Disappointment (A New Frontier Spoilers)



  • The comics and show have lasted years without the need to toss aside the core characters because there's no more story. The thing about them is they're ripe with possible scenarios because of the state of things. It's literally following the characters as they try to survive, and the hardships that went with it. The comics themselves are spread out over good deals of time, we've covered very small periods in the games. Nothing happened during the years between the first two seasons? Or the years between this and S2? Telling more than one story of a character isn't milking them, especially when you establish them as the focus of multiple games.

    And I think you're kinda missing the point about the issue I take with Clementines return this season. Yes, there's a good deal of fans who like her and wanted her to return. The issue I take is there's a difference between bringing her back just say we've brought her back, and actually continuing the series with her. Aside from the flashbacks, which are overly short and pretty irrelevant to the game, her involvement has been minimalized to the point you're not even missing anything if you didn't play the previous games, the connection is gone. And this comes after the only options in S2s endings are various levels of bleak. We essentially ended on a cliffhanger and dove into a completely new story.

    Rishfee posted: »

    Well,it kinda is a new game.And why bring Clem in it?You answered your own question.Given how invested a big portion of the fanbase is in Cl

  • Honestly, after actually playing the new two episodes, I think they was pretty good. I was presented with choices that I pretty consistently had to think about for a minute, and while I didn't enjoy them as much as the first two episodes of the previous seasons, I had fun. I don't think Javier is as bas as people are making him out to be, and I don't mind having to play as him so much. I really like the characters (Jesus is my favorite), and I think the graphics are actually good, but...I do have my issues with it.

    Obviosly, the flash-back sequence was shit. I knew Kenny was probably gonna go out like a bitch, but I expected to wind up crying like a bitch. It was just like:
    oh no we crash
    where kenny
    oh no
    kenny u k?
    "no my legs"
    oh fuck
    "go clem"
    ok ken-slice ;_;

    Clem grabs the kid, and runs away as Kenny gets eaten in the background. Then it just ends. I expected to be sad, but instead I was like, "...That's it?!" I'm pretty sure A.J is dead, which seems like a fucking kick in the nads. After all that shit taht went down in Season 2, he only appears for a few minutes in flashbacks. Awesome. I was dissapointed when it was revealed Clem used to be part of the New Frontier. During that OTHER flashback sequence, I figured Clem may have joined as soonas the woman offered introducing her to them. I figured telling her "No, thanks," would keep Clem out of it. Nope. She joined anyway. Awesome. I think killing Marriana so early was a waste, and if saved up, could've been a lot more impactful. I have three nieces and two nephews, and I love those little shits. I think if they milked her dying for what it was worth, it could've yanked at my heart strings really hard.

    I wish we got to play as Clementine more often. It seems to me that we're going to be playing as Javier for most of the Season. While I like him, I don't feel al that much for him. Granted, we've only had two episodes with him so far, so this can change in due time.

    My biggest dissapointment came when I finsiehd Episode 1, and realized that Telltale didn't keep track of the percentage of players that smoked weed with Kate. I was hoping to see "You and 80-something% of players hit a blunt with Kate," or something. Total letdown in that regard.

  • You will be an amazing writer :)

    The first scene in Jane's segment has a fitting gloomy ambiance that reflects her depressed and lethargic emotional state. The pale purplish

  • Thank you, Raven!

    I am sure Jane will be a memorable character, regardless of moral judgment.

    You will be an amazing writer

  • After playng the episodes i think its a bit better than i thought before.
    The only things saving this season is Clementine and Garrus valkarian voicing Jesus lol.

  • After playng the episodes i think its a bit better than i thought before.
    The only things saving this season is Clementine and Garrus valkarian voicing Jesus lol.

  • I was ticked too but...let's be real here.
    Telltale does not have the budget, time or means to make Dragon-Age Inquisition-esq variables when it comes to gameplay and story. Having Kenny and Jane as major characters would be insanely difficult and we would have been waiting a LOT longer.
    That said, they did not have to die. Maybe they couldn't reunited with Clem eventually. But I knew going in that realistically neither were going to be major characters if Telltale wanted the stories to eventually converge.

