Honestly, it was just a few hurdles they stumbled over that everyone is making a big deal about. I really liked the episode as well but I agree with a lot of the hate it's getting.
Finished EP 1 about 1 am my time last night. Waiting until episode 2 tonight 'cause I wanna savor the whole thing.
I don't know, man. I'm… more seeing all the hate on here but I honestly enjoyed the hell out of it. I might write a review later when I finish both episodes.
Same for Mac users, I guess. Odd that iOS gets it, but OSX doesn't. If they have no plans to bring it to Mac, then would have been nice to include something like "Mac support is not planned" in that same post.
Not saying either way is annoying (even though the launch trailer implied it would be), but I don't have high hopes for a Mac release, since Batman wasn't released on Mac. Sigh. Or maybe they are, since I haven't found anything to the contrary. And they just want to focus on current platforms, make sure the game runs smoothly there, before expanding. Again, would be nice if they just said this or something to the contrary, somewhere.
I've enjoyed TTG for several years, but if they're no longer releasing for Mac, I guess I'll have to say goodbye until I can shell out enough money for a Windows computer, whenever that is.
Actually, in the release dates it is stated that Android version is going to be out December 20 as well so I guess they don't care that xbox360 and ps3 are more powerful.
Mods; make sure to tell .. err .. telltale not to release on iOS this Friday make it Wednesday/Thursday as the iOS store is on shutdown for Christmas and won't accept any more inputs.
Mods; make sure to tell .. err .. telltale not to release on iOS this Friday make it Wednesday/Thursday as the iOS store is on shutdown for Christmas and won't accept any more inputs.
I can't import my Season Two save locally or from my Telltale account
We are aware of an issue where players on Xbox One are not currently able to import their save from The Walking Dead - Season Two into The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. This issue is directly related to a Day 1 patch that has not yet been released. This patch is approved and should be released shortly, but until it is available, local save importing will not be an option.
However, complete season saves that have been uploaded to our website can still be imported into The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, even without the Day 1 patch.
I figured another mod would have posted it, but I posted one as a temporary placeholder. Any mod is welcome to repost it and merge my thread with theirs.
I have iPad mini 2. Previously all the way through today, I was assured it would be released. Then I was told that it would be more like tonight not today. I wake up all excited to play and it still isn't in App Store. Super frustrated. So, I google and see that "The Walking dead new frontier has been released today. It will be released to mobile and iOS users sometime this week"
WHAAAAAATTTTTT? I don't know weather to scream or cry! I'll do both...
Honestly, it was just a few hurdles they stumbled over that everyone is making a big deal about. I really liked the episode as well but I agree with a lot of the hate it's getting.
Same for Mac users, I guess. Odd that iOS gets it, but OSX doesn't. If they have no plans to bring it to Mac, then would have been nice to include something like "Mac support is not planned" in that same post.
Not saying either way is annoying (even though the launch trailer implied it would be), but I don't have high hopes for a Mac release, since Batman wasn't released on Mac. Sigh. Or maybe they are, since I haven't found anything to the contrary. And they just want to focus on current platforms, make sure the game runs smoothly there, before expanding. Again, would be nice if they just said this or something to the contrary, somewhere.
I've enjoyed TTG for several years, but if they're no longer releasing for Mac, I guess I'll have to say goodbye until I can shell out enough money for a Windows computer, whenever that is.
They are always lying to mobile users. I am fucking done with these lies.
Oh no. Clem what have you done!
Want episode 3 now please
I feel like i'm the only one loving S3.
It is great.
I am too hopefully tomorrow
Please don't spoil it I'm a mobile user
i won't buddy, don't worry.
Now me and my poor hope can go to bed. Sad story.
Does anyone know the dates of the rest of the episodes 3, 4 and 5 when will they be out?
I hope monthly like Batman was.
It should be as far as I would guess; Michonne and Minecraft Eps 1-4 were also monthly.
Nah man its off to a great start
Asking for a friend cause I've actually already played it, but does anyone know when it'll be released on Mac?
They have not given a date yet. It is unknown if or when they will do so.
Would be really nice if telltale could tell us the OFFICIAL and REAL release date for Android and iOS.
Mods; make sure to tell .. err .. telltale not to release on iOS this Friday make it Wednesday/Thursday as the iOS store is on shutdown for Christmas and won't accept any more inputs.
I would assume that Telltale are already aware of that from years of past experience.
Now they are saying this week ugh why
The support page still says December 20th
On more about The game
Below Buy Now
So I cant play as Clementine? I have to play as Javier? Seriously?????
Yeah, found it. Thanks. Well... In the next two days. Let's hope.
Yeah I hope so they are treating us mobile users like trash
Hey Blind Sniper you need to update the thread for mobile releace
Sharing this here: https://telltale.com/support/article/I-can-t-import-my-Season-Two-save-locally-or-from-my-Telltale-account/
The Support article has not yet been updated, so I will wait a little longer.
So uh I know some people still are staying on this thread but is the episode 3 waiting thread out or when will it be made? Just ready to move on.
I figured another mod would have posted it, but I posted one as a temporary placeholder. Any mod is welcome to repost it and merge my thread with theirs.
Also why is the i lowercased on IOS it's all caps
I passed the first episode yesterday.
I do not want to talk about it, I do not want to discuss it, i just say:
This is worst shit i ever see.
Well I finished the first two episodes of season 3. It's looking good so far. I can't wait until episode 3.
What to do now mobile users they again ditched saying comming this week same they did with batman
No, i is lowecase and OS is upper
Screwed mobile yet again, isnt it ttg!? You just cant exist if you dont delay games for mobile
Getting spoiled everytime i open the community, the post titles are spoilers! Where the eff are mods!
I'm outta here for a week
Thread: Has IOS been postponed?
I have iPad mini 2. Previously all the way through today, I was assured it would be released. Then I was told that it would be more like tonight not today. I wake up all excited to play and it still isn't in App Store. Super frustrated. So, I google and see that "The Walking dead new frontier has been released today. It will be released to mobile and iOS users sometime this week"
WHAAAAAATTTTTT? I don't know weather to scream or cry! I'll do both...
We all were familiar with it