "WTF?" lol
Nice. If your countdown says that and mine says 1d 7h, then it means the game will actually be released at midnight regardless of your timezone on PS4, especially since it's already downloaded and only needs to be unlocked.
I can't get the game just yet because I play on PS3 and I gotta wait til I can get a PS4. I wanna avoid spoilers but I'm gonna be tempted to look it up til I can play it myself. Ahhh how can I stop myself from spoiling it for myself?
Looking back on Season 1, it is rather funny how much has changed with the graphics and the art style. The characters looked more comic and slightly cartoony back then.
2 days... Time sure flies.
Just want to take a moment to sincerely thank everyone on the forum. It's been a wild ride, a bit rough at some times, but you guys made the wait so much more entertaining and fun.
And I dreamed about this game all night long. I think I need some help
I had a TWD game Dream where I was in TWD world walking and t… morealking to 11-year-old Clem. And we went in a building and there was Kenny. Clem yelled "KENNY!" and ran over to hug him, and when I looked at Kenny, he was messed up. His eyepatch was gone and his eye was all red and permanently shut. And he had a very long beard, but his mustache was half hanging off. Then I woke up going "WTF?" lol
I always said that I'm trying to be patient and I did but you know what guys? It doesn't change the fact that the wait is always the hardest right at the end of the road. Only 1-2 days left and I already can't wait to play this game.
I always said that I'm trying to be patient and I did but you know what guys? It doesn't change the fact that the wait is always the hardest right at the end of the road. Only 1-2 days left and I already can't wait to play this game.
I always said that I'm trying to be patient and I did but you know what guys? It doesn't change the fact that the wait is always the hardest right at the end of the road. Only 1-2 days left and I already can't wait to play this game.
His thumbnails give away way too much. And he does alternate choices videos. It was a nightmare being subscribed to him when episode 3 of Batman came out.
I'm in the same exact situation. Sadly unsubscribing probably won't protect you from his spoilery titles and thumbnails. Use this Chrome extension if you can and block his channel for a while so you don't see his videos show up anywhere on Youtube.
He has this habit of posting really spoilery stuff in his title and/or thumbnail.
The dude is nice as fuck but he really needs to lay off doing that shit.
Job is currently giving away Steam codes on Twitter. For those of you who don't own the game, I'd suggest attempting to redeem one of them. His Twitter handle is @jobjstauffer. Good luck to those who try to get one!
Job is currently giving away Steam codes on Twitter. For those of you who don't own the game, I'd suggest attempting to redeem one of them. His Twitter handle is @jobjstauffer. Good luck to those who try to get one!
I know with the release of the trailer everything was batshit crazy. When the episode does release I hope this thread is spoiler free that way I can still pass my time on here like you mentioned.
I seriously hope there are enough moderators/enough active ones these next couple days that will control the spoilers. There are going to be a boat ton.
I know a lot of the moderators here and I think things should be relatively fine.
I think it's just gonna suck though being extra cautious given that most of us already have to rule out places like Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, ect for spoilers. So it kinda narrows down your distractions.
I know with the release of the trailer everything was batshit crazy. When the episode does release I hope this thread is spoiler free that … moreway I can still pass my time on here like you mentioned.
I seriously hope there are enough moderators/enough active ones these next couple days that will control the spoilers. There are going to be a boat ton.
On my PS4 it tells me how long until the game can be playable. So yeah.
Well, your dream was better than mine. I just dreamed about me checking the forum and reading lots of things about the first 2 episodes. All night long. lmao
The end of the wait feels like Christmas. Thank you everyone
See y'll on tuesday!
Nice. If your countdown says that and mine says 1d 7h, then it means the game will actually be released at midnight regardless of your timezone on PS4, especially since it's already downloaded and only needs to be unlocked.
When are you getting a PS4?
Looking back on Season 1, it is rather funny how much has changed with the graphics and the art style. The characters looked more comic and slightly cartoony back then.
Telltale waits; Bringing people together.
Its almost here... which means spoilers will be near...
1 gg
At least he's still alive lol
Could not believe the main villain was Carley...man that shot to the head was not fatal....she got lucky, real lucky.
I saw the game and it takes 1 hour 30 mins each episodes, but if you look around the hubs long enough it will take you 1 hour 45 mins.
I always said that I'm trying to be patient and I did but you know what guys? It doesn't change the fact that the wait is always the hardest right at the end of the road. Only 1-2 days left and I already can't wait to play this game.
What does that mean?
God bless.
I've been that way for the past 3 months.
Contemplating whether or not now's the time to unsubscribe from SwingPoynt to avoid spoilers.
Whoops double post
What do they post that's spoiler-esque?
His thumbnails give away way too much. And he does alternate choices videos. It was a nightmare being subscribed to him when episode 3 of Batman came out.
He has this habit of posting really spoilery stuff in his title and/or thumbnail.
The dude is nice as fuck but he really needs to lay off doing that shit.
I'm in the same exact situation. Sadly unsubscribing probably won't protect you from his spoilery titles and thumbnails. Use this Chrome extension if you can and block his channel for a while so you don't see his videos show up anywhere on Youtube.
Video Blocker
She looks fine to me! Heh...ok maybe not.
Love you so much for this!!
Papa bless.
Job is currently giving away Steam codes on Twitter. For those of you who don't own the game, I'd suggest attempting to redeem one of them. His Twitter handle is @jobjstauffer. Good luck to those who try to get one!
We're so close guys, tomorrow at midnight(hopefully, please don't mess up this time TellTale) we'll finally be able to see Clementine again.
These last few days, with the release of A New Frontier rapidly approaching, this song has been unable to escape me.

"Not the guy on the radio. Not a guy at all. Full marks for observation."
Two days, and preordered earlier.
In other words: Let's do this shit.
That feeling when you really don't want to be spoiled but this forum is the only thing keeping you busy till it releases on Steam.
It's a race against time!
EDIT: I hope twitter doesn't fail me, I want a free copy even if I could afford the game.
I know with the release of the trailer everything was batshit crazy. When the episode does release I hope this thread is spoiler free that way I can still pass my time on here like you mentioned.
I seriously hope there are enough moderators/enough active ones these next couple days that will control the spoilers. There are going to be a boat ton.
If staying up all morning means I may get a copy of ANF, then so be it.
EDIT: I slowly reach a point in my life that I stay up just for a copy, aha.
I know a lot of the moderators here and I think things should be relatively fine.
I think it's just gonna suck though being extra cautious given that most of us already have to rule out places like Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, ect for spoilers. So it kinda narrows down your distractions.