Why do people hate Gabe so much?
I noticed that there is a lot of hate for Gabe here, but I just can't see why. I can understand maybe some annoyance, but to flat out hate him confuses me. Does his attitude change depending on your choices or am I just more patient than the average person? Sure he has his mood swings but at least he knows he has an issue and I feel like that is miles ahead of most teens who always blame you for their problems regardless if its true or not.
So far, he hasn't given me any attitude or flat out blame me for everything that happens. If anything he has some light moments and has at least tried to help me out. He even tried to defend me against Conrad and listened when I tried to calm him down. Honestly, I think he has a lot of potential for the next episodes. I don't think he is like Ben or Sarah as he actually seems capable of surviving if you look past the teenage angst. What I can see happening is that based on your choices he can be more like Javi if you are patient with him or he could end up like his dad if you aren't. And if Javi dies this season, I can see Gabe taking over for Javi, growing up to be a good character and survivor much like how Clementine used Lee's death as motivation to be stronger. This are just my thoughts, so I am curious to see what everyone else thinks.
Most of it stems from what it seems to be foreshadowing that he will try to be Clem's boyfriend.
I reckon he'll become kick a** like Clementine.
I don't mind his character personally though, just reminds me of my moody teenage years.
Lololol! Is that really it? I think people are taking this mother hen thing a bit too far.
He is like trying to be Clem's boyfriend. I'm not letting that HAPPEN.
That's really the only thing that annoys me about him. Other than that, he's okay. But if he does try to get with Clem...
I don't understand either.
And if Clem wants it to happen?
If she did I think it would be highly unrealistic. Especially considering how she reacts to those kind of things.
Ben Jr. Actually, credit to Ben, I don't think he ever started crying and told me how scared he was.
Yeah...people are becoming way too serious in regards to Clem's love life. I think it's cute and if it makes her happy then i'm all for it. I'll be honest, i like Mariana more but that's because i prefer female characters and always wanted a daughter myself. But i have absolutely no problem with Gabe. I hope i can show him how to be a good person.
I personally like the kid, he just needs some guidance. He needs to be told he is doing a good job for the situation, a little positive reinforcement.
Well, he's called my Javier a coward but I hardly hate him for that.
I like him. Then again, I always like the fuck-ups in these games (Ben and I absolutely love Nick). I think he's a good kid and has his heart in the right place, but he just needs to become stronger and develop more as a character. I really hope he continues to grow, as I surely don't want him to get the axe right away just for being an idiot momentarily.
Eh, let Clem have a boyfriend if she wants. She said herself she wants to be around other people. I think the kid is okay, I don't have a problem with him. He's not like Clem, he's been protected all this time. She can make him tougher and he can make her let her guard down a little maybe.
Seems to be a mix of overprotection around Clem and his teen personality.
But I think he is ok at this point. Betting that he will swing between us and David at the next episodes.
Hes just really whiny and I dont like it. Why couldnt Gave have gotten killed? Instead they killed Mariana who was honestly becoming my favorite character.
Also like Bloop said, they've been hinting at some Clem romance, and I really dont want that.
To be honest, I think Gabe is a better character than most kids or teens introduced in the game (besides Clementine and Mari)
In comparison to Duck, Gabe doesn't seem to be dumb or slow when it comes to serious issues and he knows when to stop talking and isn't overly hyper, so he is better than Duck in that regard.
In comparison to Ben, Gabe hasn't really messed anything up yet and he tries to help and is upfront about his issues, so he wins over Ben there.
In comparison to Becca, Gabe knows he has his short comings, but he doesn't try to make up for it by faking toughness and arrogance like Becca did when she backs out from shooting Stephanie, despite volunteering to do so moments before. So he is better than her in that sense.
In comparison to Sarah, Gabe isn't naive or overprotected like Sarah was. Sure he probably has been protected by Javi for most of the outbreak, but Javi didn't go overboard like Carlos did, so Gabe turned out more capable than Sarah could have been.
I guess people who hate Gabe just don't like kids. Chances are if you hate Gabe you probably didn't like any of the above characters either. I think he has potential and I definitely don't hate him.