    Kenny and the car crash was complete bogus.

    I've said it before, if they do a cop out 'he was dead all along, so horrible, much tragedy, much walking dead' bull with AJ, I WILL be majorly pissed.

  • Agreed.

    I know it irks people that Kenny dies instantly in Episode 1 but honestly.. did his character really have much more mileage in it? Kenny'

  • Yeah, I think they made it pretty obvious where he might be.

    bIueberryy posted: »

    I just hope that AJ doesn't get a cheap death as well. Where do you guys think that he is? Dead or alive? I think that he's maybe with the New Frontier.

  • You know, saying after she died isn't a very good sign.

    Thank you, Raven! I am sure Jane will be a memorable character, regardless of moral judgment.

  • I figured that's what they were going for(in fact, I predicted some of those things on separate occasions), I just wish they would've spent more time letting it sink in.

    The first scene in Jane's segment has a fitting gloomy ambiance that reflects her depressed and lethargic emotional state. The pale purplish

  • edited December 2016

    Dragon Age Inquisition was kind of terrible, and had dramatically less freedom of choice than Origins. Not to mention the terrible character models/character creator, tedious gameplay, horrible open world, and the fact the story makes up about ten percent of the game. Oh, and they screwed over early adopters by not allowing us to purchase a dlc bundle, instead expecting people to spend over sixty dollars, and around thirty Australian for the literal game ending.

    I would have adored Telltale if they put the time and effort into this game to allow for different character states, and make a longer, and far more polished story without the utterly stupid amount of ugly visual glitches and pool animations (not to mention that in 2016, they still haven't figured out how to render a crowd, their games look hideous in a lot of areas). I can guarentee that the critical acclaim and sales they would have gotten if they innovated in technology, gameplay depth and challenge, or the breadth of choice, would have more than made up for the development time.

    Maybe if they didn't waste time buying a huge amount of IP's and putting minimal effort into a bunch of different products at once?

    Wistful posted: »

    I was ticked too but...let's be real here. Telltale does not have the budget, time or means to make Dragon-Age Inquisition-esq variables wh

  • edited December 2016

    After watching how the endings of S2 "mattered" in S3.

    I can honestly say that I'd rather prefer one of Kenny/Jane flashbacks than that most idiotic one where Clementine decides to pull off a "Jane", leaving AJ in a car, and losing a finger opening a car door with force instead of breaking the glass and grabbing him.

    This is going towards AMC level of logic now, like that well-zombie scene...

  • The wellington one is the best, edith looks weird as fuck but at least shes a minor character, clementine is competant ish. There is some gameplay

    TheMPerson posted: »

    After watching how the endings of S2 "mattered" in S3. I can honestly say that I'd rather prefer one of Kenny/Jane flashbacks than that m

  • Too bad we didn't get to see how wellington looks from the inside, at all.

    The wellington one is the best, edith looks weird as fuck but at least shes a minor character, clementine is competant ish. There is some gameplay

  • Huh, that is a good point. Then again, my only real problem was how arbitrary the whole thing felt.

    The wellington one is the best, edith looks weird as fuck but at least shes a minor character, clementine is competant ish. There is some gameplay

  • edited January 2017

    Simply opening a car door and grabbing the baby instead of breaking the glass and raining shards of glass onto an infant, how idiotic of Clementine! In all seriousness though, the Alone ending having the most grave injury of all the endings and clementine making a lot of mistakes was fitting since she has had no one else around to support her. I admit, her leaving AJ in the car was a bit stupid, but he was making noise and distracting Clem from getting food.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    After watching how the endings of S2 "mattered" in S3. I can honestly say that I'd rather prefer one of Kenny/Jane flashbacks than that m

  • How did this thread go active again? I thought that the hatchet was buried in order to give Ep3 a chance to prove people (or not) that ANF is salvagable. Oh well.

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