Well,why Telltale =(?
Why have you done this to us telltale?this ''season 3'' felt like a slap at my face, and probably most of the fanbase. If you really wanted to get rid of Clem's arc, just started a new series, like for example, Fear the Walking Dead, that would have been much better then what you did.
This 2 eps just gave me the impression that you just HAD to put Clem in this new arc, and you just forced her in to ''please'' us. But we are not fools...
Well i will stick with this ending as canon and face this ''season 3''as a fan fiction.
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"Because your choices matter and S1 and S2 players will feel rewarded"
I chose the left one and was forced to see Edith's death instead...
Since ANF is not titled "Season 3" it is fanfiction and I'm going to assume that Clem, Kenny & AJ are down in Florida off on a boat living a happy life because that's what needs to happen! I completely agree with you in regards that this feels like FTWD with a familiar face. This is not TWD, this is a spin off with Clementine in it. Nothing should have been brought up about Clementine, she shouldn't even be in the game, and the real Season 3 should have come after this with Kenny/Jane actually surviving if they were saved.
I feel you man... What we played this week is sadder than Lee's death hahaha
I will honestly pay extra for a rewritten episode 1, and fix Kenny and Janes, everything.
LMAO! This is starting to get pathetic.
Your life? Don't beat yourself up.
Jeez I agree this forum is turning into a civil war
And the buthurt just keeps on coming.
Someone should call captain America to end all of this.
Which side is he on lol?
I believe they were trying to create a walking dead product which appealed to old fans and newcomers but the execution wasn't that good.
Looks like he's about to kill a mofo. We need an iron man hate one
Hail, Hydra.
Psst hail season 3
"Advance the flag of Dixie! Hurrah! Hurrah! In Dixie's land we take our stand, and live or die for Dixie! To arms! To arms! And conquer peace for Dixie!"
Just give it a rest already, holy shit. This is the like hundredth complaining about New Frontier/season 3. Wait until more episodes come out before you start complaining nonstop
There must be a few people who enjoy season 3 right? I think they're doing a great job. All they need to do is fix the buggy textures and the lag. As long as they leave in the NPC I like to call the "Dunwich Model".
Man a couldn't agree more.
I enjoy it. I wasn't expecting much, and i have to admit it, what they did with Kenny and Jane was pathetic, but overall, i think it's good so far. New story, new characters, decent hubs are back, Clementine isn't the centre of attention. It's fresh and it's new. I hope it gets better each episode.
It's not that surprising that Kenny went flying out of a car window. Neither he or Clem were wearing seatbelts. It's a realistic punishment for stupidity. I haven't seen the Jane ending but I could see her doing what she did.
I just meant with our choices and the terrible models in the flashback and the way it was done was to kill them off as quickly as they could. Jane's mentality in season 2 would never do what she did in season 3.
TTG are shitbirds and this game series and game studio are DEAD to me. RIP.
Taking my business elsewhere until they go back to making quality content and showing that they CARE about the story and characters (not just the bottom line).
You should be ashamed, TTG!
Kenny (and Jane).... AND THE FANS/PLAYERS from S1 and S2 deserved better.
Take your reboot of the series, and your 60 minute per episode cynical AF cash grab, and your flat one dimensional tropes for characters, and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
You guys need to look at the older TTG series and hire back some of your old writers. It's obvious to me why so many of the good writers in your studio left. You guys DGAF about quality writing any more and just go for cheap, manipulative emotional ploys to milk money out of your fan base.
This game series, its fans, and its characters deserved better than this crap.
Keep churning out your minecraft and batman and other b.s. IPs. It's obvious the studio only cares about $$$ now and TWDG is just another dime a dozen IP in their eyes.
P.S. It is a total emotional betrayal that Kenny went out like that after everything Kenny and Clem went through, after the agonizing choice of him vs Jane, after the heartstrings that were pulled when I refused to go into Wellington and told Kenny I was staying with him come hell or highwater (I still can watch that sequence and get tears in my eyes regardless of whether players decide to stay with Kenny or follow his last wish for AJ and Clem to stay in Wellington).
I honestly don't think the people who wrote and created A New Frontier played the same game I did. If they did, they clearly don't know the first thing about writing meaningful character arcs and making an important character's death MEAN SOMETHING.
I didn't ever care for Jane, but her death was 100% shit too. Just such a cheap cop-out by TTG. Totally obvious they wanted to reboot the series and didn't want players to dwell on the characters from before.
I bet TTG are shitting bricks now consider they've probably storyboarded and planned for the next 3 episodes to be all about Javier (with Clementine a non-entity) and fans of the earlier seasons are already extremely disappointed in the different tone and focus of the series.
Shit like this makes me hate game studios. In my mind, Clem, Kenny, and AJ are still out there surviving somehow and ANF is just really bad, shallow, poorly thought out FAN FICTION!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain would never side with TTG on this one. He's for what is good and right. He's for quality and for standing up to slimey bastards. Captain stayed with Kenny and died inside when he saw what happened to Kenny (and Jane) in ANF.
Tony Stark and his corporate "ends justify the means" way of doing things would side with TTG. He's for cutting corners and making deals with the slimey bastards. Tony didn't even play S1 or S2 because he was too busy banging bimbos and being a playboy. He didn't care what happened to Kenny and Jane because Javier would appeal to a whole new market and it was time to expand the appeal of the IP to appease the stockholders in the company.
TeamIronman/TTG = corporate sell out bastards who are just in it for the money and fame
TeamCaptain/those who dislike ANF = people who demand justice and can't stand to see a great IP and great characters discarded like they are unwanted trash
No ones acting like people are going crazy for disagreeing
Bro Kenny gets a high five from me. This season is fan fiction in my mind and this is all a what if story, excluding the flashbacks which I will pretend do not exist. I might play this game now. I agree that my AJ, Kenny, and Clem are fishing on a boat off the coast of Florida.
Thats the best way to think about it I mean christ "Jane gets pregnant with lukes baby and kills herself" reads like a really shit fanfiction. Honestly given how weird the characters and world looks I feel like im playing a different game altogether.
This game really is the "cursed child" of the franchise, it doesnt feel like the walking dead at all.
Not butthurt, like at all, but if it makes you feel better.
Why the two year wait get's resolved in the most cheapest way possible? Telltale finding a way to make it worse than fanfiction? Telltale not having balls? Lazy to not carry over choices? I could go on
Your comments on this and other threads say otherwise. lol
you mad bro?
First post
Best post
You do know being sad over a characters death and being butthurt are not the same thing right? I mean if that's the definition of butthurt thend everyone's butthurt. And honestly people really do have the right to be butthurt over how telltale fucked the best characters up.
As someone that loved Kenny and pretty much sided with him in everything, I was absolutely fine with how his story concluded in season 3