So I'm feeling pretty bummed about the whole clementine thing. I fucking love this girl and I really want to play as her, as I'm sure many of you do too? I feel as if playing as javier almost isn't fair on fellow survivors because no matter what CLEM is gonna come first, out of anyone. What I'd do for Clem, AJ and kenny to be together..
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Yup, agreed. I don't care about Javier and his family, Mari's death barely registered as surprising. Any time I have to pick a choice between Javier's interests (Eleanor, his fam, whatever) and Clem, then Clem wins 100%.
I really can't understand why they made Javier a main character. New engine, new reboot of the franchise? Fuck that noise, what about the loyal customers who have been with this series since the beginning? They built Clementine up for two whole games and now she's merely a side character. Ok, sure. Makes so much sense.
Yeah dude. And as for playing as Clem as well as Javier biggest load of bullshit I've heard, so far anyway. I'm hardly interested in anyone else because I'm to focused on Clementine. Every time she's out of the picture all I can think about is where the hell she is. But yeah Clem always wins for me too, as I'm sure she does for most people. So choices between her and other people are just so irrelevant to me. I miss playing as her so much or someone who cares for her as much as Lee.
To be honest, I really like Javier much, muuuch more than I ever expected or even hoped for. I went into it prepared to hate Javier, and at first I did, his younger self at least. But it turned out I like him, and even his family, except the puberty boy.
The reason I am still very disappointed is that I went into the game thinking we get to play Clem at least 30-40% of the time, and that it would be like Tales from the Borderlands, changing between both characters depending on the situation, using that to solve problems together, again, like in TftB. That would have been awesome.
Instead, we get to play Clem like, 2% if at all. She just doesn't feel like the Clem I've known for two seasons, and especially not like the Clem I played and shaped in Season 2. No matter what my/our Lee taught her, or whether we played her as a kind trusting person or a cold bitch, all that doesn't matter. That's why I can only be disappointed, no matter what.
Now if enough people feel like me, and maybe Telltale would give us much more time to play as Clem, while not ignoring Javier, this might become a very good season after all. Though my hopes are rather low, sadly.
I actually like playing as Javier. I love Clementine but she's not going to come first for me if it doesn't make sense from Javier's point of view.
I agree man and I can assure you a lot of people feel like you, including me. WE NEED MORE CLEM, end of story,
I think where she is at the moment is good. Think about it, She was the player character in Season 2, She was arguably more important then Lee in season 1 with big events centered around her and now we have a new character, with a new story, I think it's good that telltale is letting Javier and his family develop on their own without Clementine that much, It could be worse, Clementine could've ended up like Jane and Kenny in those terrible flashbacks. As long as she's in the game, you should be happy.
Agreed so glad she's in. How I play these things is very clear cut. No man/woman left behind. But you give me a clear choice of Javier/Clem lives. Clem will dig his grave and use a funnle to pee on it. I like Javier, I Like his story so far. But I will straight up murder to protect Clem. However,if I'm playing as Clem.....Things will be less so. I'm not proud of that. We're all better off,seeing her react as it gives meaning to our privious choices. That potty mouth though
WE DEMAND CLEM! I hope Telltale starts realizing what a big clusterfuck it is to creat most likely the most loveable character of all time and then making her a sidekick and a bad one as well. If this was going to be a stress test of how to gather information on how we react to a non clem character, Telltale you got it. It backfired huge, to huge. You lost trust in your fanbase. Now start giving us our trust back and start giving us more Clem!
We demand Clem. Also it really dosn't help that this character dosn't feel much unique and rather sereotypically. Brother mihandling you and the family, wife falls in love with you. Brother disapears in the time of need and then has a deus ex return. Seen it before and will not raise my attention. Give us Clem back, pretty please?!
Clem playable only in flashbacks ? What the hell telltale ?!
Yeah, not good at all.
Yeah yeah same. Hope they start listening to the majority of the community who feel we need more of her.
That's not necessarily the issue, the issue is that the flashbacks are both too short and too little.
True, it would make it a lot better if flash backs were a lot longer and more thought out. But I would also like some time playing as her in present time, personally.