From what I've seen, it's the playful shipping of him and Clementine by the others, as well as constant unfavorable comparisons to Ben(when he's really more like Nick and Sarah) and Mariana.
Personally, I don't mind him at all and am curious to see what they do with him. I think part of it is, aside from Duck and Gil(and by technicality, Ben, Travis, Russell, and Arvo), we had a noticeable shortage of boy characters in the games, so to see one in a major role is very welcomed by me. I definitely helps that, despite being called Ben 3.0 by many, he actually does have a perfectly motivation after losing his sister and an understandable drive to be ready to help Javier when he needs it and so far has yet to make any notable screw-ups even though drawing on Conrad in his grief had me a little nervous for a second.
Partly due to the Clementine thing and partly due to the way characters of his archetype usually go. I like him though.
Well, I don't like him because he's just the typical "weak survivor" trope. He's going to do something stupid and either get himself killed, or someone else hurt. I can see it already....
But why do people hate him? Partly because of that^^ and that he's too close to Clem. People are just too overprotective of her right now.
Gabe is my third favorite child in the walking dead. Clem and Mari were ahead of him, and Sarah and Duck were behind. Actually scratch that, episode two I really liked Sarah because I though she had some potential but she never got over her dad's death. So maybe tied with Sarah?? I don't know, Gabe at least seems capable, but he's not as nice as Sarah, it's fine though I still think he's alright.
Gabe's one of my favorite characters, I really like him.
Probably because he's a teenager, people see him like Nick and Ben, and he might, might is the key word, have a little crush on Clementine.
Poor kid, growing up in the apocalypse can't be fun. I imagine most people dislike him also dislike Carl. Well, eh, maybe disliked Carl past tense for the comics.
I mean he is Javier's nephew so I'm not going to let him die, although I did not shoot Conrad for him. He's okay with me, not great but just okay.
We should still give him a chance despite falling under the cliche "angry teenage" trope. Having him meet his dad in the next episode gives him the opportunity of character development
Maybe because he's standoffish and will likely get a better ending than previous kids in the series? I mean, surviving, hooking up with Clem for no reason, and getting off the hook for endangering himself and his family on multiple occasions while trying to shrug off advice seems like a bad mix for someone who'll get favorable character treatment. I know my siblings disliked him far earlier than the Gabe/Clem ship tease, at least, so there's probably something up besides the protective-of-Clem thing that people have going on.
I'm wary of him because of the, 'moody teen that inevitably does something stupid' cliche being in full effect thus far, but I'm willing to see where his character goes, as I ended up being a fan of characters like Ben and Nick. As far as the Clementine romance, eh, I might accept it if he undergoes some real development, but Gabe as is just seems like someone that would get on her nerves quickly with his pouty shelteredness and skewed priorities.
I don't hate the kid, I just dislike him at the moment. I feel that his attitude to be too much considering the situation. Although I know he's still a kid, sometimes he seems too caught up with being that stereotypical angry teen with a soft heart. Also it seems like he's going to be a lot of trouble in the future episodes. I think there's going to a conflict with him being loyal to his father or Javier, and I'd hate that angle.
My guess is everyone is deciding to play parent and try to oversee her romantic life.
Average Telltale Player: You ain't spending no time with my Clementine
I bet there will be a time when you have to choose between saving Clem or Gabe, which one will you save? :P
I figured that much. It just seems silly for that to be the only reason. Personally, I would just let Clementine decide what to do about that situation. Still no reason to hate the kid for it. It's not like he is forcing Clem into anything.
Gabe is great, I like him.
Gabe is great, I like him.
Gabe is great, I like him.
It's just a bunch of diehard Clem lovers who don't want her to be in a relationship. Yeah I don't want her to be in a relationship either, but it's not a justifiable reason to hate Gabe, which I don't, I actually kind of like him as of now. And even if he does get together with Clem, I wouldn't hate him...I'll fucking castrate him, but I wouldn't hate him.
Wow. I know youre joking but still, he's all of thirteen?
Wow I actually don't like them. I guess I don't like kids lol
And? If anything, he will probably thank me, his world would get a whole light brighter again because he would no longer have to worry about getting boners.
As long as keeps his grubby mitts away from he's fine in my book
People hate any boy who is around Clem's age and shares screen time with him.