Alright people, let's calm down for a second. Yes, the game should have more moments where we play as Clementine, because as it stands right now, she's not so much a co-playable character, but a shoehorned in PC and relevant side character. Now there is no problem with her being a side character, but if that's the route they wanted, then that's the one they should have taken, and if they want her to be a co-playable character, then there has to be more times we play as her. And I'm not saying that because we played as her in Season 2 and she's the main focus, blah blah blah. I'm saying that because there is a lot of room for her character to grow with these flashbacks, a lot of her story that should and could be told, and it doesn't seem Telltale is focusing on that.
However, at the same time, I love the character of Javi and I love him as a playable character. It offers a whole new perspective when it comes to the game series, and he's proven to be a very interesting character. If this continues, he can easily become one of Telltale's best PC's if not the best.
They need to find a good balance between Javi and Clem, and as it stands, they don't have that.
I think it's fine if Clem is only playable in flashbacks and Javi for the present, but I certainly won't complain if we do get to play as her in the present.
I have to agree with this. Every time there was a hub I went on a search looking for Clem so I could talk to her. Didn't care about anything else. I also noticed I wasn't interested in the scenes that she wasn't in. I was thinking about when she was gonna show up again.
Same here, which makes sense because of how attached we are to her and for us to be put in a character who hardly knows her and has his own priorities
I enjoy Javi now, after having over 24 hours to process just how little Clem interaction we ended up with so far. I've played it 3 times through with different choices to try and tailor it around for more Clem time and get the most out of the small talk with/see the different outcomes. Here's to hoping EP3-5 has more playable moments
Well I just watched the behind the scenes vid they have on there channel on yt and it seems clem is only playable through flashbacks. This is Javier story.
I'll never understand some fans. There are those who complained about playing as Clementine in season 2 and they hoped that in season 3 it would be a new guy with Clem as either an NPC or not in the game at all. Telltale gives everyone a solution that'll make everyone happy which is the play as a new guy, while switching off to Clem at certain points and now everyone's complaining that Clem isn't the main playable character? Sure she should've had a bigger role as the PC besides flashbacks, but at least Telltale is trying their best here. Give it time, I'm sure we'll have a chance to play as Clem for more than just flashbacks. I like Javier. He's pretty cool.
Honestly, she seems much less engaging now.
Sure, she has the whole "aggressive youth" thing going, but barely anything to develop herself off of it.
When a conversation is happening, we don't even barely see Clem anymore and she seems to largely only supply the background spaces rather then an active member of the groups' decision making and on top of that, her back story segments are quite shit. Literally things just happening (so her fingers were crushed by a door cause of a walker and that bullshit is why she cut off her finger? Could a corpse even push a door with enough force to completely close even with a good portion of a hand blocking it?)
She also has little to actually say about any plot relevancies and adds little to nothing other then, I presume, fan service.
All my yes.
I'm happy with the episodes and I'm thriled about her personality but I still want to play as her purely because she's my favourite.
One of the things I liked the most about the game series was deciding who she grew up to be and I don't want to lose that.
I agree it needs more moments with Clementine. However, I believe episode 5 will feature Clementine more because that is the season finale. Also I love the small cosmetic details that Clem has like the scars, tattoo, and missing finger! The flashbacks that shows how that happened makes the story feel so much more unique. The scars, tattoos, and missing finger do not mean Clem will die because all TellTale has to do is make alternate character models like they did for Batman and Tales from the Borderlands! I give the first two episodes a score of 5/5 stars for actually making Season 2 have an impact on Season 3!
We played as Lee in Season 1, We Played as Clem in Season 2... I found myself really connecting with Javier in Season 3. Maybe Clem and Gabe end up together in S4. Javier is a great character but, I wish we could have played more as Clem, I love her. I just know they better keep her alive!

Purchase this game because of Clementine..
I want to grow up with Clementine.. To know every detail of her.. What is she doing... How is she survive until now..
but they give me Javier
I love Javier.. but i don't care about his char development.. i'm not attached to him as i'm attached to clem..
This franchise is all about clementine.. (lee & kenny even die too develop her)
i pay for Clem.. !
Javier is good character i can't say that isn't but main character? i'm little disapointed. but i just really really hope (probably very naively) that in coming episodes will be Clem main character again
I would like to play as her more and I think the flashbacks should be longer but the reality is she's not the main character of this season and is more of a supporting character now. Javier is going to be the main playable character with the most development since S3 kinda revolves around him